Liu Bingzhong

Politicians and litterateurs from Great Mongolia to the early Yuan Dynasty
zero Useful+1
Liu Bingzhong (1216-1274), initially named Liu Kan, was named Zi Cong, word Zhong Hui, number Tibetan Spring scattered people. Xingzhou (Today Hebei Province Xingtai City )People [1] , whose ancestral home is Ruizhou. Great Mongolia to Yuan dynasty An outstanding politician and writer in the early days. [51-52]
Liu Bingzhong was born in a family of aristocratic officials. He was smart since he was young. He joined when he was 13 years old Marshal Du's Mansion by proton , 17 years old as Xingtai Jiedu Mansion Lingshi Later, he once abandoned his official position and lived in seclusion Zen Master Xuzhao Be a teacher. Later entered the Great Mongolia Kublai khan The shogunate, which participates in military and political affairs as a cloth, is known as the "Cong Secretary". To yuan In the first year (1264), he was promoted Doctor Guanglu Taibao , collar Secretariat government affairs. In the eighth year of the Zhiyuan era (1271), Kublai Khan was suggested to take《 I Ching 》The meaning of "Da Zai Qian Yuan" changed Mongolia's name to "Da Yuan". [2] In the 11th year of Zhiyuan era (1274), Liu Bingzhong died at the age of 59. Thanks for helping Deyi to win meritorious deeds Grand Master Kaifu Yitong Third Division Upper Pillars Changshan King, Posthumous title Wen Zheng ”, a title granted to Han people in the Yuan Dynasty three counsellors of state The only person of. [19] [36]
Liu Bingzhong combines Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism [20] , was active in the political arena of the early Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, and played a significant role in the establishment of the political system and regulations of the Yuan Dynasty. He was right Yuan Dadu The planning and design of Beijing The original city prototype [1] Liu Bingzhong is also good at poetry, prose, lyrics and music. He is handsome, casual, leisurely and modest, which is similar to his personality. Yes《 Tibetan Spring Collection 》Pingsha Yuchi Sutra has been handed down from generation to generation. [52]
Overview Chart Source [53]
Full Name
Liu Bingzhong
Liu Kan Zi Cong Secretary Cong Liu Wenzheng Liu Wenzhen
Zhong Hui
Tibetan Spring Solo
Posthumous title
Wen Zhen → Wen Zheng
Great Mongolia → Yuan Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Xingzhou [1]
date of birth
Date of death
Key achievements
It played a significant role in the establishment of the political system and rules and regulations of the Yuan Dynasty
Planned Beijing
Main works
Tibetan Spring Collection Pingsha Jade Ruler Sutra
Highest office
Guanglu doctor, Taibao, participate in the book to save time → sincerely cooperate with De Yi to transport the meritorious officials Grand Master Kaifu Yitong Third Division Upper Pillars (Gift)
Duke of Zhao (gift) → King Changshan (gift)

Character's Life


Early experience

Liu Bingzhong, with the word Zhonghui, was originally named Liu Kan because of his faith Buddhism He changed his name to Zi Cong, and was named Bingzhong after serving as an official. He was born in Jin Xuanzong Zhenyou Four years (1216) [49] , whose ancestral home is Ruizhou, has been for generations Liao Dynasty An official family. Great grandfather( Name unknown )Former post Jin Dynasty Of Xingzhou governor of one or more provinces He lives in Xingzhou, so his family became Xingzhou people from his grandfather Liu Ze. His father Liu Run was the Grand Master King of Great Mongolia Muqali After capturing Xingzhou, he became an official under his command. [3]
Liu Bingzhong has been smart since he was young. At the age of eight, he can recite hundreds of words every day. At the age of 13, he was a hostage in the Marshal's Mansion, and at the age of 17, he was a governor of Xingtai Prefecture, so as to support his relatives nearby. Liu Bingzhong was always unhappy to make Shi. One day, he sighed: "My family has been an official for generations. Would I rather be a secretary or a petty official? A man was born at a bad time, so he had to retire to wait for the time to rise." He abandoned the official position and lived in seclusion Wu'an Mountain Medium. Several years later, he was Tianning Temple Of Zen Master Xuzhao Be accepted as an apprentice. Later, he traveled in the clouds and stayed in Nantang Temple. [4]

Shogunate secretary

Liu Bingzhong (middle), Guo Shoujing, Zhang Wenqian, Zhang Yi, Wang Xun and other "Five Masters of Zijin Mountain" [35]
Ma Zhenhou In the first year (1242), Northern Zen Buddhism Linji Sect leader Sea cloud Fengmongol King Kublai khan Zhizhao Go Helin When passing Yunzhong, Haiyun heard that Liu Bingzhong was knowledgeable and talented, so he invited him to go with him. After paying a visit to Kublai Khan, Liu Bingzhong told him the general idea of Buddhism. Kublai Khan praised him very much and asked him many times. Liu Bing is devoted to reading everything, especially in-depth research《 I Ching 》And Song Dynasty Shao Yong As for the "Book of the World", he is proficient in astronomy, geography, legal calendar and divination, and knows everything about the world like the palm of his hand. Kublai Khan loved Liu Bingzhong very much. After Haiyun returned to the south, Liu Bingzhong stayed in Kublai Khan's mansion to serve. [5] [38]
Guiyou In the first year of the Han Dynasty (1249), Liu Bingzhong went home for the funeral because of his father's death. Kublai Khan gave him a hundred liang of gold for burial and sent envoys to Xingzhou. At the end of the mourning period, he was called back to Helin. The next year (1250), after Liu Bingzhong arrived in Helin, he wrote hundreds of thousands of words. It can be roughly divided into 14 [5] [38]
  1. one
    Suggest that Kublai Khan follow suit Duke Zhou Secondary King Wu of Zhou To assist Mongo Khan in governing the world;
  2. two
    The descendants of the founding fathers were sent to Jingfuzhou County to supervise and assess the old officials, and reward and punish them according to the results of the investigation;
  3. three
    According to the current account Tax difference To attract refugees who have been forced to flee. Stipulate the salaries of all officials, reward, punish and restrict their virtues;
  4. four
    Educate the people all over the world. Lower level officials are not allowed to convict at will. Deadly crimes must be reported for verdict;
  5. five
    Check the debts owed by the government. If the debts were originally legitimate loans, the government would repay them with one principal and one interest. If the debts were illegitimate loans, and there was no receipt, and the interest was greater than the principal, they would be exempted;
  6. six
    The principle of delivering public grain to the nearest warehouse shall prevail, and the "regular taxes in Tianjin and Liangshan" shall be determined. Merchants everywhere shall be prohibited from taking advantage of others, and luxury shall be prohibited. The upper and lower clothing shall be stipulated to reduce taxes, and agricultural officials shall be sent to supervise the farming and mulberry planting;
  7. seven
    Set up schools and implement Imperial examination system Guide the descendants of the founding fathers to enter schools and select talented people;
  8. eight
    Carefully select county officials, appease refugees from Guanxi and Henan provinces, and comfort the widows and the disabled. Imperial envoys are not allowed to harass officials and people in the local area, but should set up a museum for resettlement;
  9. nine
    Make local temples for sacrifice Confucius , visiting local famous Confucian scholars and holding ceremonies;
  10. ten
    Please Mongo Khan issue a new calendar and begin to write it《 Jin History 》;
  11. eleven
    The state allocates part of the funds to support the celebrities and scholars who have difficulties in life, and exempts the self owned entrepreneurs from tax duties, so that they can do their best for the state;
  12. twelve
    Open up and encourage outspokenness. Mingjun should distinguish between a gentleman and a villain, so that the wise are in office and the capable are in office.
  13. thirteen
    The salt field and mining and metallurgy necessary for the domestic people are managed by various tax offices. It is forbidden for profiteering people to rely on official power to harm the people, so that merchants and civilians do not bully each other;
  14. fourteen
    It is forbidden to set up a prison without permission and to punish people by whipping. We should correct the outline and follow the law, so that the world can be ruled without labor. Pay attention to promoting honest and capable officials. [19]
Lu Yanguang painted a portrait of Liu Bingzhong [39]
Kublai Khan greatly appreciated his comments and adopted them. Liu Bingzhong also suggested: "Xingzhou has more than 10000 registered permanent residences, but since the army was launched, there have been less than hundreds of registered permanent residences Liu Su Such a good official will surely restore the old splendor. " So the court sent Zhang Geng as the pacifier of Xingzhou and Liu Su as the deputy ambassador. Soon the refugees returned to work, and Xingzhou was upgraded to Shunde Prefecture. [6]
Yuan Xianzong In 1253, 1254 and 1259, Liu Bingzhong followed Kublai Khan twice Dali Hehe logging Southern Song Dynasty Kublai Khan adopted Liu Bingzhong's words of "praising the good life of heaven and earth, and the king's divine power will not kill", ordered the general to split the silk as a flag, wrote the word "stop killing" on the flag, and ordered each army not to kill in vain after invading Dali City. So in this battle, the Mongolian army did not kill one person in every gram of a city. When invading the Southern Song Dynasty, wherever we went, the people were all alive. [7] [35]
Middle In the first year (1260), Kublai Khan proclaimed himself emperor, that is, Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty. Kublai Khan adopted Liu Bingzhong's suggestion and issued an imperial edict to establish the Jianyuan era Secretariat and Xuanfusi , old courtiers and hermits in the mountains were employed. [8] Although Liu Bingzhong lived around Kublai Khan, he still wore his old clothes. At that time, he was called "Secretary Cong". [9]

Deeply favored

Liu Bingzhong in Sancai Tuhui
To yuan In the first year (1264), the Imperial Academy received the imperial edict Wang E Prelude: "Liu Bingzhong participated in military and state affairs long before his majesty ascended the throne, and has made great contributions. Today, his majesty ascended the throne, and everything looks new, while Liu Bingzhong is still wearing old clothes, which is disturbing to me. I should correct his clothes and give him a honorable title." [10] Kublai Khan accepted it and issued an imperial edict on the same day to pay homage to Liu Bingzhong Doctor Guanglu Taibao , took part in the political affairs of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and served the Imperial Academy as a bachelor Doumo His daughter married Liu Bingzhong and gave him a house in Fengxian Square Palace Book To be given by the supervisor ". [11]
Liu Bingzhong took the world as his own responsibility after he was appointed. He knew everything about the country, big and small, and said everything. He was deeply loved and trusted by Kublai Khan. Most of the people recommended and promoted later became famous ministers. [12]
Liu Bingzhong has been an aide to Kublai Khan for more than 30 years. He has been accompanied by Kublai Khan on expeditions and patrols in both cities, and has been given special trust. According to The History of the Yuan Dynasty: Biography of Empress Concubine, Keshik The official once asked him to herd horses near the capital, which was approved, Chabi The empress wanted to stop admonishing Liu Bingzhong, first of all, she deliberately blamed Liu Bingzhong: "You Han people are smart. If you say something, the emperor will listen to you. Why don't you admonish?" Even the empress had to rely on him for admonishing, which shows that Kublai Khan really obeyed him. [20]

Kaiyuan Honorary Minister

Metropolis of Yuan Dynasty
As early as when Mengge was in power, Kublai Khan began to attach importance to the capital city of the Central Plains Longgang He ordered Liu Bingzhong to build Kaiping and become Xanadu City after he ascended the throne. In fact, this was the prelude to the transition from the Mongolian ruling center to Yanjing. In the Zhiyuan period, Yanjing was changed back to the middle, and the two capitals system was implemented; The ultimate goal is to prepare to move the capital to Yan. The mission of building a big city, a big city planning and construction falls to Liu Bingzhong. [34] In the third year of the Zhiyuan era (1266), after investigating the old capitals of Liao and Jin, Liu Bingzhong designed and built a new capital in the northeast of the original Yanjing city, namely Yuan Dadu (Today's Beijing). The new city has a grand scale and vast projects Zhang Rou [29] Duan Zhen Under the auspices of others, the progress was very fast. In the first month of the 11th year of the Zhiyuan era (1274), the Metropolitan Palace was built. [2] In addition to presiding over the design of Dadu, Liu Bingzhong also participated in the Yuan Peidu Shangdu (now in Zhenglan Banner, Xilingol League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region). [2]
In the sixth year of the Zhiyuan era (1269), Liu Bingzhong was responsible for the establishment of the court ceremony, the official system, the etiquette of the emperor, the clothes and salaries of the officials. [13] These became the customization of the Yuan Dynasty. [38]
In the eighth year of the Zhiyuan era (1271), Liu Bingzhong suggested that Kublai Khan take《 I Ching 》The meaning of "Da Zai Qian Yuan" changed the name of Mongolia to "Da Yuan", which was adopted by Kublai Khan. This is the origin of the naming of the Yuan Dynasty. [2]

To die without cause

In the 11th year of the Zhiyuan era (1274), Liu Bingzhong followed Kublai Khan to the supreme capital Jingshe Clean and repair. In August, Liu Bingzhong suddenly died without illness at the age of 59. Kublai Khan was shocked at the news and said to his officials, "I have been loyal to you for more than 30 years. I have been cautious, and I have no words Covert information I only know the depth of his knowledge. " Order to send money out of the inner government to help the bereavement, and send the minister of rites Zhao Bingwen Escort the coffin, bury it in Dadu, and then move it to Liu Bingzhong's hometown. [14] [35]
The first month of the 12th year of Zhiyuan (1275) [47] Kublai Khan posthumously presented Liu Bingzhong as Taifu Zhao Guogong, Posthumous title "Wen Zhen". Yuan Chengzong At that time, he also gave a gift to Tucheng Ximou and Deyi Grand Master Kaifu Yitong Third Division Upper Pillars , changed to "Wenzheng". Yuan Renzong At that time, he was awarded the title of Changshan King. [15] [41] In the Yuan Dynasty, only Liu Bingzhong was granted the title of Sangong by Han people. [36]

Main impacts



  • Helping Chinese
Portrait of Liu Bingzhong [35]
After Liu Bingzhong entered the Kublai Khan shogunate of Great Mongolia, he participated in military and political affairs as a cloth garment. Two years after Hai lost his way (1250 years), Liu Bingzhong wrote thousands of words to Kublai Khan, explaining to him the idea of "taking the country at once, not governing it at once", and then fully expounded his own idea of governing the country on issues such as household registration flight, official taxation, and criminal law decrees, laying the foundation for Kublai Khan to implement the Han law in the future. [31]
Kublai Khan's rule of the Central Plains required a large number of Han intellectuals. To this end, Liu Bingzhong strongly recommended Zhang Wenqian Chenchu Guo Shoujing Wang Xun Wang Wentong , Zhang Geng Liu Su Such as "noble scholars with great virtue and extraordinary talents". Kublai Khan's ability to "win the heart of China" and win the support of Han intellectuals has a great relationship with Liu Bingzhong. [48]
  • Building Rites and Music
In the early days of the Yuan Dynasty, Liu Bingzhong played an important role in the establishment of Zhongshu Province, Xuanfu Department, selection of officials and other measures, and the national ritual and music system was also completely new. [2] [38]
  • Planning two capitals
Liu Bingzhong was also an expert in the planning, design and construction of ancient cities. He was appointed in Monan in the sixth year of Emperor Xianzong of the Yuan Dynasty (1256) Jinlianchuan Grassland The Xanadu capital of the Yuan Dynasty was designed and built in Xanadu. It took three years to complete, and Kublai Khan ascended the throne here. In the third year of the Zhiyuan era (1266), he was ordered to plan, design and build a new capital in the northeast of the original Yanjing City, namely Yuan Dadu [35] Liu Bingzhong searched for water sources for the capital, determined the orientation of the imperial palace and the central axis of the city, and also determined the specific location of a city god temple. At the beginning of the 11th year of the Zhiyuan era (1274), the Dadu Palace of the Yuan Dynasty was completed. [48]
Dadu in the Yuan Dynasty became a masterpiece of ancient capital construction with its characteristics of adapting measures to local conditions, embracing everything and being innovative. [37] Liu Bingzhong's planning and design for Dadu of the Yuan Dynasty also laid the foundation for Beijing The original city prototype. [1]
  • State code
In the eighth year of the Zhiyuan era (1271), Liu Bingzhong suggested that Kublai Khan take《 I Ching 》The meaning of "Da Zai Qian Yuan" changed the name of Great Mongolia to "Da Yuan". [2]


Kublai Khan once asked Liu Bingzhong“ Coin Liu Bingzhong replied, "Money is used for yang, and Chu for yin." Longxing It should be used in Shuo Desert Chu coins (paper money), inherited from generation to generation. If money is used, there will be no peace in the world. " Kublai Khan agreed with him. New Yuan History 》It is believed that the middle and late Yuan Dynasty Yuan Wuzong Yuan Huizong The measure of casting money led to "the world perished by thieves", which fulfilled Liu Bingzhong's words. [40]


  • Ci Qu
Liu Bingzhong has profound knowledge and skill. He is a famous scholar, poet and essayist, and he is self adaptable in singing. His Sanqu mostly writes about scenery, and its style is bleak, leisurely, light and meaningful. [30]
Liu Bingzhong's Ci and Qu were both famous in the Yuan Dynasty. Zhang Wenqian "Liu Gong's Travels" is called "Poems and Music Mansions, and they are all popular". When people talk about Yuan Ci, they invariably cite Tibetan Spring Ci, which was compiled by people in the Qing Dynasty《 Poetic surplus of past dynasties 》, selected five poems written by Liu Bingzhong (two were mistakenly collected, one was not written by Liu Bingzhong, and the other was "Gan He Ye" was written by Liu Bingzhong, but it was a song rather than a poem). clear Gu Sili Selected Poems of the Yuan Dynasty 》According to the biography, it is "extraordinary to chant with emotion in order to assist the prime minister". Gu Kuiguang Selected Poems of the Yuan Dynasty 》Record three of his poems and evaluate them in yelu chucai On. Poets in Qing Dynasty Wang Pengyun The postscript to the Tibetan Spring Music Mansion "refers to the grand but not the clumsy Chu, and the brewing but not the flattering", which sets the tone for Liu Bingzhong's poetry style review. [16] Liu Bingzhong also plays an important role in today's discussion of Yuan Ci. [16]
  • poetry
Liu Bingzhong's poems are also very rich in content, which can be roughly divided into the works of expressing his thoughts, chanting and chanting his aspirations, writing about his travel and military service, giving answers, painting inscriptions, things, scenery and things, as well as epic poems and poetry poems. His poem "Xiao is idle and indifferent, and he is like a man", which can embody the novelty in the indifference and pursue the profound implication in the prosaic words, so it can be light but not dry. In the Yuan Dynasty, Liu Bingzhong was not famous for his poems but for his achievements, but his creation enriched the poetic world in the north at that time. Poplar sickle Of《 History of Poetry in the Yuan Dynasty 》He used quite a lot of space to evaluate his poems and thought that "he was one of the representative poets in the northern poetic world in the early Yuan Dynasty". [16]

Historical evaluation

Chabi : You Han people are wise. If you say something, the emperor will listen. Why don't you remonstrate? [18]
Wang E : Serve the public for a long time, accumulate years, participate in the plot of strategy, set the grand plan of the country, and be loyal to the achievements, which should be praised. [19]
Kublai khan : ① The spirit is just and straight, and the learning is rich and literary. Although it is hidden in the empty door, every time I concentrate on the holy way. I live in the mansion of the vassal state, and I am a minister, a guest and an official. I have heard about Gao Yi for more than twenty years. Out of the distance, tens of thousands of miles. You must plan for your safety when you give it to the heirs. If you don't correct your name first, why should you suppress others. [47] "Baiguanglu Doctor Taibao takes part in the system of saving time" )② He has been loyal to us for more than 30 years. He is careful and careful, and does not avoid risks and difficulties. He can tell whether things are possible or not, and has no secrets. The essence of the number of Yin and Yang skills is well known. If it conforms to the contract, I know it, and no one else can hear about it. [20] ③ Learn to see the heaven and the people, and know the past and present. Profound and guarded, quiet and colorless. In the past, I served as a reclusive vassal, and heard of great theories. Properly connect them three times, and present a book of thousands of words. Gai will raise the world and take measures to ensure peace. Those who take precepts as their masters will be killed. At the beginning of my obedience, I tried my best. I know that you are in agreement with me, but I know that you are in agreement with me. All things come to pass, and others ask for help. After thirty years of trial and error, we should not avoid difficulties. There are hundreds of pieces of play, each of which has its own reason. [47]
Li Pan: So Liu Bingzhong, a Guanglu doctor, a Taibao, and a minister in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, saved time, learned to see the heaven and the people, and knew the ancient and modern times. Profound and guarded, quiet and colorless. In the past, I served as a reclusive vassal, and heard great theories. At the right time, I will sincerely write a book of ten thousand words. General Gai raised the world and took measures to ensure its safety. He who takes precepts as his master is resolute. At the beginning of my obedience, I tried my best. I know that you are in agreement with me, but I know that you are in agreement with me. All things come to pass, and others ask for help. After thirty years of hard work; There are hundreds of pieces of play, each in its own way. [28] System of posthumous titles bestowed by Liu Bingzhong, Taibao
Wang Pan : Assisting the Holy Son of Heaven to open up the rule of civilization, establishing the foundation of peace, and honoring the cause of success, Liu Gong, the Taifu, is the first. [20]
Yan Fu : When the world is full of clouds and obscurity, the world has opened up and is in favor of the rule of civilization... As for the chapter of cutting clouds and carving out the moon, and the song of white snow in the spring, it is more than enough for the public. [21] Preface to Tibetan Spring Collection
Bust of Liu Bingzhong [17]
Song Lian : ① Bingzhong was born with a unique style, and his ambition was bright and uninhibited... Bingzhong was eager to learn from a young age, and never failed when he was old. Although he was a supreme minister, he lived in vegetarian life, and was indifferent all day long, just like in the past. I call myself Tibetan Spring. Every time he sings, he is comfortable. His poetry is weak, casual and indifferent. He is like him. [19] ② When a wise man is alive, he will never believe. Hanging a ladle in Wu'an is unique. However, the fan rises and the wind rushes through the clouds. The fortress is the city, the palace is the court. It was built in Luanjing, the seal of Luanjing. Longgang Yongchong is the bell of Wang Qisuo. The Duke of Yi Liu is a mediocre emperor. To write in the soil and teach Wan Bangchi. Che Shu Lai Tong is a public defender. [22]
Yao Guangxiao : Good heroes and common people; Never meet a bosom friend, never complain about blasphemy Once the situation is met, the monarch and his officials will keep their hearts open; The grand plan has been completed, and the name of merit is shown in the bamboo slips. [43]
Sun Chengen : Break away from the empty door, and make yourself stand tall. Great plans and scheming, loyalty and diligence. Luanjing is revered, and Wang Qisuo is fond of it. The contribution of Zhao Gong in the Dingding Mansion. [23]
Zhu Shi : When Bingzhong became the source, the trace was very strange. It is better to know that you will meet the Lord when you meet him, and it is better for you to stay outside of your heart and among the mountains and rivers? Xi Fan Li Boating, watching the troops strengthen Wu; Li Mi The Yike of Hengshan will set up two more capitals to recover the Tang Dynasty. How can loyalty lead to Yaya? [24]
Aixin Jueluo Zhaolian The Quete family started in the desert and used generals and ministers for a time, such as Yelu Wenzheng, Yang Zhongling Weizhong's Xiangye, Xu Wenzheng, Dou Xueshimo, Yao Wenxianshu's literature, Liu Taibao Bingzhong's plan and painting, Shang Mengyangting, Hao Bochangjing's straightness, Lian Zhongshu's loyalty, Shi Prime Minister Tianze, Bo Youxiangyan's battle achievements, Zhang Dutong Hongfan, Li Zhiheng, and A Taiwei's bravery, All rates are out for a while. [27]
Ke Shaoyi : Liu Bingzhong, Zhang Wenqian, Dou Mo and Yao Shu are all the guests and staff of Shizu's residence, and they praise the strategy of strategy to achieve great success. [25]
Chahond : Liu Bingzhong is good at poetry, prose, lyrics and music To be sure, in the history of poetry and ci poetry in the Yuan Dynasty, his achievements cannot be ignored, and he has his own personality. His Sanqu does not have the typical style of Yuan Sanqu, but it is also well written, so it has won the attention of future generations. stay Yuan Haowen After Yelu Chucai, Hao Jing Yao Sui Lu Zhi Liu Yin Previously, because of Liu Bingzhong's creation, the northern literary world was not lonely. [16]

Anecdotes and allusions


Scholastic Heaven and Man

Contemporary painting "Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty and Liu Bingzhong"
Liu Bingzhong has the knowledge of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism prognosticate from weather observations way of fortune-telling Dunjia《 I Ching Image number The book of Shao's Huangji is unknown· Li Junmin According to the Biography, "Liu Bingzhong is the one who knows the number of times.". Kublai Khan, the Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty, also praised Liu Bingzhong for "the number of Yin and Yang skills that account for things. If they match the contract, only I know it, and no one else can break with them". Mongolian worship Immortality "Everything must be called Heaven", and fortune telling is used to distinguish good from bad. Liu Bingzhong was good at divination and divination, and he also knew how to govern the country. The two complement each other, which is the important reason why Liu Bingzhong was more trusted by the Mongolian emperor than other monks and Confucians at that time. His relationship with Kublai Khan was "like a fish in water, like a tiger in the mountain", and was compared to the Three Kingdoms by Yao Shu, a scholar of the Yuan Dynasty Zhuge Liang , Western Jin Dynasty Dao'an , "Prime Minister in Black" of the Southern Song Dynasty Huilin , the founder of Xiangshu in the Northern Song Dynasty Shao Yong (It is said to be able to predict fortune). The people of the Yuan Dynasty also widely said that he used ghosts and gods and had many miraculous effects when he learned secret arts and used soldiers. [20]

Simple and indifferent

Although Liu Bingzhong lived beside Kublai Khan, he always kept a simple and indifferent lifestyle, living in plain clothes and eating simple meals all day long. He treated Kublai Khan's reward with an indifferent attitude of "serving the mountains and despicable people, and money is useless". He could not refuse, and then distributed the thousands of taels of platinum he gave to those who needed money urgently. [35]

interpersonal relationship

full name
brief introduction
Liu Ze
He was originally from Ruizhou, and his father was a governor of Xingzhou in the Jin Dynasty. He lived in Xingzhou and has been a native of Xingzhou ever since.
Liu Run
At that time, the Marshal's Office of Muhua Lilidou was the capital of the city. Later, it was appointed as the state clerk, and successively served as the leader of Julu County and Neiqiu County.
Half brother, official Pingyang Road main.
Imperial Scholar Doumo Daughter of.
Liu Lanzhang
Liu Bingshu's son adopted Liu Bingzhong because he had no son.
Liu Hu
Liu Lanzhang's son.
Liu Biao
Liu Lanzhang's son.
Table Reference [3] [11] [19]

Main works

Liu Bingzhong spent his whole life Astronomy , Divination, arithmetic and literature are abundant, including《 Tibetan Spring Collection 》(or Tibetan Spring Scattered People Collection, Tibetan Spring Poetry Collection) 6 volumes [21] , Tibetan Spring Poetry, Volume 1, Collection of Poetry, Volume 22, Collection of Literature, Volume 10 [26] , 4 volumes of Pingsha Jade Ruler, 2 volumes of New Jade Ruler Mirror, etc. Among them, there are 239 poems with seven rhymes and 151 poems with seven characters in the collection of Tibetan Spring. Yongle Grand Ceremony 》There are still some poems written by Liu Bingzhong in the fragments. Some of his poems are as follows:
Part of Liu Bingzhong's Poems
On the Stream《 Tour to the west of the city
Nanlu Ganhe Ye (two songs)
Table Reference [32-33]
Liu Bingzhong's Ci and Sanqu can be roughly referred to in Volume 5 and《 All Jin Yuan Ci 》It is known that there are 8 songs in group 1 of "Dry Lotus Leaves" and 4 songs in group 1 of "Toad Palace Melody" collected by Xiao Ling, which are respectively included in Volume 1 of the first and the second part of "White Snow in the Spring", and in "Quanyuan Sanqu". Among them, the 5th to 8th songs of "Dry Lotus Leaves" can be concluded that Liu Bingzhong did not write them, but there are 8 songs in 2 groups of Sanqu. [16] [30] He wrote a lot of articles in his life, but most of them have been lost《 Quanyuan 》Volume 115 includes three articles.

Commemoration for future generations



There are different statements about the records of Liu Bingzhong's tomb in the history books.
Lugouqiao Tomb
People in Wanli Period of the Ming Dynasty Jiang Yikui Chang'an Hakka 》According to the record, Liu Bingzhong's tomb in Yuantaibao is located in the north of Lugou Bridge, and the stone beasts in front of the tomb are still there. According to the record, Liu Bingzhong's tomb should be located in today's Beijing Shijingshan District Lugou Bridge North Yongding River East. However, there is no trace of his tomb. [42] [48]
Xingtai Tomb
Site of Liu Bingzhong's Tomb in Xingtai
The existing tomb of Liu Bingzhong is located about 1km west of Jia Village, Qiaoxi District, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, and is called "Liu Taibao Tomb". According to the late Ming Dynasty Zhu Guozhen Yongzhuang sketch 》It is recorded that "Liu Taibao was loyal, his ancestor Kang Yigong, and his younger brother Bingshu were buried in the village of the southwest sages in Xingtai County". The tomb was originally intact and large in scale. It is one of the three ancient tombs in Xingtai. It was excavated and stolen many times later. Now it has been completely destroyed, with only one remnant monument left. The tomb is a provincial key cultural relics protection unit. [44-45]

Sanwenzhen Temple

"Sanwenzhen Ancestral Temple" was built in the Yuan Dynasty in Shunde Prefecture (today's Xingtai Qiaodong District, Hebei Province). The temple was originally named Liu Wenzheng Temple of Taibao, and was changed to Sanwenzhen Temple in the Ming Dynasty to worship three famous ministers whose native place is Xingzhou and posthumous title is "Wenzhen" Wei Zheng Song Jing And Liu Bingzhong. Sacrificial words: "Wise people in the world are born in the same country, and their works are virtuous. They meet one another successively. The longer they last, the brighter their voices will be.". The temple was demolished after liberation. [46]

Film and television image

2013 TV Drama《 Jianyuan Fengyun 》(The Legend of Kublai Khan): Ma Junwei As Liu Bingzhong. [50]

Historical data index

A brief account of famous officials in the Yuan Dynasty 》Volume 7 Tai Bao Liu Wen Zheng Gong [20]
History of the Yuan Dynasty 》Volume 157 Biography of Liu Bingzhong [19]
Third Edition of Historical Biography 》Volume 41 The Thirty third Biography of Famous Officials [24]
New Yuan History 》Volume 157 Biography of Liu Bingzhong [25]