Liu Qingbang

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Liu Qingbang, male, Han nationality, was born in Henan Province in December 1951 Zhoukou Liuzhuangdian Town, Shenqiu County [4] [22] First class writer, Beijing CPPCC Member, member of the 9th Plenary Committee of the Chinese Writers' Association. [1] Author of a novel《 Red coal 》Faults《 Faraway poetry 》《 Ballads on the Plain 》Five books, collection of short stories and essays, Walking in the Kiln《 Mei Niu herds sheep 》《 White flowers everywhere 》More than 20 kinds, such as "Sounder". The short story Shoes won the second Lu Xun Literature Award from 1997 to 2000. Novella《 Shenmu 》Won the second session Lao She Literature Award The film Blind Well, adapted from his novel Shenmu, won the 53rd Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear Award Obtained Beijing The first municipal award for virtue and artistry. [2]
December 22, 2019, the second session Nanding Literature Award The award ceremony was held in Henan University of Arts At the ceremony, Liu Qingbang won the award with his novel "Parents", becoming the second winner of the Nanding Literature Award, and won a prize of 100000 yuan. [3]
Chinese name
Liu Qingbang
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
Henan Province Shenqiu County
date of birth
December 1951
Representative works
"Fault", "Poem in the Distance", "Ballads on the Plain", "Mei Niu Shepherds Sheep", "White Flowers all over the Land"
Member of Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPPCC
First class writer

Character experience

He graduated from Henan Shenqiu No. 4 Middle School in 1967. Be a farmer after graduation
1970 Worked in Xinmi Coal Mine in Henan Province
Moved to Beijing in 1978 Ministry of Coal Engaged in editing and journalism
Served in 1996 China Coal Mine Writers Association chairman
1998《 sunshine 》Editor in Chief
In January 2000, he was employed as a contract producer of Beijing Writers Association
In November 2001, he was transferred to the Beijing Writers Association as a writer in residence, with the title of first-class writer
In 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2011, he was successively elected as Chinese Writers Association Member of the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth National Committees.
Since 2002 Beijing CPPCC committee member
He was the vice chairman of Beijing Writers Association. [23]
In June 2019, Liu Qingbang's literary studio was settled in Huairou. [7]

Award record

The short story Shoes won The Second Lu Xun Literature Award Beijing City Celebration New China was founded 50th Anniversary Essay Excellence Award
Whose Little Girl won the title of 2001《 People's Literature 》Excellent Novel Award
White Flowers Across the Land won the Outstanding Award for Essay Collection to Celebrate the 55th Anniversary of the Founding of New China in Beijing
The novella Family Road won the prize for soliciting essays in Beijing to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the founding of New China
"Moonlight Still" won the first prize of the National Black Gold Award for Coal Mines
Shenmu won the second session Lao She Literature Award
Squib won the 4th Lao She Literature Award
The novel "Fault" won the first National Wujin Award for Novel
Red coal 》Won the fifth session Beijing Literature and Art Award
The film Blind Well, adapted from his novel Shenmu, won the 53rd Berlin Film Festival Artistic contribution Silver Bear Award
In 2002, won the first Beijing Young and Middle aged literary and art works Award for virtue and skill. [5]
On November 20, 2017, with Black and White Men and Women, he won the ninth Ordos Literature Award of "Chinese Writer" a grand prix. [6]
In December 2017, the work "Apricot Blossom Rain" won the prize The 17th Hundred Flowers Literature Award Short Story Award. [12]
On December 15, 2017, a novel《 Black and white men and women 》Won the seventh session National Black Gold Award for Coal Mine Literature Special Honor Award. [13]
On December 28, 2017, the novel Black and White Men and Women won the first prize“ Wu Chengen Novel Award ”。 [2]
November 16, 2019, works《 Swallow takes mud to Mei's house 》Get The 18th Hundred Flowers Literature Award Novella award. [14-15]
December 22, 2019, novel《 parent 》Won the second session Nanding Literature Award He became the second winner of the Nanding Literature Award and won a prize of 100000 yuan. [3]
In March 2023, Liu Qingbang won the first prize of the 2022 Annual Chinese Prose Conference. [19]

Main works

Moonlight everywhere 》《 Red coal [8] Family House, Fault, High Embankment, Falling Leaves, Walking in the Kiln, Painful First Love, Selected Works of Liu Qingbang《 Mei Niu herds sheep 》《 Who to marry 》"In the Deep", "Family Road", "Hu Spicy Soup", "Tu Fu Lao Tang", "Shoes", "Children Round in August and Fifteen", "Yellow Mud" [9] Black and White Men and Women [10] Heart Matters [11] Poetry in the Distance《 Ballads on the Plain 》《 White flowers everywhere 》More than 20 kinds, such as "Sounder".

Publishing books

  • Author name Liu Qingbang
    Work time 2024-1
    Huadengdiao is a book published by Writer's Publishing House in 2024.
  • Author name Liu Qingbang
    Work time 2023-6
    Long Time Tune is a book published by Huashan Literature and Art Publishing House in 2023.
  • Author name Liu Qingbang
    Work category Novels
    Work time 2023-1-1
    "A Visit to the Snow" is a book published by China Yanshi Publishing House in 2023, which includes 15 short stories such as "A Visit to the Snow", "A Faraway Firefly", "Pain in the Bones", and "Bath".
  • Author name Liu Qingbang
    Work time 2009-11
    Ballads on the Plain is a book published by Beijing October Literature and Art Publishing House in 2009. The author is Liu Qingbang.
  • Author name Liu Qingbang
    Work time 2009-8-1
    Red Coal, written by Liu Qingbang, was published by Beijing October Literature and Art Publishing House on August 1, 2009.
  • Author name Liu Qingbang
    Work time 2000-1
    This book is a novel by Liu Qingbang, known as the "king of short stories", which describes educated youth who go to the countryside. It was published by Huashan Literature and Art Publishing House in 2000.
  • Author name Liu Qingbang
    Work time 2000-10-1
    Shenmu is a book published by Beiyue Literature and Art Publishing House in 2000. The author is Liu Qingbang. The theme of the novel is adapted from the three major mine cave fraud and murder gangs in China in 1998, Zheng Jikuan's gang (killing 110 people), Pan Shenbao's gang (killing 28 people), and Yu Guiyin's gang (killing 38 people)

style of language

Life photos of famous writer Liu Qingbang
Liu Qingbang paid more attention to language. Gorky put language first among the elements of novel writing, Wang Zengqi It was said that writing novels is writing language, and language and novels are doomed. If you look at the first few lines of a novel, you can judge the level of the author. How is the texture. The quality of this novel is a long-term process of refining the language. First of all, it has high requirements for itself. The language must be simple, accurate and natural. The high realm is to have taste, personality and brand. Language is first and foremost the expression of a writer's personality, at least not the language of standard parts. There are several languages, such as official document language, media language, official speech language, literature and its own language. Novels have novel language. When we write novels, we should first enter the novel language system , and then form his own language style, which can not be achieved in a short time. He has been pursuing this, or that there is language behind the language, words behind the words, try to give play to the tension of the language, give play to the strengths of Chinese characters. Chinese characters have such a long history, how many people touch them, but we must understand them thoroughly, deeply rooted, and Li Bai used them, Bai Juyi If we have used these words, how can we use them? We should understand them thoroughly, try to use them well, and put them in a very suitable place. If we are disturbed to the right place, words are very uncomfortable. They should be living creatures. They are willing to personify words. If you put them in a different place, they will be very uncomfortable, and they will die. If you arrange it in a good place, it will be very active and full of vitality. word With temperature There is music, smell, color, etc. All the beautiful factors can be reflected in the words. We should look at the words in this way to adapt to the words.

Related reports

People's Network Beijing, January 24 Liu Qingbang, member of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice-chairman of the Beijing Writers Association, recently received an exclusive interview with a reporter from People's Daily Online“ Grand Culture ”How to see Network literature He expressed his views on such hot topics as how to build a "Literary Beijing" and how to strengthen reading and commenting on excellent literary works.
Reporter: In the context of the "big era", you proposed that "big culture" and "elegant culture" should be more advocated. What is the specific connotation?
Liu Qingbang: Different people have different needs for culture, including the need for elegance, emotional comfort, and enjoyment of advanced art. I think we should guide and improve the cultural needs of different levels from various aspects. If we simply cater to it, it may lead to a lot of vulgar culture. One of the characteristics of vulgar culture is entertaining, funny, and it may also contain violent and sexual content, which is likely to bring many bad effects to readers. There are still some mainstream good culture and high-end works, but the whole number of literary and artistic products is too large, and they are gradually submerged.
reporter: Network era What do you think of online literature and online writers?
Liu Qingbang: The advantage of online literature is that it lowers the threshold and breaks the monopoly of literature and culture. In the past, literature and culture were in the hands of literati, and the development of media broke this boundary, making writing very easy. However, I have not always been in favor of naming literature with "network". The network is just a carrier, a medium. No matter how the carrier or medium changes, the essence of literature is unchanged. As long as it is written about human feelings and expresses human nature, network literature is also Traditional literature The extension of connotation.
Reporter: How can excellent literary works better attract young readers and make more young people like reading?
Liu Qingbang: First of all, it is difficult. Each era has its own unique Cultural products And the corresponding readers. This is an era of cultural diversity, and there are many ways to appreciate and read. In the past, people only read words through paper media, and many of them were electronic reading. Attracting young readers to read Classic works It is really difficult, which involves how to train readers to understand high culture And Entertainment culture It really needs a process of cultivation.
Reporter: How to build "Literary Beijing"?
Liu Qingbang: I hope that Beijing will pay more attention to literature in terms of system and mechanism. When it comes to Beijing, the first thing I think of is Lao She Beijing, Lu Xun's Beijing Shen Congwen Beijing. They are all literary masters. They wrote many works, and then their literary works were extended to other works Literary and artistic works Including films and TV plays. In order to develop culture, we should first attach importance to literature, pay attention to authors from the perspective of system and mechanism, and have a writers' association that is compatible with the status of the capital. Relevant leaders also talked about actively promoting this matter.
Reporter: How to strengthen the reading and review of excellent literary works?
Liu Qingbang: For literary works, it is very important to have a fair evaluation. In the past, there were many works, but comments were often lacking credibility , which is mainly because the previous comments are mainly Media comments It is more money than academics, art and ideas that play a role. To solve this problem, we must gradually change the Evaluation system , establish authentic and credible comments and Reward system [16]
Yellow Mud Land Seminar
On April 1, 2015, Beijing Writers Association and School of Arts, Renmin University of China The seminar on Liu Qingbang's novel Yellow Mud Land was held. Chen Xiaoming, a critic, praised Liu Qingbang's painstaking "carving" on the yellow mud land with a bare pen. Liu Qingbang has insisted on realistic creation for decades, which is considered by critics to be a "Liu Qingbang phenomenon" worth studying.
Critics have a consensus that Liu Qingbang has been focusing on realistic creation since he published his works in the 1980s and has never been moved by various literary trends. They believe that this unique phenomenon is worth Literary circles Research and attention. critic Sun Yu It is believed that Liu Qingbang's description and treatment of a large number of details in rural areas are very rare in today's literary works‘ onlooker ’And other details are very wonderful, especially his writing of rural visitors Lu Xun But it is more complicated than what Lu Xun wrote. " [17]

Mining area writing

Life photos of famous writer Liu Qingbang
Liu Qingbang has lived in the mining area for 9 years, because he often has to work at a place thousands of meters underground. At the beginning, he often felt Eardrum It seems that it has been thickened several layers, but this is not his most interesting "discovery" about going down the well. He believes that every miner will "write" a special mark that belongs only to the miner on his face - miners often suffer some minor injuries in the well, and these wounds are easy to get coal, coal dust Infiltration will form blue coal spots. "As long as you see this coal stain, you know that it must be a brother from the coal mine." Liu Qingbang likes to condense the unique personality of miners with "the humor of dying and surviving". In the heavy life of life and death, the miners must and can only use humor Release pressure In the dark, men like to joke with women. They will use white on the black iron pillar Chalk painting Women are naked, and the ice and hard underground pillars are called“ iron girl ”, put the sun out of sight white hair Mice are called "white haired women". Liu Qingbang was most impressed by such a detail: miners like to drink when they go to the well, and they go to the street to watch women feed their eyes - a word invented by miners, that is, they go to the street to see beautiful women. The mining area is always short of women, so it is easy for them to have a strong desire for women. In addition to women, the miners' other pastime is drinking. Sometimes they do not drink with an empty stomach and can also fight.
Liu Qingbang has a clear idea of his own writing that most writers lack Career orientation That is "focus on industrialization, urbanization and marketization Transition period Migrant workers' Survival status ”。 This is actually very risky, but admirable《 Red coal 》In the postscript, he wrote such a sentence: "The reality of coal mines is the reality of China."
Photos of famous writer Liu Qingbang
Liu Qingbang's career as a coal mine reporter broadened his horizon and enabled him to look back at life from a higher perspective. Before the Spring Festival in 2000, Xuzhou When a coal mine was flooded, many miners were trapped underground. It was snowing heavily that day. Liu Qingbang went to report on the mine disaster. He saw that many miners' relatives were watching hard day and night. They hoped their relatives would survive. Among them was an old man with a grandson in his arms. He looked frightened, but he tried not to cry because he was afraid of bad luck. There was also an old miner standing in the snow, who refused to enter the house when he was pulled. "In this situation, as a reporter, you don't need to ask any questions. You can only observe and experience with your heart," Liu Qingbang recalled. What impressed him most that day was a young man waiting for his father at the gate of the Miners' Club. He found Liu Qingbang looked like a reporter and asked him if he had come to interview. Liu replied that yes, the young man continued to say that he thought his father was hopeless, and Liu advised him not to be pessimistic. He shook his head and suddenly asked a question that surprised Liu Qingbang. The young man asked, "If my father really can't come out this time, can I support him to work?" This remark made Liu Qingbang's heart wrung. "If the child wants to work, he must pay for his father's death... There is deep sorrow in his life, but you can't write it into the report." Later, the story that he could not forget for a long time was written into a novel with more than 10000 words《 Red coal 》。
In the world, there are many writers who have lived in mining areas. When someone asked Liu Qingbang why he insisted, he said, "Most of the mining areas are Urban rural junction The majority of miners come from rural areas. They take off their farm clothes and change into working clothes. They become miners. Their income is higher than that of farmers, but the cost is also higher cultural background They are also farmers. Their contributions to China are enormous. This group, supported by more than seven million people, provides 67% of China's energy, but their inner world is ignored. They hardly have any discourse power ... I once saw a contract signed by a miner and the mine owner, which said in black and white: "In case of an accident, one finger will pay 50 yuan".

social influence

Photos of famous writer Liu Qingbang
In Liu Qingbang's writing, half is coal mine, half is local. His novellas《 Ballads on the Plain 》Obtained People's Literature A prize was awarded, but the critics did not pay enough attention to it. Liu Qingbang has experienced famine personally. The famine in Henan is very serious. Many people died and were hungry Large neck Coarse, he himself has eaten the persimmon bark and said it is very hard. As for the opportunity to write this topic, Liu Qingbang said that we should let the nation retain its historical memory and not forget these painful lessons so early. If a nation loses its memory, it is very sad. Writers have this responsibility. If they cannot shoulder this responsibility, they will be ashamed of the title of writer. and History After all Heavy line The news report may also be false. Only the performance of literary works is accurate, detailed and more credible. "I go home every year, that's not called Go deep into life That's going home! If you insist on saying that, you will go home. If a writer comes from the countryside, the best way to go deep into life is to go home. " In fact, Liu Qingbang himself is unwilling to admit《 Red coal 》It is a coal mine theme novel. He said: "Fiction is the art of fiction. Imagination is the most basic productivity of a writer. The story of a novel is written where there is no story. It is the story of a novel that starts at the end of the story."
Photos of famous writer Liu Qingbang
Liu Qingbang wrote a novel called "The Word of Jade", Wang Anyi In his lecture, he cited it as an example of "what is a novel". The story of the novel, which he heard from his mother, took place in Lincun: the girl and her grandmother went to the cinema together, it 's getting dark , was dragged to the sorghum field by two people to rape, and the girl wanted to die after returning home without eating or drinking. As a result, she became ill, and then she really died. "In fact, she knew who the perpetrator was, but she didn't dare to say so, so my novel idea began. My design girl smelled the smell of those two people at that time. Recalling that someone had introduced her to a goat killer before, she didn't agree. She then began to avenge the killing of sheep. She got up for dinner, said she didn't want to die, and took the initiative to marry the man. Then she took a series of revenge to avenge the two murderers. Wang Anyi said, originally a doormat, she became the goddess of revenge. " This is how life becomes a novel through the power of logic. Liu Qingbang's title of "short story king" is not for nothing. In addition, young director Li Yang borrowed his "Divine Wood" to make the film "Blind Well", which also won him greater reputation. The film shocked many people, but Liu Qingbang, the author of the original book, was not completely satisfied with it. What he was most dissatisfied with was the ending of the film. "The ending of the film destroyed my ideal design. I value the purity of the high school student's heart very much. I have communicated with the director, but he may not care about my opinion. In the novel, the child actually looked for a young lady, but he didn't contact her later. However, the film is not like this. In the film, the director asked the young lady to send money to the child's home, which will reveal clues that can solve the case. The logic of the film is not rigorous. "
In all the published works, Liu Qingbang's personal favorite story is not "Shenmu", but "Sounder" (published in《 People's Literature 》)。 The so-called "loudspeakers" are the Suona guys. They tell a story about a girl and watch her funeral a suona horn , deep in life folk music She was so moved that she wanted to learn the suona, but her family objected and locked her up, but she would rather not eat and insisted on learning it. At last, she played the suona very soul stirring. Liu Qingbang said, "In this case, the story may no longer be important, but rather the taste, it is music Naturalness Reading this novel is like seeing a tree. You only see the trees full of flowers, but don't care about the branches. My view is that everyone is a symphony, eager to make their most 'soul stirring' voice, and my works are my symphony. "
Liu Qingbang
Liu Qingbang, Chinese writer The "different number" in the "human and nature" has been the theme for many years Realism Writing. His works can be simply divided into two themes: local and mining areas. These are two deep tunnels leading to his memory. One is named by him as "harmony between man and nature", and the other extends in the opposite direction and is named as "struggle between man and nature." In 1978, Liu Qingbang came to Beijing to start a new urban life. It has been 28 years since then, However, he still has a clear habit of living as a farmer - he likes to grow at home Bean sprout And feel proud of it, "I often go back to my hometown and bring back the new Mung bean This is the secret for me to grow green beans well ". Liu Qingbang is a "city man", but he is very familiar with rural and coal mine life. The reason is that he chooses to live in the mine every year Tibet Coal mines, both large and small, have left their footprints. His new novel《 Red coal 》As soon as it came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many readers. Even when we interviewed him, he received a text message from a strange reader who said that he had just read Red Coal at one go. "One breath", put down the phone, and Liu Qingbang smiled, "I don't think this is a good thing." He explained that, "My highest evaluation of works is first of all natural, good works should be able to distract people, and it is better to go out of the sky! It is said that good works are catchy and let people read them at one go. I think that good works should be "let people go", which makes people have an aftertaste and can't help thinking of their own experiences and past events.
In addition to hoping that his works can distract people, Liu Qingbang also likes to read his own works repeatedly - after writing, after publishing, he will read again. "Sometimes I will be moved to cry by myself, and I can't read the tears... It is wrong to pay more attention to blood than tears. When I am really sad, tears may not flow out at all. People always want to see those strong things, but in fact, those hidden by the deep are still simple. Every writer is sad and sorrowful in the depth of his life. Life is a tragedy. His works express his weak feelings. A really good work should be soft. "
Liu Qingbang