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The general name of the family Stegosauridae
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Stegosaurus is an animal of the genus Stegosaurus, which belongs to the suborder Stegosaurus of the armored suborder of the order ornithiales, [5-6 ] Also called bone plate dragon. [7 ] The head is small, and the front end of the mouth has a sharp beak like a bird. There are no teeth on the beak, and the teeth are distributed on both sides of the mouth, very small. It has a strong shape, weighs up to 4 tons, and has 5 toes on the front leg and 3 toes on the back leg; Stegosaurus had shorter forelegs and longer and stronger hind legs. [8 ] Stegosaurus got its name from its large sword board and sharp tail spike on its tail. [9 ]
Stegosaurus was distributed in China, the United States and Britain, and lived from the middle late Jurassic to the early Cretaceous. [9 ] Their feeding habits are herbivorous. [7 ] Because the teeth are too small to grind plants, they can only eat some low mosses or ferns. In order to reduce the burden of digestion of food in the stomach, it also has the habit of swallowing stomach stones. [10 ] During reproduction, the two bone plates of male Stegosaurus may be congested and show beautiful colors to attract females. [11 ]
Stegosaurus has four sharp spikes on its tail, which can resist enemies. [8 ] When the ferocious carnivorous dinosaurs launched an attack, Stegosaurus would turn around and make the bone plate face the enemy to frighten him off. If the other side still doesn't give up attacking, Stegosaurus will also wave its tail and beat the enemy with the spikes on its tail. [10 ] Stegosaurus is a huge and strange looking dinosaur, known as "reptile with roof". [7 ]
Chinese name
Roofed lizard
Latin name
Animal kingdom
Chordate Chordata
Vertebrate Vertebrata
Sauropsida Sauropsida
Ornithiales Ornithischia
Armored suborder Thyreophora
Stegosauridae Stegosauridae
Armored stegosaurus, narrow faced stegosaurus, long bayonet stegosaurus, etc
Tuojianglong, Kenlong
Distribution area
Asia and North America
Eukaryotic domain
First fossil
Name Source
Feeding habits
Occurrence period
Middle Jurassic
Prosperity - extinction
late jurassic - Early Cretaceous
survival time
Over 100 million years

Profile features


Development history

Comparison of body size between Stegosaurus and humans
Stegosaurus had a sharp beak like a bird. There were no teeth in its beak, but there were some small teeth on both sides of its mouth. Stegosaurus had 17 plate-like bones on its back and long spines on the tip of its tail. These thorns are four feet long. Stegosaurus' forelegs are shorter than its hind legs. The forelegs have five toes, while the hind legs have three toes. Stegosaurus walked on four legs. They may live in groups. Stegosaurus' head is very small, so it is not very smart. Stegosaurus lives in late jurassic Its most famous - and favorite - is the large, bony plates distributed on the back ridge and the four nail like ridges at the tail. Its brain and head are very small. It walks on four feet and may feed on lower plants, because its hips are very high and its shoulders are very low and flat. Stegosaurus was also a famous dinosaur with a large number of dinosaurs in the Jurassic Period. The biggest feature of its appearance was that it had a whole row of triangular bone plates on its back and four sharp spines on its tail. The huge Stegosaurus had a very small head, and its brain capacity was even smaller than that of a dog. Therefore, scientists thought it was a very stupid dinosaur. Stegosaurus was a typical herbivorous dinosaur. The total length is 7 meters. If the height of bone plate is included, the height can reach 3.5 meters. The whole body is like an elephant, but only a pitifully small head, and the brain is only the size of a walnut. There are two rows of triangular bone plates on its back, just like sharp knives. Stegosaurus was a complete quadrupedal dinosaur, about the size of an elephant, with short forelimbs and long hind limbs, and its whole body was like an arched hill. At first, scientists estimated that these bone plates were spread on dinosaurs like covers. Later, after careful study, they finally determined that the bone plates were upright. When the temperature drops, Stegosaurus will open its bone plate to absorb the heat of the sun. When the temperature rises, it will rotate the bone plate again to use cool wind to dissipate heat.
Stegosaurus had a head and tail about 12 meters long and a height of about 5 meters. To humans, Stegosaurus was a huge animal. But in the age when they lived, there were many more Sauropod dinosaur In addition, there are two similar shapes along the arched back ridge line kite Parallel arrangement of plates; In the area near the end of the tail, there are two pairs of spikes protruding horizontally. These armors can be used to defend some predators belonging to theropods, such as Allosaurus And Ceratosaurus
Stegosaurus teeth
Stegosaurus had four legs. Their hind legs had three toes, while their forelegs had five. The limbs are supported by the soles of the feet behind the toes. Stegosaurus' hind legs are longer and stronger than its forelegs, making its posture lower in front and higher in back. Their tails are much higher than the ground, while their heads are relatively close to the ground and can be no more than 1 meter above the ground.
The long and narrow skull only accounted for a small part of the whole body of Stegosaurus. Unlike most dinosaurs, Stegosaurus did not have a hole between its eyes and nose, called an orbital fenestra. This feature appears in most Primosaurs (Archesauria; including birds, dinosaurs pterodactyl And crocodile Among the animals, the existing crocodiles have lost this feature. The lower head may be used to observe low plants and feed on them. Stegosaurus lost its incisors and replaced them with beak like structures, which also showed its food habits. Stegosaurus' teeth are small and triangular. Because of the lack of grinding surface, these teeth have little effect on grinding. In addition, the arrangement of teeth in the lower jaw shows that Stegosaurus had prominent cheeks (cheeks).
Appearance of Stegosaurus
Stegosauric Brain volume It is no bigger than a dog's brain, so it is quite small compared with the whole body. Osnel Charles Marsh, the name of Stegosaurus, once obtained a well preserved skull in the 1880s, which showed that Stegosaurus had a very small brain capacity, probably the smallest of all dinosaurs. In fact, when an animal weighs more than 4.5 metric tons, its brain weight will not exceed 80 grams. This phenomenon led people in the past to think that dinosaurs were quite stupid animals, but this idea has been widely denied.
Most of the information about Stegosaurus comes from mature individuals. Until a relatively recent time, some juvenile Stegosaurus fossils were found. American Wyoming In 1994, a specimen of a semi mature individual was found, with a head and tail length of 4.6 meters and a height of 2 meters; Living weight is estimated to be about 2.3 metric tons. This specimen is currently collected in the University of Wyoming Geological Museum [7]. A small specimen exhibited at the Denver Museum of Nature&Science is 2.1 meters long and 0.8 meters high at the back.
The forelimbs of Stegosaurus were very short compared with the hind limbs the fibula (fibula) and tibia The lower half (tibia) is shorter than the femur (femur; part of the forelimb). This shows that they can't walk very fast, because the feet of their hind legs will be limited by their forelegs, and the maximum speed is about 6 to 7 kilometers per hour.

Second brain

Sword Dragon (painted by Zhao Chuang)
Some paleontologists speculate that Stegosaurus should have two brains: one in its small head and the other in its buttocks. The brain on the head is the "main brain" and the buttocks is the "accessory brain". Only when the two brains cooperate with each other can Stegosaurus adapt to the complex living environment. [2] Ma Xu once pointed out that the spinal cord in the buttock region of Stegosaurus had large channels, which could provide space for a structure 20 times larger than the brain. This is a famous idea that a dinosaur like Stegosaurus had a "second brain" in its tail and might be used to control the back part of its body. At the same time, this "brain" may also temporarily help Stegosaurus lift its body when it is attacked by a nibbler. Later, another idea emerged that this space (also appeared in sauropods) is actually Hepatic glycosome (glycogen body; or glycogen). This structure appears in existing birds, but its detailed function is still unknown. It may be used to help the nervous system supply glycogen.

Plate-like structure

One of the most recognizable features of Stegosaurus is its plate like structure with 17 separate plates arranged on its back. This is a highly specialized bone layer (osteoderms,) crocodile And lizard Some structures on the body are similar. These structures are not directly connected with the skeleton of animals, but grow on the skin. Some paleontologists in the past, such as Barker, speculated that these plates could change the angle, but others opposed this idea. The largest plate was found above the buttocks of Stegosaurus, 60 cm in height and width. The arrangement of the plates is still controversial, but most paleontologists agree that they are parallel to the midline on the back of Stegosaurus in an interlaced manner.
The role of these plates has gone through more controversy. At first, people thought it was some kind of armor, but it was too fragile, and its location was also away from both sides of the body, which really needed to be defended. Later researchers pointed out that these plates could help Stegosaurus regulate its body temperature. Just like Acanthosaurus (Spinosaurus)、 Pancerantha (pelycosaur) or similar structures of Dimitrodon, or the ears of elephants and rabbits, these structures contain grooves through which some blood vessels will pass. When air is left around, it can reduce the temperature of blood. There are some problems with this theory. For example, on Stegosaurus stenops, some plate-like objects are replaced by spikes with small surface area, which shows that heat dissipation is not a very important function for such structures.
The huge size of the plate shows that these structures may make Stegosaurus look taller to threaten its enemies, or have a certain function of sexual boasting (or display, show off; similar to the tail feathers of male peacocks) to attract their peers, although both male and female specimens have this structure. A study published in 2005 showed that these structures can be used as the basis for identifying species. Researchers believe that the special anatomical structures of many other dinosaurs may also have the same effect. And above the buttocks of Stegosaurus angulatus, there are also flat plates.
The main theme of various books and papers on Stegosaurus is the arrangement of its plate-like structure. There are four possible arrangements:
1. Planks lie flat on the back like armor. This is the speculation of Marsh at the beginning, and it is also the origin of the name "lizard with roof" of Stegosaurus. Later, more and more complete plates were found, which showed that the arrangement method was to stand on the edge of the plate instead of lying flat.
2. In 1891, Marsh put forward an idea that was closer to the current point of view. He thought that the plates were arranged in a single row, and this idea was quickly ruled out. In the 1980s, Stephen Czerkas, a Czech artist Iguana The back of the spine, depicting a slightly modified form, makes this idea again.
3. The plates are arranged on the back in pairs, which is probably the most common arrangement method. For example, in the 1933 movie King Kong, Stegosaurus appeared in this form. However, no plate of the same size and shape has been found.
4. The idea that plates are arranged in an interactive way first appeared in the 1960s and became the most popular theory. The main reason is that a Stegosaurus fossil shows this arrangement method. There is an opposing idea that this pattern is not seen in other reptiles, and it is difficult to understand why such an evolution occurred.

Tail spike

Various Stegosaurs
In the past, there was some controversy about the role of the tail spike of Stegosaurus. Gilmore pointed out in 1914 that these structures only had the function of display; However, some people think that this structure can be used as a weapon. for example Robert Bakker (Robert Bakker) believed that the tail of Stegosaurus lacked calcified tendons and was much softer than the tail of other dinosaurs. This phenomenon also makes the assumption that the tail is used as a weapon quite reasonable. Barker also observed that Stegosaurus could easily use its tail. They can fix the position with longer hind limbs, and move the body with stronger, but also shorter forelimbs to rotate the body for attack. Later, research by McWhinney and others found that there were some trauma related scars on the spike fossils, confirming the function of these spikes in the battle.
Stegosaurus, a species in the genus Stegosaurus, has four sharp spines, each about 60 to 90 cm long. The discovery of the entire Stegosaurus armor shows that, at least in some species, the direction of the spike protruding is horizontal with the tail, rather than the vertical shape as generally described. Marsh had just described the tail of armored stegosaurus as having 8 spines. However, recent research shows that the number of spines of this species is the same as that of Stegosaurus narrowly faced.


Stegosaurus skull
Stegosaurus is the type genus in the family Stegosauridae, and also the first named genus. The Stegosauridae is one of the two families under the order Stegosaurus, and the other family under the order is called Huayanglongke (Huayangosauridae)。 Stegosaurus belongs to the armored suborder, which also includes Ankylosaurus suborder The animals in the lower order of Stegosaurus are similar in appearance, posture and shape; The main difference is the plate and spike on the body. The species relatively close to Stegosaurus are also Chinese Urhoron (Wuerhosaurus) and East African Naillike dragon (Kentrosaurus)。

Life habits



Stegosaurus and other similar dinosaurs were herbivorous, but their feeding strategies were different from those of other herbivorous ornithopods. Other Ornithiales Dinosaurs had teeth that could grind plants, and Horizontal movement The lower jaw of. Stegosaurus (including Stegosaurus lower eye )Then the teeth are lack of plane, which makes it impossible to close between teeth, and their mandibles cannot move horizontally.
Stegosaurus was rich in species and widely distributed geographically in the late Jurassic. Paleontologists believe that the food they ate included moss and lichen , ferns, horsetail Cycas Pine and cypress and some fruits. At the same time, due to the lack of chewing ability, they also swallow stomach stones to help their intestines and stomach process food. This behavior also occurs in modern birds and crocodiles. Stegosaurus is not modern Herbivorous Like mammals Gramineae (Grass) for food, because this kind of plant evolved in the late Cretaceous, when Stegosaurus had been extinct for a long time.
There is a hypothesis about the low foraging behavior strategy of Stegosaurus, which believes that they eat the fruits or leaves of shorter non flowering plants, and that Stegosaurus can only eat food 1 meter above the ground at most. On the other hand, if Stegosaurus could stand on two hind legs, as Bakker said, they would be able to find and eat higher plants. For adult individuals, it can reach a height of 6 meters above the ground.


The footprint fossils of Stegosaurus found in Colorado show that they live in groups. One group of footprint fossils shows that 4 to 5 young Stegosaurs moved in the same direction, while the other group of footprint fossils shows that a young individual acted together with an adult individual.

Species and discovery



The remains of the original Stegosaurus and its ancestors are still rare, so the origin of Stegosaurus is not yet clear. In the lower part of the Morison Formation, there are some fossils belonging to Stegosauridae, which are millions of years earlier than the survival time of Stegosaurus. These remains, together with similar fossils of the genus Hesperosaurus, appear in the Kimurian. The earliest dinosaur fossils are Le Suveslon (Lexovisaurus), which appeared in the Oxford Clay Formation in England and France in the early to middle period of the Callovian.
Stegosaurus actually has 17 plates and 4
Older and more primitive Huayanglong (Huayangosaurus), yes Huayangsaurs The only genus in the family appeared in China in the middle Jurassic period, about 165 million years ago, about 20 million years earlier than Stegosaurus. Even earlier, there were also Scelidosaurus (Scelidosaurus), this dinosaur also has Ankylosauria And Stegosaurus. Unearthed in Germany Moa University Dragon (Emausaurus) is a small quadruped dinosaur; And found in Arizona, USA Scutellosaurus (Scutellosaurus), which is older, has non absolute bipedal mobility. These smaller, lighter armored dinosaurs were also associated with Stegosaurs and Ankylosauria There is a close kinship relationship. In addition, in France, there may be a footprint left by early armored dinosaurs, about 195 million years ago.


Stegosaurus was first named by Osnel Charles Marsh in 1877; In the late 19th century, Marsh and another archaeologist Edward Drinker Cope There is a competition between them commonly known as "Bone Wars", and Stegosaurus is one of the many dinosaurs first collected and described. The fossils were found in the northern part of the Morrison Formation. These earliest fossils became holotype specimens of Stegosaurus armatus. Stegosaurus“
Stegosaurus skeleton - Frank Forsenkenberg Museum
The lizard with a roof ", which is because Ma Xu thought that Stegosaurus had Tabular structure It covers the whole back like a roof tile. A few years later, many more complete fossils were unearthed, and Marsh also published several papers on Stegosaurus. He has described and named many species, but many of them have not yet been recognized. Some may be invalid names or synonyms of existing species. Among the three recognized species, there are more studies on two species and less on the other.
Palaeontologists in the world have studied Stegosaurus for more than 100 years, during which most of the Stegosaurus fossils found were fragmented. In 1886, a perfect skeleton skeleton of Stegosaurus skull was found in Colorado, USA. Since then, the complete skeleton of Stegosaurus has not "surfaced". In 1980, Dashanpu, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, discovered a kind of“ Huayangosaurus taibaii ”In addition to several skeletons, it also includes two intact skulls. The birth of Huayang Dragon has far-reaching significance. In the past, people believed that Europe was the hometown of Stegosaurus, and later moved to America, Asia and Africa. The discovery of the Huayanglong prototype has changed the view of many paleontologists. They began to believe that the origin center of Stegosaurus should be in Asia, because Huayanglong in Sichuan, China was found in the middle Jurassic strata, while reliable Stegosaurus fossils in other continents were found in the later Jurassic strata.
Stegosaurus fossils have been found in Europe, North America, East Africa and East Asia. Among them, Asia is found most, which can be regarded as its birthplace. Most of the Stegosaurs in Asia have been found in China. So far, nine different species have been found, accounting for half of the world's known total, making China the world's richest country in Stegosaurs fossils, and representing five different evolutionary stages of Stegosaurs fossils, especially the discovery of primitive types in the early and middle Jurassic in China, More importantly, it provides an important fossil basis for the theory that East Asia is the birthplace and the main evolutionary center of Stegosaurs.
There are more than 20 individual fossil materials of Stegosaurus fossils produced in Zigong area, including 6 skulls with different integrity. The representative specimens are Taibai Huayang dragon Tuojiangosaurus multispinus And Sichuan Giant Spinosaurus. [1]
On March 9, 2015, the United States found the world's most complete skeleton of Stegosaurus: 1600 kg at the time of death.
On March 7, 2022, it was learned from Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources that the oldest dinosaur fossil in Asia was found in Chongqing, adding new evidence to the theory of the origin of Stegosaurus in China. "Research shows that it lived 169 million years ago and is one of the four oldest species of stegosaurus in the world." Dai Hui, a senior engineer of the 208 Institute of Geological Heritage Protection and Research of Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Geological Exploration, said that the oldest stegosaurus in Asia came from Zigong, Sichuan, and it was Taibai Huayang Dragon. It is estimated that Bashanlong was 10 million years earlier in the beginning. In terms of naming, its generic name "Bashan" represents Chongqing, and its species name "Yuanshi" indicates that it represents the most basic or primitive group of Stegosaurus. [4]


1) Existing species
Armored stegosaur( Stegosaurus armatus )It means "armored lizard with roof" and is the first species found. These findings include two incomplete skeletons and at least 30 individual fragments. This species has four horizontal tail spines and relatively small plates. In addition, its length is 9 meters, which is the longest species of Stegosaurus.
Stegosaurus stenops, which means "a lizard with a narrow face and a roof", was named by Marsh in 1887 [3]. Its normal type specimen was collected by Marshall Felch in 1886 Colorado In the Garden Park in the north of Cañ on City. This species is the most known one in the genus Stegosaurus, because its fossil package
Stegosaurus specimen and model
At least one complete skeleton is included. They have long and wide plates and 4 spines. The research results are from at least 50 incomplete young and adult skeletons, one complete skeleton, and at least 4 incomplete skulls. This species is a shorter armored stegosaur, about 7 meters long.
Stegosaurus longispinus means "roofed lizard with long spikes", named after Charles Whitney Gilmore (Charles W. Gilmore)。 The Morrison Formation found in Wyoming is known to have an incomplete skeleton. This species is characterized by four long spines, and some people believe that this species actually belongs to the genus Kentrosaurus. The length is the same as that of Stegosaurus angulatus, which is 7 meters.
Suspicious species
Stegosaurus ungulatus: It means "hoofed roof lizard", named by Ma Xu in 1879. The remains were unearthed in Como Bluff, Wyoming, and included a few vertebrae and bone plates. These fossils may belong to the larva of armored stegosaurus, although the original fossils of armored stegosaurus have been completely described. The geological age of some specimens found in Portugal is above Kimorian To the lower Titonian stage, it has also been classified into this species.
Stegosaurus sulcatus: it means "furrowed roo"
F lizard ") was named by Ma Xu in 1887 according to an incomplete skeleton [17]. This name was later considered as a synonym for armored stegosaur.
Stegosaurus duplex: it means "two plexus roof lizard". It has a large sacral nerve channel, which is called "hindbrain box" by Marsh. This dinosaur may also be armored stegosaur. Although named by Marsh, these scattered bones are actually Edward Ashley's Como Cliff Collected.
Stegosaurus seeleyanus: The original name is Hypsirophus, which may also belong to armored stegosaurus.
Stegosaurus latices: It was described by Marsh in 1881 according to some jaw bone fragments, and was originally Diracodon latices. Some people think Stegosaurus narrowly faced is a species of Diracodon; Others believe that Diracodon is actually a species of Stegosaurus. In 1986, Robert Buck used D Name of laticeps; But others believe that it is still inconclusive, and this species is more likely to be the synonym of Stegosaurus narrowly faced.
Stegosaurus affinis: It was described according to a piece of pubic bone by Marsh in 1881. It is a doubtful name. It may be the synonym of armored stegosaur.
Reclassified species
Madagascar Stegosaurus madagascariensis: In 1926, J. Piveteau named it after some teeth found in Madagascar. These teeth are classified into many different species, including Stegosaurus, Majungatholus Theropoda )、 Duckbill , even crocodiles.
Stegosaurus marshi (Stegosaurus marshi): This species was originally Lucas (Frbdekic A. Lucas) in 1901. It was renamed Hoplitosaurus in 1902.
Stegosaurus priscus: described by Franz Nopcsa in 1911, later became Lesuvius (Lexovisaurus) is another name [16], which is now established as Loricosaurus.


Restoration of Wuerhe Sword Dragon
On February 27, 2013, Chinese and foreign paleontologists announced that they were in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Karamay The first case in China was found near the Devil City Scenic Area Stegosaurus footprint fossil , belonging to a new species.
Researchers of fossils, doctoral students of China University of Geosciences (Beijing) Xing Lida, Professor Zhang Jianping, curator of the dinosaur footprint museum of the University of Colorado Martin Lockley , Head of Peace Zone Paleontology Research Center, Canada Richard McRae Lisa Blakley And other experts and scholars in professional journals《 Cretaceous Research 》The article describes these precious specimens.
"Compared with skeleton fossils, few trace fossils that can definitely be regarded as the footprints left by Stegosaurs have been found. In the mid-1990s, a batch of Stegosaurs' footprints were found in Utah, the United States, but the preservation is not very ideal" Martin Lockley, an authoritative footprint scientist, told reporters, "Triangular footprints, which are not rare in the global Jurassic strata, have long been thought to be left by armored dinosaurs, including Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus, but it is difficult to tell which of the two dinosaurs left it."
One of the type specimens of Kirschner's triangular footprint
The triangular footprints found in the Devil's City area were initially just some less obvious marks, but during the second inspection, scholars unexpectedly found a batch of well preserved mold footprints, Xing Lida said, "This batch of footprints is very similar to the triangular footprints, but there are some differences. After detailed comparison, we identified this batch of specimens as a new relic species, and gave the species name to a famous paleontologist Philip Currie Academicians ". More importantly, because there was only Stegosaurus in the Devil City area at the same time, and there was no Ankylosaurus, these footprints were probably left by Stegosaurus.
As a new species, Koch's triangular footprint is very unique
Famous footprint scientist, from Copenhagen University, Denmark Gaspar Parmilan The professor spoke highly of this discovery: "This is one of the latest triangular footprints, and it is very rare that it can be closely linked with the bone fossils found locally! This is of great significance to the study of the geographical distribution of paleontology and the restoration of paleoenvironment in the local and Asian regions." [3]

Cultural works

Stegosaurus is one of the most well-known dinosaurs. Their images can be seen in movies, cartoons, comics or toys. In addition, Colorado in the United States announced that Stegosaurus became the "State Dinosaur" in 1982.
Stegosaurus has appeared in many movies and fought with large carnivorous dinosaurs. In the 1954 film Journey to the Beginning of Time Ceratosaurus (Ceratosaurus) fight, fight against Tyrannosaurs in the 1978 film Planet of Dinosaurs, and defend with tail spikes for the first time in the 1940 Disney animated film Fantasia. In 1933, the classic film King Kong also appeared.
Stegosaurus - Raul Martin
stay Arthur Conan Doyle 's novel《 Lost World 》In the first chapter, a skeleton model of Stegosaurus appeared. In the novels of Mike Clayton《 Jurassic Park 》, a stegosaurus was lying on the ground because it was not adapted to modern plants and climate; But in the 1993 movie version, the character of Stegosaur was Triceratops replace. But in《 Jurassic Park 》In the sequel Lost World, Stegosaurus was one of the first dinosaurs to appear. In addition, Stegosaurus also appeared in the documentary "The Animal World" in 1956, and the documentary "When Dinosaurs Roamed America" in 2001, which told about the life, mating and battle of two Stegosaurus.
The second episode of the TV program Walking With Dinosaurs in 1999, the special piece The Ballad of Big Al in 2000, and the Jurassic Fight Club in 2008. Stegosaurus also appears in many children's programs or animations, such as Adventure Little Dinosaur and Vajra Warrior.
Stegosaurus also appeared in the 2009 movie Ice Age 3, but was wrongly described as walking on two legs similar to Paractylosaurus.
Stegosaurus is Tobo Co., Ltd When creating the Japanese monster Gojira, one of the three dinosaur images was formed, and the other two were Iguanodon And Tyrannosaurus rex

Related dinosaurs

Stegosaurus model in Poland
During this period, some giant sauropods, such as Lianglong Camarasaurus And apatosaurus (Lei Long) The era that dominated the ecosystem. About 80 remains of Stegosaurus have been excavated from the Morrison Formation in the western United States and Canada, of which at least 3 species can be identified. In the past, it was believed that Stegosaurus was only distributed in present-day North America. However, in 2006, new Stegosaurus specimens were also found in Portugal, indicating that there are Stegosaurus in Europe today Fossil The exists of.

Related reports

In July 2024, according to CCTV news, a nearly complete skeleton fossil of Stegosaurus was auctioned off in New York, the United States, for $44.6 million on the 17th local time, setting a record for the highest price of dinosaur fossils. [12]