impact force

The force that occurs when objects collide with each other
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The force that occurs when objects collide with each other. In the process of collision or strike, the force between objects increases suddenly and then disappears rapidly, also known as impulse or collision force. The characteristic of impact force is that the action time is extremely short, but the magnitude can reach a large value. In sports, such as baseball hitting Table Tennis The hitting of the ball, the spike of volleyball, and the kicking of football all belong to collision. Running on the ground can also be regarded as the collision between the foot and the ground. Because the collision interaction time is very short, often only a few hundredths of a second or even a few thousandths of a second, the momentum changes greatly in this very short time, so the impact force is great.
Chinese name
impact force
Impulse and collision force
The force that occurs when objects collide with each other


When two objects collide with each other, the momentum of one object increases and the momentum of the other object decreases. stay Volleyball spike The mass of the ball is unchanged. If the object [hand] used for collision is to make the volleyball move quickly, the mass must be large. It requires not only the hand but also the arm and torso to participate, and make the hand, arm and torso coordinate to form an overall force to increase the hitting quality. In this way, the hitting time is very short, and the impact force is very large.

Calculation formula

Ft =Δ Mv
F is Average force , t is the time, M is the mass of the object, v is the speed, and Δ is the change; This formula is understood as that the impact force and the time it acts on the object are equal to the change of the momentum of the object.