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Printing equipment

A machine that processes and refines printed sheets into finished products
open 4 entries with the same name
The printed Printed sheet A machine for processing and finishing into printed products. The methods of book binding are thread-bound , paperback and hardcover. It is generally cut, folded gathering (with posts) Book block processing , stapling, wrapping, cutting, packaging and other processes.
Chinese name
PHNIX printing dryer
Foreign name
Outstanding features
Energy saving more than 60%
Applicable fields
reunite with Coater Of dry system
Principles involved
Principle of heat pump PHNIX Patented sensible heat exchanger


Machinery used to produce printed matter and complete the printing process equipment instrument The general name of. It is generally divided into plate making machinery Printing machine 3 categories of binding machinery.
In addition, it is used for printing stationery and electronic products Pad printing machine Screen printing machine It is also widely used




A machine for making printing plates according to the different needs of relief, lithography, intaglio and perforated plates and the types of originals. It is divided into two categories: text plate making machinery and image plate making machinery. The former includes type casting machine Casting machine Phototypesetter , paper making machine Lead plate making Machinery, plastic plate making machinery Resin version Plate making machinery, rubber plate making machinery, etc. The latter has Plate making camera Electronic color separators , electronic revision machine Electronic engraving Machine, whole page Patchwork Machine, film processor, copy machine, plate dryer Printer presensitized plate Plate making machinery, copper Zinc plate Plate making machinery, gravure plate making machinery Hole plate making Mechanical and image plate making auxiliary equipment (densimeter, automatic Developer , light source and light source controller, etc.).

Printing machine

A machine that prints and reproduces words and images with a printed plate. According to the different printing plates used Letterpress Lithographic press Gravure printing machine Hole plate printing machine Special printing machine Etc. According to the stamping form, there are three basic types: flat press, round press and round press.

Binding machine

There are single bookbinding machines that complete one process on one machine, and linkage machines that complete several processes on a group of machines. Single machine has Paper cutting machine Folding machine Paging machine , wire stapler, adhesive stapler, sewing machine, paperback book block wrapping machine, back ironing machine hardcover Core processing machinery (flattening, rounding, ridging, etc.), hardcover case making machine, shell forming machine, three side book cutting machine, packaging machine, etc. Linkage machines include horse riding stapling linkage machine, paperback book binding linkage machine, hardcover book binding linkage machine, book block processing linkage machine, etc.
Printing machine Classification of
Printing machines are divided into relief, lithography, intaglio and hole printing machines according to the printing plate form; It can be divided into flat platen, round platen and round platen presses according to plate mounting and stamping structure
Letterpress :relief printing press
A machine that uses letterpress to complete the printing process. Such as business card machine( Resin version ), type printing, zinc letterpress, set of number words, etc.
Lithographic press :planographic press
A machine that uses lithography to complete the printing process. Such as multi-color machine, four-color machine, two-color machine, monochrome machine, fast printing machine, etc.
Gravure printing machine :intaglio printing press
A machine that uses gravure to complete the printing process. For example, glass bag printing of instant noodles and biscuits Aluminum foil bag Packaging, etc.
Screen printing machine :screen-process printing press
use Screen version A machine that completes the printing process. Hole plate printing : e.g Screen printing , circuit board printing, cloth pattern printing, can printing Engraving printing , local glazing, etc.
Classification according to the form of paper used
1. Single sheet Printing machine : sheet fed printing press.
Web printing machine :roll-fed printing press ; use web A printing press.
Classification of structural forms of press printing
1. Flat press: flat press; A printing machine in which both the plate support and the impression body are flat`
2. Flat bed cylinder press; A printing machine in which the plate support is flat and the impression is cylindrical.
3. Stop turning Printing machine :stop-cylinder press
The printing plate cooperates to and fro, and when moving forward, Embossing cylinder A printing machine that rotates for one circle, and when it returns, the embossing cylinder stops rotating to complete a printing process.
4. Single revolution printing press; A printing machine that completes a printing process when the plate printing table reciprocates once and the impression cylinder rotates once.
5. Two revolution printing press; A printing machine that completes a printing process every time the plate printing table reciprocates
reversible printing press :reversible printing press ; Embossing cylinder Each reciprocating rotation completes a printing process Printing machine
Circular press :rotary printing press
Plate support The transfer body is cylindrical, and the printing machine rotates completely when the printing process is completed.

Basic composition

Printing equipment is mainly composed of paper feeding device, printing device, paper receiving device and other devices. The following is a detailed introduction to the four categories of printing characteristic equipment.

Paper feeder

The paper feeder is installed, continuously supplied and replaced web The device mainly includes: roll paper support device, paper feeding device, paper receiving device (single sheet, roll)
a. Web bearing devices are mostly supported by the center of the web:
Roller Support mandrel
① Tapered mandrel.
② Expansion mandrel. ⑵ No spindle support device. Mainly used for large Printing machine
(3) Mandrel support seat.
b. Paper loading device: During printing, the diameter of the web paper gradually decreases until a new web paper needs to be replaced.
(1) Form of paper arm. According to the number of web paper that can be installed by the paper loading device, it can be divided into three types, namely single arm type, double arm type and three arm type
⑵ Pneumatic paper loading mechanism. The pneumatic paper loading mechanism is powered by compressed air and drives the upper paper arm through the pneumatic device to lift and lower the upper paper arm
⑶ Electric paper loading mechanism. This mechanism is composed of motor and mechanical transmission device
c. Using web When performing long version live printing, it is not only required to replace the web paper without stopping the machine, but also to glue the new and old paper tapes at the same speed to complete the whole process of paper change. For this reason, an automatic paper receiving device is generally set up without stopping the machine.

Printing device

It is a device that transfers the ink of images and texts on the printing plate to the paper. (Printed roller , ink transfer (water transfer)

Paper receiving device

Web printing machine The paper receiving system of refers to the rewinding or Foldout . Post receiving system, mainly including drying and cooling device, rewinding device, folding device, etc. (paper receiving, rewinding, online processing)
a. Drying and cooling device.
1. Drying device
(1) High speed Hot air Type drying device
Traditionally, the air is heated by electricity and then sent to the printed matter by a fan. But it is popular to adopt heat pump Technology can achieve 60% - 90% energy-saving ratio.
(2) Flame drying device
⑶ Flame hot air combined drying device
2. Cooling device. The surface temperature of the paper tape at the outlet of the drying device can often reach 120~180C, which requires cooling the surface of the paper tape. Therefore, there is no cooling device behind the drying device; The cooling device is generally composed of 2-3 hollow Cooling roll Composition, and Cooling water circulation system to be connected
b. Rewinding device, at Flexible packaging materials In printing, after polychrome printing After drying and cooling, it is often necessary to rewind the printed paper tape, which requires a rewinding device.
c. Foldout Device is Web printing machine A device for cutting and folding printed paper tape.

Other devices

Including positioning, conveying, paper guide, detection, tension Registration And other control and adjustment devices

Frequency converter

Printing equipment frequency converter
Printing machinery When starting, the current of the motor will be 5-6 times higher than the rated current, which will not only affect the service life of the motor but also consume more power. The system will leave a certain margin in the selection of the motor in the design, and the speed of the motor is fixed, but in the actual use process, sometimes it needs to run at a lower or higher speed, so it is very necessary to carry out frequency conversion transformation. Frequency converter can realize motor Soft start . By changing the equipment Input voltage frequency To achieve the purpose of energy-saving speed regulation, and to provide equipment with overcurrent, overvoltage, overload and other protection functions. Domestic famous frequency converter manufacturers include Sanjing, Yingweiteng, etc


Strictly speaking, technical equipment management includes two aspects: one is technical management; The second is equipment management.


Technical management is the planned and purposeful scientific management of all technical activities in the production process according to the characteristics and laws of production technology itself and the current technical policies.
The basic task of technology management is to establish the necessary work order for various technical activities, establish and improve various technology management systems, carry out scientific research, actively promote and adopt new technologies, new processes, new materials, and transform Existing technology Equipment, constantly tap the potential, innovate and transform to improve the modernization level of the printing factory; Provide reliable technical basis for reasonable and efficient production organization, including product design, process plan and various technical documents; At the same time, it provides technical guarantee for safe production.
The main contents of technical management include: formulating plans for scientific and technological development, potential tapping, innovation and transformation of the factory, and formulating and implementing them Process management Relevant regulations and responsibility system of quality management, equipment management and production technology. The collection and management of scientific research and technical information, the management of technical innovation and the introduction of new technologies and equipment, the management of technical archives and technical data, and the technical education, training and assessment of employees.
Technical management should be in the charge of professional and technical personnel, special institutions should be set up and applied Modern science Method.


Equipment management ensures that all kinds of equipment are in good condition at any time, improves the efficiency of equipment, and thus ensures the normal production.
The main task of equipment management is to correctly select and purchase equipment according to the principle of advanced technology and reasonable economy; Ensure that the machinery and equipment are always in the best technical state; Master the repair and maintenance technology of imported equipment as soon as possible, do a good job in the purchase and supply of spare parts, and ensure the normal operation of equipment; Formulate relevant equipment maintenance and repair system and supervise its implementation; establish equipment maintenance Archives, etc.
In addition, reasonable use of equipment is also an important part of equipment management. Only reasonable production arrangements can give full play to the role of equipment. It can not only obtain the best economic effect, but also reduce the wear of equipment, extend the service life of equipment, and obtain long-term, stable and greater benefits.


In the maintenance of printing equipment, we should adhere to the idea of giving priority to maintenance and prevention, and take effective measures from the organizational form and system to ensure the implementation of this work. The following introduces the common sense of equipment maintenance and repair.

Maintenance content

Generally, it can be divided into four categories:
① Routine maintenance, also known as routine maintenance, is to clean and lubricate the equipment, fasten loose fasteners, and check the integrity of parts.
② First level maintenance: check the equipment regularly (once a week, for example): clean the water bucket and water tank of the fountain system, tighten the loose parts, clean the inside and outside of the machine, drive system lubrication system Pneumatic system and stamping part.
Secondary maintenance , mainly cleaning (including water glue and ink glue) and lubricating the inside of the equipment, carrying out targeted disassembly inspection of key parts, adjusting the machine equipment (including level, etc.), and replacing vulnerable parts.
④ Third level maintenance, disassembly inspection and adjustment of the main part of the equipment, including cleaning of the motor, inspection of technical status, replacement of lubricating oil, etc; Replace some parts that have reached the specified wear limit, such as bearing key pins, electrical and pneumatic components.
Pay attention to the following points for air pump and maintenance:
(a) Clean the air pump inlet filter weekly? Motor radiator and air pump Pressure regulating valve
(b) Oil the bearing every three months,
(c) Carry out a major overhaul every year (or 2500 hours) to check the main wear parts?
yes Air compressor Pay attention to the following points during maintenance:
(a) Daily inspection Compressor oil Position, not lower than the safety sign line position;
(b) Daily discharge Air receiver Condensate in;
(c) Clean the air inlet filter element weekly;
(d) Check the tightness of the drive belt monthly, and clean the motor and radiator;
(e) Change the oil every 3 months and thoroughly clean the oil chamber;
(f) Check the pressure drop (air leakage) every one year. If the pressure drop exceeds 10%, check and replace the damaged one in time compressor Sealing element;
(g) Overhaul once every two years and conduct a comprehensive inspection?
Each printing factory must work out the best maintenance system and detailed maintenance rules that meet the existing equipment and production requirements based on the actual situation of the existing equipment and the actual production.

Common sense of maintenance

The maintenance of equipment is different from the maintenance of equipment in terms of contents and functions. The main purpose of repair is to find faults, remove faults, repair and replace damaged, worn and corroded parts, so that the equipment can operate normally. Equipment repair is divided into electrical part and mechanical part.
① Common sense of electrical part maintenance
In the daily repair of printing equipment, the electrical part accounts for a large proportion. With the continuous development of printing technology and equipment, Automatic control The degree is higher and higher, and the control system is more complex. Therefore, electrical maintenance personnel are required to have high technical skill level and quality, and understand computer principle and operation. For the printing and maintenance electricians, they should pay attention to the following points in their daily maintenance work:
(a) Read the equipment carefully Electrical schematic diagram And relevant documents, and master the electrical principle and control system principle of the equipment in principle. Find out the location of electrical components, wiring, routing, numbering and routing.
(b) In view of the failure of machinery and equipment, carefully analyze the parts that may cause the failure, find the components and circuits that may cause the failure according to the electrical schematic diagram, wiring diagram, etc., diagnose and eliminate them one by one.
(c) In electrical repair, check the power supply voltage first? Whether the current is normal, whether the air pump pressure reaches the standard, whether the oil pressure of the lubrication system reaches the standard, etc. If necessary, the load can be disconnected to help judge whether the machinery is overloaded
Electrical fault or protection caused by load.
(d) The web offset press is automatically controlled by a PC, which brings a lot of convenience for troubleshooting electrical faults? Generally Control cabinet With light-emitting diode Make fault prompt, and find the fault location according to the prompt? In more advanced equipment, you can first find the prompt on the console display screen, or use a laptop and Industrial computer "Dialogue", find the system that causes the fault? Parts, and then eliminate them one by one?
(e) Common electrical faults can be summarized as: damaged fuse, contactor Relay contact Damaged, loose wiring, poor contact, button and limit switch failure, a position control switch in the safety protection system is not reset, Tension control system The photoelectric detection part of the paper break system is faulty, the solenoid valve is leaking, damaged, etc.
(f) Motor It is the source of power in printing equipment DC motor and AC motor Common faults are briefly introduced.
The common faults during DC electric operation are mechanical and electrical. Mechanical failures mainly include bearing heating, motor vibration armature Collision with stator core and abnormal noise. Generally, it is caused by armature rotation. During inspection, manually rotate the armature to observe whether the armature collides with the stator, and judge whether the vibration is caused by the motor itself or due to poor transmission device. The motor is less likely to vibrate due to its own poor dynamic balance. What often happens is that the concentricity of the transmission device is not good, which will easily cause vibration Motor bearing Damage, or even deformation of armature output shaft.
DC motor The most common electrical failure is brush And commutator During normal operation, the spark between the brush and the commutator is light blue, weak and dense, the contact surface of the brush is smooth and bright, and the commutator surface will form a layer of reddish brown oxide film. When the motor operates abnormally, the size and color of the spark will change. When the fault is slight, the spark will appear yellow red and bright, and the surface of the commutator will become black with burning marks. If the spark is serious, a large number of red and green sparks will be sprayed, mixed with flash, and accompanied by rattle. If the machine is not stopped in time for inspection, the commutator, brush and brush holder will soon be burned out. When the brush position deviates from the geometric centerline, Armature winding Serious sparks may occur in case of internal open circuit or short circuit. In addition, the brush's brand and performance are inconsistent, the brush's pressure is too high or too low, the brush's grinding is not good, the contact area is too small, and other reasons will cause failures.
communication Three phase asynchronous motor The mechanical failure of DC motor Same. Here is a brief introduction to common electrical faults. First, single-phase operation fault, that is, one of the three-phase windings of the motor is disconnected. At this time, the motor torque is significantly reduced, the speed is slowed, the sound is abnormal, and the motor will burn out due to serious heating for a longer time; The second is that the motor is seriously heated and even emits a sticky smell. This fault may be caused by too heavy load or too low or too high power supply voltage.
② Common sense of mechanical part maintenance
Mechanical failures can generally be divided into accidental failures and natural failures. Accident failures are mostly caused by improper maintenance or adjustment, violation of operating procedures, etc., and should be avoided as far as possible. Although natural failure is difficult to avoid, it can extend the mechanical Effective working time
There are three main failure modes of mechanical parts: fracture, deformation and surface failure, which are introduced respectively below Printing machinery Wear, deformation, cleaning method, disassembly and assembly of parts.
(a) Wear of printing machine parts
During the working process of the machine, if the size of the relative moving part surface occurs? The change of shape and surface quality is called wear.
The main reasons for wear of parts are friction and molecular gravity. Wear can be divided into abrasive wear , mechanical friction wear and adhesive wear The reasons affecting the wear of mechanical parts are generally: speed, pressure, lubrication, temperature, materials, processing and matching.
(b) Deformation of printing machine parts
In the process of maintenance, wear is one of the main factors of mechanical damage, but the micro deformation of parts is easy to be ignored. Often, after the repaired wear parts are assembled, the technical performance of the machine fails to meet the requirements. This is related to metal deformation. In actual production, the deformation of basic parts should be paid special attention, because if the deformation of basic parts occurs, it will affect the interrelationship of all parts assembled on the basic parts and the mechanical properties of the mechanism. Therefore, in the process of parts repair, it is necessary to check not only the wear condition of the mating surface, but also the mutual position accuracy of parts (especially basic parts)? For the mechanical deformation after the first overhaul, be sure to pay attention to its internal stress Whether there is deformation after 12~20 months under the action. about Hot working Corresponding measures shall be taken to remove the internal stress of the passing parts.
Printing machinery Disassembly and assembly of
Mechanical repair personnel must face disassembly and assembly problems when repairing printing machinery, especially assembly, which will directly affect the quality of mechanical performance. Low assembly quality will cause serious wear and tear of machinery.
(a) Disassembly of machinery
Because there are many types of printing machines and different shapes of parts, it is difficult to describe them one by one. General disassembly principles are introduced here.
First of all, the structure, function and principle of the machine must be understood before disassembly, and relevant technical data and instructions must be consulted first. From the actual situation, determine the parts to be disassembled. The parts that can not be disassembled should not be disassembled as far as possible, but the parts that cannot be disassembled must be inspected as a whole to ensure the quality.
Secondly, the disassembly shall be carried out from the outside to the inside. The external accessories, oil pipes, etc. shall be disassembled first, and then the assembly shall be disassembled in the order of parts. For the more important parts matching positions, they shall be marked and numbered during disassembly, and shall not be stacked disorderly. Reasonably during disassembly Using tools It is also important that the tools must be compatible with the removed parts. If disassembled Threaded connection Appropriate wrenches shall be selected for the parts, special tools shall be used to remove the static mating parts, and random hammering and prying are not allowed.
In addition, conditions shall be created for assembly during disassembly Interchangeability When disassembling, the parts should also be marked or placed in pairs to facilitate resetting during assembly, which can ensure that Assembly precision And reduce unnecessary wear.
(b) Mechanical assembly
The fitting accuracy and dimensional accuracy must be guaranteed during assembly. To ensure the fitting accuracy Matching method , repair method and adjustment method. The dimensional accuracy mainly refers to the error degree of the assembly dimension of each part in the assembly. That is to say, in the assembly, attention should be paid to eliminating the accumulated error, so as to avoid adverse effects on the machine due to the increase of the accumulated error.
The seal in the assembly is also important Printing machine The seal is mainly used for air pump, gearbox and other parts, and air and oil leakage will occur when the seal fails. Therefore, the sealing material Appropriate, reasonable assembly and selection Liquid sealant For static seal storage, dry adhesive type, dry strippable type, non dry adhesive type and semi dry type shall be used according to different use properties Viscoelasticity Type, etc.
The preparation before assembly must not be ignored, including inspection before assembly, cleaning during assembly and assembly of components. The last is the trial run after assembly, which has two functions: one is to check the quality of assembly; The second is to adjust the machinery.
(c) Cleaning of mechanical parts
The cleaning of mechanical parts is an indispensable link in machine repair, and the cleaning content is mainly oil removal and rust removal.
There are three main methods of degreasing cleaning: alkaline solution degreasing, organic solvent degreasing and metal cleaning degreasing. The alkaline solution mentioned here is mainly the alkaline solution added with emulsifier, which has a good effect on cleaning mineral oil. The so-called organic solvent generally refers to gasoline kerosene It can dissolve all kinds of grease without damaging parts. In addition to gasoline and kerosene, alcohol acetone , ether and other organic solvents. Metal cleaner is a new type Synthetic detergent , due to the decrease of basic surfactant interfacial tension It has many functions, such as wetting, penetration, emulsification, dispersion, etc decontamination Ability. This kind of detergent is non-toxic, non corrosive, non combustible, non explosive, and pollution-free. It has a certain anti rust ability and low cost, and has been widely used.
Rust removal and cleaning methods mainly include mechanical method and chemical method. Mechanical derusting is generally used Wire brush , scraper Emery cloth And sometimes electric grinding wheel and Wire wheel conduct. Mechanical derusting is easy to leave scratches on the working surface, and is only suitable for surface derusting of unimportant parts. Chemical derusting generally uses hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid to remove alkalinity metallic oxide The method is simple and the derusting effect is good. When using this method to remove rust, it is necessary to master the concentration ratio of solvent.

Development trend

Printing equipment
Printing equipment is moving towards intelligent control to reduce Auxiliary time Electrical equipment system integration modularization; Product combination and multi-function; Stable and reliable quality; Develop in a more environmentally friendly direction.
In different areas of the printing equipment industry, growth and profit potential are also different. The market drivers driving the development of the printing equipment industry often change over time, such as the degree of market competition and customer diversity. In the past few years, digitalization Computer direct plate making The application of the technology has exceeded the traditional simulation technology. This development trend will continue as more small and medium-sized printing enterprises realize digital prepress technology.
On the other hand, the high demand for printed materials and the growing capacity of fast printing shops will promote the printing media industry to obtain more investment. Although the Internet, television, advertising and other means of communication have kept growing Printing media It still dominates the advertising market. include Corrugated cardboard And solids Packaging printing in soft package carton Printing Label printing Together, they constitute the largest global terminal seal
Brush market share. In addition to packaging, magazines, newspapers, catalogues, books The brochure Together with brochures, direct mail, inserts, business forms and office printing, they occupy other market shares of terminal printing.
In the past 10 years, Digital printing It has successfully captured most of the market share from the traditional sheet fed printing, and the development trend of digital printing continues even during the financial crisis.
Under the trend of cost control, profit reduction and price pressure Industry integration The tide will continue.
The period from 2008 to 2009 is undoubtedly the most difficult period in the development history of the global printing industry. Printing service suppliers and printing equipment suppliers have been faced with unprecedented challenges. During this period, the sales of printing equipment experienced a decline of 7% - 8%. Many enterprises implemented a series of plans to ensure that they could survive the worst recession in the history of the printing industry. Online printing and other digitalization Printing mode However, it has gained growth, and this trend has also deepened the existing crisis in the printing industry. Many large equipment manufacturers have successively closed down, and some smaller enterprises have either cooperated with other enterprises or been acquired by large enterprises in the industry. Sheet fed offset machine , commercial rotary engine, newspaper industry and other fields have reached the lowest point in many major income indicators.
However, with the obvious improvement of the global economy, the global printing industry also recovered in the first half of 2010. Sheet fed Printing machine and Commercial rotary printing press The demand of is also gradually increasing, and it is expected that they will gradually return to the previous development speed.
At present, Europe is still the largest printing equipment and services Regional market The United States and the Asia Pacific region are other major markets. Driven by markets such as Australia, China, India, Singapore and Thailand, the market demand in the Asia Pacific region has expanded rapidly, and it is expected to maintain the overall fastest growth of compound banks by 2015. Among them, sheet fed printing equipment will maintain the fastest Compound growth rate

Middle East market

Saudi Arabia Printing Market
According to the information released by the Organizing Committee of 2014 Saudi Printing and Packaging Exhibition, Saudi Arabia's printing market is Gulf region One of the oldest and largest printing markets, its size has exceeded 800 million US dollars and maintained a steady growth of 8% every year. The daily output of newspapers and the monthly output of magazines in Saudi Arabia are 5.1 million and 2 million respectively, which has laid a solid foundation for the vigorous development of the printing industry in the region.
Riyadh Ziad, deputy general manager of the exhibition company, said that Saudi Arabia's printing industry has the longest history and the largest scale in the entire Gulf region. The economy here is growing rapidly Population size The continuous expansion, increasingly active cultural and educational activities, and relatively rapid development of the retail industry have directly promoted the rapid development of Saudi Arabia's printing, advertising and marketing industries, and stimulated the increase of market demand for printing equipment and services.
"Today, most government agencies have their own printing equipment. The Ministry of Defense alone has 20 Printing machine Each university and educational institution also has its own publishing unit. " Therefore, Saudi Arabia has a great demand for advanced products and services, and local printing enterprises urgently need modern technology and efficient equipment to meet the market demand [1]