Fengyang County

County under Chuzhou City, Anhui Province
zero Useful+1
synonym Fengyang (Fengyang) generally refers to Fengyang County
Fengyang County, Anhui Province Chuzhou City County under its jurisdiction, located in Anhui Province Northeast, Huaihe River The south bank of the middle reaches is the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration. Dongyu Mingguang City , South and Dingyuan County Adjacent to the west, northwest and Huainan City Bengbu City Bordering the Huaihe River in the north Wuhe County Facing each other; The county covers an area of 1949.5 square kilometers. [29] By the end of 2022, the registered population of Fengyang County is 792692. [42]
Fengyang is famous for its mountains and rivers Huaihe Culture , nurtured a generation of peasant emperors Zhu Yuanzhang Has created Xiaogang people who "dare to be the first in the world", and has sung the popular“ Fengyang Flower Drum ”。 Fengyang has the titles of "Town of Kings", "Town of Flower Drum", "Town of Reform", "Town of Quartz", "Town of Quyi" and "Town of Folk Culture and Arts". It is Anhui Province Famous Historical and Cultural City [2] [41]
The terrain of Fengyang is high in the south and low in the north hill Mainly, at the foot of the hill is the rising hillock, in the middle is the slightly undulating river terrace and hillock, and in the north is the flat Alluvial plain Climate of Fengyang County North subtropical zone towards Southern temperate zone It is characterized by gradual transition, mild climate, four distinct seasons, sufficient sunlight, water and heat in the same season, dry and cold in the same period, and long frost free period [1]
In 2023, Fengyang County will achieve a regional GDP of 52.44 billion yuan, an increase of 8.4% year on year, ranking the second in total and the first in growth in the city; The industrial added value above designated size increased by 23.4%, ranking first in the city; Fixed asset investment increased by 10.7%, ranking sixth in the city; The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 27.01 billion yuan, an increase of 8.5%, ranking first in the city in terms of total sales and fourth in terms of growth rate; The local general budget revenue was 4.5 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 11.1%, ranking the second in total and the first in growth rate in the city. [44]
Chinese name
Fengyang County
Foreign name
Fengyang County
Zhong Li Haozhou Ming Zhongdu Fengyang Mansion
area number
three hundred and forty-one thousand one hundred and twenty-six [28]
Administrative Region Category
Chuzhou City, Anhui Province
geographical position
Northeast Anhui Province, south bank of the middle reaches of Huaihe River
1949.5 km²
Area under jurisdiction
2 streets, 14 towns and 1 township
Government residence
Fengyang County Government Affairs Center Complex Building [38]
Area Code
Postal Code
two hundred and thirty-three thousand and one hundred
climatic conditions
North subtropical climate gradually changes to south temperate climate
population size
792692 persons [42] (Registered population at the end of 2022)
License plate code
Wan M
52.44 billion yuan [44] (2022)

Historical evolution

The establishment of Fengyang dates back to the Qin and Han Dynasties, with Zhongli County. However, the county named after the mountain (Fenghuang Mountain) began in the early Ming Dynasty. There were two major changes in the establishment of Fengyang County in history. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang beat anti-Yuan rebel and rival of Zhu Yuanzhang , went back to Haozhou and changed it into Linhao Mansion. In the sixth year of Hongwu's reign in the Ming Dynasty (1373), Zhongli Mansion was set up in Dixiang, and in the seventh year (1374), the government was moved to Phoenix Mountain Zhiyang. Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, gave the government the name of "Fengyang", which is still in use today. It also analyzes that Taiping, Qingluo, Guangde, and Yongfeng in Linhuai County are located in Fengyang County, and the government and county are under the same administration.
Fengyang was the place of Huaiyi in ancient times. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was the country of Zhong Ion. In the Qin Dynasty, it was located in Zhongli County, which was the reason of the Han and Western Jin Dynasties.
In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was renamed Yan County, and in the Northern Qi Dynasty, it was renamed Zhongli County until the Yuan Dynasty.
From Tang Dynasty to Yuan Dynasty, Zhongli governed Haozhou.
In the second year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1369), Zhongli County was changed to Linhao County, and in the third year (1370), Linhao County was changed to Linhuai County.
In the sixth year of Hongwu's reign (1373), Zhongli Mansion was set up, and in the seventh year (1374), Zhongli Mansion was changed to Fengyang Mansion. Fengyang Prefecture was directly under the jurisdiction of Zhongshu Province in the early Ming Dynasty, and Nanjing in the first year of Yongle (1403).
Fengyang Prefecture in the second year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1645) Jiangnan Province
In the sixth year of Kangxi's reign (1667), Jiangnan Province was abolished and divided into two provinces Jiangsu Anhui Fengyang Prefecture belongs to Anhui Province.
In the ninth year of Kangxi's reign (1670), Lufeng Road was set up and stationed in Fengyang. Fengyang Mansion and County belonged to Lufeng Road.
In 1755, the 20th year of Qianlong's reign, Linhuai County was incorporated into Fengyang County.
In the third year of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty (1911), Revolution of 1911 Later, the government was abolished and Fengyang County was directly under Anhui Province.
In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), Huaisi Road was set up, and Daoyin was stationed in Fengyang.
In the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), the Office of the Commissioner of Administrative Supervision (special area) was established, and Fengyang County was the fourth special area of Anhui Province.
In February of the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), Fengyang County was occupied by Japanese invaders, and the traitor Ni Daogui organized the puppet Anhui Provincial Reform Government in Bengbu. Fengyang County was directly under the puppet provincial government, and the puppet Fengyang County Government was located in Bengbu. Counter-Japanese War During the period, the anti Japanese democratic governments of Dingfenghuai County, Dingfengjia County, Xufengjia County and Siwulingfeng County under the leadership of the Communist Party of China were successively established at the junction of the county and surrounding counties, and were successively revoked after the victory of the Anti Japanese War.
In January of the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), the Ministry of Interior of the National Government approved the establishment of Bengbu as a city, and Bengbu was separated from Fengyang County.
In 1949, Fengyang was liberated on January 16; In February, Fengyang County People's Government was established as the fourth Jianghuai Commissioner's Office, and the county government was stationed in Jiefu Town; In April, it was changed to Dingyuan Special Area; In July, it was changed to Chuxian District.
In January 1956, Chuxian District and Suxian District were merged to form Bengbu District, and Fengyang County belonged to Bengbu District.
In March 1961, Bengbu District was revoked, and Chuxian County Commissioner's Office was restored. Fengyang County belongs to Chuxian District.
In January 1993, Chuxian County was abolished and Chuzhou City was established under the jurisdiction of the province. Fengyang County is under the jurisdiction of Chuzhou City [4]
Ancient Buildings in Fengyang County

administrative division


Evolution of Administrative Region

In December 2021, Anhui Province will adjust the jurisdiction scope of Fengyang County Government in Chuzhou City, set up two streets, Zhongdu and Xuanwu, and the government seat in the government town will be moved from Fubei Community to Donghua Community. [33]

Zoning Details

By December 2021, Fengyang County has jurisdiction over 2 streets, 14 towns and 1 township: Zhongdu Street Xuanwu Street Fucheng Town Linhuaiguan Town Liufu Town Damiao Town Banqiao Town Zongpu Town Xiaoxihe Town Hongxin Town Guantang Town Zaoxiang Town Wudian Town Xiquan Town Yinjian Town Daxihe Town Huangwan Township [34] There are 190 administrative villages, 25 rural communities and 20 urban communities in the county [5] Fengyang County Government Affairs Center Complex Building of Fengyang County People's Government. [38]
Xiaogang Village, Fengyang County

geographical environment


Location context

Fengyang County is located in the northeast of Anhui Province, on the south bank of the middle reaches of the Huaihe River, between 32 ° 37 ′ - 33 ° 03 ′ north latitude and 117 ° 19 ′ - 117 ° 57 ′ east longitude Mingguang City , South and Dingyuan County Adjacent to the west, northwest and Huainan City Bengbu City Bordering the Huaihe River in the north Wuhe County Look at each other. It is 74.64 kilometers long from east to west and 49.6 kilometers wide from south to north, The county covers an area of 1949.5 square kilometers. [29] The county people's government in the prefecture town is 147 kilometers away from the provincial capital Hefei [6]
Fengyang County

topographic features

Fengyang County is one of the most primitive continental crust areas in Anhui Province. "There are mountains in the south, bays in the north, and hills and flat rivers in the middle." Hills and shallow mountains account for 85.7% of the total area of the county Jianghuai hills zone. The terrain of Fengyang is high in the south and low in the north. The south is dominated by eroded and denuded mountains and hills. The foothills of the hills are hilly areas, the middle is slightly undulating river terraces and mounds, and the north is a flat alluvial plain. The ground elevation gradually decreases from south to north, with a total gradient of about 1/600. The total land area of the county is 1949.5 square kilometers. 40.35 square kilometers of lake water surface, 43.199 square kilometers of river water surface, 83.549 square kilometers in total [1]
Jiushan Scenic Spot in Fengyang County

Climatic characteristics

The climate of Fengyang County is characterized by a gradual transition from the northern subtropical zone to the southern temperate zone. The climate is mild, the four seasons are distinct, the light is sufficient, the water and heat are in the same season, the dry and cold are in the same season, and the frost free period is long [1]


Fengyang County Huaihe River Haohe River Banqiao River Xiaoxi River 8 main rivers, Tianhe, Yaohe, Baojiagou and Chihe, with a total length of 325.3 kilometers, including 52.5 kilometers of Huaihe River flowing through the county, with an average annual transit water volume of 26.2 billion cubic meters, and the total runoff of other 7 rivers in the county is 278 million cubic meters, with a total drainage area of 1749 square kilometers [1]
Rivers in Fengyang County

natural resources


plant resources

Fengyang County belongs to the northern subtropical deciduous broad-leaved and evergreen broad-leaved mixed forest belt and the vegetation north of the Jianghuai watershed in the vegetation division of Anhui Province. The zonal plants are mainly deciduous trees. The southern shallow mountain area is mainly composed of small leaved oak Quercus acutissima , Quercus variabilis Chestnut Quercus, beech, plain tree, pistachio chinensis, Rhus chinensis, Huaxiang, Huangpurlin, triangular maple, etc; Followed by Robinia pseudoacacia, Dalbergia rosea, Junqianzi, Tangli, etc., various wild evergreen shrubs such as privet, Elaeagnus bockii, and bamboo pepper are also common. Under the forest, there are Lespedeza Euonymus , June Snow and Kudzu vine Atractylodes officinalis , honeysuckle, Ficus pumila and other deciduous and ivy plants. In the barren hills, there are also scattered shrubs such as jujube, wild hawthorn, narrow leaf pepper, etc., under which and on the hillside ridges Huangbeicao White fescue , golden grass, bristlegrass, croton grass, thistle, gooseberry, etc [7]

Animal resources

The mammals in Fengyang County include: hare , wolf, badger yellow weasel , stinging, fox, civet, jackal, otter wild boar , weasel, etc. Reptiles: Red chain snake Viper , cauliflower snake, turtle, gecko, water snake Zaocys dhumnades Bungarus multicinctus Amphibians: frogs, toads, etc. Birds: turtledove, cuckoo, robin, thrush, anemone, kingfisher, oriole, woodpecker, crow Magpie , kite, wild goose, pheasant, lark, wax billed, mountain tree warbler, owl, pond heron, Dong chicken, strong emerald, Sambo bird, grey magpie, black curled tail, small skylark, swallow, sparrow, wild pigeon Leiothrix , golden pheasant, cuckoo bird, white necked crow, grey curly tail, parrot, bitter evil, etc. Insects: There are many kinds of insects in the county, but there are few insects with resource value except bees and silkworms. In addition: centipede, earthworm, terrapin worm, mountain spider, mountain snail, etc [8]

Mineral resources

Fengyang County is rich in mineral resources. 37 kinds of metal and non-metallic minerals have been proved, of which the reserves of quartzite are more than 10 billion tons [1] There are certain reserves of iron ore in metal deposits, and rock gold and rutile molybdenum ore have high mining value. There are two types of iron ore in Fengyang, namely sedimentary iron ore and sedimentary metamorphic iron ore. The former is distributed in the south of Fengyang Mountain, and the latter is distributed in Lushan. There are 21.47 million tons of reserves in total, but the grade of the deposit is low, and it has not been exploited and utilized [8]


  • population
By the end of 2022, Fengyang County has 212712 households with a total registered population of 792692, including 421308 males and 371384 females. The permanent population is 639000. [42]
  • nation
Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the population of Fengyang County was mainly Han people, and the minority was only Hui people. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the development of production and economic prosperity, the integration of ethnic groups has been promoted, and people of Manchu, Gaoshan and other ethnic groups have successively settled in Fengyang. The results of the third population census in 1982 showed that there were seven ethnic minorities in the county, including Hui, Zhuang and Man, with a total of 4772 people, accounting for 0.87% of the total population of 543600 people in the county. Among ethnic minorities, 4750 are Hui, accounting for 99% of the population of ethnic minorities. The data of the fourth population census in 1990 shows that there are 21 ethnic minorities in the county, including Hui, Manchu, Miao, Tujia and Yi, with a total of 5350 people, accounting for 0.85% of the total population of 629800 people in the county. Among them, there are 5193 Hui people, accounting for 97% of the minority population.
Fengyang County


Main leaders of Fengyang County
full name
secretary of the county Party committee
Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and County Chief
Director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress
Chairman of the CPPCC County Committee




In 2023, Fengyang County will achieve a regional GDP of 52.44 billion yuan, an increase of 8.4% year on year, ranking the second in total and the first in growth in the city; The industrial added value above designated size increased by 23.4%, ranking first in the city; Fixed asset investment increased by 10.7%, ranking sixth in the city; The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 27.01 billion yuan, an increase of 8.5%, ranking first in the city in terms of total sales and fourth in terms of growth rate; The local general budget revenue was 4.5 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 11.1%, ranking the second in total and the first in growth rate in the city. [44]

primary industry

Fengyang County produces rice Wheat , fish and shrimp Corn , soybeans, peanuts and other agricultural products [1] In 2022, the added value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Fengyang County will be 5269.2 million yuan. The annual grain output was 833919 tons, down 0.89% year on year. The oil production was 32916 tons, up 3.6% year on year; The vegetable output was 122278 tons, up 3.6% year on year; The output of fruits and melons was 19912 tons, up 3.2% year on year; The output of garden fruits was 34794 tons, up 3.3% year on year. [42]

the secondary industry

In 2019, there were 82 silicon based material industrial enterprises in Fengyang County. 19 strategic emerging industry enterprises; 21 high-tech industrial enterprises [3]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2022, the consumer goods market in Fengyang County will maintain a steady and rapid development trend, and the total retail sales of social consumer goods will be 24898568000 yuan, up 4.3% year on year. According to the statistics of business location, the retail sales of urban consumer goods were 17754791000 yuan, up 4.9% year on year; The retail sales of rural consumer goods reached 7143.777 million yuan, up 3% year on year. According to the consumption type, the retail sales of goods were 21463672000 yuan, up 5.4% year on year; Catering revenue was 3434896000 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.7%. According to the size of enterprises, the retail sales of enterprises above designated size were 937.547 million yuan, up 37.9% year on year, and the retail sales of large self-employed enterprises above designated size were 1898.587 million yuan, up 23.8% year on year.


In 2022, the added value of transportation, storage and postal services in Fengyang County will be 3523.95 million yuan, down 0.4% year on year. At the end of the year, the county had 74000 civilian cars, up 4.4% year on year, including 69000 private cars, up 3.8%; There were 44000 private cars, up 4.2%. In 2022, the total amount of post and telecommunications business will be 71.118 million yuan, up 8.6% year on year. The total amount of telecommunication services was 393.08 million yuan, up 6.5% year on year; Postal business volume was 318.1 million yuan, up 11.3% year on year. [42]

social undertakings


Science and technology

In 2022, Fengyang County will have 9087 professional and technical personnel, with a year-on-year growth of 0.62%. There are 107 scientific research institutions, including 21 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises. 2678 people engaged in R&D activities. At the end of the year, there were 82 high-tech enterprises. 1255 patents were granted throughout the year, up 3.03% year on year; Among them, 122 invention patents were granted, down 26.5% year on year; 879 utility model patents were granted, up 4.3% year on year; 254 design patents were granted, up 21.5% year on year.

Cultural undertakings

In 2022, Fengyang County will have 12 art performance groups, 1 museum, 2 public libraries (370000 books in the public library), and 16 township street comprehensive cultural stations. There are 2 national key cultural relics protection units and 5 provincial key cultural relics protection units. There is one radio station, and the comprehensive population coverage rate of radio programs is 99%. There is one TV station, and the comprehensive population coverage rate of TV programs is 98%.


By the end of 2022, Fengyang County has 41 ordinary middle schools, including 30 junior middle schools, 11 ordinary high schools, 22275 students in junior middle schools, 7785 graduates, and 1916 full-time teachers; There are 11942 students, 3371 graduates and 876 full-time teachers in ordinary high schools. There is one secondary vocational school in the county, with 4335 students, 1234 graduates and 133 full-time teachers. There are 47 primary schools in the county, with 44098 students, 7077 graduates and 2448 full-time teachers; There are 113 kindergartens with 21413 children and 2726 teaching staff. [42]
high school
Fengyang Middle School Linhuai Middle School Fengyang No. 2 Middle School
Colleges and universities
Incomplete list [10]

medical and health work

In 2022, there will be 1 public general hospital, 1 public TCM hospital, 15 township hospitals and 218 village clinics in Fengyang County. There are 4822 health technicians in the county, including 1977 licensed doctors (assistants) and 2342 registered nurses. There were 4757 beds in health institutions throughout the county, and 3.5865 million people were diagnosed and treated by medical and health institutions throughout the year.

social security

In 2022, the number of people in Fengyang County participating in the basic endowment insurance for urban employees (excluding retirees) will be 49700, an increase of 37%; 58000 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban employees, up 16.3%; The number of people participating in unemployment insurance was 39600, up 51.6%; The number of people who participated in industrial injury insurance was 44500, up 23%; 445000 urban and rural residents participated in endowment insurance, down 0.7%; 611000 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, down 4.1%. There were 2334 registered urban unemployed, up 47.6%; There were 15578 new urban employees, up 29.5%. In 2022, a total of 2909 people will enjoy the minimum living security for urban residents, 17448 people will enjoy the minimum living security for rural residents, and 4550 people will be supported by the five guarantees in rural areas. In the whole year, the civil affairs department directly helped 1802 people and subsidized 24907 people to participate in basic medical insurance.


In 2018, Fengyang County hosted three mass sports events above the municipal level and held the 2018 Fengyang International Marathon [9]

Historical culture


Folk Literature and Art

The popular folk songs in Fengyang County are mainly composed of ditty, yangge and chant, among which《 Talk about Fengyang 》It is the most widely spread. In April 1958, after the Anhui Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the notice of "Collecting and Editing Folk Songs", the whole county set off a climax of collecting and creating new folk songs, and wrote 2 million folk songs throughout the year. In 1959, another 3 million folk songs were written, and Fengyang Folk Songs Anthology was compiled and printed by the county's tenth anniversary celebration office. After the 1960s, there were few folk song minor singers. Since the 1970s, the county cultural department and artists have collected and sorted out a large number of folk songs for many times. In December 1979, the county cultural center mimeographed the first volume of Fengyang Folk Songs, including 35 pieces of "Fengyang Flower Drum", folk songs, chants, etc. In 1982, six folk songs were recorded by China Folk Song Publishing House and sold abroad. In 1984, the County Culture Bureau edited and published the Selected New Songs of Fengyang [11]


Fengyang dialect belongs to the Mandarin dialect area. According to the classification of the ancient entering tone characters in Fengyang dialect, the county dialect can be divided into two dialects: "Wu (Dian) Kao (Cheng)" and "Feng (Cheng) Hong (Xin)". "Wukao films" mainly include Wudian Kaocheng In the region. The dialect in this film has five tones. In addition to Yin Ping, Yang Ping, Shang Sheng and Qu Sheng, it also has an independent entering tone with a low falling short tone value [12]


  • Weidiao Flower Drum Opera
Weidiao Flower Drum Opera Originated in Longzihu District, Bengbu City, Anhui Province Changhuaiwei Town , together with Flower Drum Lantern and Fengyang Flower Drum Fengyang Three Flowers (Changhuaiwei Town was originally under the jurisdiction of Fengyang.). During the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, Wei Diao was originally the local Yangge chant, which was absorbed and sung by the Flower Drum Lantern. Due to its combination with dance, gongs and drums, Weidiao has evolved into the musical structure of lantern songs (mainly manifested in the starting and ending of tunes, accompaniment of gongs and drums, and doorways). Later, in the small backstage plays, in order to meet the needs of the task and the development of the plot, the lantern song broke through the original musical structure and developed into the singing structure of the opera, that is, it evolved into various patterns belonging to the board cavity, such as [flowing water board], [adagio], [tight board], [big tune], [five character tight], [Wazi], [sheep son], [ewe sheep son]. The female tune of Weidiao Huagu is euphemistic and lyrical. It adopts the singing method of true and false voices, and is good at lyric and reasoning, expressing the feelings of grief and sadness; The male voice is loud and straightforward, straight and multi syncopated, and good at narration. Only gongs and drums are used for accompaniment, and no high pitched instruments such as silk strings are used. Musical instruments include gongs, flower drums and cymbals. Others include four to six performers of small cymbals, gongs and boring machines. [39]
Weidiao Flower Drum Opera
  • Sizhou opera
Sizhou opera , commonly known as "soul pulling tune", was introduced to Fengyang in the second year of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty (1910), forming a drama with local characteristics. At the beginning of the introduction of Sizhou Opera, many couples or fathers and daughters acted in the opera. One person held a willow leaf lute (an earthen lute), and the other person beat a cloud board or a wooden clapper without clothes. Instead of begging in the countryside, they used "singing". Its content is mostly taken from folk stories. The aria is also mostly folk tunes, chants and women's crying tunes. Later, it gradually developed into a semi professional class with professional artists "running downhill", often using rural embankment to perform from a commanding position. The actor wears a coat, a hat and a hemp beard to show his age. Dan actors usually tie a colored ball on their head and tie skirts around their waist to express their roles. In addition to retaining the form of rap, "one-man play", "two small plays" (Xiaosheng, Xiaodan) or "three small plays" (Xiaosheng, Xiaodan, clown) are also occasionally performed. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the artists of "La Sou Tune" appeared on the county stage. In 1951, the county set up a popular drama troupe, and urban and rural amateur Sizhou drama troupes were also set up. Many old artists work closely with theater workers to adapt and create plays, innovate and create singing and performing arts. For some plays, especially those showing modern life, the use of fixed tune and fixed spectrum not only retains the original beautiful singing, but also develops and creates new singing. Based on the "embossing field", the performance has developed into a variety of dance postures and footwork; The music is the plank tune, which retains the characteristics of rap music; The repertoire is rich, and the lyrics of the monologue are simple, humorous and vivid. The late 1950s and early 1960s witnessed the prevalence of Sizhou Opera. During this time, professional and amateur Sizhou Drama Troupe has cultivated some well-known actors and young actors, who are often active in urban and rural stages inside and outside the province, leaving a deep impression on the audience. At the same time, it has won good honors in previous provincial and local opera performances. Picking Cotton, starring Zuo Yunqian, an actor of Sizhou Drama Troupe, was also selected into Anhui Drama Collection and made into a film. After the beginning of the "Cultural Revolution", Sizhou Opera suffered bad luck, and its costumes and props were destroyed. Then it sang "quotation songs", promoted "model opera", and the county Sizhou Opera Troupe was changed into a literary and art troupe. In 1976, the Arts and Crafts Troupe was renamed as "Sizhou Drama Troupe". Since 1977, it has rehearsed several large-scale traditional plays, such as "The Legend of White Snake" and "The Legend of Ji Gong", with a high attendance rate. There were 255 performances in 1980 and 353 performances in 1981. However, since 1982, due to the popularity of television and movies in urban and rural areas, the attendance rate of dramas has declined significantly, and the Sizhou Drama Troupe in the county has been difficult to gain a foothold in the city [13]
  • Beijing opera
Beijing opera The county is known as the "grand opera", which has been popular in China. In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), the Jinpu Railway was opened to traffic. In Linhuaiguan, Peking Opera has become a part of the cultural life of the local people. Since then, people have often heard the sound of Peking Opera in the streets, restaurants and hotels of Linhuaiguan and Fucheng. From the 32nd year of the Republic of China (1943) to the 33rd year of the Republic of China (1944), an art research association jointly formed by the "County People's Education Center" and the "Anhui East Asian Youth Association" has set up a Peking Opera group, which often organizes singing. On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Grand Theater of Linhuaiguan and the open-air theater often received Peking Opera troupes from other places to perform. In 1949, when the capital was liberated, Liu Shidong and others founded the amateur Peking Opera Troupe in the county, which often performed in Gulou Cave, Shengtang Temple, Tianhou Palace and other places, attracting many Peking Opera lovers and "ticket fans". In 1950, the county Peking Opera Troupe was established and performed on the stage of the county people's congress for many times; At the same time, a new Peking Opera Troupe with 41 performers was established in Linhuaiguan. In 1953, the county Peking Opera troupe was handed over to Dingyuan County, and the new Peking Opera troupe from Linhuaiguan was transferred to Jiashan County. Since then, the amateur Peking Opera troupe of the county has often organized "ticket lovers" to sing. During the "Cultural Revolution", other operas were in trouble. The only Peking Opera "model opera" was popular in Fengyang city and countryside. The county once held a "100 person model opera learning class". Some government agencies, schools, factories and mines, and even rural community teams organized amateur literary and artistic propaganda teams to sing Peking Opera "model opera". After the "Cultural Revolution", Peking Opera lovers formed amateur Peking Opera groups and often performed Peking Opera clips. Fengyang Theater has also received many foreign Peking Opera troupes to perform on the stage. In 1985, the county cultural center also opened a tea house for Beijing Opera [13]
  • Inverted seven dramas
Inverted seven dramas Fengyang County is called "Xiaoxi", also known as Luju Opera, which is mainly popular in the south and southwest of the country. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, farmers in this area organized their own troupes. Most of them were busy farming and sang opera in their leisure time. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Daoqi Opera Troupe was established in Wudian District. In 1952, there were 13 actors and 5 staff working in rural market towns within the territory. Later, due to the rise of other local operas, the Daoqi Opera Troupe was dissolved. Since then, the Daoqi Opera in the county has never recovered [13]


Buddhism was introduced into Fengyang County in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and developed in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and flourished in the Ming Dynasty. The earliest Buddhist temple in the county is the Kaiyuan Temple built in the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty. In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, built Longxing Temple in his hometown Fengyang. Covering an area of 1280 mu, there are more than 400 monks. Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the eminent monk Wen Bin and the academicians of the Imperial Academy to sort out the Buddhist scriptures and compile them into rituals, which was set as a rule, and ordered all the temples in the world to abide by it forever, with regular assessment. Hundreds of monks from hundreds of miles around Changyun gathered at Longxing Temple to receive the precepts, and temple construction also rose. During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, temples were found in urban and rural areas. There are 132 temples and monasteries in the county, including 91 monk temples, 47 nunneries, more than 700 male monks and 210 female nuns [14]

Local specialty

Fengyang County's specialties include Fengyang peanuts, Meishi salted goose Fengyang Rattan Tea , Fengyang black beans, Garden Lake hairy crabs, Huangnipu grapes, Zongpu blueberries, etc [1]

famous scenery

  • Eight Sceneries of Fengyang
  • scenic spot
The Ming Tombs
The Ming Tombs Located about 7 kilometers southwest of Fengyang County, it is the burial ground of Zhu Yuanzhang's parents. When it was first built, it covered an area of about 20000 mu. It was built in the 26th year of the Zhizheng era (1366) and completed in the 12th year of the Hongwu era (1379). The imperial mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty has the same system as the Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty in Nanjing and the Ming Tombs in Beijing. The total length of the royal mausoleum's Shinto is 257 meters, with 32 pairs of stone statues [15]
Xiaogang Village
Xiaogang Village It is located about 28 kilometers east of Fengyang County. In December 1978, 18 farmers in Xiaogang Village, with the courage of "daring to be the first in the world", pressed 18 bright red handprints, launched a big package, and opened the prelude to China's rural reform [16]
Jiushan Cave
Jiushan Cave Located 30 kilometers south of the county seat and at the west end of Fengyang Mountain Scenic Area, Jiushan Cave is a limestone karst cave. It is named after the warm mountains and warm land where wild leeks grow. It was formed in the Cambrian period and has a geological history of 500 to 600 million years [17]
Langxiang Migu Scenic Spot
Langxiang Migu Scenic Spot 36 kilometers south of the county seat, located in Jiushan National Forest Park, at the east end of Fengyang Mountain Scenic Area, with a total area of 8.5 square kilometers. The whole scenic spot is also divided into three scenic spots: Zen Cave Temple, Zen Cave Cave and Wolf Lane Mystery Valley [18]

Famous people

historical figure
Modern personage
Zhao Lianxuan, Shao Dengshan Mei Zhuqiao , Mei Fuxing, Liu Limin Lu Shimin Zhou Chuanxue Zhao Chuandian Li Fengming Huang Guanghua , Sun Chuanjia, Zuo Yinzhi, Li Jianqiu
Modern characters
Data: [19]
Zhu Yuanzhang

City Honor

In May 2014, Fengyang County won the honor of China's Raspberry City [20]
In October 2019, it was selected as one of the top 100 counties and cities with investment potential in 2019. [21]
On December 6, 2019, it was selected as one of the "Top 100 Counties (Cities) with Investment Potential in 2019". [22]
On December 28, 2019, it was selected as one of the "Top 100 Counties (Cities) in Business Environment in 2019". [23]
In March 2020, it was selected as one of the "Top 20 Anhui County Economies in 2019". [24]
In June 2020, it was awarded the title of "City Nominated for Civilized City in Anhui Province". [25]
In June 2020, it was selected into the "Top 100 Counties with Population Flowing into China in 2020", ranking the 100th [26]
On December 22, 2020, it was selected into the list of the fifth batch of demonstration counties (cities and districts) that took the lead in basically realizing the mechanization of the whole process of main crop production. [27]
In September 2021, it was selected as one of the "Top 100 Counties and Cities with Investment Potential in 2021". [30]
On November 3, 2021, it was named by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism as the "Hometown of Chinese Folk Culture and Arts" from 2021 to 2023. [31-32]
In January 2022, it was formulated as a demonstration county of "Four Good Rural Roads" in Anhui Province in 2021. [35]
In 2022, the case of "Fengyang County Deepening the" 1+9+N "Homestead Reform System to Drive Rural Revitalization" was included in the list of typical cases of local comprehensive deepening reform in 2021. [37]
In May 2022, it was selected into the public list of candidate counties for the pilot construction of county business system in 2022. [40]