National Agricultural Census

Survey of national conditions and strength
zero Useful+1
synonym Agricultural census (Agricultural census) generally refers to the national agricultural census
The National Agricultural Census is a major survey of national conditions and strength. According to the unified method, time, format and content stipulated by the state, it mainly adopts the method of census takers visiting and registering directly at home and at work, comprehensively collects the relevant information of rural areas, agriculture and farmers, and studies and formulates rural economic and social development plans and New rural construction policy Provide basis and provide statistical information services for agricultural producers and operators and the public. Most countries in the world carry out agricultural censuses on a 10-year or five-year cycle.
Agricultural census is conducted every ten years in China. The first national agricultural census on-site registration was carried out in 1997, and the second national agricultural census on-site registration started on January 1, 2007. Preparations for the third national agricultural census will be launched in 2015. In December 2016, the third national agricultural census has entered the final stage of publicity and mobilization, and the on-site registration has entered the countdown. This marks that the third national agricultural census after 10 years will be launched in an all-round way to feel the new family background of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in a fresh period. [1]
Chinese name
Agricultural census
Foreign name
agriculture census
general survey
Census time
Once every ten years

Purpose and significance

National Agricultural Census
Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy“ Agriculture, countryside and farmers ”The problem is the top priority of all work. As a major survey of national conditions and national strength, the agricultural census is mainly to find out the development and changes of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and master China's agricultural production, farmland water conservancy and rural areas Infrastructure construction The basic information on the transfer of rural labor force provides a basis for the research and determination of national economic development strategies and plans, and the formulation of various economic and social policies. Doing a good job in the third agricultural census is conducive to further understanding agricultural resource To formulate scientific grain production policies to ensure national food security; It is conducive to promoting the adjustment of agricultural structure, accelerating the innovation and popularization of agricultural science and technology, improving the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture, and realizing the sustainable development of agriculture; Is conducive to the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development, Balancing urban and rural areas And accelerate the realization of the grand goal of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

Content time

According to China's national conditions, and referring to the 2010 World Agricultural Census Program, the census mainly includes six aspects: first, the production and operation of units engaged in primary industrial activities and farmers; Second, the environmental conditions of township (town), village committee and community; The third is the utilization of agricultural land; Fourth, investment in agriculture and rural fixed assets; Fifth, the employment and mobility of rural labor force; Sixth, the quality of life of farmers.
The standard date of the second agricultural census is December 31, 2006, and the period data is 2006.
The standard time point of the third agricultural census is December 31, 2016, and the period data is 2016. [1]

Organization and implementation

The agricultural census involves a large number of rural areas and farmers. The census task is heavy, there are many participating departments, and the work is difficult. In order to strengthen the organization and leadership of the census work, the State Council decided to establish a leading group for the second agricultural census to be responsible for the organization and implementation of the census. The Census Leading Group Office is located in the National Bureau of Statistics and is specifically responsible for the daily organization and coordination of the census. All regions and departments should conscientiously organize and implement this major survey of national conditions and national strength in accordance with the principle of "unified leadership nationwide, division of labor and cooperation among departments, responsibility at local levels, and joint participation of all parties". Measures shall be taken in time to solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the census work. Among them, the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee is responsible for coordinating the work related to census propaganda and mobilization; Involving census funds and Material support The work of treasury department and Development and Reform Commission Be responsible for coordination.
Local people's governments at all levels It is necessary to set up a corresponding census leading group and its office, and conscientiously organize and implement the agricultural census in the region. Financial departments at all levels should guarantee the census funds; Propaganda departments and news organizations at all levels should make full use of radio, television, newspapers and other forms to widely and deeply publicize the significance and relevant requirements of the census, so as to create a good social environment for the smooth implementation of the census. Census agencies at all levels should give full play to the role of county, township (town) governments and village committees, and select and transfer on-site organizers and investigators from township and village cadres. According to the characteristics of agricultural census, we should do a good job in training and organizing investigators.

Census funds

The funds for agricultural census shall be jointly borne by the central and local finance, and shall be included in the corresponding annual financial budget, allocated on time and ensured in place.

Job requirements

(1) Adhere to the census according to law. Supervisory organs and statistical law enforcement agencies at all levels shall, in accordance with the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China and《 Regulations on National Agricultural Census 》Relevant regulations shall seriously investigate and deal with violations of laws and disciplines in census work, ensure the smooth progress of census work and ensure the quality of census data. The data of farmers and units obtained from the census shall be strictly limited to the purpose of the census and shall not be used as the basis for any unit or department to assess, reward or punish census objects. Census institutions at all levels and their staff must perform strict confidentiality obligations with respect to the personal and business secrets of census objects obtained through census; It is necessary to manage, develop and share census data, and the release of census data must be approved by the higher census institutions.
(2) Make full use of modern information technology Make full use of autonomous satellite resources to accurately measure the temporal and spatial distribution of major crops in China, and find out the status of modern agricultural production facilities; The intelligent hand-held electronic data acquisition equipment is widely used, and the online direct reporting system of census data is established to improve the informatization level and efficiency of census work and reduce the workload of census workers at the grass-roots level.
(3) Strengthen publicity and guidance. Census institutions at all levels should work together with propaganda departments to carefully plan and organize census propaganda, and take the initiative to provide information to news organizations. Through newspapers, radio, television, the Internet and other means, we should widely and deeply publicize the significance and requirements of the census, publicize the typical deeds emerging in the census work, report the investigation and handling of cases of violation of laws and disciplines, guide the majority of census objects to cooperate with the census according to law, educate the majority of census personnel to carry out the census according to law, and create a good public opinion environment for the smooth implementation of the census work. [1]

data management

All relevant units and farmers who meet the census targets in China must truthfully fill in the census data in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China and the specific requirements of the census to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the basic data. No place, department, unit or individual may falsely report, conceal, refuse to report, delay in reporting, forge or tamper with census data.
The data obtained from agricultural census shall be strictly limited to the purpose of census, and shall not be used as the basis for any department or unit to assess, reward or punish census objects; Census institutions at all levels and their staff must strictly follow the rules of Confidentiality obligations