lunar calendar

[nóng lì]
China's current traditional calendar
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The lunar calendar is the current traditional calendar in China, [20] It belongs to the lunisolar calendar, that is, the lunisolar calendar and the solar calendar. According to the change cycle of the moon phase, each new moon phase change is a month, and the reference solar regression year is the length of a year, and the 24 solar terms and settings are added leap month So that the average calendar year is consistent with the regression year. Chinese calendar integration Lunar calendar And Solar calendar Formed as a combination of yin and yang calendar, it was called the summer calendar in ancient times because of the use of "Xiazheng". [20]
The current lunar calendar was renamed the "Summer Calendar" as the "Lunar Calendar" after 1970. from Zijinshan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences Responsible for calculation, and issued the national standard Compilation and Issuance of the Lunar Calendar in 2017. Use the new calendar, whose years are divided into Peacetime and leap year 12 months in a normal year and 13 months in a leap year, Big Moon Thirty days, Xiaoyue Twenty nine days, with an average calendar month equal to one New Moon The lunar calendar is based on the cycle of the moon's waxing and waning. A new moon is a month, about 29.53 days. The whole year is generally 354 days or 355 days, 11 days less than the 365 days or 366 days of the Gregorian calendar year (also known as the year of regression and the year of the sun). [22]
According to the national standard Compilation and Promulgation of the Lunar Calendar drafted by the Zijinshan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, New day It is the first lunar day of the lunar month, that is, the first day of each lunar month must be the new moon. Each lunar month reflects the complete cycle of moon phase change, so it belongs to the lunar part of the lunar calendar. The 24 solar terms in the lunar calendar reflect the different positions of the earth in its orbit around the sun, that is Regression year The cycle, therefore, belongs to the solar calendar part of the lunar calendar. [20]
Chinese name
lunar calendar
Foreign name
Chinese Calendar [23]
Chinese calendar Chinese calendar Summer Calendar
The calendar month is the new moon, and the average calendar year is the regression year
Region of use
China Korean Peninsula Vietnam? Equidistant
Age of Origin
Chronicle the year with the stem and branch or the zodiac

Introduction to Calendar


Basic Calendar

The calendar is based on the natural law of the change of the astronomical phenomena, measuring the long time interval, and judging climate The change indicates the law of the coming season. According to calendar year, calendar year and calendar month, it can be divided into star calendar, solar calendar Lunar calendar , Yin and Yang combined calendar. There are four general calendars: the lunar calendar (lunar calendar), the solar calendar (solar calendar), the star calendar (Beidou calendar), and the combined lunar and solar calendar. with New Moon The lunar calendar is the basic unit, the solar calendar is the basic unit, and the star calendar is the basic unit of the rotation of the Big Dipper.
The basic calendar rules of the lunar calendar have been gradually perfected and formed over many generations, and its form has been continued since 1970. The lunar calendar is a kind of calendar formed by integrating the elements of the solar calendar on the basis of the summer calendar (lunar calendar). The lunar calendar is often wrongly called the lunar calendar in the folk. In fact, it belongs to the combination of yin and yang calendars. [1-2]
phase of the moon
The summer calendar, also known as the lunar calendar, the old calendar and the Chinese calendar, is the lunar calendar, which is formulated according to the law of the moon's rotation around the earth. A month is a month when the moon goes around the earth, that is, the new moon is the basis for determining the calendar month. A month in the summer calendar is called“ New Moon ”。 The first day of each month is the new moon, and the fifteenth day is the looking sun. "Looking at the moon in the new moon" is the average cycle of the moon's gains and losses. The summer calendar only looks at the moon, regardless of the year of return, so it has nothing to do with the four seasons of the year. Because the lunar calendar (Chinese calendar) is based on Lunar phase change As a basis, the movement of the earth around the sun is not considered, so the seasonal change cannot be reflected to accurately guide farming. Although the summer calendar can not reflect the season and accurately guide farming, it has a major role in reflecting tide The moon plays a leading role in the tide phenomenon, and the lunar calendar based on the changes of the moon phase is a guide for maritime activities in ancient times. Ocean navigation, marine fishing, mariculture, marine engineering and various coastal production activities are all affected by the tide. Tide refers to the periodic movement of sea water under the action of tide generating force of celestial bodies (mainly the moon and the sun), which is a natural phenomenon in coastal areas. In ancient China, the tides during the day were called "tides", and those at night were called "xi", collectively called "tides". Their occurrence was related to the gravity of the sun and the moon, and also corresponded to the lunar calendar. The sun and moon are on the side of the earth at the first day of the lunar calendar month, that is, at the time of the new moon, so there is the maximum tidal force, so it will cause "spring tide". The sun and moon are on both sides of the earth near the 15th or 16th day of the lunar calendar month, and the tidal force of the sun and moon will also cause "spring tide" if you push and pull; When the moon phase is the first and last chord, that is, at the eighth and twenty third day of the lunar calendar, the solar and lunar tidal forces offset each other to some extent, so the "neap tide" occurs.
24 Solar Terms Variation Chart
Ganzhi Calendar, also known as the Star Calendar, the Jiazi Calendar, the Solar Calendar or the Chinese solar calendar, is a profound calendar. The 24 solar terms and the December calendar are the basic contents of the Ganzhi Calendar. The ancients took the heavenly stems and earthly branches as the carrier. The heavenly stems carried the way of heaven, and the earthly branches carried the way of earth; It forms an image in the sky, forms on the ground, and is transported by people; The stem is like the sky and the branch is like the earth. Although all things grow on the earth, the prosperity and decline of all things cannot be separated from the sky. The heavenly stems and earthly branches contain profound cosmic astrological codes. The ancients believed that all things in the world can be deduced from it. The combination of ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches forms sixty years old. Ganzhi Calendar is a calendar that uses ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches to form 60 different groups of heavenly stems and earthly branches in pairs to mark the year, month, day and hour. The Ganzhi calendar divides a year into Built in December "Jian" represents the direction of the top of the handle of the Big Dipper; In ancient astronomy, the handle of the Big Dipper refers to Jian. When the handle rotates during a year, it successively refers to the twelve stars, which is called "December Jian". The construction in December is to build Yin in the first month, Mao in February, Chen in March, Wu in April, Wu in May, Wei in June, Shen in July, You in August, Xu in September, Hai in October, Zi in November, and Chou in December. The Ganzhi calendar takes the beginning of spring to the next spring as a year old. It divides twelve months with 24 solar terms. Each month contains two solar terms, and there is no leap month. It takes the beginning of spring as the beginning of the year, and the festival as the beginning of the month. It is also different from the usual Gregorian calendar (such as the Gregorian calendar). The length of the month in the Gregorian calendar is determined by people and has nothing to do with the astronomical phenomena; The year, month and day of the Ganzhi calendar are determined by the astronomical phenomena, without artificial adjustment. It is a calendar that fully conforms to the laws of the astronomical phenomena. Ganzhi Calendar is still popular in books such as the perpetual calendar, which is used in elephant numbers, geomancy and numerology. [1] [3]

Integration and evolution

lunar calendar
The lunar calendar is a combination of the lunar calendar and the solar calendar based on the lunar calendar (summer calendar). take phase of the moon The change period of the new moon is the length of the month. Add the "24 solar terms" in the Ganzhi calendar, and refer to the sun Regression year Is the length of the year. The leap month is set to make the average calendar year match the regression year. Therefore, the lunar calendar has Lunar calendar Again Solar calendar Components of. Different from the fixed 365 days or 366 days in the Gregorian calendar year, the number of days in the Gregorian calendar year is sometimes about 10-20 days different from that in the Gregorian calendar year. In order to coordinate the number of days between the regression year and the new moon, the lunar calendar was created. The method is to use a reasonable intercalation method in the calendar, such as the "7 intercalations in 19 years" method (that is, add 7 intercalations in 19 lunar calendar years. The average number of days in a year is 354.3672 days in 12 months of the lunar calendar, and the average number of days in a leap year is 383.8978 days since the leap year is one more leap month than the average year), so that the average number of days in a year is consistent with the number of days in the regression year. Therefore, this calendar is consistent with both the moon and the Earth's periodic motion around the sun.
The intercalation rule is to use the winter solstice as the starting point of calculation. From the calendar month of the winter solstice in year A to the calendar month of the winter solstice in year B (excluding), if there are only twelve new moons, it is set as a normal year and not intercalated. If there are 13 new moons, the first calendar month without medium atmosphere will be set as leap month, which is called leap month, from the calendar month after the winter solstice in year A. [1] [4]
The old calendar, the old calendar and the lunar calendar also refer to the lunar calendar. But the old calendar and the old calendar are just relative to the new calendar (that is, the Gregorian calendar), and they are not proper titles. and Lunar calendar Actually, only the moon Lunar phase change To arrange the calendar. Many people think that the lunar calendar is the lunar calendar, but there are differences between the two. The time of the lunar calendar is about 10.875 days shorter than that of the solar calendar. If we follow the lunar calendar completely, it may be less than five years. We will celebrate the Spring Festival in summer. However, this did not happen because there is a great invention called“ Intercalation method ”。 Since the lunar calendar is based on the lunar calendar, it is a combination of yin and yang. In the lunar calendar, the first day of the month (the first day of the lunar month) is the fixed date of the new moon. Astronomically speaking, the so-called "new moon" has a definite moment, that is, the moon's yellow longitude and Solar yellow meridian The same moment. The length of the lunar calendar is New Moon If it is true, the big month has 30 days and the small month has 29 days. The big month and the small month make up for each other, so that the average length of the calendar months is close to the new moon. The length of the lunar calendar is based on the regression year, but there are more days in a regression year than in 12 new moons. When compiling the lunar calendar, in order to make any day of a month have the meaning of the moon phase, that is, the first day of the month is a moonless night, and the 15th day or so is a full moon, so the new moon is the main view, while taking into account the seasonal seasons.

Rule calculation

The Three Year Old Jiajing Calendar of the Ming Dynasty [13]
The solar term and the time of the new moon are calculated based on 120 degrees east longitude and Chinese standard time.
(According to the lunar calendar Zijinshan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Common terms
Common terms
Yellow meridian
It is the coordinate value used in the ecliptic coordinate system to determine the position of celestial bodies on the earth (celestial sphere), which is divided into 360 degrees. In this system (celestial sphere), the earth is divided into two hemispheres by the ecliptic plane. When the sun moves to 0 degrees of longitude, it is the vernal equinox, when it moves to 90 degrees of longitude, it is the summer solstice, when it moves to 180 degrees, it is the autumnal equinox, and when it moves to 270 degrees, it is the winter solstice.
The beginning of the year
The first day of the first month of the calendar is now commonly referred to as "the beginning of the year". In fact, strictly speaking, "Sui" is a unique concept of the Ganzhi calendar. "Sui" means "Sheti", also known as Taisui. The original meaning of "Suishou" is the first day of the first month of Sheti (Taisui), that is, the beginning of spring. The first day of the first month of the lunar calendar is often called "Yuanshuo". In ancient times, "Sui" and "Nian" were strictly different: from the beginning of spring to the next, they were called one year old; From January 1st to the next January 1st, it is called "one year".
The calculation does not consider that the sun is in the Ecliptic The speed of upward movement is uneven anniversary Time( Regression year )24 divided equally twenty-four solar terms The average number of days between the two solar terms is 15.22 days.
The calculation considers the uneven movement of the sun on the ecliptic, taking the vernal equinox as the starting point of 0 degrees, and every 15 degrees of the sun's movement on the ecliptic is a "solar term", and the time of each "solar term" is uneven. The number of days between the two solar terms is different. The short one is only 14 days, and the long one is 16 days.
Solar term
A year is divided into twelve seasons, twelve middle qi, and twenty-four solar terms. The solar term was initially determined by the direction of the bucket handle, then evolved to be determined by the "flat air method" for a period of time, and then was determined by the "fixed air method" later. Qing Dynasty《 Chronological calendar 》(1645 AD) Flatness Mark, used after the Shixian Calendar of the Qing Dynasty Stationary gas tagging. Note the difference between dimensioning and calculation.
New day
The day when the moon moves between the earth and the sun is called the new moon.
use New Moon The average length of is calculated without considering the unevenness of daily and monthly operation; Disadvantages: real“ Shuo ”The day of may sometimes appear on the last day of the previous month(“ An obscure day ”, that is, the 29th or 30th day of the lunar calendar), sometimes on the second day of the lunar calendar.
Definite new moon
The calculation takes into account the unevenness of daily and monthly operation, and takes the day with real "new moon" as the beginning of each month.
Winter Solstice
The day when the winter solstice is handed over is called the winter solstice.
The calendar can be divided into three types: the solar calendar, the lunar calendar, and the lunar and solar calendar
Solar calendar (solar calendar)
According to the annual apparent motion cycle of the sun (i.e Regression year , about 365.2422) is a year, which is divided into 12 months. It has nothing to do with the movement of the moon. According to the date of the solar calendar, we can know the changes of the seasons from cold to summer, and the reasonable guidance of agriculture. Gregorian calendar (scientific name is Gregorian calendar) is one kind of the solar calendar.
Lunar calendar (lunar calendar)
The Chinese lunar calendar does not belong to this category, but people are used to calling it the lunar calendar. According to the cycle of the moon (i.e New Moon , equal to 29.530588) is a month, and the product of 12 months is a year. It does not consider the annual apparent motion law of the sun at all, so the lunar calendar date cannot show the four seasons. This calendar has little practical value Islamism In addition, it has been abandoned.
Yin Yang Calendar
The Chinese lunar calendar belongs to this category. It takes the change cycle of the lunar phase, that is, the new moon, as the length of the month, and refers to the year of return of the sun as the length of the year. By setting leap months, the average calendar year is adapted to the year of return. According to the lunar calendar date tide Fluctuations can also roughly control the change of seasons.
Publications recording calendar and other relevant information, such as Almanac perpetual calendar Books. The electronic almanac is the product of scientific and technological development and a new carrier.
Standardized statement of lunar calendar rules
Issued by the Calendar Group of Zijinshan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1. Beijing time is adopted as the standard for calculation.
2. Calculation basis of sun and moon positions International Astronomical Union The standard model of celestial body position reduction recommended by the Standards Of Fundamental Astronomical Review Board under the International Astronomical Union.
3. The lunar day where the new moon is located is the first day of the lunar month.
4. The lunar month where the winter solstice is located is November.
5. If there are 13 lunar months from a certain November to the next November (excluding), the first lunar month that does not contain medium gas shall be taken as leap month;
6. The second lunar month (excluding leap month) after November is the starting month of the lunar year.
7. Reference time of main branches in the lunar year: The lunar year corresponding to the time interval from 0:00 on February 2, 1984 to 0:00 on February 20, 1985 in the Gregorian calendar is the Jiazi year.
8. Reference time of the main stem and branch in the lunar calendar: The lunar day corresponding to January 31, 1984 in the Gregorian calendar (Beijing Time) is the first day of the lunar calendar.

Calendar supplement


Discipline of trunk and branch

In the Ganzhi era (the age of years), the monthly order is calculated based on the operation of the Big Dipper seven stars. The day that the dipper handle refers to is called "Doujian" (in ancient times, the dipper handle refers to "Jian"). For example, the Huainanzi Astronomical Training included: "Emperors Zhang Siwei used to fight with each other. The month moved one hour and returned to his place. The first month was Yin, the twelfth month was ugly, and the year was one year old and turned, and the end was the beginning.". The "Dou" here refers to the handle of the Big Dipper. The dipper handle rotates circularly, and a clockwise rotation is a cycle, which is called one "year old" (photography). "December Construction" is the solar term month derived from the "24 solar terms". The division of "December Construction" is based on the seasons, namely, the beginning of spring, the awakening of insects, the beginning of summer, the awn seed, the light heat, the beginning of autumn, the white dew, the cold dew, the beginning of winter, the heavy snow, and the light cold, which are respectively regarded as the Yin month (photo tige), the Mao month (Dan She), the Chen month (holding Xu), the last month (big famine) The beginning of the afternoon moon (Dunzang), the end moon (Xieha), the Shenyue (Guitan), the Youyue (Zuo Og), the Xuyue (Xingmao), the Haiyue (Dayuan Xian), the Ziyue (Qiandun), and the Chou Yue (Chifen Ruo). The Gan Zhi calendar takes "Dou Bing Hui Yin" as "Chun Zheng" (the first month). The first month is the first month of the year when it was established. The first month is the month in which the spring is located; Jianzheng (the first month) is the concept of December, which was mentioned by Suiji. Later, it was also used to refer to the first month of other calendars. The construction in December is respectively: Jianyin in the first month, Maoyue in February, Chenchen in March... Jianzi in November, and Chaozhou in December. The first month of the Ganzhi calendar is the Yin month. When the Douzhi is in the Yin month, Yin and Yang change. Yang qi rises and everything is reborn. The Yin month is the first month of the Ganzhi calendar. The Ganzhi period starts with the time of the son. The day is calculated according to the sun's movement. The sun is born in the son. The time of the son is the first hour of the day.
1. For example, Jiazi is the first year, Yichou is the second year, Bingyin is the third year... Sixty years is a week. After one week, the cycle will continue from the year of Jiazi to the beginning of the week.
Tiangan Dizhi:
Ten day stems: Jia (ji ǎ), Yi (y ǐ), Bing (b ǐ ng), Ding (d ī ng), Wu (w ù), Ji (j ǐ), Geng (g ǐ ng), Xin (x ī n), Ren (r é n), Gui (gu ǐ); Twelve local branches: Zi (z ǐ), Chou (ch ǒ u), Yin (y í n), Mao (m ǎ o), Chen (ch é n), Si (s ì), Wu (w ǔ), Wei (w è i), Shen (sh ǔ n), You (y ǒ u), Xu (x ǒ), Hai (h à i): Dragon; Si: Snake; Wu: Horse; Wei: Sheep; Shen: Monkey; You: chicken; Xu: Dog; Hai: pig.). The ten trunks and twelve branches are matched in turn to form sixty basic units. The ancients used this as the serial number of year, month, day and hour, which is called "the discipline of trunks and branches".
2. Gan Zhi Ji Yue
It starts from the twelfth lunar calendar, so we must first determine the local branch: take the Yin month as the first month, and so on. In case of leap month, the earth branch of the previous month will be used. After the local branch is determined, the heavenly stems are determined: if you meet the year of A or yourself, the first month is Bingyin, and February is Ding Mao March is the five stars, and so on; In the year of B or G, the first month is Wuyin; The first month of the year of C or Xin is Gengyin, the first month of the year of Ding or Ren is Renyin, and the first month of the year of Wu or Gui is Jiayin. The trunk and branch of the first month are known, and the rest of the month can be inferred in the order of sixty years. The new day (that is, the first day of the digital month) is the starting point of the stem and branch calendar month. In case of a leap month, the same stem and branch calendar month is used with the last month, which has been officially used in previous dynasties.
Five Year Datong Calendar Day of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty [14]
3. Cadre and branch dates
The first day of Jiazi, the second day of Yichou, and the third day of Bingyin... The 60th day is a week. The first day of the first month of the Renchen year (2012) in the lunar calendar is the Guiwei Day, and the second day of the first month is the Jiashen Day... The first day of March is exactly 60 days, so the second day of March is the Guiwei Day, and the third day is the Jiashen Day. In the Han calendar, the Ganzhi calendar has not been interrupted without random recording. It is the longest calendar in China and the world. With a clearly recorded date, it can reach more than 2700 years.
4. Ganzhi Chronology
The local time of the day is also determined, so if there are twelve local time branches for 24 hours, the midnight is from 11:00 to 1:00 at night, the ugly hour is from 1:00 to 3:00 at night, and the rest is the same. The sky of time is inferred from the sky stem on that day, and its song is as follows:
A has returned to life, and B has returned to life,
Bingxin starts from Wuqi, Ding Ren and Gengzi Ju,
Where does Wugui hair? Renzi is the true way.
That is, if the day is A or your own, match it with A for A in time; If the day is B or G, match C with C for C; On the day of propinxite, add it with pentium as pentium; Ding Renri is Gengzi; Wugui Ri is called Ren Zi. Knowing the branches of Zishi, we can deduce the rest. [15]

twenty-four solar terms

  • Division of solar terms
twenty-four solar terms It is a specific rhythm in the Chinese calendar that indicates the change of natural rhythm and establishes the "construction in December". It can accurately reflect the change of natural rhythm and contains a long cultural connotation and historical accumulation. [21] The 24 solar terms were originally based on passing of night Formulated, the Big Dipper rotates in a circle, and the handle rotates one circle clockwise as a cycle, which is called one "year old". Current basis for establishing the 24 solar terms“ Annual apparent motion of the sun ”, which is the degree of the sun's yellow longitude. Although the two methods are different, the reason for the star shift is that the earth revolves around the sun, so the joint time of the two is basically the same. [20] In the historical development, the 24 solar terms were included in the lunar calendar and became an important part of the lunar calendar. The lunar month is basically corresponding to the twelve middle qi, and the twelve seasons can appear in the second half of the last month and the first half of this month in the lunar calendar. The "24 solar terms" is an important part of the long history and culture of the Chinese nation, which embodies the historical and cultural essence of Chinese civilization. [16-17]
The time and day that the sun goes through every 15 degrees along the yellow longitude from zero is called a solar term. It runs 360 degrees every year and experiences 24 solar terms.
Twelve Seasons:
Twelve Zhongqi:
"Festival" and "Qi" alternate, each lasting about 15 days, and both are collectively referred to as "solar terms".
The 24 solar terms in the lunar calendar reflect the annual apparent motion of the sun, which is an integral part of the lunar calendar.
The Gregorian calendar belongs to a solar calendar because it describes the same Solar apparent motion Therefore, it seems that the solar term date is basically fixed on the Gregorian calendar, with fluctuations of one or two days at most. However, the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar are an integral part of the lunar calendar, not the Gregorian calendar but the lunar calendar.
  • Solar term song
The spring rain startles the clear valley sky in spring. The summer is bright and the summer is hot. There is dew in autumn, cold in autumn, frost in autumn, snow in winter, snow in winter, and cold in winter. The two festivals of each month are unchanged, with a maximum difference of one or two days. In the first half of the year, we will come to June and 21, and in the second half of the year, we will come to August and 23.
  • Timetable (calculated according to the year, month and day of A.D.)
Beginning of Spring
February 3-5
February 18-20
The Waking of Insects
March 5-7
Vernal equinox
March 20-22
April 4-6
grain rain
April 19-21
Beginning of summer
May 5-7
grain full
May 20-22
Awn seed
June 5-7
the summer solstice
June 21-22
July 6-8
Severe heat
July 22-24
Beginning of Autumn
August 7-9
Manage the summer heat
August 22-24
White dew
September 7-9
the autumnal equinox
September 22-24
Cold dew
October 8-9
First Frost
October 23-24
Beginning of winter
November 7-8
light snow
November 22-23
heavy snow
December 6-8
Winter Solstice
December 21-23
slight cold
January 5-7
Severe cold
January 20-21 [19]
  • interpretation
The first month of spring festival: "standing" means the beginning of spring, and "beginning of spring" means the beginning of spring. The beginning of spring, like the beginning of summer, autumn and winter, reflects the change of seasons. The beginning of spring marks the end of the winter when all things are closed, and the beginning of the spring when everything is warm and everything grows. In the era of Ganzhi, the beginning of spring is the beginning of everything, which means that a new cycle has been opened.
In the first month of rain: the solar term of rain indicates the beginning of rain, and appropriate precipitation is very important for crop growth. At the Rainwater Solar Term, the direct point of the sun is also gradually approaching the equator from the southern hemisphere. At this time, in the northern hemisphere, the sunshine hours and intensity are increasing, the temperature rises rapidly, and the warm and humid air from the sea starts to be active, and gradually moves northward to meet the cold air, forming rainfall, but the rainfall magnitude is mainly light rain or drizzle. Rainwater solar term, the north of China is still overcast and cold, some places are still snowing, there is no spring breath; Most places in the south are full of spring, a scene of early spring.
February Festival of Waking Insects: Waking insects reflects the germination and growth of natural creatures affected by rhythm changes. When the insect wakes up, the sun rises, the temperature warms, the spring thunder suddenly moves, and the rain increases, all things are full of vitality. Agricultural production is closely related to the rhythm of nature, and the solar term for waking up to the dead is of great significance in farming. Since ancient times, Chinese people have attached great importance to the solar term for waking up to the dead, and regarded it as the beginning of spring plowing. It is the reflection of ancient farming culture on natural seasons.
Mid Spring Equinox: In ancient times, the Spring Equinox was also called "Sun Zhong", "Day Night Equinox", "Mid Spring Moon", "Sheng Fen", etc. The meaning of the vernal equinox is that, on the one hand, the day and night are evenly divided, each of which is 12 hours; Second, the vernal equinox is in the middle of three months of spring (from the beginning of spring to the beginning of summer), and the spring is evenly divided. The vernal equinox is of great astronomical significance. The northern and southern hemispheres divide day and night equally. Since that day, the direct position of the sun continues to move from the equator to the northern hemisphere, and the days begin to grow longer than night in the northern hemisphere. The vernal equinox is also characterized by warm weather, abundant rain and bright sunshine.
Qingming March Festival: Qingming is a solar term that reflects the phenological changes in nature. In this season, the sun is shining, the vegetation is sprouting, the air is clear and the scenery is bright, and all things are visible. The nature is full of vitality. By the Qingming Festival, the climate in southern China was cool and warm, and the land was like a scene of spring and beautiful scenery; In the north, the snow began to break, and gradually entered the sunny spring.
In the middle of March, grain rain means "rain begets hundreds of grains". At this time, the precipitation has increased significantly. The seedlings in the field are newly planted and new crops are planted, which most need rain to nourish them. It is the so-called "spring rain is as precious as oil". The rainfall is sufficient and timely, and cereal crops can thrive. Grain rain, like rain, light full, light snow, heavy snow and other solar terms, is a solar term reflecting the precipitation phenomenon and the ancient farming culture's reflection of the seasons.
Beginning of summer April Festival: Beginning of summer means farewell to spring, which is the beginning of summer. After the beginning of summer, the sunshine increased, gradually warming up, thunderstorms increased, and the crops entered the stage of robust growth. The almanac: "The Dou refers to the southeast dimension. It is the beginning of summer. Everything has grown up here, so it is called the beginning of summer."
In the middle of Xiaoman April: Xiaoman solar term means that the rainy season with heavy rainfall has entered, and the rainfall starts to increase, often resulting in continuous large-scale heavy rainfall. Like rain, grain rain, light snow and heavy snow, Xiaoman is a solar term that directly reflects precipitation. Xiaoman reflects the climatic characteristics of large rainfall: "Xiaoman Xiaoman, rivers gradually full". At this time, the northern region has not yet entered the rainy season. It is also explained that the grains of summer crops such as wheat in the north begin to fill, but are only small and not fully full.
May Day of Grain in Ear: Grain in Ear means "grain with awn can be planted". The lunar calendar says: "Douzhi is already a kind of awn seed. At this time, the grain with awn can be planted. After that, it will become invalid, so it is called awn seed." It means that the solar term for awn seed is suitable for planting grain crops with awn; It is also the dividing point of crop planting time, which will become invalid. This is the truth of the folk saying, "It is useless to plant more seeds in the shade.". In this season, the temperature rises significantly, the rainfall is abundant, and the air humidity is high, which is suitable for planting late rice and other cereal crops. Farming is bounded by the solar term of "awn planting", after which the survival rate of planting will be lower and lower. It is the reflection of the ancient farming culture on the seasons.
Midsummer Solstice: The summer solstice is the extreme of the sun's northbound travel. On this day, the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer, and then the sun's direct point moves southward. On the day of the summer solstice, the noon sun height is the highest in all parts of the northern hemisphere north of the Tropic of Cancer, and the day time reaches the longest in the year. After the summer solstice, the sun height decreases day by day. However, for places south of the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere, after the summer solstice, the sunlight is still increasing.
Summer June Festival: Summer means hot. It means light heat, not very hot. It means that the weather is getting hot, but it is not the hottest. Although the light heat is not the hottest season of the year, it is followed by the hottest solar term and severe heat in the year. There is a folk saying that "light heat and severe heat, steaming at the top and boiling at the bottom". Many places in China have entered the thunderstorm season since the light summer.
Summer in June: It refers to extreme heat. Compared with light heat, great heat is more hot, and it is the hottest solar term with the most sunshine in a year. At this time, "hot and humid steam" reaches its peak. Climatic characteristics of severe heat: high temperature, intense heat, frequent thunderstorms and typhoons. In this season, the sun is fierce, the temperature is high, the humidity is wet and the rain is heavy. Although it is hard to avoid the heat, it is very conducive to the growth of crops. The crops grow fastest during this period
Beginning of Autumn July Festival: Beginning of Autumn means that it has entered autumn since then. It is the node where Yang Qi gradually shrinks, Yin Qi gradually grows, and gradually changes from Yang Sheng to Yin Sheng. The beginning of autumn also means that precipitation, humidity, etc., are at the turning point of the year and tend to decline or decrease; In nature, everything begins to grow from prosperity to maturity.
In the middle of July: Chushu, that is, "Chushu", means hot leave. At the end of the summer, the direct solar radiation point continued to move southward, the solar radiation weakened, the subtropical high retreated southward, the temperature gradually decreased, and the summer heat gradually disappeared. Summer treatment means that the extremely hot weather has come to an end. During this period, although it is still hot, the weather has shown a downward trend.
White Dew August Festival: White Dew is an important solar term that reflects the growth of cold in nature. As the weather gradually turns cool, it is sunny and hot in the daytime, but the temperature drops quickly once the sun sets, and the temperature difference between day and night increases. Until Bailu, the summer monsoon was gradually replaced by the winter monsoon, and the cold air turned from the defensive to the offensive. In addition, the direct sunlight point moved southward, the sunshine time in the northern hemisphere became shorter, the light intensity weakened, and the ground radiation dissipated heat faster, so the speed of temperature decline gradually accelerated. Bailu has basically ended the muggy summer, and the weather is getting cooler.
Mid Autumn Equinox: The autumnal equinox, "minute" means "half" or "half". On the day of the autumnal equinox, the sunlight almost shines directly on the Earth's equator, and the days and nights around the world are equal. After the autumnal equinox, the direct sunlight point continues to move from the equator to the southern hemisphere, and the days begin to be shorter and the nights longer in the northern hemisphere, that is, the days begin to be shorter than the nights within a day; The opposite is true in the southern hemisphere. After the autumnal equinox, the position of direct solar radiation moves to the southern hemisphere, and the northern hemisphere gets less and less solar radiation, but more heat is lost from the ground, and the temperature decreases significantly faster. By the autumnal equinox, the heat had disappeared, and the weather had turned cool.
Cold Dew September Festival: Cold Dew is a solar term reflecting the characteristics of climate change. When entering the cold dew, cold air flows southward from time to time, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the autumn dryness is obvious. After the cold dew, the cold air in the north has had some influence. Most areas of China are under the control of cold high pressure, and the rainy season ends.
In the middle of September, the frost season reflects the climate characteristics of sudden drop in temperature, large changes in temperature difference between day and night, and obvious autumn dryness. The frost falling solar term is characterized by cold weather in the morning and evening, hot at noon, and large temperature difference between day and night. On the national average, frost is the season with the largest temperature difference between day and night in a year. Since "frost" is the expression of cold weather and large variation of temperature difference between day and night, it is named after "frost fall" to indicate the season of "sudden drop of temperature and large temperature difference between day and night". After the frost falls, the scene of late autumn is obvious, and cold air moves southward more and more frequently.
October Festival at the beginning of winter: The beginning of winter is a seasonal solar term, which means that it has entered winter since then. Establish, establish the beginning; Winter is the end of the world. Beginning of winter means that life begins to be closed and everything enters a state of recuperation and collection. Its climate has gradually changed from dry and dry in autumn to rainy and cold in winter. The sunshine time will continue to shorten after the beginning of winter, and the sun height will continue to decrease at noon. Northeast wind and north wind prevail in winter, and the temperature gradually drops. Because there is still some energy stored on the surface, it is not very cold in early winter.
Light snow in October: light snow is the solar term reflecting precipitation and temperature, and it is the solar term with higher frequency of cold wave and strong cold air activities. The arrival of the light snow solar term means that the weather will become colder and the precipitation will increase. "Snow" is the product of cold water vapor, which represents cold and precipitation. The climate in this season is not deep and the precipitation is not large, so "light snow" is used to describe the climate characteristics of this season. "Light snow" is a metaphor, which reflects the active cold current and increasing precipitation during this solar term, not a small amount of snow under this solar term.
Snowy November Festival: Like the light snow festival, the heavy snow festival reflects the changing trend of temperature and precipitation. It is the reflection of ancient farming culture on seasons. Heavy snow is a solar term reflecting the climate characteristics. The characteristics of heavy snow solar term are that the temperature drops significantly and the precipitation increases.
Winter solstice in November: The winter solstice is the solar term reflecting the direct sunlight movement. On the winter solstice, the sun goes southward to the extreme, and the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Capricorn, which is the day with the shortest day time and the longest night time in a year in the Northern Hemisphere. Since that day, the direct sunlight point returns to the north, and the sun height in all parts of the Northern Hemisphere (China is located in the Northern Hemisphere) gradually rises, and the day grows day by day. The winter solstice is the turning point of "going southward and returning northward every day". For all parts of the Northern Hemisphere, the sun's height has risen since then, and the sunlight has gradually increased.
Xiaohan December Festival: Xiaohan means that the weather is cold but not extreme. After the winter solstice, the cold air frequently moves southward, and the temperature continues to decrease. The temperature drops to the lowest during the mild and severe cold of the year. A folk saying goes, "When it's cold, it's at twenty-nine or thirty-nine, and the weather is so cold that it shakes." This shows the cold degree of the Xiaohan solar term. In the light cold season, the direct sunlight point is still in the southern hemisphere, and the heat in the northern hemisphere is still lost. The heat absorbed in the day is still less than the heat released at night, so the temperature in the northern hemisphere continues to decline.
In the middle of December: Like Xiaohan, Dahan is also the solar term indicating the degree of cold weather. Dahan means the extreme cold weather. According to China's long-term meteorological records, there is no slight cold in the severe cold solar term in the northern region; But for most of the southern regions, the coldest solar term is in the severe cold.

historical origin


Development History

From the ancient Ganzhi era to Qing Dynasty Enable at the end of the period Western calendar (Gregorian calendar). The calendar has been revised many times in history. There are more than 102 calendars in Chinese history. These calendars have had a significant impact on Chinese culture and civilization, such as Stem and branch calendar Photographic lift )、 Summer Calendar , Shang Calendar( Yin calendar )、 Weekly calendar , Western Han Dynasty Primordial calendar Trinity calendar And the Sui Dynasty Imperial polar calendar , Tang Dynasty Dayan calendar Although some calendars have not been used formally, they are useful for health preservation, medicine, academic thought, astronomy, mathematics, etc. [1] [5-6]
The ancients observed the movement law of the celestial phenomena, and the Ganzhi era has been adopted in ancient times. It was invented by the historian Wan Minying of the Ming Dynasty when he determined that the Ganzhi was the Emperor's surname according to the written records in ancient Chinese literature, and it is recorded in detail in his book Sanming Tonghui. The invention of Ganzhi marked the emergence of the most primitive calendar, which was used to calculate the age with numbers. In the pre Qin period, each region had its own calendar. The Qin calendar was used in the Qin Dynasty and the early Han Dynasty, and the leap month was placed after September, which is called "the latter September". Arrive at Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty the absolute beginning In the first year, the leap month was placed in the year excluding Zhongqi The leap month of the previous month comes from the month of. Since the beginning of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Chinese calendar has undergone a major turning point. The national calendar has been unified, and the calendar has become a relatively independent science and technology. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered Deng Ping , Tangdu Luoxia Hong And others《 Chinese calendar 》, the seventh year of Emperor Wu's Yuanfeng. In May of the same year, the year was changed to Taichu (the first year of Taichu), and this set of Han Calendar was promulgated and implemented. Later generations called this calendar《 Primordial calendar 》, after Liu Xin Work《 Trinity calendar 》The important feature of these two calendars is that the year is one. The whole number of days in a year is 365 days, no longer the 366 days of the previous calendar. The "difference adding method" replaces the previous "difference subtracting method" to adjust the time difference. The beginning of the annual cycle is quite fixed, and leap months can be determined by mathematical calculation. [6-7]
The Republic of China was founded in the Western calendar, Chronology Western calendar or Chronicle of the Republic of China It is also intended to abolish the traditional Chinese calendar. The People's Republic of China continued to use Western calendar , in A.D; However, the use of the Chinese traditional calendar, the Summer Calendar, was retained, and the national standard Compilation and Issuance of the Lunar Calendar was issued in 2017. After 1970, the "summer calendar" was renamed the "lunar calendar". The current lunar calendar consists of Zijinshan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences Responsible for calculation, which is part of the official almanac, the Chinese Astronomical Yearbook. [8-9]

Calendar of past dynasties

Stem and branch calendar -Photography Period (Emperor's Era -?) [5]
Ancient Six Calendar (Yellow Emperor Calendar, Summer Calendar, Yin Calendar, Zhou Calendar, Lu Calendar, Zhuan Xu Calendar) (? - 104 BC)
Primordial calendar Trinity calendar )-Western Han Dynasty, New Dynasty, Eastern Han Dynasty (104-84 BC)
Quarternary calendar -Eastern Han Dynasty (85-220 years), Cao Wei Dynasty (220-236 years), Eastern Wu Dynasty (222 years), Shu Han Dynasty (221-263 years) Ganxiang Calendar Eastern Wu Dynasty (223-280 years)
Scene calendar -Cao Wei, Western Jin, Eastern Jin, Liu Song (237-444), Northern Wei (398-451)
Yuan Jiali -Liu Song, Nan Qi, Nan Liang (445-509)
Daming Calendar -Nanliang, Nanchen (510-589)
Three Period Calendar - Later Qin Dynasty (384-517)
Xuanshi Calendar -Beiliang (412-439), Northern Wei (452-522)
Orthochromatic calendar -Northern Wei Dynasty (523-534), Eastern Wei Dynasty (535-539), Western Wei Dynasty (535-556), Northern Zhou Dynasty (556-565)
Xinghe Calendar -Eastern Wei Dynasty (540-550)
Tianbao Calendar - Northern Qi Dynasty (551-577)
Tianhe Calendar Northern Zhou Dynasty (566-578)
Elephant Calendar - Northern Zhou Dynasty (579-581), Sui Dynasty (581-583)
Open the imperial calendar -Sui Dynasty (584-596)
Daye Calendar - Sui Dynasty (597-618)
Imperial polar calendar
Wuyin Yuan Calendar - Tang Dynasty (619-664)
Lindeli Tang (665-728) '
Dayan calendar -Tang Dynasty (729-761)
Five Period Calendar - Tang Dynasty (762-783)
Primordial calendar -Tang Dynasty (784-806)
Phenomenological calendar -Tang Dynasty (807-821)
Xuanming Calendar -Tang Dynasty (822-892)
Metameric calendar -Later Jin Dynasty (939-943?) Liao Dynasty (961? - 993)
Ming calendar -Liao Dynasty (994-1125)
Qintian Calendar - Later Zhou Dynasty (956-960), Northern Song Dynasty (960-963)
Daily calendar -Northern Song Dynasty (963-981)
Ganyuan Calendar Northern Song Dynasty (981-1001)
Yitian Calendar Northern Song Dynasty (1001-1023)
Chongtian Calendar Northern Song Dynasty (1024-1065; 1068-1075)
Tomorrow Calendar -Northern Song Dynasty (1065 - 1068)
Fengyuan Calendar -Northern Song Dynasty (1075 - 1093)
Guantian Calendar Northern Song Dynasty (1094-1102)
Celestial Calendar Northern Song Dynasty (1103-1105)
Era Calendar - Northern Song Dynasty, Southern Song Dynasty (1106-1135)
Unified yuan calendar -Southern Song Dynasty (1136-1167)
Gandao Calendar Southern Song Dynasty (1168-1176)
Chunxi Calendar Southern Song Dynasty (1177-1190)
Huiyuan Calendar Southern Song Dynasty (1191-1198)
Unified calendar -Southern Song Dynasty (1199-1207)
Kaixi Calendar Southern Song Dynasty (1208-1251)
Chunyouli Southern Song Dynasty (1252)
Huitian Calendar Southern Song Dynasty (1253-1270)
Chengtian Calendar Southern Song Dynasty (1271-1276)
Daming Calendar -Jin Dynasty (1137-1181)
Rebuild the Ming calendar -Jin and Yuan Dynasties (1182-1280)
Chronological calendar -Qing Dynasty (1645-1723)
Guimao Yuan Calendar -Qing Dynasty - Republic of China (1724-1913)
New French Astronomical Calendar - Republic of China (1914-1928)
Zijin Calendar - Republic of China, People's Republic of China (1929 - present)

Calendar rectification

Taking the position indicated by the handle of the Big Dipper as the standard for determining the month is called Doujian (also called Yuejian). The Big Dipper rotates in a circle. The dipper handle starts from the due east by the north (Yin position, the acquired Bagua position) and rotates clockwise for one circle. At the end of the year, December refers to the ugly side. The first month of the next year returns to Yin position again. One circle of the dipper handle is a cycle, which is called "Sui" (photography). "Jianzheng" is the concept of the Ganzhi calendar. The bucket handle refers to Yin as "Spring" (the first month). The first month is Jianyin, the second month is Jianmao, the third month is Jianchen... November is Jianzi, December is Jianchou, etc.
The concept of "Jianzheng" is also used in other calendars, such as in Ma Maqian's work "Historical Records · Almanac" in the Western Han Dynasty“ first month of the lunar year ”、" Yin Zheng ”、" Zhou Zheng "Division. According to the Chronicles of the Historian," Xia is the first month, Yin is the December month, and Zhou is the November month. "This means Xia Yuanshuo is the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar, Yin Shang Yuanshuo is the first day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, and Zhou Yuanshuo is the first day of the eleventh month of the lunar calendar. Correctly speaking," monthly construction "refers to the" December construction "(or" December decree ") of the Ganzhi calendar“ Built in December ”The solar term month is based on the 24 solar terms. It belongs to the solar calendar month and is different from the lunar month( Outlook , divided into Grade 1 and Grade 15), with 12 local branches, such as Jianzi Jianchou first month of a lunar year wait. The twelve dominant lunar constitutions of the Ganzhi calendar corresponding to the lunar (summer) calendar refer to: January corresponds to Yin, February corresponds to Ying Mao, March corresponds to Chen, April corresponds to Si, May corresponds to Wu, June corresponds to Wei, July corresponds to Shen, August corresponds to You, September corresponds to Xu, October corresponds to Hai, November corresponds to Zi, and December corresponds to Chou. They belong to different calendars and are corresponding relationships, It's not that the lunar calendar also builds Yin Mao Chen... Zi Chou and so on. This is the origin of the so-called "Xia Zhengjian Yin, Yin Zhengjian Chou, Zhou Zhengjian Zi". [10-12]

Other related


Leap Month Overview

Before 1645, the lunar calendar used a flat gas filled calendar, and the probability of leap months after each month was equal. Later, using the fixed gas injection calendar, the probability of leap months in each month becomes unequal. The following are the records of leap month Statistics of.
Statistics of the number of leap months between 1645 and 1644:
Statistical Table of the Number of Leap Months Between 1645 and 1644
Leap month month
Number of occurrences
Leap first month
6 times
Leap February
23 times
Leap March
47 times
Leap April
61 times
Leap May
74 times
Leap June
59 times
Leap July
51 times
Leap August
26 times
Leap September
8 times
Leap October
9 times
Leap winter moon
5 times
Leap month
0 times
Visible from above, Summer half year Many leap months, Winter half year There are fewer leap moons because the Earth's aphelion appears in early July( the summer solstice reach Sunstroke ), perihelion appears in early January( Winter Solstice reach slight cold Between), so summer Earth revolution The speed is relatively slow, and the probability of a neutral month is higher. However, since perihelion and aphelion are constantly moving, the frequency of leap months in the long term lunar calendar will be different on the premise that the future intercalation rules remain unchanged.
Another calculation shows that 2262 will reappear Leap first month In 3358, the leap wax month will appear again (the first day of the leap wax month corresponds to January 21, 3359 AD, and this calendar month only has the solar term of "Spring Beginning").
The following is the statistics of the number of leap months in the six thousand years from 2000 to 7999.
Statistical Table of the Number of Leap Months in Six Thousand Years from 2000 to 7999
Leap month month
Number of occurrences
Leap first month
32 times
Leap February
41 times
Leap March
101 times
Leap April
196 times
Leap May
289 times
Leap June
367 times
Leap July
351 times
Leap August
316 times
Leap September
231 times
Leap October
150 times
Leap winter moon
97 times
Leap month
39 times

Month nickname

The first month of the lunar calendar is traditionally called the first month. November and December in the lunar calendar are called the eleventh month of the lunar Calendar And December, but the winter months are rarely used. Idiom for cold climate“ severe winter ”It means that October, November and December are the coldest months of the year.
The first ten days of a lunar month are customarily called the first day in sequence, for example, the second day of the first month is called the second day of the first month; The direct number of days from the eleventh to the twentieth and the thirtieth days, such as the fifteenth day of the first month( the lantern festival )That is, the 15th day of the first month; The 21st to 29th days are customarily called the 20th in sequence, and some Tongsheng The 22nd day of the first month is called the 22nd day of the first month or the second day of the first month. Every month in the lunar calendar has a different nickname. Because of its close connection with agricultural production, it is almost always represented by plants from February to September. The following is another name for the twelve months of the lunar calendar:
the first month of the lunar year: End month January , Yuyue, Shichun, Mengchun, Shouyang
February: second month of the lunar year Huayue , like the moon, mid spring, cyan fragrance
March: third month of the lunar year Tongyue, Yingshi, Yangchun, Dushun, Jichun
April: Overcast moon fourth month of the lunar year , Yu Yue, Qinghe, Huaixu, Meng Xia
May: the fifth lunar month Poison moon , Puyue, midsummer, Tianzhong, Yuyun
June: Heyue , Liyue, Linzhong, Fuyue, Shower, Summer
August: Guiyue eighth lunar month , Zhongqiu, Nangong, Zhongshang
September: Juyue , Xuanyue, Jiqiu, Late Autumn, Dushang
October: tenth lunar month Yangyue , Zi Chun, Meng Dong
November: the eleventh month of the lunar Calendar Jiayue , Gu Yue, Midwinter
December: December Besmear month , Jiaping, Jidong, Bingyue
Note: The first month is not another name, but the official name of the first month of the lunar calendar.
The poetic nickname of each month in the lunar calendar named after flowers: the first month - Liuyue, which is also called Liuyue when silver willow is inserted into the bottle; February - Apricot Month, also known as Apricot Month, where apricot flowers make branches; In March, the peach moon is also called the peach moon; April -- the month of Huai, the flower of Huai is full of branches, also called the month of Huai; May - the month of pomegranate, pomegranate red like fire, also known as the month of pomegranate; June -- the lotus moon, also called the lotus moon, is full of lotus flowers in the pool; July - Qiaoyue, also called Qiaoyue, is full of impatiens; August - the month of laurel, sweet scented osmanthus flowers everywhere, also known as the month of laurel; September -- the chrysanthemum moon, the chrysanthemum is proud of frost and snow, also known as the chrysanthemum moon; October Yangyue The lotus shows the small sun, also known as the sun moon; November Jiayue , green grass sprouts, also known as Jiayue; December December The sweet smell of wintersweet is also called the twelfth lunar month. In addition, the lunar month has many other nicknames.

Advantages of the lunar calendar

1. The lunar calendar belongs to the combination of yin and yang calendar, which takes into account the relationship between the sun, the moon and the earth. The lunar calendar is a definite calendar, which has Astronomical almanac The characteristics of Celestial phenomena Correspondence, such as its Solar term Strict correspondence Solar altitude Calendar day Strictly correspond phase of the moon leap month The non occurrence frequency and occurrence frequency of correspond to the perihelion and aphelion of the earth, and other celestial phenomena such as sunrise The end of the day Shadows at dawn and dusk , five-star orientation, eclipse tide Wait, even Calendar month It also roughly corresponds to the solar height;
2. There are only 29 days and 30 days in the lunar calendar, and Definite new moon The daily regulations are not easy to change due to the small human factors;
three The beginning of the year It has strong astronomical significance, with the astronomical significance of Yin, Moon and Yang years;
4. The combination of Yin and Yang is the most representative of the Han nationality Harmony of Heaven and Man The traditional culture of Yin Yang harmony; [18]
five years designated by Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches and Chinese Zodiac Annual recycling; Because it contains solar terms Four seasons The division also reflects the lunar phase tide eclipse Such as the influence of celestial phenomena and the moon on the climate.

Name comparison

The standard name of the Gregorian calendar is gregorian calendar (Gregorian calendar) to change the calendar Gregory XIII It takes 365.2425 days as the length of a regression year, which is consistent with the precision of the Time Service Calendar in ancient China.
Now it is called "Gregorian calendar" because it is basically universal and common in the world.
After being introduced into China, the Republic of China began to interact with the traditional calendar Summer Calendar They are used together, so there are many nicknames among the people to distinguish them. The comparison is as follows:
Gregorian calendar nickname and its reasons
Alternative Names in the Lunar Calendar and Their Causes
Gregorian calendar: the basic global calendar
Lunar calendar: reflecting the lunar calendar (more scientific)
Chinese calendar : Chinese inherent calendar; Chinese calendar : The calendar of Han nationality.
Solar calendar : The type belongs to the solar calendar (solar calendar). It is the most important solar calendar in China, so it is called the solar calendar
Lunar calendar : It is a folk misnomer. The lunar calendar originally belongs to the combination of yin and yang, but the lunar date basically corresponds to the full moon. The nature of the lunar calendar is obvious, and it is wrongly called for historical reasons
new calendar : Newly adopted calendar
Old Calendar : The original old calendar; Old calendar: similar to the old calendar
national calendar : It was adopted in the Republic of China and is still used in Taiwan
Summer Calendar : The first one starts with the calendar of the Xia Dynasty, and the second one is the same first month of the lunar year first month of a lunar year (The first day of the year is January 1)


The third year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty
There is occasional doubt that there was no "New Year's Eve" this year, but there was "New Year's Eve" that year. Why? Others say that the difference between the "big end" and the "small end" is the result. In fact, the big and small months of the lunar calendar are different each year. The lunar calendar stipulates that the first day of each month must be astronomical The sun and the moon converge The day of. So calculating the big and small months of the lunar calendar is also called Definite new moon
The first day of every month in the lunar calendar is called New day The last day of each month is called the sundown day (here, sundown means no moon and no light, not good or bad), so the last day of the lunar year is called Omisoka , annual division (the evening of division is called New Year's Eve )Exactly speaking, New Year's Eve is the last day of December in the lunar calendar, and the date is fixed and consistent every year. In this way, some people may ask, how can we say that New Year's Eve is fixed, sometimes on December 29 and sometimes on December 30 of the lunar calendar? Obviously not fixed! In fact, the truth is that no matter whether the New Year's Eve is on December 29 or 30 of the lunar calendar, that day is the last day of the lunar calendar, so it is really fixed.
As for saying "New Year's Eve" is just a folk term, not a formal one. Since the lunar month is 30 days, the New Year's Eve is December 30, so using that common name can unambiguously indicate that it is the last day of the lunar December. However, when December of a lunar year happens to be a small month, December 29 is the New Year's Eve, and the New Year's Eve will be "absent". It's still called "New Year's Eve", which is no big deal. However, we call for the use of such terms as New Year's Eve, Lunar New Year's Day and Lunar New Year's Day, because it can effectively avoid some misunderstandings. [24]
As for saying that December is a small month in the lunar calendar in a certain year, and calling December 29 "the 30th day of the lunar calendar" is not strictly appropriate and should be corrected and avoided. Because the lunar calendar is a perfect and practical calendar, the date of the lunar calendar is used when using the lunar calendar. So if December falls on a small month in the lunar calendar, December 28 can be called "December 28". The next day is still "December 29" and it is New Year's Eve. This is the correct way to use the lunar calendar. If we can pay attention to these small details, it will be more conducive to the inheritance and continuation of Chinese traditional culture.