Spacecraft launch site

Specific area for launching spacecraft
zero Useful+1
synonym Satellite launch center (The main place for space activities) generally refers to the launch site of spacecraft
Spacecraft launch site is a specific area for launching spacecraft, usually Test area Launch area Launch Command and Control Center , comprehensive measurement facilities, service support facilities and some management service departments. Complete set of tests in the field facilities and equipment For assembly, storage, detection and launch spacecraft , measure flight trajectory, send control commands, receive and process telemetry information. Spacecraft launch sites are mostly composed of rocket Missile Test site It is reconstructed or expanded, and its composition and function are Missile Test Range It is basically the same. Some are specially built according to the special needs of space tests. They are usually built in places with sparse population, flat terrain, wide vision, suitable climate and meteorological conditions. In addition, it should be considered that there are no big cities or important projects in the active segment navigation area of the launch direction.
Chinese name
Spacecraft launch site
Foreign name
Spacecraft launch site
Specific area for launching spacecraft
Topographic selection
The population is sparse, and the climate and meteorological conditions are suitable
Jiuquan, Kennedy Space Launch Site


With the continuous launch of satellites and spacecraft, Moon Mars exploration The world's major space launch sites are also emerging in people's sight. Space launch site is to ensure space Carrier rocket A set of ground equipment, facilities and buildings specially built for assembly, pre launch preparation, launch, ballistic measurement, command sending, and receiving and processing telemetry information is an important part of a country's space capability. The early space launch sites in the world were basically made up of missiles shooting range It evolved. [1]
The site selection of the launch site has very complex and comprehensive requirements. It should not only be in a place with less thunderstorm, low humidity, low wind speed, and little change in temperature difference, but also have abundant water sources, and should be in a low latitude area as close to the equator as possible; There should be convenient traffic conditions, but it should be far away from densely populated areas, so as to reduce the ground loss caused by launch failure; The launch direction of most launch sites is eastward, which is mainly to use the rotation angle speed of the earth to save rocket energy. [1]
With the rapid development of space industry, the demand for satellite launch is increasing. Some countries have begun to build more perfect space launch stations and launch sites on the basis of the experience of the first batch of launch sites to launch various satellites space station Manned spacecraft and space shuttle At the same time, disable some launch sites with limited conditions and insufficient tasks; Some countries have also built a number of modern space launch sites to meet the needs of their own space development. [1]
Spacecraft launch is a system engineering, involving carrier rocket, payload, launch site, measurement and control, communication, meteorology and other systems. On the whole, the space launch technology is developing towards both large and small scale, and the system structure is developing towards standardization, generalization and modularization; From the perspective of resource utilization and economic benefits, it is developing towards the direction of non-toxic, low pollution, low cost, and more safe and reliable. Some new concept propulsion technologies (such as Tianti, maglev, laser propulsion) are also under research. The development of these technologies puts forward new requirements for the development of space launch site test and launch technology. [2]




Since the 1950s, China's aerospace industry has developed rapidly and made a series of achievements. Manned spaceflight has made a breakthrough in stages, Lunar exploration project Complete success; The space application system was initially formed, the application fields were further expanded, and the application benefits were significantly improved.
From October 1996 to June 2008, the "Long March" series of carrier rockets were successfully launched for 65 consecutive times, and important breakthroughs were made in several key technologies of new carrier rockets. New progress has been made in the construction of the three major space launch sites, and the comprehensive test and launch capabilities have been further improved. Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center took the lead in adopting a new integrated ground test launch system. The system adopts the front and rear end distribution pattern, and consists of transmission control, measurement and control, data transmission network, wireless telemetry data processing, ground power supply, ground cable network, product equivalent, application software and other parts. Equipped with the intelligent integrated rocket product equivalent developed mainly based on VXI bus technology, the "modularization, generalization and serialization" of hardware and software products are realized. As long as an integrated test launch control system is used, the test control and ignition launch of the control system, telemetry system, external test safety system and power solenoid valve on the rocket can be completed, which changes the original situation that several sets of test equipment are required, and at the same time, it has the ability of emergency control in emergency. [2]
Since 2004, Xichang Satellite Launch Center has started the construction of the CZ-3A series rocket remote test and launch system. The system consists of the back-end equipment in the technical area and the front-end equipment in the launch area. New network exchange, information acquisition and processing, and automatic control technologies have been applied to achieve remote test and launch control, greatly improving the "three modernizations" of the test equipment in the launch site, The security, efficiency and resource utilization of the launch site have been improved. It can be seen that domestic launch sites are developing towards integration. [2]
In January 2023, the first commercial space launch site in China - the Hainan commercial space launch site in Wenchang City, Hainan Province, has basically completed the preliminary civil works of Station 1, and started the equipment installation construction. [4]
As of May 2023, the China Manned Space Engineering Office has fully deployed and carried out various development and construction work, including the development of a new generation of manned launch vehicles( Long March 10 ), new generation manned spacecraft, lunar lander, moon landing suit and other flight products, new launch site related test launch facilities and equipment, etc. [5]


(1) Low latitude coastal areas shall be selected as the launch site as far as possible, and multiple launch stations shall be built. Low latitude coastal areas shall be selected as far as possible for foreign launch sites to improve the carrying capacity of launch vehicles and keep the rocket navigation area and debris away from densely populated areas. For example, Kuru launch site is located in the low latitude area of 5 ° 14 'north latitude. The launch site has a number of launch stations to meet different launch test needs. The Kennedy Space Center has 14 launch areas in total, Baikonur Launching Site There are also 15 launching towers. [2]
(2) Diversified management systems coexist at the launch site, and commercial operation is strengthened. At first, most foreign launch sites were managed militarily. With the development of world economic integration, the expansion of the demand for space applications in various countries, and the formation and development of the commercial space launch market, the launch site management system has gradually moved towards the coexistence of military, civil and commercial management modes. For example, the Baikonur launch site in Russia is jointly managed by the space agency and the space force, while the domestic launch site is managed by the space force. The United States is a military space launch site and a commercial space launch site. European space launch sites adopt a commercial operation system with the support of governments of various countries. At present, there are also fully commercial launch facilities in the world, such as the joint venture of the United States, Russia, Ukraine and Norway Marine Launch Company [2]
(3) The construction of the launch site shows the trend of international cooperation. Space industry is a high investment and high-risk industry. To carry out international cooperation in a wide range, wide field and multi-level in the space industry can better give play to the advantages of all parties involved in cooperation, and achieve the effect of complementary advantages and resource sharing. The maritime launch company jointly established by the United States, Russia, Ukraine and Norway has successfully launched more than 10 times since 1999. The International Launch Service Company is composed of the United States and Russia. Customers can choose the "Proton" rocket or the "Cosmos" rocket to launch satellites in Baikonur or Cape Calaver respectively. On October 21, 2003, Ukraine and Brazil signed a long-term space cooperation agreement. The two sides will use Ukraine's "Cyclone-4" rocket to provide commercial satellite launch services at the Alcantara launch site in Brazil. [2]
(4) Promote the modernization of the launch site from the aspects of reconstruction and construction. In recent years, in order to meet the launch demand of payloads, especially commercial payloads, as well as to cooperate with the development of new launch vehicles, the world's major space powers have set off an upsurge of building and rebuilding space launch facilities. In order to solve the problem that domestic launch sites can only launch light and medium launch vehicles without large launch vehicle launch facilities, Russia is currently building an "Angara" large launch vehicle launch station in Plesetsk and Svobod launch sites. In October 1999, Lockheed Martin blew up the steel structure mobile service tower and steel structure of the original No. 41 launch pad Umbilical cord tower To facilitate the construction of new launch facilities and adapt to the launch reliability of the "Cosmos 5" series carrier rocket. [2]
(5) Overall assembly, testing, transportation and remote measurement and control have become the mainstream. At present, four test launch modes are mainly adopted internationally: "two leveling and two vertical", "one leveling and two vertical", "three vertical" and "three horizontal". The test launch control of launch vehicles and spacecraft mainly includes two modes: short distance test launch control (test, launch, control) and long distance test launch control. From the current situation, remote test launch control and overall assembly, overall test and overall transportation mode have become the technical development trend of space launch sites. [2]
(6) Strengthen the technical area and simplify the launching area. At present, most of the space launch sites in various countries adopt the test launch mode of overall assembly, overall testing and overall transportation. The assembly, preparation and testing of space launch vehicles are generally concentrated in the technical preparation area, changing the practice of hierarchical installation of spacecraft and launch vehicles on the launch site. Multi process parallel operation is adopted in the technical area booster The payloads are assembled and tested in different workshops. Generally, the launch area only does propellant filling and pre launch inspection, which greatly reduces the workload of the launch area and improves the utilization rate of the launch area.
American "Arian 5" stayed at the launch station for 7-9h, and Japan H-2A rocket The duration of stay at the launch station is 1d. Due to the "three leveling" mode adopted by the former Soviet Union, the final assembled carrier rocket usually needs to stay for 3 days after being transported to the launch area. The first day is for erection and test, the second day is for rest, and the third day is for injection and launch. It can also be launched on the same day when the task is urgent, that is to say, the 3D work content can be completed within 14 hours. [2]
(7) Launch site facilities and equipment are developed and adopted in the direction of generalization automatic testing Launch technology. The launch sites of the United States, Russia and Japan have adopted some operation automation technologies, such as automatic docking of filling pipelines, automatic filling, etc., of which Russia has the highest level of automatic launch technology. Due to the relatively single function of Russia's launch area, it provides conditions for the automatic launch of rockets.
At present, the Asia Pacific Space Center "Dawn Goddess" launch system jointly operated by Australia and Russia is under construction, and its launch facilities have a high degree of automation. As soon as the rocket is on the launch pad, it is erected and docked with the connector, and then connected to the service tower and umbilical cord tower. After 2-3d automatic inspection and testing, personnel are evacuated, and automatic filling is started and monitored by the control area. The launch process also relies on the automatic test launch control system to implement program automatic control. [2]

Site composition

It usually consists of test area, launch area, launch command and control center, comprehensive measurement facilities, service support facilities and some management service departments. Some spacecraft launch sites also include the fall zone and reentry spacecraft (such as the space shuttle Tracker )Or landing (splashing) area of recovery cabin.
All equipment of spacecraft launch site is divided into special technical equipment and general technical equipment.
(1) Special technical equipment includes: transportation equipment, lifting and handling equipment, assembly and docking equipment, ground power supply equipment, ground detection and launch electrical equipment Auto-Control Equipment, propellant storage and filling equipment, waste gas and Waste liquid treatment Equipment, launch service equipment, remote control and monitoring equipment, measurement and data processing equipment.
(2) General technical equipment includes: power, communication, meteorology, metering, water supply and drainage, gas supply, fire protection, repair and other equipment. solid rocket A special solid rocket assembly plant and its auxiliary facilities are set up at the launch site of the spacecraft. The space shuttle launch site is also equipped with orbiter return landing facilities (such as runways and other landing facilities), orbiter maintenance, loading and unloading, toxic fuel treatment and other facilities and equipment for reuse after repair.
Comprehensive survey facilities
Multi functional integrated facilities for monitoring the working conditions of various systems of launch vehicles and spacecraft, including: computing centers Navigation area measurement and control station and surveying vessel The TT&C stations and survey ships are arranged along the flight routes of launch vehicles and spacecraft, equipped with survey equipment, time unified service equipment, communication and television equipment, information processing equipment, remote control equipment and corresponding auxiliary equipment. Measuring equipment: Radio telemetry Receiving equipment, radio ballistic measurement equipment, optical (laser, infrared) measurement equipment, etc. The ballistic parameters of the launch vehicle and spacecraft obtained by the measuring station Telemetry information , TV images are processed, displayed and recorded, and transmitted to the computer center and Launch Command and Control Center Process, display, judge, and send to Space Control Center
Service support facilities and management service department
Including: various propellant , cryogenic liquids and Lubricating materials Storage, production of liquid oxygen liquid helium And liquid hydrogen plants, communication facilities, meteorological support facilities, power supply and water supply facilities, geodetic departments, administrative management Department, logistics support department, etc. These service support, management service facilities and residential areas are usually built far away from the launch area.

Site selection conditions

The selection of the space launch site is the basis and prerequisite for the planning and construction of the launch site. Whether the selection is correct, appropriate, scientific and reasonable is directly related to the planning, construction and investment of the launch site, launch test capability, technical and economic benefits, sustainable development capability and other important technical indicators. [3]
French Guiana Space Center
The location of the spacecraft launch site is based on Spacecraft launch Selection of test technology characteristics and safety requirements. Propellants used in carrier rocket engines are mostly toxic, flammable and explosive, rocket engine The harmful gas ejected after ignition will pollute the surrounding environment. The first stage of the booster rocket or carrier rocket will fall to the ground after completion of work, or launch failure due to faults and errors will pose a serious threat to life and property on the ground. Therefore, the launch site of spacecraft is usually chosen in a sparsely populated area, terrain Flat, wide vision, geology source of water Inland with suitable climate and meteorological conditions desert Grassland Or coastal areas, and some are built on mountains or islands. earth rotation The impact of is also a consideration for site selection. Especially launch Geostationary satellite Or the launch site of small inclination orbit spacecraft should be located near the earth's equator or in low latitude areas. In such areas, it is relatively easy to obtain low inclination orbit, which can reduce the energy required for apogee orbit change and shorten the voyage from the launch point to the orbit entry point. France Guiana Space Center The site selection is based on this consideration.
The selection of any space launch site is mainly based on the launch and use requirements of spacecraft and launch vehicles. Therefore, the launch use requirements and demand analysis of spacecraft and launch vehicles is the most basic principle for site selection of launch sites, which mainly includes 9 aspects: ① nature and type of space launch mission; ② Type of spacecraft and launch vehicle, structural dimensions, mass and transportation requirements; ③ Type, type and filling requirements of propellant used; ④ Requirements for launching flight trajectory and direction range; ⑤ Launch cycle and annual launch capability requirements; ⑥ Requirements for meteorological and environmental conditions; ⑦ Ground technical support and support requirements; ⑧ Launch control and safety requirements for head area, navigation area and debris landing area; ⑨ Measurement control and communication requirements. [3]

Top 10 launch sites

JFK Space Center
The largest manned space base in the United States, established in July 1962, is located in Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States. Its advantage is that the latitude of the launch site is low, and the launch of the rocket to the east can improve the carrying capacity of the rocket by virtue of the rotation of the earth, which is helpful for the satellite to enter orbit; The nearby islands can also be used as ideal tracking and measuring station sites; The launch direction faces the sea, and there is no concern of population density. If the rocket in flight fails, it will not cause serious safety problems. Kennedy Space Center is the most important place for NASA to test, prepare and launch manned and unmanned spacecraft. Spacecraft launch missions from here include all U.S. launch missions to geosynchronous orbit, and have launched Apollo spacecraft, Skylab, unmanned planet and interplanetary probes, as well as science, meteorology Communication satellite Etc. [1]
Founded in May 1964, it used to be an air force test range, which was renamed in October 1979. It is the most important military space launch base in the United States, mainly used for Strategic missile weapons system Tests and various military satellite Polar orbiting satellite Emission of. It is located on the west coast north of Los Angeles in the west of the United States, covering an area of nearly 400 square kilometers. The site is full of rolling hills. It has an 8000 km route across the Pacific Ocean directly to Kwajalein Island, and a very complete landing location system, which is mainly used for strategic missile weapon test, weapon system operational test, and launch of various military satellites Polar satellite Etc. [1]
(3) Baikonur Launch site
Baikonur Launching Site
Founded in 1955, it is located 288 kilometers southwest of Baikonur City, Kazakhstan. Russia has leased the launch site since 1994. It is expected that the lease term will end in 2050. It is the largest spacecraft and missile launch test base in Russia, and its scale is equivalent to the Kennedy Space Center in the United States. The main task of Baikonur launch site is to launch Manned spacecraft , satellite Lunar probe And planetary probes for various missiles and launch vehicles flight test In addition, here Intercept satellite And part of the orbital bombing system. The world's first man-made satellite and other planetary probes were launched here, as well as manned spacecraft such as "Orient", "Ascension" and "Alliance", space station "Salute" and space shuttle "Energy Storm". [1]
Founded in 1957, it is located in Arkhangelsk region, 300 kilometers south of the White Sea in Russia. Its early stage was intercontinental missile Since 1966, 4 kinds of rockets and 9 launching stations have been used to launch reconnaissance, electronic intelligence, missile early warning, communication, weather and radar calibration satellites with large tilt angles. Two thirds of them are for military use, which is currently the largest launching site in the world for launching satellites. The number of launches accounts for more than half of the total number of launches in the world. [1]
Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center
Founded in 1958, it is the earliest and largest integrated missile in China Satellite launch center Is the only one in China Manned space launch site , located on the Gobi Desert to the north of Jiuquan, Gansu Province. The "Long March" series rockets are mainly used to launch various test satellites and Application satellite The first one made in China was successfully launched here Surface to surface missile , the first missile nuclear weapon test, and on April 24, 1970“ Dongfanghong No.1 ”After being put into Earth orbit, it became the fifth country in the world with independent ability to ascend to heaven after the Soviet Union, the United States, France and Japan. In 1999, the "Shenzhou" test spacecraft was launched from here, marking the beginning of China's manned space program. China has also entered the world's three major manned space powers after the Soviet Union and the United States. [1]
Founded in 1970 and located in Xichang City, Sichuan Province, China, it is mainly used for launching Geosynchronous orbit satellite It can launch a variety of new and large tonnage satellites and five new and high thrust rockets, with an annual launch capacity of 10-12 times. At present, it has five systems, including test launch, measurement control, communication, meteorology and service support, which are self-contained and complete. Since its establishment, the launch center has successfully launched more than 50 domestic and foreign satellites such as "Asia One", "Australia Satellite" and "Fengyun Two". [1]
Tanegashima Space Center
Tanegashima Island, located at the southern end of Kyushu, is the launch base of Japan's application satellite, which is managed by Japan Aerospace Research and Development Agency. In order to meet the launch needs of different types of rockets, three space launch sites, Takezaki, Ozaki and Yoshin, have been built since 1966. The Takesaki launch site is specially built for launching small rockets. It is the first launch site built in Tanegashima after Kagoshima launch site. It was completed and put into use in 1969. The Tazaki launch site is mainly used to launch "N-1", "N-2" and "H-1" Liquid rocket It was completed and put into use in 1975. In order to meet the launch needs of the new generation of large carrier rocket "H-2", the Yoshin launch site was newly built in 1986 about 1km northeast of the Tazaki launch site. Most of Japan's test satellites and application satellites were launched here. It is Japan's largest space launch site and one of the world's major spacecraft launch sites. [1]
Kuru launch site
Located in the Kuru region in the middle of French Guiana in the north of South America, it was completed in 1971. It is the only space launch site in France and also the ESA( ESA )The main place for space activities. Due to the low latitude of the launch site, the orbital inclination angle of the same launch azimuth is small, so Apogee The energy required for orbit change is small, and the launch to geosynchronous orbit can be increased accordingly Payload Weight of. Some experts have calculated that for the same launch vehicle, the launch capacity at Kuru is 70% higher than that at Baikonur, and the launch of a payload of the same weight at Kuru launch site is higher than that at Cape Kennedy launch site in the United States Apogee engine Energy saving is about 20%, and Kuru launch site is recognized as the best rocket launch site in the world. Kuru launch site is famous for launching "Ariana" carrier rockets. So far, the success rate of this series of rockets has reached more than 90%. The launch site is mainly used for scientific satellites, application satellites and other types of satellites Spacecraft It is the largest commercial space launch center in the world. Nearly 200 launch vehicles have been launched from here, and more than 250 satellites of different models have been sent into space. [1]
San Marco launch site
Located in the east of Africa, about 5km from the coast of Formosa Bay in Kenya, it is the earliest offshore launch site in the world, which was prepared and managed by the Center for Aeronautics and Astronautics of the University of Rome. The launching site is composed of two offshore platforms, one for launching pad and the other for launching control command post. This is closer to the equator than the Kuru launch site. When launching equatorial orbit satellites, the satellites do not need to make major orbit corrections. In April 1967, the launch site was put into use, launching satellites with the US "Scout" carrier rocket. The sea launch site is different from the land launch site. The pillars of the launch site are completely fixed on the continental shelf in the open sea, and the platform surface is exposed to the water. Similar to the offshore oil drilling platform, satellites and rockets are transported by large ships and then installed on the launch platform for launch. [1]
Sriharikota launch site
India's missile test and satellite launch site, located on Sriharikota Island on the east coast of southern India, was officially put into use in 1979. On July 18, 1980, India successfully launched a man-made satellite with its own rocket, becoming the seventh country in the world to launch a satellite by itself. The launch site has the test, assembly and launch facilities for large launch vehicles that launch various satellites, and the TT&C stations that track and measure various satellites. Indian Space Research Organization A solid propellant plant was also built here to produce solid motors for large launch vehicles. After nearly 40 years of construction, the center has become the largest space city and spacecraft launch center in India, realizing the leap in carrier rocket technology in India in recent years Satellite launch vehicle , Polar orbit launch vehicles and geosynchronous orbit launch vehicles are launched from here. [1]