Liu Heita

Leader of the Uprising Army at the end of Sui Dynasty and the beginning of Tang Dynasty
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Liu Heita (? - 623) was the leader of the peasant uprising army in the late Sui Dynasty. Zhangnan, Beizhou (today Hebei Province Gucheng County Northeast) people. [35 ]
Less and Dou Jiande To be friends and participate in the late Sui Dynasty Hao Xiaode Rebellion, rear cast Wagang Army Tang Dynasty Wude In the first year (618), the Wagang Army failed Wang Shichong Captured. Later, he fled to Hebei and was appointed general from Dou Jiande. He was granted the title of Duke of Dongjun in the Han Dynasty. It is famous for its bravery and resourcefulness. [35 ]
After four years of martial arts, Dou Jiande fled after his failure Zhangnan His generals pushed him as the leader again, picked up the remaining troops and rose again, captured Hebei counties, and recovered Jiande's old place in the middle of half a year. Also sent envoy Bei Jie Turkic The next year, it was called the "King of the East Han Dynasty", with the title of "Tianzao" and the capital of Mingzhou (now Hebei Province Yongnian District Southeast), was soon Li Shimin After the defeat of the army, the Turks marched on, captured Hebei, Shandong and other places by several Turkish soldiers, and regained Hebei, still the capital of Mingzhou. [35 ]
The sixth year of Wude, Prince Tang Li Jiancheng , King of Qi Li Yuanji He led the army to fight against him and challenged Dou Jiande by releasing his subordinates and refusing to investigate the past. His troops collapsed and he fled to Raoyang (today's Hebei Province Raoyang County ), delivering Tang Jun to his subordinates and being killed. [35 ]
Full Name
Liu Heita
Late Sui Dynasty and Early Tang Dynasty
one's native heath
Zhangnan County, Beizhou (Northeast of Gucheng County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province today)
Date of death
623 years
Key achievements
Defeat Li Shentong and Luo Yi
Defeat Xu Shiji and capture Xue Wanjun alive
Kill Li Daoxuan, capture and kill Luo Shixin

Character's Life


Xia's brave general

When Liu Heita was young, he was cunning and overbearing. He was addicted to alcohol and gambling. He did not manage his industry. His family was poor and lacked food and clothing. He was a fellow villager Dou Jiande Give financial aid from time to time. [1] Later, the peasant uprising army began to rise, and Liu Heita defected Hao Xiaode , Xiao lived in the mountain forest, and later submitted Li Mi , become a partisan general. [2]
Liu Heita's Movie Image
Wude The first year (618), Wagang Army When Li Mi surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, Liu Heita was defeated Wang Shichong Captive. Wang Shichong has always heard that he is brave and tough, so he made him a cavalry general to guard Xinxiang (now Henan). Liu Heita looked down on Wang Shichong, and soon led his troops back to Hebei to join his friends Dou Jiande Dou Jiande was overjoyed and appointed Liu Heita as the general, and granted the title of Han Dong County Duke And ordered him to lead an attack. If Dou Jiande has any plan, he must be ordered to take charge of the reconnaissance alone. He often sneaks into the enemy to peek at the truth. Sometimes, he surprises the other party and takes the opportunity to attack with great success. The army is called "a brave general". [3]
In May of the fourth year of Wude (621), Jiande was defeated by the Tang army, and the Xia regime perished. He hid in his hometown in Zhangnan County, growing vegetables for himself and staying indoors. [4-5]

Recover old soil

In July of the fourth year of Wude (621), Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty ordered Dou Jiande to be beheaded, and forced Dou Jiande's old generals Fan Yuan, Dong Kangmai, Cao Zhan Gao Yaxian , Wang Xiaohu and others went to Chang'an. Fan Yuan and others both resented Dou Jiande's murder and saw Wang Shichong After surrender, the Ministry will not be able to preserve. So he decided to fight against the Tang Dynasty, and learned through divination that the main Feng surnamed Liu could succeed, so he went to find the old general Dou Jiande, Liu Ya. Liu Ya thought that the world was flat and would not start an accident. Fan Yuan and others angrily rebuked Liu Ya for being unjust, killed the other party and ran away. Find Liu Heita again, and Chen explains why. Liu Heita was overjoyed, killed the cattle assembly, recruited hundreds of people, and attacked Zhangnan County. Defeat Dai Yuanxiang, the governor of Beizhou, and the authority of Weizhou governor, and collect all weapons from the other side and more than 2000 people. [6] On July 19 (August 11), Liu Heita was in Beizhou Zhangnan An altar was set up to pay homage to Dou Jiande, who called himself a general and formally launched a large-scale military campaign. [7]
On August 22 (September 13), Liu Heita captured Liting, and Wang Xingmin, the general of garrison guards, died in battle. [8] Dou Jiande therefore killed old officials one after another in response to the uprising. August 26 (September 17), Shenzhou Cui Yuanxun, the man who killed his assassin Peixi, betrayed Liu Heita. Tang Yanzhou Manager Xu Yuanlang They also responded. [9]
In September, Liu Heita was defeated King Huai'an Li Shentong Youzhou main Luo Yi coalition forces. On the sixth day of October (October 26), Liu Heita fell yeongju , captured the assassin Lu Shirui and captured Guanzhou. [10]
On November 19 (January 6, 622), Liu Heita fell Dingzhou , kill the supervisor Li Xuantong On November 27 (January 14), Zhou Wenju, a native of Qizhou, killed Wang Xiaoju, an assassin, and surrendered to Liu Heita. [11]
On the third day of December (January 19), Liu Heita fell Jizhou , kill the chief administrator [q Ru] Ling. On December 12 (January 28), Liu Heita defeated in Songzhou General Zuo Wu Hou Li Shiji , captured alive Xue Wanjun Brother, the army is powerful. Turkic Jieli Khan Malaysia was also sent to help. The Tang court was shocked. On December 15 (February 1), the King of Qin was sent Li Shimin , King of Qi Li Yuanji Expropriate Liu Heita. Liu Heita's troops remained strong, and from December 17 to 19 (February 3-5), they fell again within three days Xingzhou Weizhou Shenzhou Kill Pan Daoyi, the head of Weizhou. [12] In half a year, Dou Jiande's original territory was completely restored.

Mingshui Battle

In the first month of the fifth year of Wude (622), Liu Heita called himself the King of the East Han in Xiangzhou. His Jiannian was named Tianzao and Fan Yuan was appointed Left Minion Shooting , Dong Kang bought Minister of War , elegant and virtuous Right General He restored all civil and military officials of Dou Jiande's Xia regime to their original posts and made Mingzhou the capital (now the southeast of Yongnian, Hebei). Establish laws and regulations to preside over government affairs and follow the system of the Xia regime. [13]
Liu Heita
In February, King Qin Li Shimin He led the army to crusade against Liu Heita. The army was stationed in Weizhou. Liu Heita sent troops to challenge him many times, but was defeated by the Tang army. Liu Heita was afraid, so he gave up Xiangzhou and retreated to the Lieren Camp to set up guards. Mingshui County (now Hebei Province Quzhou People from the west asked to be Liu Heita's internal assistant, and Li Shimin sent the manager Rosen When Liu Heita entered the city and occupied Mingshui County, Luo Shixin was killed, so Liu Heita occupied Mingzhou. [14]
In March, Li Shimin, relying on Mingshui's strategic position, set up a military camp to intimidate Liu Heita, and sent surprise troops to cut off his food transportation channels. Liu Heita challenged again and again, and Li Shimin stuck to the barrier to defeat him. The rations in Liu Heita's city were exhausted. Li Shimin was sure that he would come to the decisive battle. He ordered people to block the upstream of Mingshui River in advance. He told the officials guarding the dike that when the battle started, when Liu Heita's army crossed the river and reached the middle of the river, the dike would be dug. Liu Heita led 20000 infantry and cavalry to fight against the Tang army at Mingshui. Liu Heita's army was in a rout and the river was surging. Liu Heita's men and horses could not cross the river. More than 10000 people were killed and thousands drowned. Liu Heita and Fan Yuan fled with more than 1000 people Turkic [15]

Defeated and killed

In June of the fifth year of Wude (622), Liu Heita borrowed Turkic The army rose again and invaded Shandong. [16]
In July, Liu Heita arrived Dingzhou (Now Hebei Dingxian County )His former generals Cao Zhan and Dong Kangmai fled to Xianyu This time, people were recruited to respond to Liu Heita. On the 15th (August 26), Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty appointed the Prince of Huaiyang Li Daoxuan by Hebei Road Marching Manager, with the former Duke of State Shi Wanbao Crusade against Liu Heita. [17]
Liu Heita was captured alive
In September, Liu Heita captured Yingzhou and killed Ma Kuangwu, the governor of Yingzhou. Dongyan Prefecture Ma Junde betrayed the Tang Dynasty and attached Liu Heita to Yanzhou in the east. [18]
On the first day of October (November 9), Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty sent King Qi Li Yuanji The commander crusaded Liu Heita. On the fifth day of the first lunar month (November 13), Liu Heita's army attacked 鄃 [Shilu] County Baizhou The governor Xu Shanhu died in battle. On the sixth day of the first lunar month (November 14), Liu Junhui, the governor of Guanzhou, rebelled against the Tang Dynasty and turned to Liu Heita. On the 17th (November 25), Liu Heita's army and Tang's army Li Daoxuan fought in Xiabo (now southeast of Shenxian County, Hebei Province). Tang's army was defeated and Li Daoxuan was killed [19] , Shi Wanbao rode back lightly. Mingzhou Steward Lu Jiang Wang Li Yuan Abandon the city and go west, Xiangzhou The prefectures and counties to the north of (today's Anyang, Henan) were successively annexed, and all the original towns were recovered in ten days, and the capital was established in Mingzhou. [20]
On the third day of November (December 10), Liu Heita's army captured Cangzhou. [21] On the seventh day of the first lunar month (December 14), the Tang court changed the leadership three times, and the crown prince Li Jiancheng Replace Li Yuanji.
On December 11 (January 17, 623), Liu Jun captured Hengzhou and killed the assassin Wang Gongzheng. [22] On the 18th (January 24), Liu Heita's army attacked Weizhou (Now Hebei Daming County (North), standing against Jiancheng and Yuanji armies Changle (Now Henan Nanle )。 [23] Prince Li Jiancheng supervised the soldiers to fight and won every victory. [24-25] On the 25th (January 31st), Liu Heita was again in Museum pottery He was defeated by the Tang army. [26-27] Liu Heita and the leader Wu fled northward Maozhou (Zhiguan pottery, now belonging to Hebei). Liu Heita reorganizes the army and backs up Yongji Canal More than 1000 cavalry troops formed by the formation, Jiancheng and Yuanji gathered in the Yongji Canal. After a fierce sprint, thousands of Liu Heita's troops fell into the water and died. Liu Heita was defeated again, [28-29] Li Jiancheng Appoints Riders Liu Hongji pursuit. [30]
Liu Heita was pursued by Liu Hongji, who could not rest, and his soldiers were tired on the long journey. On the fifth day of the first month of the sixth year of Wude (623), Liu Heita fled to Raoyang (now Hebei Raoyang )At that time, there were only more than one hundred cavalry soldiers with him. Everyone was hungry and wanted to go to the city to get something to eat. Appointed by Liu Heita Raozhou Assassin Zhuge Dewei Welcome them out of the city and invite them into the city. Liu Heita began to disagree. Zhuge Dewei pretended to be sincere and respectful, and insisted on the invitation crying. When Liu Heita entered the city gate, Zhuge Dewei commanded his troops to arrest him and sent him to Li Jiancheng. [31] In February, Li Jiancheng Mingzhou General Liu Heita and his younger brother Liu Shishan They were beheaded together, and Shandong was pacified. [32]

Historical evaluation

  • Fan Yuan: "Liu Heita, the Duke of the East of the Han Dynasty, is bold and resourceful, lenient and tolerant, and is grateful to his soldiers." [33]
  • Liu Xu Old Tang Script 》: ① "Rogue, addicted to alcohol, fond of gambling, and unable to control industry"; [33] ② "Since Heita has traveled all over the country, he is good at observing changes from time to time. He is brave and treacherous." [33]
  • Ouyang Xiu Etc《 New Tang Dynasty Book 》: "Heita and Kaidao are brave but not resourceful. They are just crazy thieves who are killed by their subordinates. It's wrong to control people." [34]

Historical records

  • New Book of the Tang Dynasty, Volume 86, Biography XI [34]
  • The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty, Volume 55, Biography 5 [33]

Historical site

Battle of Tang Junping and Liu Heita
Since ancient times, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Li Shimin With Liu Heita Mingshui Battle , not only recorded in《 Old Tang Script 》《 New Tang Dynasty Book 》《 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》And other historical classics, and Yongnian County Shahe County There are many historical sites left in other places, but these sites are recorded from the perspective of winners.
As recorded in the New Book of Tang Dynasty, "There is an old stronghold of Taizong in Goushan (Yongnian County), and Liu Heita was asked to come here". Qing Dynasty《 Jiaqing Rebuilds Unified Annals 》There are also records in the Gui [j ī] Fu Tong Zhi that "in the fifth year of Wude, Taizong attacked Liu Heita and set up camp here". Qing Dynasty《 Jifu Tongzhi 》There is also a record about Dacangmen Mountain in Shahe County: "Dacangmen Mountain, 120 miles west of the county, is also called Cangkou. In the Tang Dynasty, people tried to buy a warehouse here to pay salaries, so it was named". The Jifu Tongzhi even quoted in the records of Dacangmen Mountain《 Unified Annals of the Qing Dynasty 》Further clarify:“ Tang Taizong When he was the King of Qin, he attacked Liu Heita in Hebei and set up a warehouse here to pay the salaries, so he was named Cangmen.
The old fortress of Taizong in Goushan and the site of Tangcang in Cangmen are historical relics left by Mingshui Battle.

Film and television image

2012 TV series《 Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties 》Xu Wen as Liu Heita; [36]
2018 TV drama Chang'an: Zhang Jinan plays Liu Heita.