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System improvement

System improvement refers to making the current system more complete and suitable by modifying and supplementing it productivity and Production relations The process of developing requirements.
Chinese name
System improvement
Foreign name
Perfect system



The system improvement mainly includes three aspects:
1. Modify or adjust the unreasonable part of the original system;
2. Supplement the missing parts of the original system;
3. Formulate auxiliary documents necessary for the implementation of the original system, such as "Implementation Rules" and "Instructions for Use", etc.


In institutional economics, the case of "porridge distribution" is often cited to illustrate the function of the system: in a temple with many monks and few porridge, people found that the amount of porridge distribution for the master monk was unfair, which was different from person to person, so the master monk was elected by everyone. However, after a period of time, it was found that this method would not work, because everyone had selfish intentions, and the master monk elected by everyone was also different from each other, which was difficult to be fair. After discussion, it was decided to take turns and divide the meal one by one. Although the situation improved for a while, over time, more problems were found, because some monks not only separated their relatives, but also ate and hid when it was their turn. After repeated discussion, we decided to add a rule on the basis of taking turns to cook: the porridge distributor must take the last share. In this way, the problem was finally solved well. For a long time, we have not paid enough attention to the function and power of the system, and more emphasis has been placed on ideological education and ideological transformation. Although both are important, they have obvious limitations. In the process of promoting the system construction, we should find the reasons for the problems that often occur in the work from the law, and find the reasons for the problems that occur repeatedly from the system. [1]