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Liu Yao

Tongzhi of Foping Hall in the eighth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty
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Liu Yao (whose birth and death are unknown), who was born in Tongliang, Sichuan Province, has the name of Han Han. Supervisor.
Chinese hawthorn
one's native heath
Tongliang, Sichuan
date of birth
Eight Years of the Guangxu Reign of the Qing Dynasty
True name
Liu Yao
In the summer of the eighth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1882), he was recommended by the military to be the Tongzhi of Foping Hall. In the eighth year of Guangxu's reign (1882), the moat at the northeast corner outside the hall was rebuilt; In addition, 16 Yicangs were built in Tingcheng and the four townships in the southeast, northwest and northwest to store 1125 stones of rice and 2040 stones of naked oats for people to prepare for famine.
In the ninth year of Guangxu's reign (1883), Yingxiu Academy, Wenchang Temple, the second and third halls of Tingshu and the left and right wing rooms were rebuilt; After arriving at the post, he searched for local information, extensively inquired about the elderly, and collected information. After one year, in the autumn of the ninth year of Guangxu's reign (1883), he compiled the Records of Foping Hall. [1]