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Gods widely believed by the people
open 5 entries with the same name
Nandou, star name, astronomical upper finger Nandou Six Stars I.e Sagittarius There are six stars. To the south of the Big Dipper, it looks like a big dipper, so it is called. It is the combination of ancient mythology and astronomy. Old folk belief gods , specializing in life extension. Sometimes it refers to the south, the southern region. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
nam dau
Chinese Pinyin
nán dǒu
Records of the Historian - Tianguan Book


The Six Star King of the Southern Dipper is the heavenly official who manages all people, demons, spirits, gods, immortals and other creatures in the world. The Antarctic Immortal Emperor Jade Halal King , is the head boss of the Southern Star Six. Therefore, the six houses of the Six Star Emperor of the Southern Dipper are under the jurisdiction of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

Palace Immortal

The First Tianfu Palace: Siming Xingjun
The second Tianxiang Palace: Silu Xingjun
Day 3: Liang Palace: Longevity Star
The fourth day in the same house: Yisuan Xingjun
Fifth Tianshu Palace: Due Xingjun
The sixth Tianji Palace: Shangsheng Xingjun

Relevant records

It is listed as the first of all scriptures and the sect of all laws in Orthodox Taoist Collection《 Sutra of Human Tranquility 》It is said that it was passed down by Immortal Xu, the Tai Chi of the Wu Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms, and it was mentioned in it: "The Big Dipper pays attention to death, and the Southern Dipper pays attention to life." Nandou Six Stars He became a god and became the six stars of the Siming Lord Shou.
The Shangqing Sutra says: The first Tianfu Palace is Siming Xingjun; The second Tianxiang Palace is Silu Xingjun; On the third day, the Liang Palace was the Star of Longevity; The fourth day is the same house, for the benefit of the stars; The fifth Tianshu Palace is the ruler of Duer; The sixth Tianji Palace is the heaven born star king. It is generally called Liusi Xingjun. The temple dedicated to the worship of Nandou Xingjun is called Nandou Xingjun Temple. Because Nandou is the master of survival, it is also called "Longevity Extension Division" among Chinese people.


In the Three Kingdoms period, there was a name in the State of Wei Pipe casing He is a magician, who knows Facial One day when he saw Yan Chao, he saw his face was full of "Master Yao Qi" and knew that he would die soon. Yan Chao was a 19-year-old boy. His father was very worried and asked Guan Lu to find a way. Guan Lu said to Yan Chao, "When you get home, prepare a jar of good wine and a plate of braised venison. On the day of Mao, you went to the big mulberry tree at the south end of the wheat field, and there were two people playing chess there. Don't say a word, so you will be saved." Yan Chao followed his advice, and they played chess. Yan Chao poured wine and meat, but said nothing. After a while, the man in the north asked, "What are you doing?" Yan Gong knelt down and said nothing. These two people have just eaten his wine and meat. They also need to help. The man in the north took a text book and said to Yan Chao, "Let you live to be 90 years old." Yan Daxi bowed down and returned.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

The sixty ninth round
One day, when I was out in the countryside, I saw a young man ploughing in the field Guigeng The answer was: Zhao, Yan, 19 years old. Who are you, sir? Lu said: I manage Lu. I see that you are dead between your eyebrows. You will die within three days. You are beautiful, but unfortunately you have no longevity. Zhao Yan went home and told her father urgently. Hearing this, the father caught up with Guan Lu, cried and bowed to the ground, saying, "Please go and save my son!"! Lu said, "This is the destiny of heaven. Is it safe to avoid it? My father told me: I don't have this son. I hope to beg for help! Zhao Yan also cried for help.
Lu saw that his father and son were affectionate, so he called Zhao Yan Yue: You can prepare a bottle of wine and a piece of deer breast, and go to the south mountain, under the tree, to see two people playing chess on the rocks:
One man sat facing south, wearing a white robe, and his appearance was very ugly; One man sat facing north, wearing a red robe, and his appearance was very beautiful. You can take advantage of the game to run wine and deer breasts into it. When they finish eating and drinking, you will cry and pray for longevity, and you will get benefits. But don't tell me what I taught you. The old man stays at home.
The next day, Zhao Yan went into Nanshan with a preserved wine cup. About five or six miles away, two people were playing chess on the rocks under the big pine tree, totally ignoring. Zhao Yan knelt down to drink wine. They were greedy for chess, but they didn't realize that they had finished drinking. Zhao Yan cried and bowed to the ground to beg for longevity. They were shocked.
The man in the red robe said, "This must be a pipe.". Since we both accept their private interests, we must take pity on them.
The white robed man took out the books beside him and examined them. Zhao Yan said, "You are 19 years old and should die.". I add 19 words to the cross today, and you will live to 99. See Guan Lu again, teach again give away the secrets of heaven Otherwise, it will send a heavenly punishment.
The red wearer wrote a pen to add to it. A gust of fragrance passed by, and they turned into two white cranes and flew away.
Zhao Yan asks Guan Lu. Lu: Those who wear red are also called Nandou; Those who wear white are also Beidou. Yan Yue: I heard Beidou Nine Stars , more than one person? Lu said: "Scatter into nine, and combine into one.". Beidou injection , Nandou Zhusheng. Now that we have added longevity calculation, why should we worry? Thank you, father and son. Since then, the government is afraid of revealing the secrets of nature, and it is not easy for people to predict.
legend Peng Zu His original name was Peng Xiu, and the Big Dipper spent his life separately. As a result, Peng Xiu lived to be more than 800 years old and was called Peng Zu.