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Regional geography

Sub discipline
To study the combination of geographical elements in the region and their interrelation and interaction, comprehensively reveal the regional characteristics, and clarify the geographical branch of regional man land relationship. Geography has always had two kinds of methods, thematic research and regional research, which are both interrelated and different from each other. Regional geography is the embodiment of the characteristics of regional research in geography. The region it studies is a measurable entity with a certain geographical location. Each element has an intrinsic link and similar external morphological characteristics. In the small development process of geography, regional geography was the oldest core sector. Local geography in ancient Greece, later called geography) and more detailed small area geography (topography) are nicknames of early regional geography, which essentially describe geography in geography. The formation of scientific theories and systems in regional geography was late to the development of modern geography. Humboldt and Little believed that geography was. This paper discusses the regional research on the interrelation of various parts of earth space ". Littler focused on an extremely large area, and the interconnection he described could not be explained by direct observation at that time; Humboldt focuses on small area studies that can be verified by observation. F. Richthofon defined geography as a regional science, and his views and academic activities brought regional geography back to prominence. Hertner played Richthofen's thought and believed that the theme of geography was the study of mutual differences between geographical regions. "Geography as a region of the earth's surface" should understand the complex entity of regions on the earth as a whole from the perspective of spatial arrangement, and extend to the natural and human fields. The regional geography works in the 1880s and 1920s were studied separately according to the six departments (land, water, gas, plants, animals, and people) of Richthofen and Hertner, with little mutual connection. [1]
Chinese name
Regional geography
Foreign name
regional geography

research contents

According to the research content, regional geography can be divided into regional physical geography and regional human geography; According to the study area, it can be divided into Chinese regional geography and foreign regional geography.
The regional geography of China is based on the geographical characteristics of the whole territory of the People's Republic of China (including land islands ocean airspace )As an object, study the location of its location in the global environment, and clarify the law of China's geographical differentiation under the law of global geographical differentiation Physical geographical elements The environmental characteristics of its interaction, the composition of various natural resources and the regional distribution of comprehensive resources, the relationship between population, nationality and social and economic development, as well as the relationship between interaction and influence with the natural environment and natural resources, and the basic natural social economic law of the coordinated and harmonious development of human land relationship.
Regional geography
Geography beyond the domestic scope is called foreign geography. For China, foreign geography refers to the geography beyond the territory, territorial sea and airspace of the People's Republic of China. The development and security of any country cannot be separated from the study of the world and the geography of other countries. The study of foreign geography focuses on the geographical environment of countries and their related political geography, resource geography and economic geography from a strategic perspective. The focus of foreign geographical research is, first, to study the characteristics of geographical elements of the world, continents, countries and regions, and the current situation of the comprehensive environment, changes in the past and historical periods, and predictions of future development from the perspective of natural environment; The second is to study the current situation, characteristics, changes and expansion of various humanistic, social and economic situations from the perspective of human geography, so as to provide a geographical basis for the country to formulate development strategies and ensure national security. China advocates that the world must coexist peacefully and develop harmoniously. China attaches importance to foreign geographical research, respects the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, conducts international cooperation, and serves the goal of global sustainable development.


Regional geography can be divided into regional physical geography and Regional Human Geography Regional Physical Geography The study focuses on the interrelation of various geographical elements of the region, the characteristics, structure, formation and evolution process of the regional physical geographical environment.
Regional human geography focuses on the study of regional man land relationship, and discusses the distribution, change, diffusion of various human phenomena in the region, as well as the spatial form and structure of human social activities.
One of the important branches of regional human geography - regional economic geography studies the layout and structure of regional production, the formation and development of regional production complexes, and the economic links between regions.
Modern regional geography emphasizes the unity of nature and humanity, and pays attention to the regional integration and spatial connection of regional physical geographical elements and human geographical elements.

A brief history of research


Long history

The history of regional geography is as long as that of geography. Early regional geography mainly focused on regional description, and many geographical works can be considered as regional geographical works. Chinese during the Warring States Period "Shang Shu Yu Gong" The whole country is divided into nine states, recording the natural geographical contents of mountains, lakes, soil, etc., as well as the human phenomena of land taxes, tribute, waterway transportation lines, and ethnic groups. Eastern Han Dynasty History of the Han Dynasty Geography It is the first book named after geography in China, and also the first territory geography chronicle, recording the evolution of territory and administrative divisions in the late Western Han Dynasty, and taking administrative regions as the guide, recording natural phenomena such as mountains and rivers, rivers and lakes, and human phenomena such as water conservancy, household registration, settlements, properties, customs, scenic spots, etc. Edited by Chinese dynasties local records As well as the national general annals with regional geographical characteristics, such as those of the Tang Dynasty Yuanhe County Map It recorded the evolution, scope, mountains, rivers, household registration, tribute and historical sites of the administrative regions of the country at that time, and attached maps (see Li Jifu )Its form is close to modern regional geography works. In ancient China, the works on extraterritorial regional geography include Faxian Zhuan of the Jin Dynasty (see Faxian ), Tang Dynasty The Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty (See Xuanzang ), Yuan Dynasty Journey to the West And Ying Ya Sheng Lan, Xing Cha Sheng Lan, Western Fan Guo Zhi (see Zheng He) of the Ming Dynasty. There were also many works on regional geography in ancient western countries, such as ancient Rome period Strabo Geography, which describes the known world at that time in terms of political units, including natural characteristics, products, cities, residents and their lifestyles, customs and habits; Medieval Italy Marco Polo Of Travels of Marco Polo He recorded his experiences in the East, which is a regional geography book about the East.

Modern Geography

The founder of modern geography A. Von Humboldt and C. Little It has made an extremely important contribution to the development of regional geography. Humboldt wrote a great book after his expedition to Latin America from 1799 to 1804 Travel in the Tropical Area of the New World (30 volumes, 1808~1827), this is about Latin America The first regional geography book of, including physical geography and human geography. Humboldt used a comparative method to comprehensively study regional geographical characteristics. Little In his masterpiece General Theory of Geoscience He put forward his regional concept and different hierarchical units, emphasized the consistency or unity of the relationship between man and land, and believed that the basic concept of geography is consistency in diversity. From this, he derived two basic parts of this discipline: sector geography (also called system geography) and regional geography. Humboldt and Little both attach importance to regional research, but the former focuses on departmental physical geography, while the latter focuses on human geography in regional geography.

Late 19th century

From the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, with the development of science, geography was divided into disciplines, but regional geography has been valued by many geographers. with P. Vidal Blanc As a representative of French geographers, he engaged in regional geography research and published World Geography and other works. Germany A. Hertner The research on regional differentiation holds that region is a combination of natural and human phenomena, which is approved by R. Hart of the United States. Hartxiang in his book《 Nature of geography 》(1939) and《 Perspective on the nature of geography 》In (1959), it was considered that the department geography was the starting point and the regional geography was the end of the geographical study of the regional differentiation characteristics of the earth's surface. During this period, a large number of regional geographical works were published, involving most parts of the world. the Second World War Since then, especially since the 1960s, due to the further development and differentiation of science, as well as the extensive application of new methods such as quantitative analysis, departmental geography has developed rapidly. Regional geography has too wide research scope, which is increasingly out of touch with practical applications, emphasizing regional characteristics and differentiation, which hinders the exploration of laws, In addition, the traditional induction method often makes many regional geography works become descriptions of morphological characteristics, which only pursue the uniqueness of the region and do not study the spatial relationship between regional synthesis and surface phenomena. Therefore, regional geography develops slowly.

Twentieth Century

Since the 1930s, Chinese geographers have conducted regional geographical surveys in many regions of China, studying physical geography and human geography. Since the 1950s, due to the needs of large-scale economic and cultural construction, regional geography research has made certain achievements in China, including organizing various types of comprehensive surveys, conducting various zoning and regional planning, and publishing a large number of regional geography research papers and books. In the 1970s, due to the increasingly prominent global problems of ecology, environment, resources and population, the internationalization of productivity, the strengthening of international economic ties and the division of labor, the interrelation and influence between regions were deepened, and the regional comprehensive research of geography was re emphasized, which also put forward new tasks for regional geography. While improving traditional research methods, regional geography introduces quantitative analysis computer technology New methods such as remote sensing and system theory provide new important means for its research. While carrying out necessary geographical description, modern regional geography has strengthened the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, paid more attention to the study of the overall characteristics, structure and evolution law of regional geographical environment, and placed regional comprehensive thematic research and applied research in an important position.



Ancient Greece

Regional geography
Regional geography can be traced back to ancient Greek However, it is generally believed that the "classical" period of regional geography began from the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. The common explanation for the successful development of regional geography as a discipline is the strong desire to explore the interior of each continent at that time territory Effective management and the hope of integrating different countries and regions have sent many expeditions, whose main purpose is to study geographical knowledge, especially a lot of knowledge about physical geography. In the late 19th century, before geography became a discipline in universities, many natural scientists, such as humboldt (and Aime Bonland) began to explore the unknown world at that time. Hong Baode's academic research held a holistic view, for example South America In the 9000 page research volume, it can be seen that the themes of research include natural and human phenomena. Therefore, geography began to teach regional geography in universities very early. Due to Hong Baode's relationship, regional geography can be regarded as an enlightenment discipline of geography. However, in the late 19th century, due to the rise of the special view, the holistic view of natural science was gradually no longer taken seriously. On the other hand, the holistic view was developed in the geographical community and became the mainstream thinking that continued to influence the geographical research methods in the 20th century. stay German In the country, Austria The geographer Viktor Kraft (1929) published a view that has great influence on the analysis of geographical epistemology - the purpose and method of geography follow Neo Kantism Kraft distinguishes geography into ordinary geography (e.g. systematic, mainly based on the establishment of geographical rules) and regional geography( Landscape science From his point of view, he still believes that region is the subject of geography - the only subject that geography should study, so regional geography should be the core of geography. Therefore, system geography and its branches should be the auxiliary science of regional geography, And regional geography should have an integrated role, because regional geography studies both natural and human geography under the framework of epistemology. The fact that regional geography studies the whole region and becomes the core of geographical research also explains why regional geography still takes the holistic view as its main methodological argument even in the 20th century.
Regional geography


Regional geography
In the 1970s, although some geographers attempted to establish an epistemological basis for regional geography, the situation that regional geography was on the academic fringe did not change. For example, in Germany, In order to revive regional geography, Wirth (1978) proposed elements for regional geography based on the critical rationalism developed by Popper. According to Wirth, regional geography should be regarded as a special past situation (special situation when conducting surveys) and a universal law (that is, regional geography should be separated from system geography) The research attitude of the historical science, which deduces the special laws, not only has a description, but also provides an explanation of the empirical phenomenon of the discipline. Such research ideas challenge other disciplines, especially G Bahrenberg (1979). However, the debate between the two extremes did not cause too much impact. These extensive discussions on the importance of regional geography did not affect the "metrological and theoretical revolution" generated in the 1960s and 1970s, and another new geography discipline was re developed.

research contents


geography section

Geography records are books that use words, tables, maps, etc. to record or summarize regional geographical environment. It reflects the characteristics of each geographical element and geographical environment of the region, and is the most important expression form of the research achievements of traditional regional geography. Geographical chronicles provide comprehensive data for the study of geographical environment in historical periods and modern regions, and have important reference value for regional economic development and construction. Geography can be divided into national geography chronicles and local geography chronicles according to the regional scope.

Research on man land relationship

Consider people and geographical environment in a specific area as a whole, and study the impact of geographical environment on people and the adaptation, utilization and transformation of people to geographical environment.

Landscape research

Study the characteristics and historical development of regional geographical landscape.

Regional geographical survey

Comprehensively understand and investigate the regional geographical environment, comment on the natural conditions and resource base, use the geographical survey data to study the regional characteristics and regional differentiation, and on this basis, conduct zoning and formulate regional development plans.

Special research

Study the ecology, environment, resources, population and other issues of a region.

Regional comprehensive research

Carry out comprehensive research on the connection of various geographical elements, natural resources and ecological environment in a certain region, and take social and economic conditions into consideration to propose measures and ways for regional development, utilization and transformation, such as Tropical geography Geography of arid area Polar geography Mountainous geography as well as Natural Reserve And so on.