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People's Government of North China

Government work department established on September 26, 1948
This entry is edited and reviewed by the Society of National History of the People's Republic of China.
The People's Government of North China was formally established on September 26, 1948. It was established on the basis of the former Shanxi Chahar Hebei Border Region Administrative Committee and the former Shanxi Hebei Shandong Henan Border Region Government according to the guiding spirit of the CPC Central Committee. The People's Government of North China elected by the Provisional People's Congress of North China is the predecessor of the national coalition government, the Central People's Government.
Chinese name
People's Government of North China
Government residence
Pingshan County, Shijiazhuang, then moved to Beiping City
date of establishment
September 26, 1948
The predecessor of the Central People's Government
The establishment of the People's Government of North China was carried out in a planned and step-by-step manner in accordance with the instructions of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Working Committee and the North China Bureau.
According to the proposal of the North China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on the establishment of a unified North China People's Government in May, the Senate of the Shanxi Hebei Shandong Henan Border Region and the Senate of the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Border Region issued a notice on June 11 to convene a joint meeting of senators at the meeting.
The resident senators of the Shanxi Hebei Shandong Henan and Shanxi Chahar Hebei Border Region Councils held a joint meeting in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, on June 26, 1948. The meeting passed a resolution on convening the Provisional People's Congress of North China and forming a unified people's government of North China. According to the decision of the joint meeting of senators, the Shanxi Hebei Shandong Henan Border Region Government and the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Border Region Administrative Committee jointly issued the Decision on Convening the North China Interim Congress and Election Methods.
The North China Interim People's Congress was originally scheduled to open on August 1. Due to the heavy rain for four consecutive days after July 21, the traffic around the country was inconvenient, and the delegates could not arrive as scheduled, the congress was postponed. On August 5, a preparatory meeting was held to discuss the principles and number of members of the presidium of the North China Interim People's Congress, and to organize a proposal review committee and a delegate qualification review committee. For the sake of confidentiality and the safety of the participants, the North China Interim People's Congress is known as the "Shijiazhuang Production Work Conference".
On August 7, 1948, the Provisional People's Congress of North China officially opened in Shijiazhuang Cinema. 542 delegates attended the conference, including 376 CPC members and 166 non party members.
On August 15, the fourth meeting of the presidium made a resolution that of the 39 members of the North China People's Government, only 27 were elected at the current session, and the rest were hired by the North China People's Government in the new liberated areas, the newly liberated cities, the Chiang Kai shek areas and the fraternal liberated areas that might be unified and united. Therefore, 27 people including Dong Biwu were elected as members of the North China People's Government at the General Assembly on August 18.
The conference lasted 18 days, passed the organizational outline of the North China People's Government, elected the North China People's Government Committee, and established the North China People's Government; Accept the suggestions of the North China Bureau on the policy policies of the North China People's Government and submit them to the North China People's Government to formulate specific measures for implementation; In principle, the regulations on the organization of people's political power in villages and counties (cities), the regulations on the election of people's representatives in villages and counties (cities), and the provisional tax rules for agricultural taxes in the North China Liberation Area shall be adopted; The review opinions of the proposal review committee on the review of the proposal are adopted.
From September 20 to 24, 1948, the first committee of the North China People's Government was held in Prince Village, Pingshan County, Hebei Province. [1] The meeting elected Dong Biwu as the chairman of the People's Government of North China, Bo Yibo, Lan Gongwu and Yang Xiufeng as the vice chairmen, and appointed ministers, directors of conferences, presidents, general managers, secretaries general and labor directors of the Bank of North China.
On September 26, the President and Vice President of the People's Government of North China took office and opened the seal of the People's Government of North China. The People's Government of North China was proclaimed. Since then, the former Shanxi Hebei Shandong Henan Border Region Government and the former Shanxi Chahar Hebei Border Region Administrative Committee have completed their historical mission and announced their cancellation.
In September 1948, the People's Government of North China was stationed in Prince Village, Pingshan County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province; In February 1949, he moved to Beiping.
At the initial stage of its establishment, the People's Government of North China had jurisdiction over seven administrative offices, namely, Beiyue, Jizhong, Jiluyu, Jinan, Taiyue, Taihang and Jinzhong, as well as two cities, Shijiazhuang and Yangquan. After the establishment of the province in August 1949, it has jurisdiction over five provinces of Hebei, Shanxi, Chahar, Suiyuan and Pingyuan, and two cities of Peiping and Tianjin. There are 56 million people in the whole district.
(Compiled by the Society of National History of the People's Republic of China)