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Artery refers to the continuous branching from the heart into small arteries, which end in the tissue blood vessel It transports blood from the heart to all parts of the body. Due to the high internal pressure, Blood flow velocity Faster. Arterial wall Thicker, Elastic fibre More, the lumen section is round, with contractility and elasticity, which can pulse obviously with the heart contraction and blood pressure. The function of arterial wall is to expand the wall when the ventricle ejects blood; Ventricular diastole The tube wall retracts and the blood continues to flow forward.
Chinese name
Blood system
Dong Mai

Physiological significance of arteries

Blood is introduced into capillaries by various arteries. So the artery is between the ventricle and blood capillary The pipe between the two chambers is close to the ventricle, with large diameter and thick wall. After repeated branching, the pipe diameter gradually becomes smaller, the pipe wall becomes thinner, and finally forms capillaries with similar structure to capillaries arteriole , connected with capillaries. Although the diameter and wall thickness of arteries differ greatly, they have something in common in structure. It is generally composed of three layers of membrane, and the innermost layer is called tunica intima ), by endothelium And vertical connective tissue Composition; The middle layer is called Mesomembrane (tu nica media), consisting of ring-shaped tissues; The outermost floor is called adventitia (tunica adventitia ), which is composed of connective tissue arranged vertically. connect Arterial trunk Single transverse balance between Traffic branch (communicating branch); Two or more collateral branches from the vascular trunk anastomose with each other collateral anastomoses (collateral anastomoses); The branches of different arteries anastomose each other in a network on a plane called vascular net; Vascular network exists at joints, called articular network( articular net); Vascular branches of easily compressed parts of the body or highly active organs can anastomose with each other to form Arterial arch (arcus ar-teriosus)。 There are structural atypical arteries in the human body, such as cerebral arteries and Dura mater Arteries, because they are protected by the skull, have very thin tube walls and well-developed internal elastic membranes, while the middle and outer membranes are poorly developed; in addition pulmonary artery Because the pressure is far more than aorta Is small, smooth muscle And elastic membrane are less, so although the pipe diameter is large, the pipe wall is relatively weak. umbilical artery There is no internal elastic membrane, while the smooth muscle of the middle membrane is divided into internal longitudinal Outer ring Two layers, the adventitia is not obvious, which is also an atypical artery. Age change of arterial wall, from Embryonic stage After birth, the middle membrane of blood vessels is the most obvious. The elastic membrane increases from 20 to 25 years old, and reaches 50 to 60 layers in adults. The arterial wall is often Nervousness It not only bears a high blood pressure, but also is constantly impacted by blood flow, which is prone to damage. With the increase of age, the arterial wall may be sclerotic to varying degrees, especially coronary artery The cerebral artery wall is prone to atherosclerosis, which makes the artery lumen narrow.

Anatomical structure of arteries

Arteries carry blood from the heart to all parts of the body. In this process, the blood flows through the artery with decreasing diameter. The arterial wall has three layers of tunica adventitia, tunica media and tunica intima. The difference between different types of arteries lies in their thickness and composition of the capsule.

cardiovascular system

The heart and blood vessels carry blood throughout the body, and most arteries will Oxygen enrichment Our blood is transported out of the heart; Most veins carry hypoxic blood back to the heart. However, it originated from Truncus pulmonis The pulmonary artery of, pulmonary vein Transports oxygen rich blood from the lungs back to the heart.

Structure of blood vessels

Vascular wall It is composed of three concentric circular membranes. Venous wall It has less muscle, so it is thinner than the accompanying artery wall. The lumen of the vein is larger, and it looks very smooth on the tissue slice. Most of the middle veins can overcome gravity to transport blood back to the heart, which is due to Venous valve , which can prevent blood reflux. Physiological conditions It can ensure that the blood flow is different only in the direction of the heart, especially in the middle membrane. The size of arteries changes continuously, that is, from one type of artery to another morphological character Is gradually changing( Gartner And Hiatt, 1977). Arteries can be divided into three types:
(1) Elastic artery (delivery artery): the thickest one. The aorta and its branches are typical elastic arteries. The elasticity of these blood vessels can maintain a constant blood pressure during the contraction (relaxation) period of the heart. When the heart contracts, the elastic artery expands, and the elastic artery returns to its original position during the contraction interval;
(2) Muscular artery (distributing artery): distributing blood to different parts of the body, such as Femoral artery Their walls are mainly composed of circular smooth muscles. Smooth muscle contraction can shrink the lumen, making the internal space of the artery smaller. The muscular artery can be adjusted to different parts of the body according to the needs of the human body blood flow
(3) Arterioles: the smallest one. Their lumens are narrow and their walls Muscularis Relatively thick. Vascular system The arterial pressure in the middle is mainly regulated by the tension of the smooth muscle in the wall of the arterioles. If the tension is higher than normal hypertension