
The middleman who obtains the ownership of goods in trade
zero Useful+1
Distributor refers to those who obtain the ownership of goods in trade middleman They acquire the ownership of goods through purchase and resell them, so they have to bear various risks. Distributor Owned Price Decision power They are only interested in profits and are not loyal to which manufacturer and exporter Common distribution methods include: distribution, wholesale and retail. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
A completely independent businessman


Distributors and manufacturers( manufacturer )The relationship between buyers and sellers, and distributors are completely independent businessmen. Unlike agents, distributors are not restricted by distribution enterprises and individuals in their operation. They can distribute products for many manufacturers. His business is his own business, so when he accepts the restrictions of the distribution contract, he considers his own commercial interests. Distributors buy products with their own money and bear all the risks of whether they can get enough profit from sales. The distributor is between the dealer and the dealer.

management style

1. Headquarters and dealers Franchise stores A comprehensive communication system platform shall be established between the two parties to maintain timely contact and facilitate business communication between the two parties. For example, the internal Tiantong system of Renwo Bank can release product business information in a timely and accurate manner and share it with 500000 agents in a timely manner.
2、 Corporate Headquarters To maintain a strong position, the following dealers and franchise stores should not be easily separated from or set up their own doors. Always establish the company headquarters management model The legal owner of, and the brand intellectual property rights, such as trademarks, patents, packaging designs, etc., all belong to the company headquarters.
3. The dealers and franchise stores shall sign a letter of responsibility with the headquarters, specifying their responsibilities and obligations, and both shall exercise their rights and obligations as required.
4. Dealers and franchise stores must follow the principle of headquarters Rules and regulations You can't have another set of rules and regulations. The headquarters should communicate with the headquarters in a timely manner, so that the dealers and franchise stores are consistent with the headquarters Service standards and Price system
5. The interior and exterior decoration of dealers and franchise stores shall be consistent and the signs shall be uniform, and they are not allowed to be replaced at will.
The above is the management of dealers and franchise stores in the traditional mode.
Now the main group of society is changing, 80 Post 90s Will become social The backbone Main consumer and enterprise Operation mode According to the user's Consumption habits And change. In addition to traditional franchises, more and more enterprises are trying network distribution , absorb more dealers and franchise stores. Enterprises fully deploy e-commerce relying on the network distribution channel Establishment, network Distribution mode Compared with the traditional model, it has incomparable advantages: it is not limited by time and space, saves costs, and has more intelligent management distribution channel More diversification and so on.

Main differences

Distribution and wholesale are relative. They are the definitions of merchants from the perspective of management and planning. The so-called "distributor" is generally an enterprise with a sense of service terminal Trader
The distributor generally does not buy goods from the manufacturer until he knows that there is demand;
wholesaler (Wholesaler) It is to buy a large number of goods first and then find someone to sell them, no matter whether they are bought or not;
The distributor has a large amount of funds and can withstand long-term pledge, such as payment two months after delivery;
Wholesalers generally do not have much capital and cannot afford it Fund occupation Generally, it is cash settlement. If it occupies more of its capital, it is difficult for the wholesaler to maintain its business;
The distributor is generally designated by the manufacturer, which is somewhat similar in nature to the agent. The manufacturer only ships from the distributor;
There are no restrictions on wholesalers, as long as they have funds to purchase goods.