School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Huazhong University of Science and Technology has a secondary college
zero Useful+1
Since 1983 Huazhong University of Technology The Department of Physics was established in 2008.
According to the official website of the college in February 2018, the college has 147 in-service faculty and staff, more than 500 doctoral and master's degree students; It has two undergraduate majors, including one post doctoral mobile station in the first level discipline, one doctoral program in the first level discipline for academic degrees, ten doctoral programs in the second level discipline for academic degrees, one master program in the first level discipline for academic degrees, and ten master programs in the second level discipline for academic degrees; It has two key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, one field station of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and one key laboratory of Hubei Province. [1]
Chinese name
School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Foreign name
School of Physics,Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Secondary college
School category
Science and engineering
School characteristics
"111 Plan" Innovation and Talent Introduction Base of the Ministry of Education (2013)
competent department
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Current leaders
Secretary of the Party Committee: Zhang Kai President: Chen Xiangsong
Number of full-time academicians
One academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Undergraduate major
Master's degree
1 first level discipline authorized for academic degree
10 secondary disciplines authorized for academic degrees
Doctoral Program
1 first level discipline authorized for academic degree
10 secondary disciplines authorized for academic degrees
One scientific research mobile station
No. 1037, Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

Historical evolution

In July 1954, the school decided to set up a physics teaching and research section, which is subordinate to the basic course department and under the direct leadership of the Academic Affairs Office.
Gravity and Earth Tide Observation Station of the Ministry of Science and Technology
From 1960 to 1961, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, physics and chemistry were merged to form the Department of Physics and Chemistry, which was later restored as the basic course department, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, sports and politics (Marxism Leninism Teaching and Research Office).
In August 1983, in order to meet the needs of teaching and scientific research, the university decided to cancel the Department of Physics and Chemistry and the Department of Solid State Electronics and set up the Department of Physics and Solid State Electronics.
In October 1983, Huazhong University of Technology The Department of Physics and Solid State Electronics was officially established after the issuance of the Notice on the Renaming of the Department of Physics and Solid State Electronics to the Department of Physics.
In April 1984, according to the needs of teaching and scientific research, the original Department of Physics was abolished and the Department of Physics and the Department of Solid State Electronics were established respectively.
In May 2000, Central China University of Science and Engineering Tongji Medical Sciences University Wuhan Urban Construction College Huazhong University of Science and Technology was merged and established. In September of the same year, the physics department of the former Huazhong University of Science and Technology and the physics teaching and research department of the former Wuhan City Construction College were merged.
In August 2005, the former physics teaching and research department of Tongji Medical University was merged into the Department of Physics.
In May 2008, in order to adapt to the overall development of the physics discipline and the need of the university to build a world-class university, the College of Physics was officially established. [2]
In 2013, the college was approved as the "111 Plan" innovation and talent introduction base by the Ministry of Education.
In 2015, the college began to implement the training plan for top talents in basic disciplines and set up three characteristic classes.
On July 11, 2016, the National Development and Reform Commission officially approved the feasibility study report of the "precision gravimetry" national major science and technology infrastructure project, which was established by Huazhong University of Science and Technology As a legal entity, Institute of Surveying and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) and Sun Yat-sen University As a co construction unit. [1]

School running conditions



According to the official website of the college in February 2018, the college opened two undergraduate majors.
Undergraduate major : Applied Physics, Physics [1]

Discipline construction

According to the official website of the college in February 2018, the college has 1 mobile post doctoral station in the first level discipline, 1 doctoral program in the first level discipline for academic degrees, 10 doctoral programs in the second level discipline for academic degrees, 1 master program in the first level discipline for academic degrees, 10 master programs in the second level discipline for academic degrees, and 1 key discipline in Hubei Province.
First level discipline postdoctoral mobile station : Physics
First level doctoral program of academic degree : Physics
Academic degree level II discipline doctoral program : theoretical physics, optics, condensed matter physics, plasma physics, radio physics, atomic and molecular physics, precision measurement physics and material physics and chemistry, solid geophysics, particle physics and nuclear physics
Academic Degree Level I Discipline Master's Program : Physics
Academic Degree Level II Discipline Master Program : theoretical physics, optics, condensed matter physics, plasma physics, radio physics, atomic and molecular physics, precision measurement physics, material physics and chemistry, solid geophysics, particle physics and nuclear physics
First level key discipline of Hubei Province : Physics [1] [3]


Luo Jun, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
According to the official website of the college in February 2018, the college has 147 in-service teaching staff, including 127 full-time teachers, 51 professors and 60 associate professors; Since 2012, more than 50 young teachers have been introduced.
Academician of CAS : Luo Jun (full-time), Ye Chaohui (double employment) Xu Houze (Double employment)
Winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars : Luo Jun, Wu Ying Xiao Yi Lu Peixiang, Li Liang Tu Liangcheng Hu Zhongkun
Winner of National Excellent Youth Fund : Lan Pengfei Fu Yingshuang Zhou Yueming Wu Qingwen Yang Shanqing, Li Min
New Century Excellent Talents Program : Chen Xiangsong, Gao Yihua, Gong Yungui, Hu Zhongkun, Lu Zehuang, Luo Zhicai, Tu Liangcheng, Wu Qingwen, Zhou Zebing, Ouyang Zhongwen
Hubei Provincial Hundred Talents Plan : Cai Jianming, Wang Bing, Lan Pengfei, Li Wei, Pan Minghu, Lv Xinyou
Distinguished Professor of Chutian Scholars : Gao Yihua, Luo Pengshun, Lu Zehuang, Pan Minghu [1]

Teaching construction

  • quality engineering
According to the official website of the college in February 2018, the college has one national experimental teaching demonstration center and is the "111 Plan" innovation and talent introduction base of the Ministry of Education.
National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center : Physical Experiment Center [4]
"111 Plan" Innovation and Talent Introduction Base of the Ministry of Education : Precision measurement physics innovation and talent introduction base [5]
National, provincial and ministerial teaching awards [6]
  • Training Plan for Top Talents in Basic Disciplines
Top class : The number of students recruited each year is 20, and the length of schooling is 4 years. Set up a variety of scholarships, grants and special funds for independent innovation to invest in special training funds.
Meritocracy class : 30 people are recruited every year, and the schooling period is 4 years. Set up "Yan Keats Scholarship for Physics Talents" and other awards and grants.
4+4 Undergraduate linked reading experimental class : It enrolls 20 people every year, and is awarded the bachelor of science and doctor of science degree after eight years of undergraduate and doctoral study. Set up a variety of scholarships, grants and special funds for independent innovation to invest in special training funds. [1]

academic research


Scientific research platform

Design sketch of scientific corridor for precision gravity measurement
According to the official website of the college in February 2018, the college has two key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, one field station of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and one key laboratory of Hubei Province; Undertake the construction of major international scientific and technological infrastructure projects for precision gravity measurement; Participate in the construction of experimental devices of Wuhan National Laboratory of Optoelectronics (preparatory) and National Pulsed High Magnetic Field Science Center; There are scientific research teams in gravitational experiment and theory, precision gravity measurement, atomic and molecular photophysics, ultrafast optics, quantum optics, biomolecular physics and simulation, condensed matter physics, material physics, astrophysics, particle physics and cosmology.
Field stations of the Ministry of Science and Technology : Gravity and Earth Tide Observation Station of the Ministry of Science and Technology
Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education : Key Laboratory of Basic Physical Quantity Measurement of the Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Gravity Navigation of the Ministry of Education (Class B)
Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Gravity and Quantum Physics [1]
Institute (center, laboratory) : Institute of High Magnetic Field Physics [7] Institute of Biophysics, Institute of Particle and Astrophysics, Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Material Physics, Institute of Geophysics, Gravitational Center, Quantum Optics Science Center, Ultrafast Optics Laboratory [8]
Platform instruments and equipment (as shown on the official website of the college in February 2018)
High performance scientific computing platform (biological computing sub platform)
rack server
High performance scientific computing platform (condensed matter, astrophysics)
Rack/blade server
Physical experiment device
atomic force microscope
Resistance evaporation vacuum system
High gradient magnetic separator
JPG-450 coating machine
Low vibration closed cycle refrigerator
Femtosecond Lasers
Legend Elite
Fluorescence spectrum detector
Impedance characteristic analyzer
VSM measurement control system
JDM-13 type
Microcomputer differential thermal balance
Impedance tester
Multifunctional system for measuring physical properties
Multi target magnetic control measuring equipment
Ferroelectric material testing system
Magnetoelectric coefficient test system
X-ray diffractometer
BDX3200 [9]

Scientific research achievements

  • Overview of scientific research
In the five years from 2011 to 2015, the college has undertaken four 973 and 863 programs of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, 131 programs of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the total amount of funds received has reached 180 million yuan; 643 SCI papers were published, including 366 Class A papers; There were 14 high-level papers with PRL and impact factor greater than 10, and 9 high-level papers were published in 2015, including 4 PRLs.
According to the official website of the college in February 2018, since 2012, the college has been approved by 165 National Natural Science Foundation of China (including 9 key projects and 1 major instrument development project), with a longitudinal funding of more than 200 million yuan. More than 700 papers have been published in mainstream physics journals, including more than 50 high-level papers, including 1 Science, 5 Nature Comm., and 19 Phys. Rev. Lett. [1]
National, provincial and ministerial scientific research awards [10]
  • Scientific research direction
Gravitational physics
The measurement results of Newton's universal gravitation constant G have been included by the International Scientific and Technological Data Task Force (CODATA) since 1998. The close range experiment of Newton's inverse square law is one of the best results in the world. It is the first time to propose and complete the experiment of equivalence principle of macro rotating objects in the world The experimental results of the upper limit test of photon rest mass were collected by the International Particle Physics Data Group (PDG).
Atomic and molecular photophysics
He won the second prize of the National Natural Science Award for his contributions to the study of the characteristics and mechanism of the interaction between multi-level atoms and lasers in micro devices, such as the systematic establishment of the single atom effective Raman theory, and the new method of full quantization processing of photon and boson type atomic systems; A series of new methods for the generation and control of ultra fast light sources and a new scheme for the control of strong field non sequential double ionization by bicolor light fields are proposed.
Condensed matter physics
A theoretical model of organic magnetism is proposed and its mechanism is clarified. Several new semi metallic magnets are predicted; The research work on magnetoelectronic materials, spintronics, and the regulation of multi iron coupling effect has had an important impact.
Theoretical physics
The physical decomposition method of gauge field is proposed, which opens a new way to solve the gauge related problems that have puzzled the study of nucleon spin structure for 20 years; The proposed magnetic coupling model is one of the important mechanisms to explain the formation of jet in black hole binaries, active galactic nuclei and gamma bursts. Nonlinear correlation method is applied to biological sequence analysis, revealing some important relationships between biological sequence and structure. [1]

Cooperation and exchange


academic exchange

According to the official website of the college in February 2018, the college and the University of Maryland University of California、 Max Planck Institute in Germany, Politecnico di Torino in Italy, RIKEN Rlkagaku KENKyusho/Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Japan, National University of Singapore in Singapore Nanyang Technological University、 Pakistan National Institute of Lasers&Optronics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Tsinghua University, Taiwan Taiwan Chenggong University The Chinese University of Hong Kong And other well-known universities at home and abroad have established academic exchanges and cooperation relations with scientific research institutes; Set up a erudite lecture hall, hold a series of lectures on the connotation and cutting-edge development of the physics discipline, the grid forum, the doctoral interdisciplinary forum, the academic annual meeting, the graduate academic annual meeting and other academic exchange activities; International and domestic conferences such as Xiangshan Conference on "Physics and Methods of Precision Measurement", the 9th Asia Pacific International Conference on Gravity and Astrophysics, the 5th Sino British International Conference on Space Science and Technology, the National Summer School for Graduate Students on "Theory and Methods of General Relativity", and the Wuhan Temporary Source International Seminar were held. [1]

international co-operation

According to the official website of the college in February 2018, the number of foreign experts visiting the college in recent years has exceeded 100 person times/year; The number of scientific researchers going abroad to participate in international conferences and cooperation and exchanges has increased year by year, including nearly 150 person times in the kitchen during 2016-2017 and nearly 20 countries, including the United States, Germany, Italy, Britain, Russia, etc; Provide international cooperation and exchange opportunities through international conferences and international courses. [1]

Cultural tradition


Image logo

Hospital emblem
The hospital emblem is a seal character of "Wu" with blue background.
The inner ring of the outer ring is the English abbreviation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the English words of physics, the Chinese name of the School of Physics and its founding time in 1983. [1]

Spiritual culture

Chu Cultural Tradition: Pioneering the Way to Inspire the Mountains
Wuhan spirit: dare to be the first and pursue excellence
Physical spirit: exploring, reasoning and innovation, self-confidence and self-improvement [1]

Current leaders

full name
Secretary of the Party Committee
Liu Huiping
Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice President (concurrently)
Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission
Liu Yuelong
deputy Party secretary
Vice President
Trade union chairman

Honors won

In June 2021, the Party Committee of the School of Physics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology was awarded the title of "Advanced Grass roots Party Organization in Hubei Province". [12]