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Collaboration refers to Implementation process Coordination and cooperation between departments and between individuals. Cooperation should be multifaceted and extensive. External support and cooperation necessary for a department or position to achieve its goals should be the content of cooperation. It generally includes cooperation in resources, technology, cooperation and information. Whether it exists or not Social division of labor Workers must combine individual forces into collective forces through cooperation to achieve Production activities The intended purpose of. The workers cooperate with each other in the same production, operation and project Simple collaboration And complex collaboration. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Means labour cooperation
Resources, technology, cooperation and information


Collaboration: refers to Labor cooperation That is, many people are in the same Production process In, or in different but interrelated production processes, work together in a planned way. In an enterprise, collaboration is a means to coordinate the relationship between employees, jobs and between employees and jobs in order to achieve the expected goals. Collaboration can create a Strategic Business Unit Benefits simply add up to larger benefits, that is, realize synergistic effect The advantage of collaboration is that it can be fully and effectively used Organizational resources , expand enterprise operation Space scope, shorten the product's Production time It is convenient to concentrate on tasks that are difficult for individuals to complete in a short time.
Another explanation of collaboration is that in order to achieve a common goal, we should make full use of organizational resources and rely on the team's common strength to complete a task together. Collaboration can focus on completing tasks that are difficult for individuals in a short time. When we create together, creativity emerges among group members; The creative spark is flying faster and more exciting, and the overall achievement is higher than the sum of individual efforts. Creative solutions in the process of team collaboration Regular meetings Appear unexpectedly.
Collaboration: a creative idea proposed by collaboration for the well-known Chinese website Heizhe. com, which aims to communicate with friends or communion of interests A group of people who like to get together, exchange, create and interact, so that everyone has the right to edit and modify the content during the creation process, so as to jointly complete the creation of smart books (articles).
In addition to collaborative creation, collaboration can also refer to collaborative office work Collaborative production , resource collaboration, technology collaboration, and information collaboration.

basic content

The content of collaboration can be summed up in the following aspects:

Resource collaboration

Achieving goals requires certain resources, including human, financial and material resources. But in the process of target implementation
In, there are often insufficient resources in a department, such as insufficient manpower or equipment. This requires other departments to global views Set out, give necessary support, exchange what you need, help each other, and cooperate to achieve common goals.

technical cooperation

Technical cooperation includes that the technical department provides other departments with the necessary technical information technical knowledge , process methods, etc., including technical exchanges between departments and between individuals.


The realization of the goals of one department (or individual) is always related to the work of other departments (or individuals). This connection also leads to the problem of mutual cooperation in the process of achieving goals. If the production objectives of the workshop are achieved, the supply department needs to provide sufficient raw materials in time, and the power department needs to provide sufficient power.

Information collaboration

The essence of information collaboration is to make the goal process, between departments, and between individuals in a timely manner Information exchange intelligence dissemination Timely grasp of information can make correct decisions and carry out effective implementation control, which is an important guarantee to achieve the goal.




The scope of collaborators, the content of collaboration, the procedures of collaboration, and the norms and rules that should be followed by collaboration are all clear to facilitate the smooth development of collaboration.


Collaboration is often fully considered in the selection of collaborators, among which whether the collaborators have the ability to work together, whether they have the integrity record of abiding by the contract and other collaboration rules, etc Substantive It has been considered before the progress, that is, through this consideration, the collaborators are selected and excluded.

Unlimited goals

In other words, the goal of collaboration is to sublate collaboration. For example, collaboration can take the acquisition of certain benefits as the goal of collaboration, or the enhancement of competitiveness in a larger scope as the goal of collaboration. In short, the purpose of collaboration is not collaboration, and collaboration for collaboration is meaningless.


Doing a good job of cooperation is the goal of a unit necessary condition The necessity is shown as follows:


There is a rigorous structure and close connection among all levels, departments and posts, which restrict and influence each other. The structure itself requires good cooperation and close cooperation between levels, departments and posts, so that the organization can operate normally and all work can be carried out synchronously.


There are some differences between general objectives and sub objectives, and between sub objectives and sub tables Chain relationship To form a chain and network linked together. If any link is disconnected, it will affect the whole network and chain, thus affecting the realization of the overall goal.


because Modern science and technology With the development of, the degree of specialization and integration is getting higher and higher. Achieving a goal requires the joint efforts and mutual support of multiple departments and positions, not just by one person without external help. This also requires good cooperation and strong cooperation between departments and posts.

main features

Difference between collaboration and cooperation
In atomism or Individualism In the world of Contractual relationship It is decided that they can only cooperate rather than cooperate, and it is decided that they can Behavior mode The former is selected in. Collaboration is different from cooperation in the following aspects:
1. The purpose of collaboration is clear and Uniqueness Of. "The essence of signing a contract is that before taking any action, the obligations of the participants have been negotiated, specified and agreed. What the participants are expected to do, what the participants may be called to do, and what they do not do may be condemned - these have been clearly explained and limited in advance." Cooperation does not require such specific prior explanation and mutual consent, In other words, the description and agreement required for cooperation have been included in the relationship before the cooperation. The partners cooperate without prior consultation. If consultation is required, it is also a negotiation to optimize the cooperation relationship and establish a better cooperation path in the cooperation process. What collaborators do and don't do is not because of the fear of others' condemnation, but because of their own understanding of the value of cooperation. As for whether the cooperation has a clear Purposiveness It is not important. As long as the direction of cooperation is correct, this cooperation will continue even if the one-time results are not fully purposive. Therefore, cooperation is process oriented Social Action has a clear direction Continuity Process, which is bound to achieve a series of results, different from the specificity of cooperation Result oriented
2. The process of collaboration is a "exchange" process. "It requires both parties of the participants - neither many nor many - to fulfill their respective 'contract obligations'. Both parties' attention is focused on the task at hand - delivering a certain amount of goods, completing a certain amount of work, and exchanging a certain amount of money for a certain amount of services - rather than the other. Their mutual interests neither need nor are encouraged to exceed the task of completing the contract. ”In other words, in the process of collaboration, they exchange with others' factors that can make up for their own shortcomings with factors they own and can provide, whether such exchange is actually equivalent or not, it is calculable and is determined in pricing, so that when the results of collaboration are harvested, they are distributed according to pricing, thus completing the Exchange process The process of cooperation is not such an exchange process. The cooperation of cooperators does not choose their own behavior according to the calculation of their responsibilities and obligations to themselves and the counterpart. The cooperators choose to cooperate with the counterpart more according to their perception of equal status, In cooperation, he considers the overall benefits of cooperative action rather than the benefits he has achieved through the cooperation process. He does not use the factors he has or can provide as bargaining chips, but rather as resources to promote cooperation. The greater the role of such resources in the cooperation process, the more he can feel his value in cooperative action, And experience cooperation when this value is confirmed Members of society The meaning of.
3. Collaboration makes people lose Individuality It becomes a formal symbol. In the cooperative action, "For everything they care about or should care about, each is just an agent or carrier or operator of the delivered services and goods. They are not 'personal'. Participants are not individuals, not individuals. If necessary, their obligations can also be fulfilled by others; If I happen to fulfill my obligations, it is only because I signed the agreement. I am just a legal model pieced together by sections of the agreement ". In other words, the individual is here Be treated as The formal existence is treated as an abstract collaborator rather than a complete person. Although the cooperative party will strongly argue that it is an independent individual and has the individuality of being a member of the society, it will not consider the individuality of the other party. It cooperates with the opposite party because the opposite party has the conditions that can meet its cooperation expectations. In fact, any person who has these conditions will become the counterpart who cooperates with him, The relative person, as a person, is only a sign of having these conditions, which is meaningful to him and their cooperation. Therefore, collaboration is nothing more than a variety of common actions that can meet the "conditions" of collaboration needs. Cooperation is the joint action between people. Any party to cooperation first exists as an independent individual. Before or during the cooperation, their respective conditions conducive to cooperation are Secondary factors And taken into account.
4. Collaboration serves selfish needs. "In their non personal and contractual capacity, participants do not have to, and usually do not Happiness interest; No one was called upon to care about the interests of the participants in the signing process. The purpose of participating in the contract is to ensure or improve their respective welfare. Participation in the contract has a clear purpose, which is frankly selfish. " The reason why people are willing to cooperate with others is their pursuit of personal interests. Whether and how to cooperate depends on personal interests The purpose of our strategy is self serving and even selfish. Compared with collaboration, cooperation will also gain results Personal benefits However, for the process of cooperation, it is not out of self-interest or even selfish calculation. The process of cooperation comes from the objective requirements of the social network structure. It is the cooperation relationship between Personal behavior Implementation process in. Therefore, cooperation goes beyond "for me" or "for him" thinking model So that the "egoistic" or "altruistic" thinking habits are no longer reasonably understood. Cooperation is the "co-existence" form and possession of people Inevitability Of social action , only placed in Post industrial society In order to get a reasonable explanation.
5、 Collaboration It is subordinate to the provisions of the law and subject to the regulation of the law without being restricted by morality. "Compare the contents specified in the contract with moral behavior What separates them is an important fact, that is, for each party, the 'obligation to perform obligations' depends on the obligations of the other party. Only and until contract party When I also abide by the contract, I am forced to abide by the contract. What I observe, check and evaluate first is the behavior of my contractors, not my own behavior. My signer must be worthy or win my performance of obligations; At least he can't do anything 'unworthy'‘ He did not have. Doing my duty 'is the only reason I need to exempt myself from my obligations It is the right of my signatory to relieve me of my responsibilities. " In fact, behind the signing, it is clear legal responsibility And obligations. The law clearly stipulates all responsibilities and obligations, and provides guarantees for the performance of such responsibilities and obligations. My counterpart and I cooperate in the space provided by the law. At the same time, the law gives both parties the right to terminate the performance of responsibilities and obligations. As for whether the continuation and termination of cooperation can be Moral judgment The positive evaluation in is not considered. Cooperation is totally different, because cooperation first needs to meet the moral review and judgment, and only when there is a dispute in the moral judgment will it appeal to the law. To a large extent, partnerships are just Ethical relationship Another way of expression or another expression of, the behavior of the collaborator is Rule by virtue The process of cooperation under the institutional framework of the WTO has more moral characteristics. Therefore, the legal provisions only play an auxiliary role in the cooperation between people.
6. No matter how much freedom and autonomy cooperation will have in the form of expression, in fact, it is passive and "governed by others" in its fundamental nature. In the cooperation relationship, "My obligations are governed by others, so my signing behavior through the client, and finally my executor is responsible for the fictional contract signed... In the signing relationship, my obligations are strictly limited and included in a group of behaviors that can be enforced. 'This is my duty' just means' If I don't fulfill my duty, I will be punished '. The concept of obligation has an external meaning here, rather than an internal meaning. There is no obligation without collateral sanctions. At this time, good deeds are often followed by the fear of punishment. What I finally do is often done after measuring the discomfort of performing obligations and the trouble of being punished for dereliction of duty. This situation worsens the other governance characteristics of the signing behavior ". In fact, whether written or unwritten, everything can be called Contract terms All of them are permeated with constraints and restrictions. The cooperative relationship itself is based on constraints and restrictions. As the guarantee of contractual relationship, the legal provisions also support the cooperative relationship and behavior with preset punishment and sanctions. Therefore, in the process of cooperation, it is inevitable to show the characteristics of "governance by others". On the contrary, cooperation is truly "autonomous". The cooperation relationship contains the connotation of autonomy. The cooperation behavior is Autonomy The whole cooperation process is nothing more than the realization of autonomy. This autonomy is unmanaged and non-standard Actor The autonomy of the special self.


1. Leaders should be reasonable and timely Organization and coordination Leaders have the overall situation of a department (or unit) and understand the problems in the implementation of various objectives. According to these situations and problems, we should timely organize cooperation and adjust our strength to ensure the balanced development of various goals.
2. Each department or individual should have a holistic view and actively cooperate with each other.
3. The cooperation content formulated and the cooperation tasks temporarily undertaken should be completed with a positive and responsible attitude, because these tasks and plans are determined closely around the needs of the general goal and obeying the general goal.
4. Attention shall be paid during the cooperation Coordination And consistency, otherwise it is difficult to achieve a certain level of cooperation.
5. Dependency during collaboration Work plan Software can better improve the efficiency of collaboration.

Key behaviors

Collaboration: to entirety View the cooperation in work from a perspective, actively give and seek support, and promote the realization of goals.
Key Behavior 1: Focus on team interests
  • Realize that only the achievement of the team can lead to self achievement, and put the team in the first place
  • Sense of ownership, treat collective affairs as one's own affairs, and require oneself to take the initiative to do
  • Aware that the realization of team interests depends on the consensus of members, take the initiative to express this view in public
Key Action 2: Building Trust
  • Attach importance to the value of partners in joint work, and emphasize what "we" rather than "I" have done
  • Sincerely express their respect and recognition for others and close the relationship with each other
  • Once the business content is determined, ask yourself to do it first rather than wait for others to take the lead
  • Express optimistic attitude towards the achievement of goals and strengthen confidence for business partners
Key behavior 3: active support and cooperation
  • Efficient and high-quality completion of their own work
  • Invite cooperative members to provide suggestions and support on the work carried out
  • Perceived difficulties or needs of work partners
  • Be able to actively provide support and help within the scope of your ability
Key Action 4: Providing Feedback
  • Regular work summary based on cooperation achievements
  • Be able to actively provide constructive feedback when the cooperative members offer advice
  • In the process of cooperation, they can objectively convey their own observations and actively provide feedback
  • Work together to develop improvement plans and provide cooperation efficiency.

Collaboration function

Collaboration means working together, rather than completing a task alone. Collaboration is also an important part of the technical team. Instead of working in an isolated function, Agile method Help all team members increase the number of face-to-face communication.
agile manifesto Two of the four values emphasize the importance of agile methods for collaboration. "People and interactions involved in the whole process and tools" reminds us of the importance of mutual respect and communication.
Although collaboration is not limited to teams using agile methods corporate culture comparison, agile development Practice can help enterprises develop better by cultivating and communicating enterprise culture. The agile mentality is similar to the value practice in the communication culture - encourage sharing to drive decision-making, Self management Cross functional teams and Service oriented leadership [2]
Make good use of collaboration tools and integrate project management knowledge management Plan management Workflow management , Schedule/ task management To provide cooperation services for teams and enterprises.