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processing industry

Enterprises engaged in the production of finished products
Processing industry refers to enterprises engaged in the production of finished products, excluding enterprises that provide power for production. Different from“ manufacturing industry ”Sometimes it includes both power generation and product processing.
Chinese name
processing industry
Foreign name
Fabrication industries
Enterprises engaged in the production of finished products
Part of speech

Introduction to processing industry

English name: Fabric industries
processing industry
yes raw material Partially Prepared Products Do all kinds of work (such as changing size, shape, property, increasing density, changing molecular structure, etc.) to meet the specified requirements. This type of work is collectively referred to as processing industry.
machining Industry is a kind of people's occupation and a value standard incorporated into the economic system.
Usually, people always describe the processing industry as a labor-intensive industry. Therefore, when the processing labor develops to a certain extent, there will be a trend of large-scale operation, high-end development and scope expansion. However, there are also individual labor processing industries, which do not take this as the goal, but determine the processing goal based on quality and personal labor preferences.

Development of processing industry

The development of China's processing industry has gone through a hard pioneering process from scratch, from small to large, and from less to more. The industrial system developed over 50 years has strengthened the transformation from resource advantages to industrial advantages. In the past 20 years, due to the accelerated expansion and technological transformation of state-owned enterprises, the introduction of technical equipment Imported Equipment digestion, absorption and innovation, accelerated the localization process of processing equipment, and the promotion and application of new technologies and processes improved product quality and increased product varieties. At the same time, a large number of township enterprises and private enterprises with flexible mechanisms have emerged in the country, making the output of domestic molybdenum processing materials continue to rise, the quality, variety and specification of products present a new pattern, and enterprises are transforming from production to production and operation.