surplus value

[shèng yú jià zhí]
Economic terminology
zero Useful+1
Residual value according to Marx The theory of ruling class Exploitative New value The value created by labor and Labor remuneration The difference between them, that is bourgeois class Labor of free possession ". [1]
Surplus value is Labor process "Value added". Obviously, this "value-added" is not that "value-added", but it determines economic phenomena Price and profit growth trends in the sector. [1]
about Surplus value theory Marx gave a general comment: "All economists made a mistake: they did not study surplus value in terms of its pure form, not in terms of surplus value itself, but in terms of special forms such as profit and rent." [1]
Chinese name
surplus value [12]
Foreign name
surplus value [12]
Karl Marx
application area
Theoretical contribution
As Criticism of Political Economy The discipline foundation of

weather phenomenon


Basic concepts

In the 19th century, the world capitalism Still in Early growth stage Enterprise scale They are usually small, Production technology The means are very simple.
Although there has been partial temporary surplus, the overall social production is in short supply.
Under such historical conditions, the main basic means adopted by the capitalists in order to earn more profits is to force workers to work for a long time and with high intensity. This kind of high pressure method naturally caused the resistance of workers, even resistance.
Under such a historical background, Marx put forward the theory of surplus value, whose basic viewpoints are:
(1) Capitalists pay wages to workers, and after purchasing workers' labor force, they force workers to work for them for a long time, thus money is converted into capital;
(2) The total capital of the capitalists is divided into two parts. One part is used to purchase the labor force of workers, which is called“ Variable capital ”Its value is variable in the production process and can be increased through workers' labor; The other part is used to purchase machinery, equipment, raw materials, fuels, etc., which is called "constant capital". In the production process, its value is unchanged, but the original value is transferred to new products;
(3) The total labor time of workers is divided into two parts, one is called "necessary labor time", which is used to reproduce the labor value of workers, and the other is called "surplus labor time", which is used to create new value;
(4) The new value created by workers in the remaining labor time is called surplus value;
(5) Surplus value was originally the product of workers' labor and should be owned by workers, but it was monopolized by capitalists free of charge by virtue of their ownership of the enterprise, which is the secret of capitalists exploiting workers to get rich;
(6) In order to strengthen the exploitation of workers and earn more surplus value, capitalists have taken two basic ways:
One is to force workers to extend their working hours, or force workers to increase their labor intensity, so as to absolutely increase the surplus labor time. This method is called "absolute surplus value";
The second is to shorten the necessary labor time through technological progress, that is, shorten the time for workers to reproduce the value of labor force, and relatively extend the surplus labor time. This method is called extracting "relative surplus value";
(7) Profit, interest, land rent and commercial transportation , finance, insurance, service industry, etc Industrial sector The income of employees is transformed from the surplus value created by industrial workers.
There are two cores of the above surplus value theory:
(1) Capitalists mainly earn profits by forcing workers to extend their working hours;
(2) Only the living labor of industrial workers can create new value, others production factors And commercial service industry unproductive Employees in the industry cannot create new value. This was basically in line with the facts in the 19th century, and because of this, the theory of surplus value was widely spread and widely recognized throughout the world.

Contention of opinions

Surplus value theory The exact meaning of "Theory of Surplus Value", after careful investigation of various occasions where "surplus value" appears, is found that its meaning is not uniform, there are at least two kinds:
The first is that from the perspective of value creators, "surplus value" is a concept opposite to "self use value", which refers to the part of value created by workers that exceeds their own and family needs;
The second is that if the value created by the laborer is not enough or only enough to meet the needs of himself and his family, and there is no surplus, he will not create surplus value. If the value created by a worker is not equal to his salary, he will not create surplus value. Only when he creates more value than his salary can he create surplus value.
Marx said: Surplus value is the value created by hired workers and occupied by capitalists free of charge, which exceeds the value of labor force.
The surplus value here, that is, the surplus value of capitalism, is essentially the part of the value created by workers that exceeds their own and family needs, because the value of labor force is determined by the cost of means of subsistence needed to maintain the production and reproduction of labor force, including the cost of training and education of workers themselves and the cost of maintaining the life of their family members, This is precisely the value created by workers in their own and family needs - self use value.
Therefore, the old and new interpretations of surplus value are essentially the same, and the difference only lies in:
First, Marx stood capitalist society The essence of capitalist production is revealed by analyzing and explaining the essence of surplus value production in capitalist society based on the position of class opposition;
Second, the new interpretation is to interpret surplus value from a broader concept, which is universal Applicability , which can explain all the surplus value relative to the self use value.
The second meaning of surplus value is that, from the perspective of the carrier of value, it is the concept opposite to "used value", which refers to the value left after the use of goods. This meaning is not as common as the first one, but it also appears in TV, newspapers, books and daily life.
For example, before 8:00 a.m. on December 12, 2000, CCTV Of“ Oriental Space Time ”The program once reported that someone recycled“ E-waste ”Good results have been achieved through reuse. In particular, an Indian man used this to assemble a motorcycle, which means the "surplus value" of waste utilization. The "surplus value" here obviously does not mean the value created by workers that exceeds their own and family needs, but the value left after the use of goods.
We sometimes hear people refer to the reuse of waste water as the surplus value of used water, and the recycling of waste materials and wastes as the surplus value of used goods. This "surplus value" also refers to the residual value of goods after use.
Surplus value and value surplus
The two meanings of "surplus value" are the value created by people and the value of the goods themselves context It is easy to identify what it means.
Because the first meaning is very common and the second meaning is relatively rare, we mainly discuss the residual value based on the first meaning.
From this perspective, we can see that the surplus production does not only exist in capitalist society , various histories after the end of primitive society Development stage Are always there.
surplus value
Another understanding: from modern times information science system science From the perspective of, the world consists of three elements: material, energy and information, and the value of commodities also consists of these three elements. To produce a commodity, we need to consume a certain amount of material and energy, and more importantly, we need the knowledge to produce this commodity. If the unit commodity consumes 3 yuan of material value and 3 yuan of energy value, it is necessary to produce this commodity Knowledge value 3 yuan, the value of the unit commodity is 9 yuan. When Repetitive production For this product, Value Added value. The value of the second unit commodity is still 9 yuan, but the actual material consumption is 3 yuan+the actual energy consumption is 3 yuan, totaling 6 yuan. Because the production of the first commodity already has the knowledge to produce this commodity, the knowledge can be shared, and there is no actual consumption. As a result, the value added is 3 yuan, and the input value is 6 yuan. The result value is 9 yuan. The three yuan are generated by knowledge Value added Is the real surplus value.


Value is commodity economic form A basic fact of society. The "surplus value" based on the value is Factory made The fact that. Its appearance is Labor Agreement Or labor and capital Negotiation contract The result of the execution process of. [2]
In fact, New Institutional Economics Of Incomplete contract The theory is equivalent to the "surplus value theory" in terms of status, which means that workers can not figure out their own "surplus", which is actually the last of the management control power It does not belong to workers. That is to say, workers are right Labor process No final control. This is a fact of a commodity society, which Marx called“ Surplus value theory ”。 [2]
In a narrow sense, capitalistic enterprise It is directly stipulated as the capitalist's control mode of production and labor contract in a capitalist labor process, which makes special use of the market labor contract. [2]

Production mode

Development history
Primitive society early stage, productivity The level is very low. The value created by workers cannot meet the needs of themselves and their families. People are starving for many times, so it is difficult to create surplus value.
At the end of the primitive society, due to the development of productive forces, the value created by the workers, in addition to meeting their own and family needs, still had a small amount of surplus, so they could produce a small amount of surplus value.
The generation of surplus value social development It had a great impact. The most obvious thing is that the winner of the war no longer killed the prisoners of war, but used them as slaves for himself Production surplus value
feudal society The production of surplus value is widespread, and the land rent collected by landlords and various kinds of national income taxes and levies They all come from the surplus value created by farmers and other workers.
As we all know, the essence of capitalist production is the production of surplus value. capitalism Corporate profits and national revenue All come from the surplus value created by workers and other workers.
socialist society As discussed above, there is a wide range of surplus value production, and in the future Communist society , will be even more inseparable from the production of surplus value, because there will be more types of occupations, Social division of labor Will be more detailed and more people will leave Material production department And engaged in culture, education, health public service For example, if the workers in the material production sector cannot create more surplus value, many of the non-material productive work necessary for society will not be carried out, and the whole social machine will stop working.
the Second World War in the future, capitalist country Experienced The Third Scientific and Technological Revolution , electronic computer numerical control machine etc. Automation device It is widely used in production, Machinery industry It has developed to the automation stage.
Production automation Main performance of
First, the development and utilization of industrial robots, using machines to manipulate machines, has replaced a large number of workers physical labor And partial mental labour
Second, automatic production line The number of workers directly engaged in production operations has been greatly reduced, and even a few so-called“ Unmanned factory ”。
bourgeois class According to these circumstances, economists pointed out that technology and science "become independent sources of surplus value", and Marx's theory of surplus value is no longer applicable to modern capitalism. However, this view is wrong.
The production automation under capitalist conditions only means that tool of production More advanced, whether robots, automated production lines or "unmanned factories", they are still essentially Materialized labor or Constant capital In kind. Their value is formed in the process of workers producing them. When they participate in the production of products, they just transfer the original value to the products without creating New value , let alone create surplus value. Under the condition of production automation, directly engaged in productive labor While the number of workers engaged in scientific research, design, technology and management is increasing, the proportion of mental labor among "total workers" is increasing, and the complexity and intensity of labor are increasing, which makes it a labor with high productivity. With other conditions unchanged, this labor will create greater value and surplus value.
In short, the production automation in capitalist countries is human social sciences technical progress And its universal adoption will greatly improve labour productivity So that all capitalists can obtain more surplus value than in the past. Under capitalist conditions, production automation is a means for capitalists to obtain high surplus value, while workers are employed surplus labor It is still the only source of this surplus value.
On the historical destination of surplus value, Socialist country According to Marxism, surplus value should belong to proletariat All.
Generation mode
surplus value
The transformation of labor into commodities and currency into capital is the transformation of labor surplus into surplus value Socio economic conditions And processes. Marx's theory of demonstrating this process is Labor axiology Fundamental Surplus value theory
Karl Marx On《 Capital 》"Surplus value is the excess created by employees and occupied by capitalists free of charge." value of labor power The value of surplus labor The condensation of capitalism reflects the relationship between capitalists and hired workers in terms of exploitation and being exploited. [3]
Not only can it be explained and solved economic problem It can also explain and solve a series of problems such as life and society, so as to improve the surplus value theory of Marxism and greatly enhance the vitality of Marxism.
In a sense, surplus value production is the inevitable result of social development, Social production The greater the surplus value of, the more progressive society.
stay new economy In society, when we analyze the production of surplus value, we should give surplus a broader and new concept, or we should understand the production of surplus value from a new perspective, which is also the requirement of the development and progress of the times.
Absolute surplus value production
Absolute surplus value Refers to Necessary labor time Under the same conditions, due to Extended working days The surplus value produced by length. capitalism The working days of workers under the system are divided into two parts: necessary working hours and Remaining labor time
Under the condition that the necessary working hours are fixed, the longer the working days are, the longer the remaining working hours are, and the more surplus value the capitalists extract from the workers, thus Residual value ratio The higher. That is to say, the necessary labor time remains unchanged. The longer the labor days are, the longer the remaining labor time is, and the higher the residual value rate is, Residual value The bigger.
surplus value
In the early days of capitalism, it was mainly manual labor, and capitalists often used extended working time To extract more surplus value.
In addition, the capitalists also used labour intensity To extract surplus value. Increasing labor intensity means that workers spend more Labor volume In fact, it is equivalent to extending the working day. This is a covert form of extending the working day.
The minimum limit of working days shall not be less than or equal to the necessary working hours. If there is no surplus labor time to produce surplus value, capital production will no longer exist. Therefore, the working days of workers must be greater than the necessary working hours.
The maximum limit of working days is restricted by the following two factors:
First, Physiological boundary of labor force
Workers must have some time for rest and meals every day to meet Physiological needs , restoring labor force;
Second, Moral boundary
Workers need a certain amount of time in a day for housework and participation social activities And cultural life To meet the spiritual and social needs. The scope and quantity of such needs depend on the social, economic and cultural Development level
Under the constraints of the above two factors, the actual length of working days depends on Wage labour And capital.
Relative surplus value production
Relative residual value Under the condition that the length of working days remains the same Necessary labor time And extended accordingly Remaining labor time The residual value of. [3]
So, how can we shorten the necessary working hours?
The necessary labor time is the time to reproduce the value of labor force, and to shorten the necessary labor time, it must be reduced Value of labor
The value of labor force is necessary to maintain the life of workers and their families Means of subsistence The value composition of (essential means of subsistence) is subject to two conditions:
First, the production workers and their families must live in the means of subsistence sector labour productivity To reduce the value of means of subsistence, we must improve these Production department Labor productivity.
Second, the labor productivity of the production departments related to the production of these means of livelihood. these ones here Means of production The increase of labor productivity in the sector will also reduce the value of the means of subsistence.
Therefore, the production of relative surplus value is due to social labor productivity It increases and reduces the value of labor force, thus shortening the necessary labor time and realizing the result of extending the remaining labor time accordingly. [4]
Automated production
along with computer technology , information technology, automatic control technology network technique etc. Modern science and technology With the rapid development of, machine operation is being promoted in more and more fields to replace people's heavy physical and mental power. Production automation is the most appropriate reference for this trend.
Production automation means that labor is increasingly replaced by machine programmed operation, which means human Labor input less and less. Due to the substantial increase in productivity, more and more wealth( use value )Be produced.
The application of high technology makes production efficiency The production of wealth has increased while high-tech Enterprise profit It is also increasing, otherwise the capitalists will not adopt advanced technology.
Derived from political economics The problem is:
1、 Why is profit (surplus value) likely to increase when labor input is reduced in production?
2、 Is labor still the source of value or profit in the modern economy, which is widely used by high-tech?
The problem of pushing production automation to the extreme - unmanned factory - conveys a clearer meaning. That is, does the unmanned factory have no profit (surplus value)?
Intuition alone can give a negative answer.
So, Unmanned factory Where does the profit (or surplus value) of?
The first thing to be clear is that any advanced machinery equipment Production process , regardless of its Production process The extent of coverage, Degree of automation How high are they? They all participate in the production of value and use value as the "owner's means of production". The operation of machinery and equipment is only based on the program designed by people in advance. The operation of machinery and equipment in an unmanned factory can only transfer its own value to new products, but cannot create any new value. only labor spent in production It is still the source of surplus value (profit).
Now, let's answer nobody Factory profit (residual value). Marx's labor value theory It is clear that the value of goods is determined by“ Socially necessary labor time ”Determined, not by individual enterprises Working hours affirmatory. Social necessary labor time is the labor time of individual enterprises in the whole society“ weighted average ”。
(1) From the perspective of the essence of value, value is a general concept, which reveals the substance between commodity producers Interests
(2) From Value In terms of (scale), the quantity of value reflects the relative relationship of labor productivity among commodity producers. In this way, it is easy to understand that "unmanned factory" can still obtain surplus value (profit) without living labor.
This is because:
First, the value of commodities is determined by the necessary labor time of the society, not by whether a "unmanned factory" uses workers (labor force). That is to say, if the society generally uses live labor to produce a certain commodity, the value of the commodity will be high, which has little to do with the amount of labor used by a factory.
On the contrary, the individual labor of the products produced by the unmanned factory is far less than Social labor The result of selling the commodity according to the social value is: no one gets it from the factory Excess surplus value (Profit).
Theoretically, as long as the whole society commodity production Unmanned factories are not all used Production mode The necessary labor time of the society will form the value of commodities. Through the "weight center" of value, other departments using live labor will transfer the value created by themselves to the products of the unmanned factory.
Second, a large amount of social auxiliary labor supports the operation of the "unmanned factory" machine system. Even despite the special situation that technological monopoly brings profits, the operation of "unmanned factory" cannot be separated from the intellectual support and material support of all walks of life in the whole society. This is reflected in:
(1) With the progress of society, elementary education and fundamental research Of Scientific and technological achievements Has increasingly become a national and social“ public goods ”It is widely used for free by the "unmanned factory". These are free to use Labor achievements Will undoubtedly become an "unmanned factory" Value creation The source of.
(2) The independent (or joint) full-time R&D institutions of enterprises provide intelligence sources for the "unmanned factory". All high-tech enterprises have their own research and development institutions, which are specially responsible for tackling and production process Closely related technical problems or production processes, and apply the research results to production practice free of charge.
Third, in economic globalization Today, with world market formation commodity value There is also a trend of "globalization", which means that the value creation of commodities has expanded to the world.
In this way, the so-called advanced and backward, some people and no one only show a relative relationship. In fact, "unmanned factory" is just a link in the development of human labor specialization, and its value source should be traced back to human labor outside the factory.

Surplus value production

Basic concepts
Residual value is Capitalist commodity production The special category of "s" is related to this specific analysis object. It indicates the capitalist factory system and the expansion of reproduction Socio economic system This is an essential analysis.
Therefore, we should firmly grasp this feature to conclude the surplus value production relationship, study its various appearances, and analyze the physiological process of capitalism.
Some researchers have problems with this:
First, leave the limited object, discuss the category nature of surplus value, and attribute the phenomenon that should not belong to surplus value production to it. This is "Zhang Guanli Dai" and "poaching". After all, we can't have surplus value analysis for everything economic form And the economic process, otherwise it will be counterproductive.
Second, use accounting And "surplus value". Moreover, it is arbitrary and unprovoked to accuse the category of surplus value of being "outdated". Econometrics and system analysis The residual value of is not a level regulation.
Third, we did not pay attention to the national historical connotation of surplus value, but blindly carried out "mathematical reasoning". This is the logicalization of surplus value, and all kinds of "obstacles to understanding" caused by it are based on inappropriate "assumptions".
In a word, this concept is empty without the capitalist factory. [5]

Capital distribution

Three types of capital generation
Marx's portrait
In the process of capitalist development, three kinds of capital have been formed: Industrial capital Commercial capital Borrowing capital Capitalists are also divided into three groups: industrial capitalist commercial capitalist And loan capitalists.
In addition, there are also large land owners in capitalist society, and these exploitation groups all take surplus value as the basis for survival. Surplus value distribution is obtained by industrial capitalists Industrial profit , obtained by commercial capitalists Business profit Borrowing capitalists get interest, and large landowners get rent, revealing the secret of capitalist exploitation.
Marx pointed out: "The concentration of the means of production and the socialization of labor have reached the point where they are incompatible with their capitalist shell, which will be blown up. Capitalist private ownership Of knell It's going to ring. The dispossessed will be deprived. "
Marx in Capitalist mode of production Next, he studied productive labor, discovered the theory of surplus value, revealed the development law of the inevitable demise of capitalism and the inevitable victory of socialism, and established the proletarian social position And Historical mission , identified the Communist Party's Basic Program And the basic line, become the methodology of the Communist Party outlook on life And values.
Industrial capital and industrial profit
1. Surplus value converted into profit
Profit and surplus value are the same thing, but the difference is that surplus value is for variable capital, and profit is for all Prepaid capital for. Surplus value is the essence of profit and profit is the transformation form of surplus value Content and form Relationship.
profit margin It is the ratio of residual value to total prepaid capital, and the profit rate is always less than the residual value rate. Profit margins mask the true source of surplus value. The profit rate is produced by capitalist goods impetus , capitalists engaged in Production and operation The only goal of the company is to pursue the maximum profit. Where the profit rate is high, the capital will be invested there.
2. Profit converted into average profit
Competition between departments and capital free flow , making the profit rate of each production department tend to average, forming a social Average profit rate After the formation of the average profit rate, the capitalists in each department will obtain the profit corresponding to their capital volume according to the average profit rate, which is called average profit.
3. Conversion of commodity value into production price
As profits turn into average profits, the value of goods also turns into production prices. After the surplus value is converted into average profit, the goods are no longer sold by value, but by Cost price The production price composed of average profit is sold. Production price is the transformation form of commodity value. The formation of production price is based on the formation of average profit rate.
After the commodity value is converted into production price, market price It is no longer about the fluctuation of value, but about the fluctuation of production price.
4. Average profit and Production price law Role of
production Price formation Later, the goods will be sold at the production price, so, law of residual value When it is transformed into the law of average profit, the law of value will also be transformed into the law of production price. The market price of commodities fluctuates up and down with the production price as the center, which is the manifestation of the role of the law of value under the new conditions.
The role of the law of production price is embodied in:
First, spontaneously adjust the distribution of capital and labor among various social sectors.
Second, it regulates the distribution of surplus value among the capitalists.
Third, we should encourage capitalist enterprises to constantly improve production technology and strengthen management.
suffer Excess profit Driven by, enterprises must constantly improve production technology, improve operation and management, and reduce production costs , improve economic efficiency, thus promoting capitalist economy Development of.
Commercial capital and commercial profit
1. Nature and function of commercial capital
Commercial capital is derived from industrial capital Commodity capital The form of capital that is separated from the function and plays an independent role is the independent form of the function of commodity capital.
The function of commercial capital is the function of commodity capital, that is, to engage in Commodity sales And realize the value of prepaid capital and residual value.
2. Formation of commercial profit
Seen from the phenomenon, commercial profits come from commodities Selling price The difference above the purchase price.
This creates the illusion that commercial profits are derived from the markup above the value of commodities Circulation field Generated.
In fact, commercial profit is only a part of the surplus value created by industrial workers in the production process, which is transferred from industrial capitalists to commercial capitalists. After the independence of commercial capital, like industrial capital, it must also obtain average profits.
three Commercial circulation expenses And its compensation
Productive circulation costs To the extent necessary, it will add all of them to the value of the goods, increase the value of the goods, and then get compensation through the realization of the value of the goods, and obtain average profits.
Pure circulation cost The value of goods cannot be added. Its compensation and profit are obtained by improving Sales price Method.
Borrowing capital and interest
1. Loan capital and interest
Borrowing capital is temporarily loaned to Functional capitalist Used Monetary capital This is through money lending Relationship Capital form participating in the division of surplus value.
Interest rate The maximum limit of cannot exceed the average profit rate. Under the condition that the average profit rate is fixed, the interest rate is affected by the relation between supply and demand Adjustment of.
stay capitalist society Medium, Monetary capital The loan of is mainly carried out through banks. Banks are specialized in monetary capital Lending relationship Capitalist enterprises of intermediaries. Bank capitalist Operating currency Capital business The purpose of is also to gain profits.
Bank profits are determined by Loan interest and interest on deposit The difference between the two is formed. Bank profit is the same as banker investment bank Of Own capital The ratio of is the profit rate of bank capital. The profit rate of bank capital must also be equal to the average Industrial and commercial enterprises The average profit margin of. Bank profits, like interest, come from the surplus value created by industrial workers.
three Share capital And dividends
The joint-stock company separates the ownership of capital from the right to use capital, and the stock owner has become a pure owner of monetary capital, who can receive dividends on a regular basis only based on the ownership of capital. The essence of dividends is still the surplus value created by workers.
capitalism Land ownership And ground rent
one capitalist rent The essence of
Land rent is the economic realization of land ownership. The essence of capitalist land rent is that agricultural capitalists land use right The surplus value paid to land owners and created by agricultural workers exceeds the average profit. It embodies Agricultural capitalist The relationship of exploiting agricultural workers together with landowners.
There are two basic forms of capitalist land rent, namely differential land rent and absolute land rent.
2. Differential ground rent
In capitalist agriculture, the amount of land rent paid by agricultural capitalists to land owners is different on land of equal area but different quality, that is, differential land rent. The grade difference of land is the condition for the formation of differential land rent.
The reason of differential land rent is the monopoly of land management right caused by land limitation, because in agriculture, land is limited, especially good land.
The first form of differential land rent( Graded ground rent I )And the second form of differential rent( Differential Land Rent II )。
Graded land rent I means that the equivalent capital invested in different grades of land at the same time has different productivity The land rent generated from the excess profits is due to the different fertility of the land and Land location Different.
Differential land rent II refers to the land rent converted from excess profits formed by continuous investment of the same amount of capital on the same land with different productivity.
3. Absolute ground rent
In capitalism Monopoly of private ownership of land Agricultural capitalists must pay land rent no matter what kind of land they rent. This is caused by Private ownership of land The absolute land rent is the land rent generated by the monopoly of.
The formation of absolute land rent is based on the fact that the organic composition of agricultural capital is lower than social capital On average, there are institutions. The monopoly of private ownership of land is the cause of absolute land rent. The source of absolute land rent is still the surplus value created by agricultural workers.
In addition to the two basic forms of differential rent and absolute rent, capitalist rent also has monopoly rent.
The so-called monopoly rent is the real Monopoly price The land rent generated from the excess profits. Land price is directly proportional to the amount of land rent and inversely proportional to the bank interest rate.
With the improvement of the organic composition of capital, the profit rate and interest rate have a downward trend, so the land price shows an upward trend.

Status role

Residual value in civil life China plays a very important role. The surplus value created by workers is a measure of society productivity Level, Value of life Size, and the importance of national financial strength Ruler
A yardstick for measuring productivity
The amount of surplus value created by workers is an important yardstick to measure the level of social productivity.
The amount of surplus value created by workers is directly proportional to the level of social productivity. The lower the level of social productivity, the less surplus value created by workers; The higher the level of social productivity, the more surplus value the workers will create. Therefore, the amount of surplus value created by workers is an important yardstick to measure the level of social productivity.
with agricultural production For example, the output of a labor force in a year was still hard to support themselves and their families in primitive society; slave society In feudal society, although the output has improved, it can only support a few more people besides themselves and their families; In capitalist society, due to the huge development of productivity, its output can feed dozens or hundreds of people developed country , what percentage agricultural population It can meet the food supply of the whole population, which is the proof.
Here, the continuous growth of surplus value created by agricultural labourers marks the continuous development of agricultural productivity, and the level of agricultural productivity can be judged by its quantity.
A yardstick for measuring the value of life
The amount of surplus value created for society is an important yardstick to measure the value of life.
What is the value of life?
Although there are different interpretations of it, everyone agrees that if people make great contributions and have obvious influence, their life will be of great value.
The more surplus value created by human society, the greater the contribution, the more significant the impact, and the greater the value of life; On the contrary, if there is less surplus value created for the society, the contribution will be smaller, the impact will be smaller, so the value of life will be smaller. If there is no surplus value created for the society, then life will be worthless. In this way, the amount of surplus value created for the society becomes an important yardstick to measure the value of life.
Among all kinds of people, normal people can create value, but dementia people and vegetable people cannot, so they can not create surplus value, but need to live on the support of others. Therefore, their life can not only be said to be worthless, but also can be said to be "negative value".
Although normal people can create value, some people, such as those in history noble Slave owners, landlords and some purity in modern society“ Profiteer ”Instead of creating, they live a luxurious life. Because they do not create surplus value for the society, but consume the surplus value of the society, their life is not only valueless, but also "negative value". Like dementia people and vegetable people, it is purely a social appendage.
The total value created by a normal person who creates value includes self use value and surplus value. People create more total value and surplus value naturally Total value Under certain circumstances, more self use value leads to less surplus value, and less self use value leads to more surplus value. The relationship between the two is inversely proportional. The value of life changes with the amount of surplus value.
For example, model official revered for wisdom and integrity , Bao Gong Hai Rui Such historical people with lofty ideals as Jiao Yulu, Kong Fansen, Premier Zhou and a large number of other Communist Party members have made great contributions to the society in an selfless and selfless manner. However, they and their families live a very frugal life, with very little self use value and a lot of surplus value, so their lives are very valuable and highly praised; However, corrupt officials such as He Shen, Hu Changqing and Cheng Kejie, who have created value at the expense of public interests and profited from private interests Embezzlement and bribery If the value created by him is changed into self use value, the amount of surplus value will be very small, even negative, so his life will be valueless and will be nailed to history forever Stigma column I was scolded by others.
Some staff of state organs, cultural and educational institutions, unable to get rid of the shackles of traditional dogmas, believe that only workers in the material production sector can create surplus value, Non material production sector Our workers do not create surplus value. So I strongly oppose this view and think that they have not created surplus value. According to this view, their life will be worthless It's tolerable , who can't bear it?
In fact, they didn't understand that value is just a category of usefulness, that is, the relationship between the object and the subject's needs. Anyone created social needs Everything creates value. The value created can not only meet the needs of yourself and your family, but also meet the needs of others. It is not because you are not a worker in the material production sector that you do not create value and surplus value.
Personnel of state organs, cultural and educational institutions whose work is of great importance social results , its benefits Much greater than What we need is far more than what the society pays for us Total payroll How can you say that you have not created surplus value?
A yardstick for measuring national financial resources
Labourers create for society Total surplus value It is an important yardstick to measure the strength of national financial resources.
How to measure the national financial resources (note: this refers to the national financial resources, not comprehensive national strength )The strength of? Often used Gross National Product Or per capita national income, which is far less accurate than the total amount of surplus value created by workers for society.
This is because: although the gross national product is indeed closely related to the strength of national financial resources, it depends on the size of the country to a large extent (such as old China )Even if the economy is backward, the GNP will be quite large Consumption It is also large, and the country's financial resources are actually very weak, so it is impossible to accomplish anything important. Although the per capita national income can accurately reflect the national wealth, if the country is too small, even if Per capita national income It is very high, and the national financial resources cannot be too strong. If nothing can be done, it will still be controlled by others.
As in 1990 Persian Gulf War When, Kuwait Although the per capita national income is very high and very rich, because it is a small country, the national financial resources are not strong enough to withstand the fact that the per capita national income is much lower than its own Iraq And once conquered the country.
The total surplus value is actually the difference between the gross national product and the gross national consumption, which can accurately reflect the amount of wealth that the country holds and can dispatch, and can accurately measure the strength of national financial resources.
To sum up, through the Marxist political economy The accurate interpretation of the concept of "surplus value" can greatly improve the theoretical value of this concept. It is not only applicable to capitalist society, but also to other societies. It can explain and solve economic problems, as well as a series of problems such as life and society.

Theoretical supplement

Engels' view
Engels pointed out: "Every worker employed by the capitalist is doing two kinds of work working hours Part of the labor is used to repay the wages advanced to him by the capitalist. Marx called this part of labor Necessary labor But after that, he must continue to work, and during this time, he is a capitalist Production surplus value 。”
1. Production of surplus value
The worker's working day is Working hours and surplus labor Total time. Necessary labor time Unchanged, via Extended working days , thus Remaining labor time The surplus value of increased production is Absolute surplus value
capitalism Production development experience Simple collaboration Workshop handicraft and Machinery industry , improved labour productivity , expanded the production of relative surplus value.
Marx pointed out that "like all others, develop labor productivity In the same way, the machine is to make the goods cheap and shorten the part of working days that the worker spends for himself, so as to extend the part of working days that he gives to the capitalist free of charge. Machines are the means of producing surplus value. "
Production mode The transformation of Labor materials Is the starting point.
All developed machines are composed of three essentially different parts: engine Transmission mechanism Tool machine implement Working machine The engine is the power of the whole mechanism; The transmission mechanism is composed of flywheel, rotating shaft, gear and other various accessories. Its adjustment labor changes the form of motion when necessary to distribute the motion and send it to the tool machine. The function of these two parts of the structure instead transmits the movement to the tool machine, so that the tool machine can grasp the object of labor and change it according to a certain purpose. This part of the machine tool machine is the 18th century industrial revolution The starting point of.
It is because of the creation of the tool machine that steam engine The revolution of became inevitable, which led to the industrial revolution.
The material existence mode of labor material acquisition machine requires natural force To replace manpower, and to consciously apply natural science to replace the experience Conventional In the machine system, large industry has a completely objective production body, which is a ready-made material Production conditions Appear in front of the workers.
Machines work only through direct socialization or common labor. Therefore, Labor process At present, the collaborative nature of labor has become a technical necessity determined by the nature of the means of labor itself. Big industry integrates huge natural forces and natural sciences Production process The labor productivity must be greatly improved.
2. Realization of residual value
Surplus value should be created in production and Circulation process In order to achieve. Realize surplus value through capital circulation and turnover. The remaining part is converted into investment and becomes capital accumulation And realize expanded reproduction.
Defending the Shadow of Das Kapital
Once the Abstract labour Recognized as history Entity relationship Class practice is necessarily included and developed from it. The so-called "mode of production itself has its own logic", but refers to the historical production movement. The mode of production of the whole concept is a production movement viewed from the historical perspective, from which it produces a specific society Production relations Entity. But this requires dialectical separation between the theory of mode of production and the theory of production relations. Labor alienation The failure of theory to achieve this goal is dominated by philosophy historical science framework.
After 1847, Marx began to revise and sublate the theory of labor alienation:
(1) Labouring Historical theory It comes down to a certain production mode theory;
(2) The theory of surplus value, as a theory of production relations with capital as the central content, emerged from it.
The above two Theoretical system The integration of our work highlights the historical Prescriptive , finally driving away the philosophical ideology In the presence of. [6]
On this point, Engels actually said more clearly and more clearly:
Among the many important discoveries that Marx made his name permanent in the history of science, here we can only talk about two points.
The first point is that he is in the whole world Historical view Realized changes on... History For the first time Be placed on its true foundation; An obvious fact that was completely ignored before, that is, people must eat, drink, live and wear first, that is to say, they must work first, then they can strive for rule, engage in politics, religion and philosophy, etc. - this obvious fact was finally recognized in history [7]
The second important discovery is that we have thoroughly clarified the relationship between capital and labor bourgeois class Economists or socialist Both tried to give a scientifically based answer to this question, but in vain, until Marx finally gave an answer. [7]
His answer is as follows... The value of a commodity is determined by the social necessity embodied in the production of the commodity and thus in its reproduction Labor volume It was decided that if the worker worked for the capitalist for 6 hours every day, he would fully compensate for the capitalist's expenses, that is, 6 hours of labor would compensate for 6 hours of labor [7]
In this way, the workers who work for the capitalist will not only reproduce his work paid by the capitalist Value of labor In addition, it also produces surplus value, which is first occupied by the capitalist, and then economic law Throughout capitalist class In short, it is the basis of all wealth consumed or accumulated by the non working class. [7]
This proves that modern capitalists are also like Slave owner Or exploiting corvee labor Feudal lord Similarly, it is by taking other people's unpaid labor to get rich, and all these forms of exploitation are different from each other only because the way of taking this unpaid labor is different. [7]
In this way, the bourgeois nonsense modern social system The hypocritical empty talk of justice, justice, equality of rights, equality of obligations and general harmony of interests has lost its final foothold. The modern bourgeois society, like all previous societies, is as clear as the truth: it is also a small and shrinking huge institution where a few people exploit the vast majority. [7]

Surplus value theory

Marx's portrait
Marx in《 Capital 》Volume IV -《 Surplus value theory 》It was pointed out that Adam Smith, an 18th century British bourgeois economist Classical Political Economics And played an important role in its formation and development. In his place“ political economics It has developed into a whole, and its scope has been formed to a certain extent ". [8]
Adam Smith first summed up value as general Social labor From this point of view, profit and land rent are regarded as deduction of the value created by workers owner Possession without compensation. This shows that he has realized the true origin of surplus value. [3]
But in Adam Smith's axiology In the theory of surplus value, there are both correct views and wrong, vulgar views. [3]
Adam Smith could not distinguish between labor and labor, so he could not Law of value On the basis of, he explained how profits are generated from the exchange of labor and capital. He also proposed that the value is determined by income, that is wages Profit, profit and land rent are the source of value. Profit and land rent are interpreted as natural rewards for capital and land. He also proposed the Social Year Total products The value of is a wrong dogma composed of wages, profits and land rent. [3]
In addition, Marx also studied Adam Smith's productive labor and Unproductive labor The theory of. Adam Smith correctly pointed out that under capitalist conditions, labor exchanged with capital is productive labor, and labor exchanged with income is non productive labor. [3]
However, Adam Smith used whether to produce Physical products To distinguish capitalist productive labor from non productive labor. [3]
Tax principle
In this book, Marx analyzed in detail the main economic works of D. Ricardo《 Political Economics and Tax Principles 》, for Ricardo Land rent theory , Expenses price theory , Remaining Value theory , profit theory and accumulation theory. Ricardo abandoned the contradictory interpretation in Smith's value theory, made a thorough statement and play to the stipulation that value depends on working time, and Labor value theory On the basis of this, the paper discusses the relationship between wages and profits, as well as the opposition between profits and land rent, "reveals and explains the economic opposition between classes,... thus political economics The root causes of the historical struggle and the process of historical development were captured and revealed. [9]
Ricardo attached great importance to the study of land rent, and correctly linked the land rent theory with the labor value theory. But he mistakenly Differential rent The generation of“ Law of diminishing returns on land ”Connected together, but also think that there is no absolute rent The fundamental reason why Ricardo denied the existence of absolute land rent was that Production price Confused with value. He has no interest in profits Average profit The transformation from value to production price has been correctly explained, and the fact that equal capital gains equal profits has not been explained on the basis of the law of value.
While Marx analyzed in detail the wrong view of Ricardo's land rent theory, he also criticized the German vulgar economist J K. Lobertus Yagtuofu (1805-1875)'s "new land rent theory", and criticized Ricardo's use of the law of diminishing returns on land to explain Average profit rate The error of the law of declining, and the error of denying that the general crisis of overproduction is inevitable under capitalist conditions.
Marx inspected the 1930s and 1950s vulgar economics The appearance of classical economics The historical process of disintegration reveals the class nature of vulgar economics and its theoretical fallacies.
Marx first criticized Britain Vulgar Political Economics Founder T R. Malthusian Economic Theory
Malthus grasped the confusion caused by Ricardo's failure to correctly explain the "contradiction" between the exchange of labor and capital and the law of value, and the "contradiction" between the law of equal profits and the law of value obtained by equal capital, attacked and attempted to overthrow Ricardo's theory of labor value. He believes that the value of commodities is determined by the amount of labor that commodities can control or exchange, and the profit comes from commodity exchange in order to Realize profits There must be buyers who are not sellers, that is, there must be landowners, pensioners, priests, their servants, attendants and all other non productive consumers.
Marx pointed out that Malthus's value theory was an open defense of the class interests of land owners and nobles.
Marx also critically analyzed the theories of R. Torrance (1780~1864), J. Mill, J.R. McCulloch, S. Bailey (1791~1870), J.S. Mill and others, and profoundly revealed the classical Economic school Disintegration and vulgar economics The process of the formation and development of school.
Marx pointed out that, Ricardian economics The disintegration of "is based on the following two points:
(1) Capital and labor are exchanged according to the law of value;
(2) General profit margin Formation of. Equate surplus value with profit.
From this point of view, we do not understand the relationship between value and cost price ". [10]
stay Classical Political Economics During the historical period of disintegration and formation of vulgar political economy proletariat Starting from the standpoint and taking Ricardo's theory as the basis, criticize the capitalist production Utopian socialism Such as British economist P. Ravenstone (?~1830), T Hodgkin (1787~1869), et al. They use Ricardo's value theory and surplus value Theoretical demonstration The exploitation of the working class by the bourgeoisie demonstrates the inevitability of capitalist production rationality Marx affirmed the correct argument in their theory, but also pointed out that they did not overcome the chaos in Ricardo's theory.
During this period, although classical political economy was in the process of disintegration, several economists still developed classical political economy on some points. Marx analyzed British economists G. Ramsey (1800 ~ 1871) and R. Jones (1790 ~ 1855) Switzerland The works of economist A.E. Scherbier (1797-1869) believed that they were distinguishing Constant capital and Variable capital Problems and analysis Organic composition of capital He has made some contributions to the role.


Theoretical dilemma
After all, the theory of surplus value was based on capitalism in the 19th century Early growth stage Formed, it will inevitably have certain historical limitations.
For more than 100 years, with World history The further development of, in particular World War II After that, the historical limitations of the surplus value theory have been increasingly apparent.
China, as a country with Marxist theory as its guiding ideology Socialist country With the deepening of the reform of the socialist market economy, the sense of the historical limitations of the surplus value theory is even stronger.
It can be said that the theory of surplus value is facing an increasingly serious dilemma.
make a concrete analysis The problems faced by the surplus value theory mainly include:
(1) It is not consistent with the current situation that the working hours are generally shortened.
the Second World War Since the end, world capitalism has entered International monopoly and globalization Developmental New stage In particular, the rapid development of multinational companies has greatly improved the level of automation and socialization of enterprises, forcing workers extended working time It is no longer the main way for capitalists to get rich. The working hours of workers have generally been greatly shortened. Some countries have even begun to implement the 35 hour working week system. The naked sense of compulsion experienced by workers in the 19th century has accordingly been greatly reduced.
In this case, there are obvious differences between the surplus value theory and the actual facts. Of course press Relative residual value The theory of "relative" can barely be explained, but the problem is that once the word "relative" is added to a theory, its persuasiveness will be greatly reduced, and it is difficult to General public Accept.
(2) Hard to reflect Modern science and technology stay Social production The growing role of.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, science and technology have developed rapidly and played an increasingly important role in social production economic growth One of the leading factors of.
In China, Deng Xiaoping strongly advocated that the view that "science and technology are productive forces" has long been widely known and popular.
However, according to the surplus value theory, only workers' labor spent in production Can create New value , no matter how advanced machinery equipment Neither can create new value, which can not reflect the role of science and technology. The role of science and technology can only be reflected indirectly through the theory of relative surplus value, which makes the role of science and technology greatly depreciated.
(3) It is difficult to fully reflect various production factors Role of.
along with Production socialization The improvement of the level of enterprises Operation management , land, capital and other production factors play an increasingly important role in production, while the role of simple living labor is greatly reduced.
However, according to the theory of surplus value, except for living labor, other factors of production cannot create new value, and profits, land rent, interest, etc. are all exploitation, which fundamentally negates the role and contribution of other factors of production in the production process except for living labor. This is neither consistent with the current world capitalist economy It is also not conducive to the in-depth development of China's socialist market economy reform.
(4) Difficult to reflect correctly the service sector; the tertiary industry Great value created by personnel.
According to the surplus value theory, only the secondary industry Only the living labor of workers can create new value, and other employees engaged in the tertiary industry, such as business and finance, cannot create new value.
This is undoubtedly quite correct when the tertiary industry was just differentiated from the secondary industry in the 19th century, which is still in its infancy, and to a large extent depends on the secondary industry. However, the tertiary industry has already grown and expanded. In many countries, the tertiary industry national economy It is hard to continue to adhere to the surplus value theory because the proportion of the surplus value in the surplus value theory has exceeded that of the secondary industry.
(5) It is difficult to guide state-owned enterprises to improve Operation management , improve economic performance
our country Reform of state-owned enterprises One of the main goals of the enterprise is to improve its economic efficiency, but how? measure Economic benefits of enterprises The core indicator of is profit. The most important thing to improve the economic efficiency of enterprises is to increase Enterprise profit
According to the surplus value theory, profit is the transformation form of surplus value, and surplus value is the result of forcing workers to extend their working hours. Fundamentally, enterprises can only force workers to extend their working hours if they want to improve economic efficiency.
If this argument is used to accuse capitalists of exploiting workers, it can barely work. If it is used to guide the operation and management of state-owned enterprises in China, it will not work immediately, because China is a socialist country The people are masters of the country In a country where workers are the masters of the enterprise, forcing workers to work is not only unreasonable, but also unfounded Illegal act
(6) Cannot be an enterprise Public ownership Provide micro economic theory According to the evidence.
According to the theory of surplus value, surplus value is the new value created by workers in the remaining labor time, but it is not further clear whether it is created by collective labor or individual labor of workers? It is impossible to demonstrate the rationality of the existence of public ownership.
This is very important for us who will Public ownership of means of production For a socialist country, which is regarded as the foundation of the country, it is really a vital theoretical defect.
Root cause of failure
As mentioned above, from the current perspective, the theory of surplus value is not perfect, and there are many major defects and mistakes. Analyzing the causes of these defects and errors, there are mainly the following two:
one Mechanistic theory Marx put forward the theory of influence surplus value in the middle of the 19th century. Science at that time theoretical realm The dominant ideology is the mechanistic method of thinking, that is, things are pieced together from one part to another, in which each part is isolated. In philosophy, Marx opposed this view and advocated Dialectical materialism He believes that the world is universally connected.
However, the mechanistic thought is deeply rooted after all, and it is difficult to eradicate it immediately. When analyzing and studying specific problems, Marx is still inevitably affected by the theory of machinery, and the theory of surplus value is a typical example. On the one hand, Marx saw that living labor must Past labor On the other hand, he insists that only living labor can create new value. In the past, labor only transferred the original value to new products.
two Class nature In the middle of the 19th century, Marx founded the theory of surplus value when the European labor movement was surging.
In the fierce class struggle, the slightest obscurity and grayness are not allowed. Everyone must clearly state his position, either on the side of the workers or on the side of the capitalists. Marx took a clear stand on the position of the working class, trying to clarify the secrets of capitalists' exploitation of workers and serve the liberation cause of the working class. This is the advantage of Marxism and the fundamental reason why Marxism has been widely spread all over the world for more than 100 years; But at the same time, it is necessary to mark Marxism with a deep class brand, so as to show some class prejudice, which affects the scientificity of Marxist theory to a certain extent.
In the theory of surplus value, Marx believes that only the living labor of industrial workers can create new value, and other factors of production can not create new value, even the labor of commercial and bank workers can not create new value, which can not be said to be due to the extreme influence of class nature.
Comment on the "Theory of Surplus Value Obsolescence"
With the development of modern science and technology Manual laborer The need for Mental worker For example, in some sophisticated electronic, chemical and other sectors. In these places, it seems that the bourgeoisie makes profits by relying on science, technology and knowledge, or only exploits the surplus value of a small number of workers.
As a result, some people believe that Marx's theory of value and surplus value does not Sufficient estimate (Taking into account) The great role of science, technology and knowledge in production. This view is wrong.
In value theory, Marx used“ Complex labor ”This concept represents the role of science, technology and knowledge.
simple labour It is "the average consumption of simple labor force of every ordinary person without any expertise", "more complex labor is just self multiplying or rather multiple simple labor, so a small amount of complex labor is equal to a large amount of simple labor." It is obvious that the labor with science, technology Knowledge factor Labor.
Science, technology and knowledge are more and more important production factors. However, science, technology and knowledge are not workers Object of labor And independent production factors other than means of labor. Without workers (mental workers are also workers), science, technology and knowledge cannot automatically produce and create value, and naturally cannot create profits.
Moreover, we should integrate science, technology and knowledge with workers, objects of labor and means of labor phase separation The machine is just a pile of steel, and the object of labor can neither be known nor used by people; Workers can only be regarded as a group of animals, neither Social There is no organization, and it is impossible to work.
Therefore, it is incorrect to regard science, technology and knowledge as independent production factors. Science, technology and knowledge can only be embodied or materialized in workers tool of production Only the labor objects can participate in production.
In capitalist Primitive accumulation Stage and initial stage, due to the underdeveloped The bourgeoisie mainly exploits the proletariat by extending the absolute surplus value of working hours. During that period, capitalists forced workers to work more than 12 hours a day, some even up to 20 hours. After a long struggle, the proletariat won the right to work 10 hours a day.
With the rapid development of science, technology and knowledge and the growth of proletarian organizations, the bourgeois landlords gradually exploit the proletariat by occupying relative surplus value.
Therefore, the progress of science, technology and knowledge has not changed the fact that capitalists exploit workers. What has changed is the developed form of exploitation. Production in the form of relative surplus value replaces production in the form of absolute surplus value, and auxiliary labor such as management, monitoring and maintenance replaces production labor in the original sense, Make the possession of surplus value more subtle and hidden.
From this point of view, the "outdated surplus value theory" is fundamentally wrong. [11]