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Correspondence course

Economic terminology
Correspondence courses refer to a simple form of distance education. The original correspondence courses used written language, while modern correspondence courses can use audio recordings, visual materials, etc.
Chinese name
Correspondence course [1]
Foreign name
Correspondence Course
It refers to a simple form of distance education. The original correspondence courses use written language, while modern correspondence courses can use audio recordings, visual materials, etc
Correspondence courses require learners to complete regulations And complete relevant exercises at each stage. The whole learning process is controlled by the instructor in the training center, who determines the students' learning progress and sends them the handouts for the next class. The original correspondence courses used written language, while modern correspondence courses can also use all the methods discussed previously. In addition to using audio and visual materials, the most advanced form of distance education development at this stage is the open university. The university provides learners with a lot of text materials suitable for self-study at home, contact information of instructors, research topics and project Specially designed for Open University courses TV program , and from time to time accept Face to face teaching by teachers on campus. [1]