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Dynamic website

A general term for a website
Dynamic website does not refer to the website with animation function, but refers to Website content Websites that can be dynamically changed according to different situations. Generally, dynamic websites are structured through databases. In addition to designing web pages, dynamic websites should also use databases and Programming To make the website have more automatic and advanced functions. Dynamic websites are generally represented by asp jsp php aspx And other technologies, while Static Web Page Generally HTML Standard Universal Markup Language A subset of), dynamic website Server space The configuration is more demanding than static web pages, and the cost is correspondingly high, but Dynamic webpage It is conducive to the updating of website content and suitable for Enterprise station building Dynamic is relative to Static website for.
Chinese name
Dynamic website
Foreign name
Dynamic Website
A general term for a website
The website content can be dynamically changed according to different situations
major function
Interactive function
development language
4 kinds

Functional features

  1. one
    Dynamic websites can realize interactive functions, such as user registration Information Delivery Product display Order management wait;
  2. two
    Dynamic web page is not a web page file that exists independently in the server, but a web page is only fed back when the browser sends a request;
  3. three
    Dynamic web pages contain server-side scripts, so the page file names are often suffixed with asp, jsp, php, etc. But you can also use URL Static technology, so that the page suffix is displayed as HTML. Therefore, the suffix of the page file cannot be used as the standard to judge the dynamic and static status of the website.
  4. four
    Dynamic web pages require database processing, so the access speed of dynamic web sites is greatly reduced;
  5. five
    Dynamic web pages are less friendly to search engines than static web pages because of special code.
  6. six
    However, with the improvement of computer performance and network bandwidth, the last two have been basically solved.

development language

Currently, for dynamic Website development There are four main languages of ASP: ASP, ASP .NET 、PHP、JSP。
1. ASP namely Active Server Pages (Active Server Page), which is Microsoft A Hypertext like Markup Language( HTML ), Script, and CGI (public gateway interface), which does not provide its own programing language , but allows users to use many existing scripting languages to write ASP application program ASP programming is more convenient and flexible than HTML. It runs on the Web server side, and then transmits the running results to the browser on the client side in HTML format. Therefore, ASP is much safer than general scripting languages.
The biggest advantage of ASP is that it can contain HTML tags, directly access the database and use the ActiveX Control Therefore, it is more convenient and flexible than HTML in programming. By using ASP components and object technology, users can directly use ActiveX controls, call object methods and properties, and achieve powerful interactive functions in a simple way.
Because it is basically limited to Microsoft's operating system platform, the main working environment is Microsoft's IIS application structure, and because ActiveX Objects have platform characteristics, so ASP technology cannot easily work on cross platform Web servers.
2、ASP .NET ASP technology, the predecessor of, was first launched on IIS2.0( Windows NT 3.51 ), when compared with ADO 1.0 together, in IIS 3.0( Windows NT 4.0 )Become popular for server-side applications development tool Microsoft also specially created the VisualInterDev development tool for it. Between 1994 and 2000, ASP technology has become one of the key technologies for Microsoft to promote Windows NT 4.0 platform, and tens of thousands of ASP websites have sprung up on the network at this time. Its simplicity and highly customizable ability are also one of the reasons why it can rise rapidly. However, the shortcomings of ASP gradually emerge: Process oriented The type of program development method makes maintenance much more difficult, especially for large ASP applications. Interpretative VBScript or JScript Language, so that the performance cannot be fully played. Scalability is limited due to the lack of its infrastructure, although COM Components are available, but when developing some special functions (such as file upload), there is no built-in support, and you need to seek the control from a third-party control vendor.
3、 PHP That is, Hypertext Preprocessor, which is the most popular on the Internet today scripting language Its syntax draws lessons from C Java PERL You can use PHP to build a truly interactive Web site with very little programming knowledge.
It is related to HTML The language is very good compatibility Users can directly add HTML tags to the script code, or add script code to the HTML tag to better realize page control. PHP provides standard Database interface Convenient database connection and strong compatibility; Strong expansibility; Can proceed object-oriented programming
4. JSP Java Server Pages( Java Server Page )It is a new technology launched by Sun Microsystem in June 1999. It is a Web development technology based on Java Servlet and the entire Java (Java) system.
JSP and ASP have many similarities in technology, but they come from different technical specifications Organizations, even ASP, are generally only applied to the Windows NT/2000 platform, while JSP can run on more than 85% of the servers, and applications based on JSP technology are easier to maintain and manage than applications based on ASP, so many people think that it is the most promising dynamic website technology in the future.

Site Template

At present, for many entry-level groups, learn ASP, JSP, PHP, etc scripting language And database knowledge, relatively speaking, is a relatively difficult process. So, can we make dynamic websites without fully mastering similar knowledge?


In the process of website construction, we usually consider carefully: website content, Web Design , the overall function of the website, of which the most important factor before the production of the website is the website content, but after the completion of the website production, the proportion of design is quite large, and the website design has also become an important factor to convey the corporate image.

Main differences



Whether the program is in Server side Operation is an important sign. The programs, web pages and components running on the server are dynamic web pages. They will return different web pages with different customers and at different times, such as ASP PHP JSP CGI Etc. Programs, web pages, plug-ins and components running on the client are static web pages, such as html pages Flash JavaScript , VBScript, and so on.
Static pages and dynamic pages have their own characteristics. Whether a website adopts dynamic pages or static pages mainly depends on the functional requirements of the website and Website content If the function of the website is relatively simple and the amount of content updates is not large, it will be easier to use a purely static web page, otherwise, it will generally use Dynamic web page technology To achieve.
Static pages are Website construction There is no contradiction between static web pages and dynamic web pages, in order to adapt to the site Search Engines For the needs of retrieval, even if the dynamic website technology is used, the content of the web page can also be converted into static web page publishing.
Dynamic websites can also adopt the principle of combining static pages with dynamic pages. Where dynamic pages are suitable, dynamic pages can be used. If it is necessary to use static pages, the method of static pages can be considered. It is common for dynamic pages and static pages to exist simultaneously on the same website.


We briefly summarize the general characteristics of dynamic web pages as follows:
(1) Dynamic web pages to Database technology Can greatly reduce Website maintenance Workload;
(2) Websites using dynamic web technology can achieve more functions, such as user registration User Login , online survey user management Order management wait;
(3) In fact, dynamic web pages are not web page files that exist independently on the server. Only when users request, the server will return a complete web page;
Dynamic website
(4) "?" pair in dynamic webpage Search Engines There are certain problems in retrieval. It is generally impossible for search engines to access all pages from the database of a website, or for technical reasons, search spiders do not crawl the content behind the "?" in the website, so websites using dynamic pages are Search engine promotion Some technical processing is required to meet the requirements of search engines
What is a static web page? What are the characteristics of static web pages?
stay Website Design Medium, pure HTML The format of the web page is usually called "static web page", and the early websites were generally composed of static Web page production Of.
The URL form of static web pages is usually:
That is to say htm ,. html,. shtml,. xml, etc. are postsuffixed. Various dynamic effects can also appear on HTML pages, such as GIF format These "dynamic effects" are only visual, and are different from the dynamic web pages to be introduced below.
We briefly summarize the characteristics of static web pages as follows:
(1) Static pages Each page has a fixed URL, and the page URL is suffixed with. htm,. html,. shtml and other common forms, without "?";
(2) Once the web content is published to Web server No matter whether there is user access, the content of each static page is saved on the website server, that is to say, a static page is actually a file saved on the server, and each page is an independent file;
(3) The content of static web pages is relatively stable, so they are easy to be retrieved by search engines;
(4) There is no database support for static web pages Website production And maintenance, so when the website information content It is very difficult to rely solely on the static web page production mode;
(5) Static web page Interactivity Poor, there are great limitations in terms of functions