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Carlston Conference

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The historical event that took place in Carlston, Asia Minor in 451
The Archduke of Carlston ( Nicknamed the Gaxton Conference )In 451, the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire Marxian stay Asia Minor Chalcedon Christianity World Conference of Bishops. Designed to deny 449 years Ephesus Bandit meeting, suppression Monism All churches in the east sent bishops or representatives to attend, and about 520 people attended the meeting. Meeting reaffirmed《 Nicene Creed 》And its final version at the Constantinople Council, condemning Eutyches (Eutyches380-456) The statement that Jesus Christ has only divine nature and no humanity is in favor of the Bishop of Rome Leo I It is also a doctrine that Tao becomes flesh. In addition, the church discipline, litigation procedure and religious property were specified in detail. It was announced that slaves should not enter monasteries without the consent of their masters, and that clergy and believers should not form cliques and seek refuge in another parish. The meeting also announced that the Archbishop of Constantinople and the Bishop of Rome have the same rights in academic affairs. Some monotheistic churches that did not obey the Constantinople church were separated and independent.
Chinese name
The Archduke of Carlston
Foreign name
Council of Chalcedon
Time of occurrence
451 years
Place of occurrence
Bitinia Carlston
dominating figure
The Fourth Grand Ducal Meeting of the Gaxton Conference

historical background

There were different Christology As a result, there was chaos in the Eastern Church. Judikan used the "oneness of Christ" to claim that Christ had only one personality, but only one divinity, because the humanity of Christ had been overshadowed by divinity. Since the local meeting failed to quell this idea, East Rome The emperor Ma Xian convened this grand meeting. Most of the participants were bishops of the Eastern Church, while the Western Church had only three appointed by the Pope. At the beginning of the meeting, everyone unanimously accepted the Nicene Creed Leo I (also known as Italian I) Nestorie It is regarded as the orthodoxy of Christology. Utikan was identified as heresy by the meeting because of his proposition. stay Rome The emperor Ma Xian and the government representatives strongly demanded to redefine the belief confession, and finally formulated《 Chalcedonian Creed
Two years after the meeting (449 AD), in order to overturn the case, Yutigan used political relations to instigate the ruling Theodosius II An Ephesian Meeting (later called the Robber Meeting) was held in. But when Theodosius II died Ephesus Conference The result was immediately overturned by the subsequent meeting.

Process and results

Because it does not fully express the church's understanding of Christ's personality. According to the Bible, Christ is not only God, but also a perfect man. In order to save the world, Christ must have "complete humanity", which is as important as his "complete divinity". The church had different opinions on the divinity of Christ, but now there are also many different views on the humanity of Christ and the relationship between human and God. In order to get a consistent view and a clear understanding of this aspect, more research and thinking are needed, so a long and hard debate is launched again.
for the first time Nicaean Council Solved Trinitarianism After the problem, Christology That is to say, it became the center of theological controversy in the 4th and 5th centuries. In 448, Eutix, a representative figure who advocated the theory of oneness, was judged as heretical by the Constantinople Church Conference. Eutix used political relations to instigate the Emperor Theodus II to convene in 449 Ephesus The meeting (the so-called "Robber Meeting" of the later Catholic Church) was overturned. After the death of Tiaeus II, his successor, Ma Ji'an, and Queen Pulkeria convened this public meeting with more than 600 bishops in order to cater to the dualism school that was dominant in both eastern and western churches at that time (advocating that Christ had both divine and human natures), and to calm church disputes in the empire. Bishop Leo I of Rome also sent representatives to attend. The meeting overturned the decision of the "Robber Meeting", reaffirmed the conclusions of the previous three public meetings, once again denounced the theory of oneness as heresy, and eliminated the membership of Eutix. The meeting accepted Leo I's "doctrinal letters", stipulating that Christ is the second in the trinity, with true divinity and true humanity; The two natures of God and Man are "not mixed, unchanged, indistinguishable, inseparable, and coexist in one personality". This is the original formula that is recognized as orthodox Christology by most churches in later generations, called the "Carlston Belief". The conference raised the status of the bishop of Rome and approved Constantinople The leader of the pastor in the Eastern Church. but the roman catholic church This is the crux of the long-term split between the Eastern and Western churches. [1]
In 451 AD, the Fourth Grand Ducal Meeting nicaea Karsidon (Gaxton) nearby was held (the third Grand Ducal Meeting was held in Ephesus), and about 600 bishops attended the meeting. The Creed formulated at this meeting is as important as the Nicene Creed. In addition to reaffirming the complete divinity of Christ, the church also recognizes that "Christ has complete humanity". The church declared that "Christ has only one personality, but has both God and man", and the relationship between the two sexes is "not mixed, not exchanged, and not divided". The Nicene and Gakton Creeds express the most basic tenets of Christian faith. Although the Protestant movement in the 17th century split the western church, it did not reject these Creeds nor modify them. Today, these two Creeds are still accepted by the Greek Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church and most Restoration churches. [2]

Historical influence

It defines the "God man duality of Christ" and states that there is only one Christ, who is the real God and the real man. The two natures of God and man of Christ are "not confused, not exchanged, not separated, not separated". It maintains the integrity of the single personality of Christ.
Declare that the Son of God, the Son of Mary, is the only person, the true God and the true man.
Twenty seven church laws were promulgated. The canon law of the ethical behavior of the clergy and friars, in which the clergy and friars must strictly abide by the provisions of chastity.