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Bologna Declaration

The programmatic document of the Bologna Process
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yes Bologna process The programmatic document of. By 29 Europe The Minister of Education of the country 1999 stay Italy Of Bologna Duly signed.
Chinese name
Bologna Declaration
Signing time
June 1999
Place of signing
29 countries in Europe
Promote the flow of teachers, students and academic personnel
legal effect
Binding instruments



European Higher Education Complex and different systems lead to transnational talent exchange and Overseas Study Many inconveniences. 1997 April 8-11, European Council And UNESCO stay Portugal capital Lisbon Convened the meeting and adopted the European Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications《 Lisbon Convention 》)。 The Convention is Europe The only binding instrument concerning higher education in the region is to establish“ Bologna process ”Basic document of. 1999 June, Europe Education ministers from 29 countries held a meeting in Bologna to discuss 2010 Completed European Higher Education Area It also improved the European common higher education system and signed the Bologna Declaration.


The main objectives of the Declaration include:
I Establish a degree system that is easy to understand and comparable;
II is committed to building a two-stage model( undergraduate - master / doctor )Based higher education system;
Ⅲ Establishment credit System;
Ⅳ Promote the flow of teachers, students and academic personnel, and overcome the obstacles of personnel flow;
V Guarantee the quality of European higher education;
Ⅵ Promotion Europe In scope Higher Education Cooperation.


At the subsequent ministerial biennial evaluation meeting, countries jointly issued the Prague Proclamation( 2001 )Berlin Announcement( 2003 )Bergen Announcement( 2005 )And the London Bulletin( 2007 )。
The next biennial meeting will be held in 2009 April 28-29 Belgium Of leuven Convening.