
One of the inventions of the working people in ancient China
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Printing is one of the inventions of the working people in ancient China. Eastern Han Dynasty Emperor Hanling Invented in the period Rubbing Is the earliest printing, [6] Invented in the Tang Dynasty woodblock printing It was widely used in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, [1] Song Renzong Hour Bi Sheng Invented Movable type printing , marking the birth of movable type printing. He was the first inventor in the world, about 400 years before Johannes Gutenberg, a German, used lead type printing. [2]
Printing is the forerunner of modern human civilization, creating conditions for the wide spread and exchange of knowledge. Printing comes first North Korea Japan Central Asia west Asia And Europe.
Chinese name
Foreign name

brief introduction

Bi Sheng
Before the invention of printing, 90% of Europeans were illiterate, and there were many illiterate aristocrats. Because medieval books were too expensive, a Bible was made of 1000 pieces of lambskin. Except for most of the Bibles, the information copied in the books is very serious, with most religious content, and almost no entertainment or daily practical information. [4] Before the invention of printing, the spread of culture mainly depended on hand copying book Manual copying is time-consuming, laborious, and easy to make mistakes and omissions, which not only hinders the development of culture, but also brings undue losses to the spread of culture. seal and Stone Carving It provides direct empirical enlightenment for printing. The method of using paper to ink on stone tablets directly points out the direction for block printing. China's printing technology has developed through two stages of block printing and movable type printing, which has presented a generous gift to human development. Printing is characterized by convenience, flexibility, time saving and labor saving, which is a major breakthrough in ancient printing [3]
Chinese printing has a long history and spread widely. It is an important component of Chinese culture; It sprouts with the birth of Chinese culture and evolves with the development of Chinese culture. From its source, it has gone through four historical periods, namely, source, ancient, modern and contemporary, with a development history of more than 5000 years. In the early days, the Chinese people created early written symbols in order to record events, spread experience and knowledge, and sought a medium to record these characters. Due to the limitation of the means of production at that time, people can only use natural objects to record written symbols. For example, the characters are carved and written on natural materials such as rock walls, leaves, animal bones, stones and bark. Due to the high cost of written materials, only a brief record of important events can be made. Most people's experience can only be spread orally, which seriously affects the development of social culture.


1、 the warring states (475-221 BC).
Block Printing
Seal on Pre Qin It usually has only a few words, indicating the name, official position or organization. The seal is engraved in reverse, with Yin script Masculine script Difference. Before the appearance of paper, official documents or letters were written on bamboo slips. After they were written, they were tied up with ropes, sealed with sticky clay at the tying place, and sealed with seals on the mud Mud seal Clay seal means printing on clay, which was a means of confidentiality at that time. After the emergence of paper, the mud seal evolved into a paper seal, which was stamped at the joint of several official papers or the seal of official paper bags. According to records in Beiqi When (AD 550-577), someone used it to stamp official documents seal It's very big, like a small piece Engraving plate Has.
2、 buddhist To make the buddhist scripture More vivid, often Buddha Statue Printed on the head of Buddhist scriptures, this kind of handmade wood seal is much easier than hand-painted.
3. The technology of stone rubbings is very enlightening to the invention of block printing technology. The invention of stone carving has a long history. Ten were found in Fengxiang, Shaanxi in the early Tang Dynasty Stone Drum , it was in the spring and autumn of the 8th century BC the Qin state Stone carving of. First Emperor of Qin He went on patrol and carved stones in important places for 7 times. Eastern Han Dynasty Later, stone tablets prevailed. Emperor Hanling Four years (AD 175) Cai Yong It is suggested that the Imperial Court should establish it in front of the Imperial College《 The Book of Songs 》、《 Shangshu 》、《 Zhouyi 》、《 The Book of Rites 》、《 spring and autumn 》、《 Spring and Autumn Annals Commentary by Gongyang Gao 》、《 The Analects of Confucius 》Seven stone tablets of Confucian classics, totaling 209000 words, are carved on 46 stone tablets, each 175 cm high, 90 cm wide, 20 cm thick, containing 5000 words. The front and back of the tablet are engraved. It took 8 years to complete. It became a classic of scholars at that time. Many people scramble to copy. Later, especially in the Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties, some people used paper to print scriptures for their own use or sale when they were not strictly guarded or unattended. As a result, it was widely spread.
4、 rubbing It is one of the important conditions for the production of printing technology. The ancients found it in stone tablet Cover a piece of slightly wet paper with a soft mallet to make the paper sink into Stele surface At the concave part of the text, after the paper is dry, use cloth to wrap cotton and dip it Ink If you tap on the paper, the black and white words will be left on the paper exactly like the words on the stone tablet. This method is simpler and more reliable than manual copying. So rubbing appeared.
5. Printing and dyeing technology also has a great enlightenment on block printing. Printing and dyeing is to carve patterns on wood and print them on cloth with dyes. There are two kinds of printed boards in China: embossed board and hollow board. Hunan in 1972 No.1 Han Tomb at Mawangdui, Changsha The two printing yarns unearthed (around 165 BC) were printed with embossed plates. This technology may be older than Qin and Han Dynasties And traced back to the Warring States Period. After the invention of paper, this technology could be used for printing. As long as cloth is changed into paper and dye into ink, the printed products will become block printed products. stay Dunhuang Stone Chamber There are Buddhist statues printed on convex plates and hollowed out boards of the Tang Dynasty. seal , rubbing, printing and dyeing technology are mutually inspired and integrated, together with the experience and wisdom of the Chinese people, block printing technology came into being.
6. Invented in the Tang Dynasty (around the 7th century) woodblock printing It was widely used in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. [1] The early printing activities were mainly carried out among the people and were mostly used to print Buddha statues, sutras, vows and almanacs. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Xuanzang used Huifeng paper to print Samantabhadra The statue is given to monks and nuns.
7. During the Northern Song Dynasty (around the 11th century), Bi Sheng Movable type printing was invented, but it was not widely used, but block printing was still widely used.

Rubbings of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Before the invention of block printing, there was a more ancient printing technique Rubbing Important records in ancient times are carved in stone. Emperor Ling of the Eastern Han Dynasty carved forty-six stone steles on seven classic standard texts, including The Analects of Confucius, Spring and Autumn Annals, and The Book of Changes, and erected them outside Luoyang Imperial College; This led to thousands of people copying every day, blocking the Imperial College. So someone invented paper and ink to print inscriptions for people to see, instead of copying.
The invention of printing is to meet the requirements of massive reproduction and wide dissemination of words and drawings. In the history of printing in China, rubbing was prior to block printing, until the appearance of light, labor-saving and easy to operate block printing, Rubbing More for calligraphy and archaeology, no longer the meaning of printing. [5]

Block Printing

The process of block printing is roughly as follows: after the writing sample of the manuscript is written, the side with words is pasted on the board to engrave words. The engraver uses different types of knives to engrave the reverse characters on the wood plate into raised embossed characters, and at the same time, remove the rest of the blank parts on the wood plate to make them concave. The characters engraved on the board protrude about 1~2mm from the layout. Rinse the carved board with hot water to remove the wood chips, and the engraving process is completed. When printing, use a cylindrical flat bottom brush dipped in ink to evenly brush on the board surface, then carefully cover the paper on the board surface, gently brush the paper with a brush, and the positive image of words or pictures will be printed on the paper. Lift the paper from the printing board, dry it in the shade, and the printing process is completed. One printer can print 1500~2000 sheets a day, and one printing plate can print 10000 times.
The process of engraving is a bit like the process of engraving seals, but there are more words engraved. The process of seal is opposite to that of seal. The seal is printed on the top and the paper on the bottom. The process of block printing and printing is a bit like rubbing, but the words on the block are printed in reverse, while the words on the common steles are printed in yin. In addition, the ink for rubbing is applied to the paper, and the ink for block printing is applied to the plate. It can be seen that block printing has inherited seal Rubbing printing and dyeing And innovative technology.
Engraving printing was invented in the Tang Dynasty and has been widely used in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. [1] In 1900, a beautifully printed Vajra Sutra At the end, there are words such as "April 15, the ninth year of Xiantong (868 AD)", which is the earliest printed matter with clear date records in the world today. Engraving prints may start to be popular only among the people, and there is a Manuscripts A period of coexistence.
824 zhen by Bai Juyi The preface to the poetry collection said: "In the past twenty years, there were no books on the walls of forbidden provinces, temples, and postal officials, and there were no mistakes in the words of princes, concubines, cowboys, and horses. As for writing models, people who sold them on the street or held them to hand over wine and tea were everywhere." The models were carved in models, and those who held the copies of white poems to hand over wine and tea were exchanged for tea and wine. It can be seen that at the beginning of the ninth century, the application of printing has expanded from Buddhist mantras to poems that people like to read. [1] Around 835, local people in Sichuan and northern Jiangsu used to "stamp calendar days" and sell them on the market. At that time, some people said that the calendars printed by the people were "all over the world". It can be seen that they were not only printed in Sichuan and Jiangsu. In 883, Chengdu bookstores could see some books of "Yin and Yang Miscellaneous Records, Dreams, Xiang Mansions, Nine Palaces and Five latitudes", "Calligraphy Primary School", and "Dujie Engraving Paper"... In the first 200 years after the invention of printing, it has become an important medium for people to popularize culture. [1]
It was found in the Tang Tomb in Chengdu in 1944. It is a block printed product in the late Tang Dynasty.
In the Song Dynasty, block printing had developed to its heyday, and there were many kinds of printed books. Better engraving materials are versatile Pear wood jujube tree Therefore, the idiom "disaster and pear jujube" is used to satirize the worthless books, which means that the pear and jujube trees are wasted. It can be seen that book engraving was popular at that time.
Engraving printing started with Monochrome printing In the Five Dynasties, someone added different colors to the outline of the ink printing of illustrations with a pen to increase the visual effect. Tianjin Yangliuqing prints are still produced in this way today. The method of printing several different color materials on different parts of a board at the same time on a piece of paper to print a color sheet is called "single plate double color printing". In this way, it was printed in the Song Dynasty“ Huizi ”(Note issued at that time).
Single version multicolor printing materials are easy to be mixed and infiltrated, and the color block boundaries are clear, which makes it rigid. In practical exploration, people found a method of plate coloring and printing in batches, which is to use several printing plates of the same size to load different color materials respectively and then print them on the same paper in batches. This method is called "multi plate multicolor printing" or "block printing". The invention time of "multi version multi color printing" will not be later than Yuan dynasty , at that time, Zhongxing Road (Present Hubei Jiangling County )The "Vajra Sutra Note" is carved with Zhu Mo Two color overprint. This is the earliest existing overprint. Multi plate multicolor printing gained great development in the Ming Dynasty. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Nanjing and Beijing It is the center of engraving. In the Ming Dynasty, Jingchang was set up, and the northern Tibet of Yongle and orthodox Taoist collections were all stereotyped by Jingchang. In the Qing Dynasty, both the Yingwu Hall and the Yongzheng Dragon Collection were stereotyped in Beijing. In the early Ming Dynasty, Nanzang and many official inscriptions were stereotyped in Nanjing. Jiajing Later, to sixteenth century In the middle of the year, Nanjing became a color overprint center.

movable-type printing

Movable type plate making avoids the shortage of engraving. As long as enough individual movable types are prepared in advance, you can assemble at any time, greatly speeding up the plate making time. Movable type edition After printing, the plate can be removed. Movable type can be reused. Movable type occupies less space than woodblock and is easy to store and keep. such Movable type The superiority of.
movable-type printing
From 1041 to 1048, Bi Shengyong, a commoner Clay When making characters, each character is a seal, which is made of pottery by burning hard. Prepare an iron plate before typesetting, and put it on the iron plate rosin The iron plate is surrounded by an iron frame, which is filled with words to be printed. Then use fire to bake, melt the mixture and combine it with movable type blocks. Press the movable type with a flat plate while it is hot to make the text flat. Then you can print. In this way, printing two or three copies is not efficient. If there are more copies, dozens or even thousands of copies, the efficiency will be very high. In order to improve efficiency, two iron plates are commonly used, one for printing and the other for typesetting. After printing one piece, another piece is arranged. This alternative use is very efficient. Commonly used characters such as "zhi" and "ya" are made into more than 20 characters for use in case of repetition in one edition. Unusual characters that are not prepared will be carved temporarily and burned immediately with grass and wood fire. The words removed from the printing plate are put into the same word's small wooden box, and the labels classified by rhyme are pasted outside for retrieval. At first, Bi Sheng used wood as movable type. The experiment found that the wood grain density was different, and it was easy to expand and deform when encountering water. It was difficult to remove it after being consolidated with adhesive, so he changed to clay.
Bi Sheng invented movable type printing, which improved the efficiency of printing. However, his invention was not valued by the rulers and society at that time. After his death, Movable type printing Still not promoted. The clay type he created has not been preserved. But the movable type printing technology he invented has been handed down.
1965 in Zhejiang Wenzhou White Elephant Tower Publications found in《 Buddha Saying and Observing the Buddha Sutra of Infinite Longevity 》It is identified as the Northern Song Dynasty Meta symbol to Chongning (1100~1103) movable type edition. This is the earliest historical witness of Bisheng movable type printing technology.
Song people Zhou Bida (1129~1204) was once granted the title of Ji Guogong kuo He learned the method of Bi Sheng and printed his own works there. He also made a small change, changing the iron plate into copper plate. Copper plate is better than iron plate in heat transfer and easy to melt the adhesive, but copper plate is more expensive than iron plate.
Yao Shu (1201~1278) of the Yuan Dynasty advocated movable type printing. He taught his son Yang Gu to use movable type plates to print books Zhu Xi Of《 primary school 》And《 Recent Thoughts 》, and Lv Zuqian "On the History of Donglai" and other books. But Yang Guzao Clay type It is the technology improved by the Song people after Bi Sheng, not the original technology of Bi Sheng.
Zhai Shiqi was appointed as an official in Raozhou in the sixth year of Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty, collecting magnetism and creating green magnets《 I Ching 》One. So called cyanmagnetic( Movable type )According to experts' analysis, it may be ceramic characters made of celadon clay.
Zhai Jinsheng in Jing County, Anhui Province in the 19th century, because of reading Shen Kuo's《 Mengxi Writing 》The idea of printing books with clay movable type originated from the Bi Sheng clay movable type technology described in. He spent 30 years making Clay type More than 100000. It was printed in 1844《 Initial compilation of clay plate trial printing 》。 Since then, he has printed many books. It was also found in Jingxian County in the 1960s and 1970s Zhai Jinsheng Thousands of clay characters were made that year. These movable types come in five sizes. He proved the feasibility of Bi Sheng's invention with his own practice, which broke some people's doubts about the feasibility of clay movable type.
In the middle of the 19th century, after Ru Lian, a French sinologist, translated into French a passage about Bi Sheng in Mengxi Bitan, the world began to recognize that China was the inventor of movable type printing. [4]
Discovered in Anhui in 1962 Huizhou Zhai's clay movable type.
the Ming dynasty Wooden type book Most of them use traditional Song and Yuan techniques. 14th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty( 1586 )Of《 Tang Poetry Garden 》, Records of Understanding the World Temple, Jiajingjian (about 1515-1530)《 Bishui Qunying Huiyuan 》They are all printed copies of wooden movable type.
In the Qing Dynasty, the wooden movable type technology got unprecedented development due to the support of the government. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, wooden movable type books were already popular, and large-scale printing of books with wooden movable type began with the issuance of "Yingwu Hall Collection Books" during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. The book was printed into 253500 large and small jujube wood movable type. It was printed into "Wu Ying Dian Collection of Books", 134 kinds, 2389 volumes. This is the largest use in Chinese history Wooden movable type Print books.
Making movable type with metal materials is also a development direction of movable type printing. Before Wang Zhen, people used tin Movable type But tin is not easy to be printed by ink, which is difficult to promote. In the 15th and 16th centuries, Copper movable type It is popular in Wuxi, Suzhou and Nanjing, Jiangsu. Copper movable type printing entered a new climax in the Qing Dynasty. The largest project was to print 10000 volumes《 Integration of ancient and modern books 》It is estimated that the number of copper movable type is 1 to 2 million.



relief printing

Relief printing has the longest history and is the most popular, and the protruding part of the layout image and text is accepted printing ink The recessed part does not accept ink. When the plate is pressed against the paper, the ink will be printed on the paper. Printing plate Mainly: Movable type edition Typeface Zinc plate Copperplate Photosensitive resin plate Etc. Some books and periodicals, bills, envelopes, business cards, etc. are still printed in relief; For example: gilding , silver, pressed concave convex, etc., generally also used relief printing


This is the most common and widely used Printing mode The image and non image are on the same plane. Using the principle that water and ink are mutually exclusive, the image text part accepts ink and does not accept moisture, while the non image text part does the opposite. The printing process uses the indirect method. First, the image is printed on the rubber cylinder, and the image and text change from positive to negative, and then the image and text on the rubber cylinder are transferred to the paper. Albums, pictorial advertising samples, calendars, etc. can be printed in this way.


gravure Contrary to the principle of letterpress printing. The text and image are recessed below the layout, and the recessed part carries ink. The density of printing is related to the depth of the recesses. The depth is thick and the light is light. Due to different inks for intaglio printing, the printed lines have a sense of bulge. Coins, stamps and negotiable securities are all printed in intaglio. Gravure printing is also suitable for plastic film silk Printing of. The cost of intaglio printing is very high due to the long time of plate making and the complex process.

Hole plate printing

It is also called screen printing. If you saw a teacher carve a stencil printing paper in primary school, you would better understand this printing method. Use silk cloth, metal and synthetic material silk screen, wax paper, etc. as printing plates, hollow out the graphic and text parts into holes, protect the non graphic and text parts with printing materials, press the printing plate against the substrate, and use a scraper or ink roller to make the ink penetrate into the substrate. Screen printing can be printed not only on flat substrates but also on curved substrates, with bright colors and durability. It is suitable for printing labels, bags, T-shirts, plastic products, glass, metal utensils and other objects.

Flexographic printing

Flexographic printing is also often referred to as flexible printing, which is a common printing method for packaging. According to the definition of the Chinese printing technology standard term GB9851.4-90, flexography is a printing method that uses flexography to transfer ink through anilox rolls. Flexographic printing is to make a printing plate on or polyester material that protrudes the desired image image - like a potato print for children to play with. The amount of ink transferred to the plate (or plate cylinder) is controlled by the anilox roller. The printing surface contacts with the printing material in the process of rotation, so as to transfer images and texts.




From the first year to the eighth year of the Qingli reign of Renzong in the Northern Song Dynasty, that is, 1041 - 1048 At that time, an ordinary worker named Bi Sheng invented movable type printing.
Shen Kuo is ten years younger than Bi Sheng. He is a contemporary and was made by Bi Sheng Clay type Later, it was owned by Shen Kuo's nephew, so Shen Kuo《 Mengxi Writing 》The record of Bi Sheng's invention of movable type printing in China is full, accurate and reliable.
However, some Europeans once attributed the invention of movable type printing to Gutenberg Gutenberg is West Germany People. He invented Lead type Typography, circa 1440 - 1448 Things between, invented by Bi Sheng Clay type Printing was 400 years late.
Movable type printing is one of the greatest inventions in human history and China's major contribution to world culture.
Like any invention, Bi Sheng's invention of movable type printing has its social needs, material basis and technical conditions. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the development of economy, the prosperity of commerce and the prosperity of culture required the rapid and massive dissemination of information. Movable type printing is produced to solve the problems raised by the social needs. Printing must use paper and ink. As early as in China Han dynasty It was invented paper And lampblack Pine smoke Two kinds of ink. The invention of paper and ink laid the material foundation for the birth of movable type printing. Since the Warring States, Qin and Han Dynasties, the methods of copying words and pictures, such as seals and rubbings, provided technical conditions for the invention of movable type printing.
As the name implies, the word "seal" in printing itself has two meanings: seal and printing; The word "brush" is the name of the process of rubbings and inks. It has been revealed from the naming of printing that brass rubbing The blood relationship of. Seal and rubbings are two origins of movable type printing.
brass rubbing It is another source of printing. Martial Emperor Dismiss all schools of thought and uphold Confucianism ”。 However, Confucian classics at that time were all dictated by teachers and written by students. Therefore, it is inevitable that there will be differences between different teachers who teach the same classics. Emperor Hanling Xiping Four years (A.D 175 years ), Government Standing stone Carve all important Confucian classics on it as the standard edition for correcting scriptures. In order to avoid the labor of copying scriptures from stone carvings, people invented the method of rubbings around the 4th century AD. The method of rubbings is very simple. Wet a piece of tough tissue paper and apply it to the stone tablet. Cover it with a thick piece of absorbent paper. Tap gently with a brush until the paper falls into the recess of the inscription on the tablet. Then remove the thick paper outside. Dip the ink with cotton wool or silk wool racket, gently and evenly brush and pat the tissue paper. When the tissue paper is dry, peel it off, and it will be a pad with white characters and black ground. This method of rubbings is the same as that of block printing, but the difference is that, Stele inscription The characters of "" are concave intaglio characters, while the characters printed on carved boards are convex embossed characters. The inscription on the stone tablet is in Yin script. Rubbings provide the reproduction technology of obtaining orthographic characters from yin characters. Later, people carved the words on the stone tablet on the board, and then Spread Great Poet of Tang Dynasty Du Fu In his poem, he once said: "The monument on Mount Yi was burned by wild fire, and the date wood was engraved with fat and distorted". This is almost the same as engraving printing.
In the Tang Dynasty, the two methods of seal and rubbings gradually developed and merged, which led to the emergence of engraving printing. On December 10, the fourth year of Changqing, Emperor Muzong of the Tang Dynasty 825 On January 2, the poet Yuan Zhen became Bai Juyi《 Changqingji 》In the preface, it was said that Bai Juyi and his own poems were written by people everywhere in Yangzhou and Yuezhou at that time, and they were sold on the street or exchanged for tea and wine. Moeller ”It's just engraving. This is the earliest record of engraving printing in the existing literature. In 836, Tang Wenzong according to Dongchuan governor of one or more provinces Feng Su And ordered that private calendar edition of each channel be prohibited. Feng Su said in his report: "Every year, when the Central Office of the Supreme People's Court has not yet issued a request to promulgate a new calendar, private printed calendars have spread all over the world." It can be seen that people were engaged in engraving at that time printing business There are many people. In Gansu in 1900 Dunhuang There is a scroll of carved board printed in the book collection found in the Thousand Buddha Cave in the county《 Vajra Sutra 》, at the end of which is inscribed "April 15, the ninth year of Xiantong" Wang Jie Create a line of words for the second parent. Xiantong Nine years, i.e. A.D 868 This is the earliest printed matter with exact date found in the world today. The book is in the form of a roll, about 1 zhang 6 ft long, and is made of 7 printed sheets. At the front is a title painting, which shows Sakyamuni talking to the lonely garden in a tree. The rest is printed with the full text of Vajra Sutra. The picture and text of this paper are very exquisite, and the carving method is exquisite, simple and dignified, which shows that the printing technology at that time has reached a very sophisticated level.

Disadvantages of block printing

With the rapid growth of printing varieties and quantity, each type of book will be engraved once, which will consume considerable manpower and material resources. Therefore, it is proposed to seek a simpler and more economical printing technology. By the late Tang Dynasty, there had been thousands of Buddha like hand scrolls repeatedly printed with a single Buddha like seal. In the past, archaeological teams from Britain, France, Germany, Japan and other countries have found a large number of these hand scrolls of thousand Buddha statues in Xinjiang, China. The British Museum has one such scroll, which is 17 feet long, about 5.18 meters long, with 468 Buddha statues printed on it. In addition, in the process of engraving, it is difficult to avoid the wrong characters. It's a pity and a waste to scrap a board if you make a mistake. The clever craftsmen came up with a remedy, which was to dig out the wrong words with a chisel, and then use a block of wood of the same size to carve the words. All these provide experience and reference for the invention of movable type printing. It can be seen that although movable type printing is a personal invention of Bi Sheng, it does reflect the wisdom of many workers in previous dynasties.
Since the invention of printing, with the development of economy and culture, more people have read books, and the demand for books has greatly increased.
In the early years of the Jin Dynasty, the government had twenty-nine thousand nine hundred forty-five volumes of books. In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Emperor Liang Yuan stay Jiangling There are more than 70000 volumes of books and 370000 volumes of books in the Jiaze Hall of the Sui Dynasty, which is the highest collection record in the ancient national library of China. In addition to official collections, private collections are also increasing. For example, the Jin Dynasty Guo Tai , 5000 volumes of books; Zhang Hua When moving, it took 30 cars to move books alone. Before the invention of printing, only the government and rich people like Guo Tai and Zhang Hua could have so many books. It was not easy for ordinary people to get one or two books, because books at that time were all hand copied. How much manpower is needed to copy so many manuscripts! If this situation does not change, how can it meet the needs of society? Historically, it has often been the case that a scientific invention will come into being as long as the society urgently needs it and has the material conditions to produce it. This is how block printing came into being. Before the appearance of block printing, seals and rubbings were widely used in society. There are two kinds of seals, namely, embossed seal and embossed seal. The embossed seal is convex, while the embossed seal is concave. "If you use an embossed seal, it will be printed on the paper with black characters on a white background, which is very eye-catching. However, the seal is generally small, and the number of words printed is limited after all. Inscriptions are generally used for inscriptions, but white characters on a black background are developed, which is not eye-catching. Moreover, the process of rubbings is complex, and it is not convenient to print books. However, rubbings have a great advantage, that is, the area of the stone tablet is relatively large, and many characters can be rubbinged at a time. What if we cut each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses by combining the respective characteristics of rubbings and seals? Of course, the situation is different. Inspired by the two methods of rubbings and seals, the Chinese working people invented block printing. The method of block printing is as follows: saw the wood into pieces of wood, write the words to be printed on thin paper, paste them on the wood, and then according to the strokes of each word, use the knife to carve them into positive characters one by one, so that the strokes of each word protrude on the board. After the wood is carved, books can be printed. When printing books, first use a brush to dip in ink and brush on the carved board, then use self paper to cover the board, and then take a clean brush to gently brush on the back of the paper and take down the paper, One page book It will be printed. After page by page printing, a book will be bound into a volume, and a book will be successful. This printing method is called "block printing" because it is printed after carving words on the board.
Chinese block printing was invented in the Tang Dynasty and was widely used in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. [1]
According to the Ming Dynasty Shao Jingbang Hongjian Record 》It is recorded in a book that the Empress Changsun of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty collected stories of typical women in feudal society. I wrote a book called《 Female rule 》Books. Ten years ago, Zhenguan Empress Zhangsun Dead, someone in the palace sent this book to Tang Taizong Where? When Emperor Taizong saw it, he ordered it to be printed by block printing. The tenth year of Zhenguan was 636 AD. It may be this year, or later, when the book was published. This is the earliest printed edition mentioned in Chinese literature. Analyze from this data. Maybe people had already started to use block printing to print books at that time, so Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty thought of printing Nvze. The invention of block printing must be earlier than the publication of "Women's Principles". By the ninth century, it was quite common for China to use block printing to print books.
Tang Dynasty poets Bai Juyi I compiled my poems into a poetry collection《 Bai's Changqing Collection Changqing On December 10, 2004 (January 2, 825 AD), a friend of Bai Juyi zhen To《 Bai's Changqing Collection 》He wrote a preface, which said that Bai Juyi's poem "Write Moeller" was sold on the street and was everywhere. In the past, people called carved stones“ Moeller ”In the Tang Dynasty, engraving was also called "Mole". The word "Mole" here means engraving printing. Old Tang Script 》There is another record, Daiwa In December of the ninth year (835 AD), Tang Wenzong It was ordered that all localities should not block and print almanac without permission. What's going on here? According to other ancient books, Jiannan, Liangchuan and Huainan Road People. They use block printing to print almanacs and sell them on the street. Every year, the calendar administrator Si Tiantai has not yet asked for the issuance of a new calendar, but people have printed new calendars everywhere. It was the prerogative of feudal emperors to issue calendars, Dongchuan Festival Envoy Feng Su In order to maintain the authority of the Imperial Court, I hereby request that private publication of almanac be prohibited. The almanac is related to agricultural production, and farmers need it very much. How can one order be forbidden? although Tang Wenzong With this order, the folk printed almanac is still popular everywhere. Even in the same area, there is more than one folk printing almanac. Huangchao Uprising When, Xizong of Tang Dynasty He fled to Sichuan in a panic. The emperor also ran away, of course, no one to manage Imprint prohibition About the almanac. Therefore, Jiangdong The local people compiled and printed their own almanac for sale. In the first year of the reign of Emperor Xizong of the Tang Dynasty (581 A.D.), there was a dispute between two people who printed an almanac. When a local official knew this, he said, "Everyone is in the same business. What's the difference between one day and a half days?" How can the almanac be one day short? What that local official said is really laughable. This event tells us that there are at least two printed almanacs in Jiangdong alone. Liu Pi, who fled to Sichuan with Tang Xizong at that time, also said in the preface of his Family Instructions that he had seen many books about Yin and Yang, miscellaneous notes, and dreams in the bookstore in Chengdu. Most of these books are block printed. It can be seen that the printing industry in Chengdu was relatively developed at that time, printing not only almanac but also other books. Only one book engraved in the ninth year of Xiantong has survived from the Tang Dynasty《 Vajra Sutra 》。 The ninth year of Xiantong was 868 A.D., and it has been more than 1000 years since he left.
This book is the earliest existing engraving book in the world. The picture is also carved on a whole page, perhaps the earliest engraving in the world.
In the Five Dynasties, there was a feudal bureaucrat called Feng Dao He saw all kinds of printed books sold by people in Jiangsu, Sichuan and other places, but there was no Confucian classics, just in the later Tang Dynasty Changxing In the third year, he proposed to the emperor to block print Confucian classics.
At that time, a total of nine kinds of scriptures were printed, which went through four dynasties, until the third year of Guangshun in the Later Zhou Dynasty, which took 22 years to complete. Because of the great influence of this engraving, some people thought that printing was in the Five Dynasties Feng Dao Of course, this is wrong.
By the Song Dynasty, the printing industry was more developed, and books were engraved everywhere in the country. In the early Northern Song Dynasty, Chengdu Print《 tripitaka 》, 130 thousand yuan; The Central Educational Institution of the Northern Song Government—— Imperial College There are more than 100000 books on the history of printed classics. From these two figures, we can see the scale of the printing industry at that time. There were more than 700 kinds of books printed on carved boards in the Song Dynasty, and the characters were neat, simple, beautiful and generous. Later, they were always looked after by the Chinese people. The block printing in the Song Dynasty generally used wood to carve characters, but some people also used copper to carve. Shanghai Museum Collection of "Jinan Liu Family Kung Fu Needle Shop" of Northern Song Dynasty Print advertising It can be seen that they also mastered the technology of engraving copper plates. Speaking of printing books, block printing is really a great creation. One kind of book can be printed many times faster than handwritten book by carving a board once. However, in this way, printing a book requires carving a board once. It still takes a lot of labor, and it is impossible to print a large number of books quickly. Some books have a large number of words, and it often takes many years to carve them well. If the book is printed once, it will not be reprinted again, and the well carved board will be completely useless. What can be done to improve it?
here we are eleventh century In the middle period (during the Qingli period of Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty), a Chinese inventor named Bi Sheng finally invented a more progressive printing method - movable type printing, which greatly improved China's printing technology. Bi Sheng uses clay to make long square columns, carves words on one side, and then burns them hard. This is one by one Movable type When printing a book, first prepare an iron plate on which you can put rosin and wax. An iron frame is around the iron plate. Inside the iron frame, you can fill it with movable characters, and then bake it with fire under the iron plate to melt the rosin and wax. In addition, use a flat plate to press the typeface on the typeface Movable type edition It was arranged. Like woodblock, it can be printed as long as ink is applied to the words. In order to improve efficiency, he prepared two iron plates and organized two people to work at the same time Stencil Brush, another board typesetting; After the first board is printed, the second board is ready. The two iron plates are used alternately and printed quickly. Bi Sheng carved several words into each word; More than 20 commonly used characters were carved temporarily when encountering unexpected new characters, which was very convenient. After printing, put the iron plate on the fire again to make rosin and wax Wait for melting Movable type Dismantle it and it can be used next time. This is the earliest invention of movable type printing. This glue Clay type , called clay movable type, invented by Bi Sheng Printing method 2. Compared with today, although it is very primitive, the three main steps of movable type printing, namely, movable type manufacturing, typesetting and printing, are already available. Therefore, Bi Sheng's contribution to printing is very remarkable. Shen Kuo, a famous scientist in the Northern Song Dynasty, recorded the movable type printing invented by Bi Sheng in his book Mengxi Bitan.


Invented by Bi Sheng movable-type printing Later, they began to print books with clay movable type, and later they used wood movable type. In the 13th century, books were printed with copper movable type.
However, the people who really use mimeography to print documents live in Britain Hungarian Gaisteiner. Around 1881, he used waxed Fibre paper As a template, use a stylus to engrave the data to be printed on it. At the place where the stylus engraves, there will be micropores in the fiber. Then, brush the ink on the plate, press and push it with a roller, so that the ink can pass through the stencil and adhere to the paper below.
inventor Edison At the beginning of the 20th century, he also studied the hole plate printing. He combined the iron pen with the motor and controlled the motor to make the iron pen scratch on the paper and make the mimeograph plate. Although this method was not widely valued and put into practice at that time, its principle inspired later generations.
In 1888, Geisteiner used typewriter Instead of a stylus, he removed the ribbon from the typewriter, so that the words were directly typed on the wax paper, leaving traces on the wax paper. The wax paper was removed, spread on the paper, and inked and stamped successfully.
More than 10 years later, Austrian Crabbe invented the rotary mimeograph, which greatly improved the speed of mimeograph.
Gravure printing - Gravure printing was produced approximately from fifteenth century In the middle, the principle is to make the image and text of the printing plate lower than the blank part. The layout structure is similar to the ancient Chinese stone, but the inking position is just opposite to the stone. Because the ink on the surface of the finished product printed by this printing method is slightly raised, easy to identify and difficult to imitate, it is mostly used for printing banknotes, stamps and other valuable securities.
Gravure printing plates can be divided into Engraving intaglio , etched intaglio and Photogravure
Engraving copper intaglio printing was invented by Italian Phona Qiulai. In 1477, someone used this method to print maps. In the early 19th century, Europe began to use this method to copy famous paintings and print securities, so that gravure printing gradually developed a unique printing method.
Modern offset printing and photogravure printing: the lines on the offset plate are lipophilic and can absorb ink; The non line drawing part of the wet drum supplying water is not stained with ink. The ink attached to the plate is used to print on the gum cloth drum and then transfer to the paper. This is offset printing. Taking photos gravure There is corrosion on copper Cavity Line drawing can be made, and the thickness of line drawing is determined by the volume of the cavity. First, apply ink to the drum, and then scrape it with a scraper, leaving only the ink in the cavity. When pressed, the ink in the cavity will be printed on the paper.
Letterpress printing - Letterpress printing means that the image and text part of the printing is higher than the blank part. When printing, the image and text part is coated with ink, then coated with paper and pressurized, and the ink is transferred from the printing plate to the paper surface.

Invisible printing

Official invisible documents have not been found in the world, but special invisible documents have been found. The United States, the former Soviet Union and other countries used this invisible printing technology on important documents and tickets. Invisible text can be printed with special ink, and the text cannot be seen with the naked eye, so it should be displayed specially when reading. There are also reports in foreign countries in this regard, which are called "secret writing, shadowless printing", or Direct scale Cryptography. A small amount of text can be written with a pen of special chemicals. When the number of characters is large, printing is adopted. It has been reported abroad that invisible facsimile paper and invisible printing (documents) can be made into different technical grades. From simple to complex. Copying and general photography have no way to deal with it, and can well meet the requirements of "two prevention".


China is the place where printing technology was invented. The printing technology of many countries was either introduced from China or developed under the influence of China. Japan is the first country to develop printing technology after China. In the 8th century, Japan could use block printing to print Buddhist scriptures. North Korea's block printing technology was also introduced from China, Koryo Muzong Time (998~ 1009 )He began to print scriptures. China's block printing technology has spread to Central Asia Persia , about fourteenth century From Persia to Egypt. Persia has actually become a transit point for the westward spread of Chinese printing technology. At the end of the 14th century, there were only cards, icons and students carved and printed with wood blocks in Europe Latin Textbooks. Chinese Wooden movable type Technology was introduced into Korea and Japan in the 14th century.
China's movable type printing technology was introduced into Europe from Xinjiang through Persia and Egypt. Around 1450, Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany was accepted by China Movable type Under the influence of printing, movable type of alphabetic characters made of alloy was used to print books. According to his machine design improved from the wine press, Gutenberg developed the use of raised movable type, and used oily ink from the beginning.
The spread of printing technology to Europe has accelerated the process of social development in Europe The Renaissance The appearance of provides conditions. Marx put printing gunpowder compass The invention of "is a necessary prerequisite for the development of the bourgeoisie". The printing technology invented by the Chinese provided a necessary prerequisite for the establishment of modern society.

Lead type and printing machine

Movable type printing invented in China has been further developed and improved abroad, and has become the mainstream of modern printing. For ancient China Movable type edition The outstanding improvement and significant development of printing is Gutenberg, a German. His creation of lead alloy movable type printing is widely used in the world, and it is still one of the contemporary printing methods until today.
gutenberg establish Lead type Printing was invented by Bi Sheng in about 1440~1448 A.D Clay type Printing was 400 years late, but Gutenberg's improvements in movable type materials, the application of fatty ink, and Printing machine In terms of manufacturing, we have achieved great success, thus laying the foundation of modern printing. Scholars all over the world agree that the founder of modern printing is German gutenberg
The materials used for movable type by Gutenberg are lead, tin and antimony alloys, which are easy to form and have good printing performance. Even after 500 years, the matching composition like this has not changed much. stay Lettering In terms of technology, Gutenberg used a type box and a type mold to make Lead type Its specification is easy to control, and it is also convenient for mass production. Gutenberg also created fatty ink, which greatly improved the printing quality, and fatty ink has also been used to this day. The book printing machine invented by Gutenberg, although simple in structure, has improved the operation of printing, and is the later printing machine Zhang Ben These are all invented by Bi Sheng Clay type What printing does not have is also Bi Sheng's Clay type The technical reason why printing failed to spread widely. Gutenberg's creation made printing a great leap forward.
Gutenberg Lead type Printing, first from Germany To Italy , and then to France , to 1477 To britain By then, it had spread all over Europe. It spread to Asian countries a century later and in 1589 Japan The next year, it was introduced to China. Gutenberg Lettering , typesetting and printing methods, as well as the spiral hand printing machine he created, have been used in countries around the world for more than 400 years. During this period, the printing industry was small in scale, printing plant Most of them are handicrafts.
In 1845, Germany produced the first fast printing machine, and only after that did the mechanization of printing technology begin.
In 1860, the United States produced the first batch Rotary machine Later, Germany successively produced two-color fast printing machines, rotary printing machines for printing newspapers 1900 , manufactured a 6-color wheel turner. From 1845, about a century later, all industrialized countries have completed the mechanization of the printing industry.
From the 20th century 1950s At the beginning, printing technology has constantly adopted the achievements of emerging science and technology such as electronic technology, laser technology, information science and polymer chemistry, and entered the stage of modernization. In the 1970s, the popularity of photosensitive resin relief plate and PS plate made printing enter the way of multi-color high-speed development. 1980s The application of the electronic color separation scanner and the whole page composition system has made the reproduction of the color image data and standardized, while the Chinese character information processing Laser phototypesetting The continuous improvement of technology makes Typesetting Technology has brought about fundamental changes. In the 1990s, Color desktop publishing system The introduction of, indicates that the computer enters the printing field comprehensively. In short, with the rapid development of modern science and technology, printing technology has also rapidly changed its appearance.

Far-reaching significance

The invention of printing is human civilization It is a glorious chapter in history, and the great honor of establishing this great achievement belongs to the Chinese nation.
The mass production of printed books increases the chances of book retention and reduces the possibility of extinction of handwritten books due to limited collection. Due to the wide spread of printed copies and the increase in the number of readers, the church's monopoly on academic was challenged by secular people in the past. The priority of religious works has gradually been replaced by the works of humanist scholars. Readers have some understanding of the differences and contradictions in ancient books that have always existed, thus weakening their confidence in traditional statements, and thus establishing a foundation for the development of new knowledge.
Printing unifies the version, which is obviously different from the inevitable errors in manuscripts. Printing itself cannot guarantee the correctness of words, but the proofreading before printing and the errata after printing make the later printed version more perfect. Through early editing by printing workers, the form of books has become increasingly unified, rather than following the preferences of former manual copywriters. All these help readers develop a systematic way of thinking, and promote the formation of the structure of different disciplinary organizations.
The introduction of printing made Europe Reformation The idea of ". Martin Luther He once called printing "the supreme gift of God, which makes the gospel more popular". Before Martin Luther put forward his protest in 1517, people had printed the Bible in some national languages, making the conditions for religious reform more mature. Gospel truth is no longer exclusive to a few people, but can be learned and understood by ordinary people. At the same time, it also makes religious beliefs adaptable to different countries, the roman catholic church We can no longer maintain a uniform form of internationalism. The original motive of the Protestant movement was to correct the shortcomings of the church, especially the sale of atonement coupons. Since printing was applied to a large number of printing atonement coupons, the sale of atonement coupons has become a means of profit. At the same time, Protestants also used printed pamphlets, leaflets and bulletins to widely spread their ideas and propositions. Without printing, Protestant propositions might be limited to certain regions, instead of forming an important international movement, which would permanently end the priests' monopoly on academia, overcome ignorance and superstition, and thus promote the early separation of Western European society“ Dark Age ”。
Before the advent of printing, although there was national literature, printing had a profound impact on the development of national literature. Before the 16th century, the spoken language of Western European nations had developed into written characters, and gradually evolved into modern forms. At the same time, some medieval written characters had disappeared in this process. Latin, which once became an international language, has gradually declined and finally become a dead language. The emerging nation states strongly support the unification of national languages. At the same time, the authors are looking for the best form to express their ideas; Publishers also encourage them to use national languages to expand the readership. With the ease of publishing books in national languages, printing makes the vocabulary, grammar, structure, spelling and punctuation of various language publications increasingly unified. After the novel was published and widely circulated, the position of popular language was consolidated, and these common languages promoted the development of literature and culture of all ethnic groups, ultimately leading to the establishment of a clear national consciousness and nationalism Generation of.
Printing promotes the popularization of education and knowledge. The cheap price of books enables more people to acquire knowledge, thus affecting their outlook on life and the world. The popularity of books will increase people's literacy rate, which in turn will expand the demand for books. In addition, handicraftsmen found that printing this kind of printed material can earn both fame and wealth from the early printed manuals and advertisements. This improves their reading and writing abilities. Examples show that printing has helped some people from humble backgrounds to improve their social status. For example, in the early German church reform, there were priests and priests who were born into the families of shoemakers and blacksmiths. This fully shows that printing can provide opportunities for people with low status to improve their social situation.

flow chart

┏━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━┓
┗━━━┳━━┛ ┗━━━┳━━━┛
┏━━━┻━━┓ ┏━━━┻━━━┓
The paper is pasted on the wooden board in reverse
┃ Carved words or ┃
┃ Image ┃
┏━━━┻━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━┓
┃ Printing noise ┫ Paper preparation ┃
┗━━━┳━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━┛
┃ Binding printed pages ┃
┃ Volume
┃ Finished product ┃ Engraving printing process flow




Bluish White leak The paper used for printing is mostly white. When printing or plate making, the colors of the connection do not match, exposing the white paper background.
Play white : Photographic plate making technology in the era of hanging net. In order to remedy the lack of light sensitivity in the dark color position of the online picture, you can remove the original to flash once or put a piece of paper for dot exposure, or directly use the flash light to flash the white light to increase the depth position of the original and soften the image.
Explosive fertilizer : Overeating will certainly make you fat. More light will also expand the territory of the Philippines. Manual overprint is exposed and fattened in the photosensitive film plus thick transparent film.
Trap : Colortaping, when color separation and plate making, the color junction is intentionally expanded and exploded to reduce the impact of inaccurate overprint.
on-the-spot : refers to the area of the color block without dots, usually the full version.
Antinomy : The words or lines are printed with shading, and the paper white is exposed.
Hit the net : In the AM screen color separation process, the dot angle distribution is wrong, or the distance of each screen angle is less than 25 °, the moire begins to be obvious.
Flying net : For the screen hanging process of lens plate making, remove the screen hanging after normal exposure, and add short exposure to increase contrast.
Dog tooth : The dog's teeth are crisscrossed. There are not enough pixels in the picture, and the edge appears dog tooth shape after zooming in.
Rosette spot : The net like deer. Poor call Mat pattern Worse Moire
Flush head : Directives for layout alignment, with the prefix as the reference line. Extending to page assembly and binding, it refers to taking the page header as the benchmark.
Loose tail : A type of text typesetting. Only uniform spacing is required, not neat text at the end of the line.
Mask : It is a masking film for manual color separation, which can be made by film drying or red film cutting, and can be used for backing or color trimming.
Blue version: refers to the C (blue) version of CMYK.


Ghost shadow : The impression or shadow of unknown origin. It is often caused by uneven ink supply of old printing machines.
Melon beating Letterpress Printing age "Mafia" characters use lower positioning lead than typesetting.
fight : Learn Sun WuKong We are good at it. The bottom printing car is equipped with an automatic paper turning device, which can bite the paper mouth to print the surface and reverse the paper tail to print the bottom in one go.
introspect : A printing method that saves printing plates. Let the paper finish printing one side first, and then turn the paper left and right and the bottom back after drying. This is called the bottom reflexive version, while the paper tail is called the mouth reverse version tail when the mouth bottom is turned back. It is the process of reprinting the back of paper without changing the printing plate.
Flying ink : The printing machine rotates fast and the ink body is not thick enough. The centrifugal force makes the ink splash.
Inkline : Draw a gauge line on the printing plate so that it is just printed on the paper gauge, and the needle position can be clearly monitored.
scumming : The printing plate is not hydrophilic and becomes lipophilic. Of course, it has thin oil stains. The problem is that the acidity of the water in the bucket is not correct.
Blasting: blasting, commonly known as drum. Rubber roller leaves Embossing cylinder Action of.
Clamping gun: too much paper is clamped between the embossing cylinder and the rubber cylinder, and the safety induction stops the printing machine.
Which slag : The ink stain that should not be printed on the paper is also due to the ink balance.
Stopping: The printing machine stops rotating, most of which are due to improper paper feeding or triggered safety device for double sheet paper feeding.
Needle position: the edge position of the stop gauge of the printed sheet. The paper has its length, and the printing, color registration and cutting should be aligned with needle positions.
step-and-repeat : Continuous printing process that saves film. Use the registration cross to move the exposure.
Over bottom: term for printing accidents. The ink layer is too thick to dry, which pollutes the back of the paper pressed on it.
Headstock : The Philippines calls the driver the head of the car. The printing head is not the captain, but the printing speed.
Stone number : The name of printing quantity in the stone printing era. The color of a paper stamp is called a stone.
second-hand : Refers to the assistant of the printing and brushing machine, or the viewer.
work out a draft : It is used to pre print a sample for official printing through a proofing machine.
feeder : It is the paper feeding device of the printing machine.


Bleeding: Bleeding after being cut. The ground color or picture of the page required by the printing and binding process must cross the cutting line by 3mm, which is called bleeding.
Flash : Flying means cutting and removing. Flashing refers to the position of cutting bleeding edge, which is a binding term.
Tangential obliquity : Deformation, skewed cutting, right angle to diamond angle book, mostly caused by uneven pressure of paper gate or incorrect paper grid.
polish : If the sheet is processed by calendering roller, the surface will be smooth. This is the processing surface treatment process.
Backhand folding : Folding paper of Japanese folding machine. The fourth fold of the 32 version folding method must be reversed.
Genuine : The page where the first code of the book version is located is called the original page, the page where the secondary code is located is called the reverse page, and the front and back pages are called a group, a post or a box.
Paper shutter: A machine for cutting paper.
Riding spike : A method of binding books, such as riding on horseback. After the thin book (less than 6 posts) is covered, it is placed across the iron frame to thread the iron wire nails.
Pig sausage roll : A method of folding book stickers. The action is like rolling intestines powder. It can fold 32 pages with 3 up shuttles and 2 down shuttles.
accordions : A method of folding and pasting books. After folding, the book opens like a screen.
Reverse cover : It is a method of manually binding the upper cover. First, the bottom edge of the upper cover is glued in place, then the edge of the spine cover is glued, and then a "reverse" cover action is performed.
Mao Shu : refers to the blank book that is locked but not cut on the cover.
Benedict head cloth : A piece of cloth connecting the upper and lower parts of the spine of a hardcover book. It plays the role of firmness and beauty.
Fireprint : A processing action of hardcover cover, such as gilding, with high humidity.


High profile : The photo bit with more light is of course bright and white, and the Japanese color separation style likes it Highlight Bit without dot to lengthen the picture hierarchy.
Low key: refers to the dark picture, or dark key.
Blasting machine : Insufficient memory or disk space will cause the computer to fire down.
pound : The measurement unit of typeface typesetting. The minimum unit of English letters is Point, 1 inch, 72 points.
level : The era of optical phototypesetting refers to the size of text, and the fourth level is 1 mm.
number : It refers to the size of characters in the printing era, with the maximum of 72 pounds for special characters and the minimum of 5 pounds for 8 characters.
Flat body : It refers to the deformation of the square shape with the lens to make the characters flat. Flat 1 is 10%, flat 2 is 20%, flat 3 is 30%, and flat 4 is 40%.
Long body : Refers to narrow body characters, 10% long, 20% long, 30% long, 40% long.
Airbrush : Use air brush to spray paint. Handmade gradient method before DTP era.
byte : Yes Computer Machine Language 8 bits are equal to one byte.

Other information

Any image that exceeds the cutting line or enters the book slot. The bleeding must really exceed the preset height line, so that a small amount of Inaccurate edition
Total bleeding:
(full bleed) The part of the printed image that extends beyond the four sides of the paper. Since almost no printing machine can print on the edge of the paper, all four sides must be cut off.
The device independent color space is usually described by three variables (L, A, B).
There are four printing colors: cyan, magenta, yellow and black. YMCK and KCMY are synonyms of CMYK. YMCK may be a spelling formed by people's habits, while KCMY may be a radio station of Nebrasks. In printing, the letter order may also imply the printing order of four-color printing. Therefore, KCMY often indicates that the ink is printed in black, cyan, magenta and yellow.
Reflectance density refers to the shading ability of a surface; The transmission density refers to the shading capacity of a filter.
Direct platemaking: (directtoplate)
The typeset digital page file is directly output from the host computer to the laser plate making machine, which eliminates the production of negative film, also known as CTP (computer top plate).
To transfer data from one computer to another or to a device such as a printer.
Phototypesetter :(filmsetter)
Laser phototypesetter Another external name of, mainly used for making image color separators.
CTP(Computer To Plate) Computer direct plate making
The further development of printing technology can not only make plates directly from the original, but also realize the direct interface between the computer publishing system and the printing machine, which can be completed in one step from the original to the printing.
Indirect printing:
The printing method in which the ink in the graphic part of the printing plate is transferred to the surface of the substrate via the intermediate carrier.
Computer phototypesetting system computerized phototypesetting system:
Character and typesetting instruction input device, correction device, proof output device, control device and Phototypesetting host A complete set of typesetting equipment.
Text composition:
The process of composing the original text into the specified format according to the design requirements.
Assembly makeup:
Put words, charts, etc. together to form a version according to the design requirements.
Printing down:
Transfer the negative or positive negative information to the printing plate or others by means of contact exposure Photosensitive material Procedure on.
Copy the proofs from the graphic information of the assembly.
presensitized plate presensitized plate:
A lithographic plate with a pre coated photosensitive layer, which can be printed at any time, is called "PS" for short.
Post press finishing:
A production process, such as binding, that enables printed matter to obtain the required shape and performance.
Perfect printing:
Two different printing plates are used to complete the front and back printing on the same substrate at the same time.
Print original block copy:
Graphic negative for printing.


Although Gutenberg's modern lead movable type printing technology was created under the influence of the movable type printing technology invented by Bi Sheng in the Northern Song Dynasty of China about 400 years earlier than Gutenberg, he has made outstanding achievements because he successfully invented the lead movable type, which is made of lead, antimony and tin in a scientific and reasonable proportion, and printed mechanically. Western countries took this as a guide industrial revolution Under the impetus of, it created a new era in the world printing history with mechanical manipulation as the basic feature.