Stripes 12 rolls

Twelve coils of Aloe
zero Useful+1
synonym Twelve volumes (Ophiopogon) generally refers to twelve volumes of stripes
Twelfth scroll of stripe, Twelfth scroll of Aloe [9] Succulent perennial herb. The plant is small, without stem base, sprouting and growing in groups; The leaves are whorled, lanceolate, dark green; On the back of the leaf, there are horizontal and regular white tumor like protuberances, forming transverse white stripes; Racemes with small green white flowers; Flowering in summer [10] It is named because its thick triangular lanceolate leaves are inlaid with banded white star pattern, which looks like the feathers on the tail of a pheasant [11]
The Twelve Stripes originated in the arid areas of southern Africa, [10] It is cultivated all over the world [12] It likes warmth, light and dryness, and is afraid of cold and humidity. It is suitable for fertile and loose sandy loam [13] The main propagation methods are branch, cutting and sowing. [13]
The twelve rolls of stripes can absorb carbon dioxide at night, release oxygen, increase indoor oxygen concentration, and help sleep [14] It can also purify air and prevent radiation [15] The plant is small and exquisite, tall and beautiful, with thick leaves. It is an ideal small potted foliage flower, and can also be mixed with other succulent plants to form a potted landscape [16] Its flower language is: strong and lovely [17]
Chinese name
Stripes 12 rolls
Latin name
Haworthia fasciata
Golden pheasant tail Tiger Vein Eagle Claw Grass Cymbidium serpentinum Striped snaketail, etc [5]
Stripes 12 rolls
Named by and date
(Willd.) Haw., one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one [6]

History of botany

It is named because its thick triangular lanceolate leaves are inlaid with banded white star pattern, which looks like the feathers on the tail of a pheasant [11]
 Stripes 12 rolls Stripes 12 rolls Stripes 12 rolls Stripes 12 rolls Stripes 12 rolls Stripes 12 rolls Stripes 12 rolls
Stripes 12 rolls

morphological character

Striped twelve rolls are perennial meat herb The plant is 10-15 cm high. It grows like a rosette, has no stem, shoots at the base, and grows in groups; The leaves are closely whorled on the stem axis, soft and juicy, triangular lanceolate, extremely plump; Leaf surface Smooth, flat, dark green, 3-4 cm long and 1.3 cm wide; Abaxial lobe The protuberances are keel shaped and green, with large white warty protuberances arranged horizontally. It blooms in summer in a tube to funnel shape, Decor White. [1-3] Flowering in summer [10]
 Stripes 12 rolls Stripes 12 rolls Stripes 12 rolls Stripes 12 rolls
Stripes 12 rolls


It is native to tropical arid areas in southern Africa. [4] The optimum temperature for growth is 18-22 ℃, and it can be maintained above 5 ℃ in winter. Like bright light, but also resistant to half shade. Avoid strong light. Prefer fertilizer, and apply fertilizer once a month during growth. No fertilization is allowed in other seasons. It can resist drought, keep the soil in the basin slightly wet during the growth period, control watering at high temperature in summer, keep the soil slightly wet after the temperature drops in autumn, and keep the soil slightly dry in winter. [2]

Reproductive methods

The main propagation methods are branch, cutting and sowing. [13] Adopt ramet propagation. It shall be carried out after soil thawing in early spring (March to March). Take the mother plant out of the flowerpot, shake off the excess pot soil, separate the knotted roots as far as possible, use a sharp knife to cut it into two or more plants, each of which should have a corresponding root system, and trim its leaves properly to facilitate survival. Soak the separated strains in the solution 1500 times of chlorothalonil for 5 minutes, take them out and dry them, and then serve them in a basin. You can also clean and irrigate the root with 100 fungi immediately after the basin is put on. After individual plants are potted, the roots shall be irrigated or the water shall be poured for once. Since the root system is greatly damaged after the ramet, and the water absorption capacity is extremely weak, it takes 3-4 weeks to resume the germination of new roots. Therefore, water should be controlled within 3-4 weeks after the ramet to avoid root rot, but the transpiration of leaves is not affected. In order to maintain the water balance of leaves, the leaves should be sprayed 1-3 times a day (spray more at high temperature, spray less or not at low temperature). Don't fertilize during this period. After splitting, pay attention to the strong sunlight, which is best kept in the sunshade. [7]

cultivation techniques



Adopt water nutrition method. Adult type: remove the pot and wash the roots for water feeding or peel off the young plants around the mother plant for direct water feeding. Water inserting type: cut the upper half lignified part of the base belt and insert it into the sand bed. It is about 20-25 days old. When the new roots grow out, the withered old roots should be cut off in combination with changing water. The amount of fertilizer required is not large, and it can be cultivated with clean water. The effect of crystal mud water is very good. The plant has no obvious stem and is not resistant to moisture. It is suitable to expose its head when it is raised in water, and only its root enters the water. [1]

Potted plant

When potted, because the root system is shallow, it is better to plant shallowly, and use fertile, well drained rotten leaf soil mixed with coarse sand for cultivation. Keep the basin soil moist during the growth period, and apply fertilizer once a month. It should be dry in winter and half dormant period in midsummer, and watering should be strictly controlled. Proper shading in summer, but the light is too weak, and the leaves are easy to degenerate and shrink. Sufficient sunshine is needed in winter, but if the light is too strong, the dormant leaves will turn red. In winter, the pot soil is too wet, which is easy to cause root rot and leaf atrophy. If this happens, take the plant out of the pot, cut off the rotten part, dry it slightly, insert the cuttings into the sand bed again, and then potted after rooting, or change the pot after a period of sand planting. [8]

Disease and insect control



Diseases mainly include Root rot and Cercospora leaf spot In general, root rot is caused by improper watering and fertilization, which can be prevented through reasonable management. In addition, when root rot occurs, it should be cleaned in time, sterilized with 500 times of potassium permanganate solution, and then placed in the shade for 2-3 days before replanting. It is necessary to spray mancozeb, carbendazim and other drugs to prevent and control brown spot. [7]

Insect pest

Insect pests mainly include Whitefly and scale And control whitefly with imidacloprid and aphid; Scale insects can be controlled by using gekko and chlorphen, or by wiping or brushing. [7]

Key values

The twelve rolls of stripes can absorb carbon dioxide at night, release oxygen, increase indoor oxygen concentration, and help sleep [14] It can also purify air and prevent radiation [15] The plant is small and exquisite, tall and beautiful, with thick leaves. It is an ideal small potted foliage flower, and can also be mixed with other succulent plants to form a potted landscape [16]

Plant culture

The flower language is elegant and elegant, and the harmony is complete. [1] Its flower language is: strong and lovely [17]