California Institute of Technology

Private research universities in California, USA
zero Useful+1
synonym California Institute of Technology (California Institute of Technology) generally refers to California Institute of Technology
California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Amos G. Throop was founded in America in 1891 California Los Angeles Northeastern suburban Pasadena by private Research University , one of the world's top scientific research institutions of science and engineering, administrative management NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory [9-12] [20-21] Global University Presidents Forum member [44] Elected to the British government“ High potential talent visa program ”。 [50] There are only about 2000 students in the school, 300 professors and more than 600 research scholars, [48] However, 74 alumni, faculty and researchers received 75 Nobel Prize (including 6 existing Nobel Prize The winner is still teaching). [22]
Caltech is recognized as one of the top ten universities in the world all the year round. In 2025 QS World University Ranking Ranked 102024 in the world in the USnews World University Ranking 72023 Times Times World University Ranking 62024 in the world China Shanghai Soft Science World University ranks 9th in the world. Caltech enjoys high prestige and wide praise in the field of science, engineering and technology in the world.
Chinese name
California Institute of Technology
Foreign name
California Institute of Technology
Time of establishment
1891 [1]
Nature of running a school
Private university
School category
Science and engineering research colleges [2]
Current leaders
Thomas F. Rosenbaum [13] President
School setting
Physics, chemistry, biology, aerospace engineering, planetary science, earth science, etc
School motto
The truth shall make you free
U.S.A California Los Angeles Northeastern suburban Pasadena
major awards
46 bits Nobel Prize winner [14]
1 bit Fields Medal winner [14]
42 bits MacArthur Genius Award winner [14]
66 bits National Science Medal winner [14]
10 bits Scientific Breakthrough Award winner [14] open
beaver (Beaver)
Number of undergraduates
938 (autumn 2020)
Number of postgraduates
1299 (autumn 2020)
Campus area
124 acres (753 acres, 50 hectares)

Historical evolution

California Institute of Technology (English: California Institute of Technology) was founded in 1891 by Amos G. Throop, a local businessman and politician Pasadena A vocational school was established and developed. Before it was named California Institute of Technology in 1920, the university was famous for its Throop University, Throop College of Technology, and Throop College of Technology. Drive Caltech to become a world-class school of arts and crafts Science Center The power of is derived from the foresight of astronomer George Ellery Hale. Hale came in 1907 Pasadena Later, he joined the school board of Throop as Mount Wilson Observatory The first director of. American scientific research Still in Infancy Hale saw the opportunity to create a formal college for engineering and natural science education in Pasadena. Hale successfully attracted private land and financial support, enabling him to build well equipped modern laboratory facilities for the school. Then he persuaded experimental physicist Millikan joined Caltech to build the school into a Science and technology The foundation is laid at the center of.
Throop Hall, 1912
In 1917, Hale hired Architecture designer Bertram Goodhue to create a 22 acre campus a design chart Goodhue conceived the overall layout of the campus and designed the physical building, Dabney Hall, and other buildings, in which he sought to match the local climate, school characteristics, and Hale's educational philosophy Consistency of. Goodhue's design for Caltech was also Southern California Traditional Spanish Mission building structure Impact.
In Hale, Noyes, and Robert Andrews Millikan (Robert A. Millikan) Southern California Promoted by economic prosperity), California Institute of Technology California The reputation of the Institute of Technology was rapidly enhanced in the 1920s. In 1923, Millikan won The nobel prize in physics [16] In 1925, the school set up the Department of Geology and hired William Bennett Munro, Harvard University President of the School of History, Politics, and Economics to create the humanities and social sciences College. In 1928, the College of Biology was founded under the leadership of Thomas Hunt Morgan, the most outstanding biologist in the United States and one of the discoverers of chromosomes. In 1926, the Graduate School of Aeronautics was founded, which finally attracted Von Karman (Theodore von K á rm á n), who later became Jet Propulsion Laboratory The establishment of the California Institute of Science has made contributions and established the position of California Institute of Science as one of the frontier centers of rocket science. In 1928, Palomar Observatory Start building.
Street View of California Institute of Technology
Robert A. Millikan served from 1921 to 1945“ executive committee President "(equivalent to the president of California Institute of Technology), whose influence is so great that the school is sometimes called" Millikan School ". In the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, Caltech was probably the greatest theoretical particle at that time physical scientist The school is famous: Gelman and Feynman. Both Gailman and Feynman won the award for their work Nobel Prize , the work is Particle physics The so-called“ Standard model ”The establishment of has made major contributions. Feynman is also famous outside the physics circle as an excellent teacher and an anti traditional figure.
In June 2009, Caltech hosted the 13th Pacific Rim University Alliance President level annual meeting. [17]
In December 2016, Chen Tianqiao Donated 115 million dollars to California Institute of Technology, officially established Chen Tianqiao, Luo Qianqian Institute of Brain Science (Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute)。 [18]
April 2, 2020, and Nanjing University And other colleges and universities officially announced their establishment International University Climate Alliance [19]
In May 2022, he was elected to the British government“ High potential talent visa program ”。 [46]
Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics

academic research


Scientific research achievements

The California Institute of Technology has a group of top scientists in the world. In 2008, the American magazine Exploration selected 20 of the smartest scientists under the age of 40 in the United States. They are regarded as geniuses in their respective research fields and have made great achievements. Among these 20 talented scientists, the professors of the California Institute of Technology accounted for 4.
The famous physicists Einstein, Feynman, Hawking, Bohr, Millikan, Gelman, the famous astronomer Harley, the ancestor of genetics Morgan, and rocket expert Von Carmen all taught here. In addition to many Nobel Prize winners, the famous alumni who graduated from Caltech are Intel Founder of the company Gordon Moore , astronauts on the moon Harrison Schmitt , Chinese missile expert Qian Xuesen, etc.
Einstein at Caltech, 1932
Science is the theme of California Institute of Technology, which has also made many scientists successful: Einstein gave up his "cosmological invariance theory" here and approved the "cosmological expansion theory"; Physicist Carl Anderson found positron Physicist Del Blake is right here Viruses The genetic structure and replication mechanism of molecular genetics The birth of; Physicist Gelman proposed here Quark theory Geochemist Patterson here calculated that Earth age 4.6 billion years. also Nobel Prize in Physics Winner Robert Millikan Richard Feynman Molly Gilman, Arthur MacDonald (2015), Nobel Prize in Chemistry Winners Pauling, Rudolph Marcus, Ahmed Zewail, Martin Kapras (2013), Bezier (2014), Nobel Prize in Biology Thomas Morgan, Ed Lewis and so on.
The academic achievements of Caltech in the 20th century are briefly listed as follows: [22]
California Institute of Technology
In the 1920s and 1930s, geologist Wood invented seismograph Physicist Richard and mathematician Gutenberg invented earthquake intensity The Richter Scale. They put seismology Develop into an international discipline;
In the 1930s, Pauling carried out the research on Chemical bond Nature research, establishment molecular biology The foundation of. Obtained in 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (Won the Peace Prize again in 1962);
In the 1940s, physicist Del Blake made a major discovery on the genetic structure and replication mechanism of viruses, which led to the birth of molecular genetics.
In 1969, he won the Nobel Prize in Medicine (and Physiology);
In 1948, scientists from the California Institute of Technology first surveyed Northern Hemisphere Thousands of new houses and Galaxy comet , and drew a sky chart. This astronomical atlas is regarded as the standard by astronomers all over the world. In 1964, astronomer Schmidt found a quasar (quasars);
In 1953, Geochemist Patterson calculated that the earth was 4.6 billion years old, which was recognized by modern scientific circles. He gained the world environmental science Highest one Taylor Prize (Tyler Price);
In the 1960s, physicist Gelman put forward the quark theory. In 1969, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics;
In the 1960s, Roger Wolcott Sperry find Cerebral hemispheres Different functions of each department: Vebal thinking and language, right hemisphere director Thinking in images (spatial-visual thought)。 In 1981, he won the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology;
In 1986, the biologist Hood invented the DNA Sequencer. Up to 2013 Human gene The project mainly relies on this instrument to analyze gene sequence;
California Institute of Technology
During 1980-1990, the average professor of Caltech published 3.36 papers in first-class natural science journals. No. 2 Stanford University 1.21, only 1/3 of the former;
In October 1999, Professor Ahmed Xavier, who taught in Caltech, won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
"If Caltech is in the United States Higher Education If it does not occupy an important position in history, then it is in the modern world History of science and technology Only a few universities can match the status of the university. " Scholars' comments indicate that Caltech's academic position is unparalleled. Indeed, from the world's largest optical Astronomical telescope , to connecting atoms Force From earthquake to molecular biology; From Quark Theory to space exploration The role played by scientists at Caltech is difficult to be replaced by others.
On September 23, 2022, David Simmons Duffin Manuel Ndres (Manuel Endres) won the title of "New Vision of Physics in 2023" Award " [47]
November 2022, California Institute of Technology and the United Kingdom University of Southampton The engineers of Photonic chip (Utilize optical transmission Data) integrated electronic chip, creating a High speed transmission Information generates the least heat at the same time Final product [49]
In 2023, a team from the Bruce Murray Planetary Visualization Laboratory of California Institute of Technology announced the highest resolution global "portrait" of Mars ever, with an image of 5.7 trillion pixels providing an unobstructed black and white appearance of Mars. [55]

Scientific research platform

The school has advanced scientific research facilities, including Booth Computing Center 、Hale observatory , Seismic Laboratory, Kerckhoff Marine Laboratory, Big Bear solar system Observation station Palomar Observatory, Owens Canyon Radio Observatory NASA Of Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)、 environmental quality Laboratory, the newly established Submillimeter Observatory in Hawaii, etc. Particularly worth mentioning is the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), where scientists successfully designed the earliest modern rocket and designed and assembled the United States Apollo moon landing plan Of space ship Over the past half century, JPL has participated in the design and launch of many spacecraft of great significance, such as the Explorer Program, Sailor Plan Galileo Plan , Mars Global Surveyor, Cassini Huygens satellite, Spitzer Deep space telescope United States Aerospace The Bureau's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is also managed by the California Institute of Technology.
Scientific research centers of Caltech: Infrared Process Analysis and Research Center (IPAC), Astronomy Research Center, Material Process Simulation Research Center (MSC), Advanced Computing Research Center (CACR), Industrial Relations Research Center, Computer Resources Research Center, Computer Science Department, Bioengineering Department, Molecular Science Laboratory, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), etc scientific research institution

Academic resources

California Institute of Technology Library The system includes five branch libraries, subscribing to more than 2228 paper journals and 2959 kinds Electronic journal , there are more than 700000 books, and a wealth of Technical report Government literature and Cartographic data
Main Library
The five branch libraries are Millikan Library, Sherman Library, Dabney Library, Astrophysics Library and Geo Planetary Science Library. Among them, Millikan Library and Sherman Library are the most important two. whole Library system 41 staff, including Professional Librarian 14 people.
Millikan Library: It is the largest, the central library of the school, and its building is also the highest building in the school, Library management Interlibrary loan Document delivery service They are all concentrated here. It mainly collects the literature of biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics, and Humanities and Social Sciences Periodicals, government documents American history And monographs on social sciences, as well as micro data collection.
Sherman Library: major collection projects and Applied discipline , including environmental science computer science chemical engineering Aviation technology, mechanical engineering Applied Physics And applied mathematics.
Daboni Library: This is a library of Caltech that specializes in collecting humanities and social sciences. It is located on the first floor of Daboni Building.
It mainly collects literature, art, philosophy, European history Asia History, ancient history monographs, and music CDs.
Astrophysics Library: located in Robinson Building, where the Department of Astronomy of California Institute of Technology is located. This library is mainly for astronomers Astronomical instrument Designers, relevant professionals and students carry out optical, microwave, X-ray gamma ray Cosmic light infrared , theoretical astronomy, etc. The library also provides literature support for more professional observatory libraries.
geology planet Science Library: mainly collects Earth and planetary geology geophysical Geochemistry Seismology Paleontology Information in the field, especially in California Western United States as well as North America relevant geological data Collection is a unique advantage. The museum not only contains a large number of American countries geological prospecting investigation report And the geological distribution report of mineral deposits in California, as well as the national geological survey Relevant publications and screened foreign investigation reports. The museum's special collection includes: geology of Northwest America on-the-spot investigation Travel guide (focus on the pacific ocean and The Rocky Mountains Area between); USGS About the American West Topographic map , California topography Geomorphic map Public reports; Department of Geology and Planetary Science, California Institute of Technology Thesis

School running conditions



College setting
College of Biological Sciences, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, College of Chemical and Chemical Engineering, College of Geology and Planetary Sciences, College of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomical Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences College.
Beckman College (Chemistry)
Aeronautics Astrophysics astronomy material science Environmental Engineering , mechanical engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering , Computing and Neuroscience computer science electrical engineering seismology , seismic engineering biology molecular biology , neuroscience, geology, planetary science, chemistry, physics, mathematics, applied physics, control and dynamical system Management, Economics, Sociology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Anthropology, History, Language and Literature geophysics And so on.
The famous courses of Caltech include: Aeronautics applied mathematics Applied mechanics Applied Physics , astronomy, biology, chemical engineering, chemistry, civil engineering, computer and Network system Computer science, electronic engineering Engineering Science Environmental engineering science environmental quality Control survey, geology, planetary science, humanities, material science, mathematics, mechanical engineering physics, social science, etc. Key disciplines : The most famous discipline of Caltech, first physics, followed by engineering, chemistry, biology Aerospace , astronomy and geology.

School running concept

Since the founding of California Institute of Technology, the good school spirit and characteristic culture that have gradually formed are its World class university The fundamental guarantee of. This includes that students study hard, support each other, and are full of academic freedom; Pay attention to scientific research Interdisciplinary , research atmosphere of discussion and full and free exchange; Pursue quality and keep improving Management culture The whole campus is full of academic atmosphere of pursuing scientific truth and devoting to science.

Student educational system

Caltech only enrolls about 240 undergraduate students every year, including excellent students from all over the world. [45] Postgraduates and doctoral students also have a similar harsh elimination ratio. For many years, this school has produced the best of the best, and the reputation of the famous school has been established in this way. It's hard to take classes at Caltech, and "pressure" is synonymous with Caltech. Few other universities can catch up with the heavy academic burden, the tight pace of learning and the large amount of learning. For one time, 20% of students in each grade could not finish their studies for various reasons - either dropping out of school or transferring. The students who can stay here are famous“ workaholic ”。 On average, they study 50 hours a week, and everyone must complete 486 hours of courses before graduation. That is to say, on average, there are 5 courses in each semester, and a total of 15 courses in three semesters a year - most people even more than that. In addition, all students must attend 5 courses Physics 2 chemistry, 2 mathematics, 1 biology, 1 astronomy or geology, and two more Experiment class
Students stay up late studying at the library
In California Institute of Technology, it is impossible for one person to complete all the homework. Therefore, "collective problem solving" is not only common but also necessary. It is also common to work on problems all night long. Therefore, some students said that the most hated thing was to find that the sun had risen when the problem was solved halfway. However, the school should be kind to the new students every year. Freshmen are not given letter grades in their first year's classes, only "pass" or "fail", which is undoubtedly the result of the school's efforts to ease the pressure on students. As a result, freshmen have one year to adapt before they can fully keep up with the "breathless" rhythm of Caltech.

Social evaluation

  • School reputation
The California Institute of Technology, or Caltech for short, was founded in 1891 and is one of the world's top scientific research universities in science and engineering. [20-21]
California Institute of Technology
Caltech has only 124 acre (50.18 hectares) The area of micro campus is less than 400 Mingjiao Staff and more than 2000 students (graduate+undergraduate), but 74 of the alumni, faculty and researchers received 75 Nobel Prize (Among them, 6 Nobel Prize winners are still teaching.) It is the highest density of Nobel Prize winners in the world. [22]
The school aims to cultivate research-type professionals For the main purpose, strict elite education has been implemented all the time. The ratio of teachers and students is only 1:3, and more than 500 students have been trained as laboratory directors in universities around the world. Among the small-scale teaching staff in the campus, the school has 11 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) researcher and 6 former alumni of the Institute.
California Institute of Technology in the United Kingdom Times Higher Education World University Ranking In 2011/2012-2015/2016, it ranked first in the world for five consecutive years. In 2023-2024, The Times Higher Education World University Graduates' Employability ranked first in the world, followed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Stanford University [54]
The purpose of this private university is to education The government and industrial development need to cultivate creative scientists and engineers. As of October 2020, 40 professors and graduates (excluding temporary researchers) of Caltech have won the Nobel Prize 41 times (Pauling has won two awards), and one Nobel Prize winner per 1000 graduates on average, ranking first among universities in the world. [23] Caltech only has more than 2100 students and 290 professors, associate professors and assistant professors, including 66 National Academies of Science, 33 National Academies of Engineering and 80 National Academies of Arts and Sciences, equivalent to 36.7% of all teachers today, which is unmatched in the United States and even in the world.
  • Overall ranking
The following is the ranking of Caltech among the four major universities in the world.
Ranking of mainstream world universities
Latest year
Ranking Name
University ranking
No. 10 in the world [67]
(U.S.News Best National University Rankings)
7th in the United States [68]
U. S. News World University Ranking
(U.S.News Best Global University Rankings)
6th in the world [7]
(THE World University Rankings)
No. 2 in the world [3]
(QS World University Rankings)
6th in the world [6]
(Academic Ranking of World Universities)
No. 9 in the world [8]
U. S. News World University Ranking
(U.S.News Best Global University Rankings)
7th in the world
(THE World University Rankings)
4th in the world
(QS World University Rankings)
4th in the world [25]
(Academic Ranking of World Universities)
8th in the world [24]
In addition, in 2019-20“ World University Ranking The California Institute of Technology is ranked 11th in the world in the world university rankings released by the Center (CWUR). [26] In 2019-20 Forbes American University Rankings The California Institute of Technology ranks eighth in the United States. [27-28] November 2017, UK《 Times Higher Education 》Released globally in 2017 Employability In the strongest ranking, Caltech ranked first in the world; In November 2018, Thames Higher Education released 2018 Global University Graduates' Employment Competitiveness Ranking The California Institute of Technology ranks second in the world. [29-30] Moscow International University Ranking Ranked 23rd in 2019 and 27th in 2020. [31-32] Meanwhile, on November 23, 2023, the United Kingdom《 Times Higher Education 》Released the 2023 Global University Graduates Employment Competitiveness Ranking, and Caltech continues to rank first in the world; [69]
  • Discipline ranking
Below are the rankings of Caltech disciplines and fields.
1. 2019-20 Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking Discipline ranking [33]
Science and Engineering
World ranking
social science
World ranking
natural science
life sciences
social sciences
Medical Science
Humanities and Arts
computer science
Engineering technology
World ranking
World ranking
World ranking
chemical engineering
Medical Science
Accounting and Finance
life sciences
Earth and marine science
business administration
environmental science
Physics and Astronomy
Performing Arts
veterinary medicine
mechanical engineering
Communication and Media Research
mineral engineering
English and Literature
Development Research
Electrical engineering
Art and Design
material science
Modern Linguistics
Politics and international relations
computer science
Agronomy and forestry
Statistics and Operations Research
civil engineering
Social policy and management
3. Ranking of US News Graduate Schools in 2018-19: [35]
natural science
National ranking
social science
National ranking
Earth science
life sciences
political science
computer science
English and Literature
2019-20 US News Vocational College (Professional Schools) Ranking:
Vocational College
Engineering College
School of Education
Business School
law school
medical college
School of Nursing
National ranking
4. 2019-20 Academic Ranking of Soft Science World Universities ARWU )Discipline ranking: [4-5]
Science and Engineering
World ranking
social science
World ranking
Computer Engineering
political science
Earth science

Cultural tradition


School motto

The motto of Caltech is: The truth shall make you free; Truth makes people free.

school badge

Caltech school badge As shown in the figure.
school badge

school song

The school song of Caltech is Fight for California Tech.


California Institute of Technology owns Men's Basketball Women's Basketball , men's baseball, men's and women's fencing and other sports teams, most of which belong to the United States National University Sports Association (National College Athletic Association, NCAA) NCAA Division III. [36]

Interesting Facts

1. Twenty percent of students cannot graduate
When it comes to how hard it is to attend classes at Caltech, everyone knows it: "pressure" is the synonym of Caltech, where the academic burden is heavy, the pace of learning is tight, and the weight is so large that few other universities can catch up. One student said, "Unless you want to be a scientist or an engineer, you should never come to school here." In the bright sunshine of Southern California, Disney Hollywood And other entertainment resorts and Los Angeles There are students from Caltech who haven't stepped out in four years acre One step on campus. Many senior high schools come here for sightseeing for their upcoming study Fresh graduates Stunned and deterred, 20% of students in each grade were once unable to finish their studies for various reasons - either dropping out of school or moving away.
California Institute of Technology
The students who stay here are famous“ workaholic ”On average, students study 50 hours a week, and they must complete 486 hours of courses before graduation, that is, on average, five courses per semester, and 15 courses in three semesters a year - most people even more than that. The college will divide each year into three semesters( trimester )。 All students must take five courses Physics , two chemistry, two mathematics, one biology, one astronomy or geology, and two more Experiment class Here, almost everyone has an attitude of "no matter what problems professors assign us, we can complete".
2. Caltech and MIT Similarities and differences of
Caltech is often compared with Massachusetts Institute of Technology Compare Caltech MIT The school was built 30 years later and only in 1891, which is much smaller. MIT has more than 4500 undergraduate students, plus graduate students, there are nearly 10000 students on the campus. In California Institute of Technology, the number of undergraduates is less than 1000, and the number of graduate students is only 2000. In terms of scale, this is a small school; In terms of environment, the campus is decorated with lotus pools olive Compared with MIT factory buildings, it is indeed a big advantage. Due to the small number of people, Caltech's per capita research funds, per capita published papers, per capita citations and per capita Nobel Prizes are far higher than MIT's. Teacher student ratio It is 1:3, and MIT is only 1:6.
MIT - not everyone can go to Caltech
Caltech students have always been "dismissive" of their northeastern competitors. Compared with MIT, MIT pays more attention to Humanities and Social Sciences Combined with science and technology policy for education It looks like a coward at Caltech cheap trick "We are the 'Institute of Technology', and science is the theme here," said one student with emphasis.
Of course, Caltech students are not completely ignorant of humanities. They also have to take twelve courses in humanities or social sciences, usually one course per semester.
This is really science first. Many famous physicists and chemists made discoveries that shocked the scientific community at the California Institute of Technology. Physicist Carl Anderson found Positron Also here, R.P. Feynman, an extroverted and humorous Nobel Prize winner in physics, has been teaching for decades, becoming one of the professors most admired by students. Murry Gellmann, the Nobel Prize winner in physics, and Ed Lewis, who just won the Nobel Prize in biology in 1997. Before and after, the professors and alumni (excluding temporary researchers) of California Institute of Technology have produced 37 Nobel Prize Winners, their students really have the right to be proud.
3. Even freshmen have a chance to Engage in research
Some students complained that most professors from Caltech came here to do research and were not very interested in teaching. "The distance between professors and students seems to be a little far." However, all courses at Caltech are taught by professors, which is not what every American university can do. In addition, students at Caltech have a strong interest in research. Here, "even freshmen have the opportunity to do research", so learning does not have to be confined to the classroom. California Institute of Technology American University The most modern laboratory in China, including Keck telescope ——The world's largest Astronomical telescope And the highest computer/person ratio in the United States.
The most famous department of California Institute of Technology is physics. Today, this department has attracted physics talents from all over the country. Engineering, especially electronic engineering, as well as chemistry, biology, botany, astronomy and geology, are very attractive. In the summer, 180 undergraduate students had the opportunity to get a scholarship to carry out research with professors, and 20 percent even had the opportunity to publish their research results in professional scientific journals.
4. Don't have time to be hostile to others
Students say they like Caltech best interpersonal relationship Harmony: mutual trust and mutual care. In this small community, despite the great pressure, students do not compete with each other, but help each other. There is also a famous Honor Code, which is jointly supervised by students. Although the senior students have the key to open each dormitory, they seldom steal. Everyone can get the food in the refrigerator, but no one will touch it for several days. The most important thing is Academic morality : "If a professor sends out an examination paper that he takes home to do, no one will cheat. If the question should be finished within three hours, no one will exceed the time limit by one minute." In the school, the relationship between ethnic groups is also very good. A student explained: "Where can there be time to be hostile to others".
In the heavy Learning pressure At Caltech, there are almost no students Time thinking Anything else. There are not many cultural activities started on campus, and most people spend their weekends studying hard in their dormitories. One of the biggest differences from MIT is that there are no clubs, sports teams, or football teams here - "When you learn in a daze, everything else is not so important."
5. Intelligence of "truancy day"
When they treat teachers in class, the students behave themselves, but they start playing truant Mischief Come on, it's ironic.
Just like the young students in other universities, the students here are also changing their tricks when joking. The annual "truancy day" is a good opportunity for students to show their skills: on this day, the fourth grade students blocked their dormitories with cables, steel bars and even computer passwords, leaving only some clues about how to open the door, and then all of them withdrew from the school, Leave the junior students here to ponder over how to enter the door and get the "booty" - the food left by the fourth grade students all day (from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.).
In fact, many universities in the United States have different names of "truancy days". Generally, in spring, a group of graduating seniors choose a day to leave their classes and smile bitterly at the empty classroom, and go to the nearby beach and park to play together. But at Caltech, disruptive junior students often sneak into their dorm rooms when senior students are away, reposition the furniture, drive an old vintage car to the bedside, and even remove everything in the room, leaving no floor left.
The road is one foot higher than the devil. The fourth grade students took "anti sabotage action". Before leaving, they moved the bookshelf or bed to the door so that those who wanted to destroy could not open the door, and then jumped out of the window. So one tried his best to enter the door, and the other tried his best not to let him in. Gradually, the war that is inevitable every year became more and more serious, which often exhausted both sides and made them happy. In the 1950s, furniture alone was useless, and fourth graders began to build Bancassurance Box type obstacles -- steel bars, several tons of cement, timed clocks, thick iron plates, etc Protector All appeared. And junior students also began to use various "heavyweight" objects: electric saws, transporters, Hand held rock drill They all come in handy. Some people say that if the difference between people and other animals is that people can use tools, the difference between Caltech students and other people is that they can always find and use these tools quickly. In a word, in order to open a room, they can do anything - chisel a hole in the wall ceiling Open a sunroof. Anyway, the unwritten rule of the school is that whoever causes damage must pay for the maintenance of the room as before.
6.《 The Big Bang Theory 》Background
The Big Bang Theory Background
In the CBS American TV series The Big Bang Theory, which is very popular in China Sheldon Lee Cooper(B. S.,M.S.,M.A., Ph.D ., Sc.D.) and other three talented scientists.

administrative management

The Board of Directors is the highest authority of Caltech, and the President of Caltech is elected by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors currently has one chairman, three vice chairmen and 60 directors. In addition to the president, there are six vice presidents in charge of teaching and scientific research (also the dean of education), jet propulsion laboratory, student affairs, enterprise and finance, public relations, and astronomy facilities. The provost and the deputy provost directly lead the teaching and fundamental research 6 academic departments and 1 research institute, each of which has 1 director and 1 director. The six departments and one research institute are: Biology Department, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Department, Engineering and Applied Science Department, Geology and Planetary Science Department, humanities With the Department of Social Sciences, the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy, and the Beckman Institute (studying some topics related to biology and chemistry). The Board of Directors has seven committees, namely, executive committee, audit committee, budget committee, real estate committee, investment committee, jet propulsion laboratory committee and nomination committee. The school administration has 20 committees (most members are part-time). The Student Affairs Office is the largest "organ" in the university, responsible for the enrollment, registration, financial aid, sports Vocational guidance And other matters. The school also has Professorship It is divided into 22 committees.

Campus environment


Alumni Home

Alumni Home
The Alumni Home was built in 1919 as a single family residence. Through the efforts of alumni Carel Otte, Jim Workman and Phil Reynolds, it became the location of the alumni association of Caltech in 1980. In 1982, Jim Walkeman, President of the Alumni Association, appointed Karel Ott as the permanent resident assistant of the Alumni Home. In addition, there is also an alumni library named after John D. Bascombe, which collects souvenirs and publications of the college [56]

Beckman Auditorium

Beckman Auditorium
Beckman Auditorium is managed by the Public Activities Department of Caltech, serving the campus and community. It provides a variety of performing arts, lectures, film screenings, courses and leisure activities throughout the year. The unique design of this auditorium is intended to become a landmark building at the north end of the campus [56]

Braun Sports Center

Braun Sports Center
In 1954, a gymnasium and a swimming pool were built in the South Campus. Thirty years later, the Carl F. Braun Trust Fund added a swimming pool, expanded the stadium, and improved the locker room. In 1992, they funded the construction of Braun Sports Center on Wilson Avenue [56]

Well known alumni

As of 2017, excluding temporary faculty, 37 alumni or professors of Caltech have won 38 Nobel Prizes (including 22 alumni, 15 professors who are not alumni, and 5 professors who are also alumni, of which chemist Bao Lin has won two Nobel Prizes: the 1954 Chemistry Prize and the 1962 Peace Prize); 47 people won National Science Medal 10 people won the National Technical Medal. [37] 75 of the current professors National Academy of Sciences , 29 Academician of the National Academy of Engineering , 75 countries College of Arts and Sciences academician. [38-39] only 2017 Nobel Prize , 5 winners have studied or worked in Caltech, including 2 Physics Award Winner, 2 winners of Physiology Medicine Award, and 1 winner of Chemistry Award. [40-42]
full name
Linus Pauling
Physicist, China nuclear physics Founder of [66]
Father of modern mechanics in China, Vice Chairman of CPPCC, educator [65]
Microbial biochemistry and molecular geneticist, who won the Outstanding Alumni Award of California Institute of Technology in 1996 [43]
biomechanics Founder of [64]
Mechanics and Mathematicians, Contemporary applied mathematics The leader of the school
Intel One of the founders of the company, Moore's law Founder of [62]
Biophysicist, member of the National Academy of Sciences [63]
1965 Nobel Prize winner in physics [61]
astronomer, a quasar Discoverer of [60]
Founder of modern genetics in China [59]
front University of California Los Angeles Branch schools Dean of the College of Natural Science, now Hong Kong University of Science and Technology principal [58]

University application

California Polytechnic is located in Pasadena, a charming city in southern California, Hollywood And other entertainment resorts as well as Los Angeles. The purpose of this private university is to " education The government and industrial development need to cultivate creative scientists and engineers.
Nature: private, specialized college
Location: USA, California , Pasadena
Time of establishment: 1891
Organization: 6 departments under the college
School motto: The truth shall make you free
Current President: Thomas F. Rosenbaum
Application condition: SAT Reasoning Test is compulsory. SAT Subject Test requires Math 2, chemistry, biology and physics. Bachelor of Science Or Bachelor of Engineering necessary condition ,GRE Tendentiousness The test is lay down a condition Three copies recommendation And study plan are indispensable, no exam required TOEFL
Application information
1. Performance requirements
undergraduate IELTS Not acceptable, please consult the university; Undergraduate and graduate students are required to have an IELTS score of more than 7.0; Toefl 100
sat math 753 sat verbal 660
SAT total score 1530-1580 act 35-36 [53]
Undergraduate tuition/year $33324 Master's tuition$
Total Undergraduate Fees/Year $49968 Total Master Fees/Year$
Admission ratio 3% [52]
2. Admission requirements
Notarized copies of scores (average scores no less than 90 points)
TOEFL score
GRE score (no less than 1300 points) - postgraduate
GMAT Score (no less than 680 points) - postgraduate
SAT Score (no less than 1500 points) - undergraduate
Personal statement
Three letters of recommendation
3. Scholarship
Percentage of undergraduate scholarships
Average scholarship for undergraduates
twenty-two thousand and twenty-six
International students Scholarship proportion
4. Related expenses
English name of the project
Study expenses in 2016-2017 academic year
Tuition and fees
Board and lodging expenses
Room and board
Book expenses
Books and supplies
Personal expenses
Estimated personal expenses
Other meal expenses
Additional Meal Allowance(est.)
Estimated Total