
[zài shēng chǎn]
Repeated social production process
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Reproduction is a society that goes on repeatedly Production process From the perspective of enterprises Currency form As the starting point, transforming into production form Commodity form , and then end in monetary form. Repeat this cycle to maintain human society The existence and development of. from social reproduction In terms of process, it includes production, distribution, exchange and consumption, which are four mutually influencing and restricting links, of which production plays a decisive role. It can be divided into Simple reproduction and extended reproduction The former means that the production is repeated on the original scale, while the latter means that the total production is increased. Reproduction is also the reproduction and Production relations Reproduction of.
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Repeated production process
Letters of Marx and Engels on Capital


Reproduction, which means continuous and repeated production Production process Including human reproduction and material reproduction. Through the continuous reproduction (reproduction) and material (production of materials and Living materials )It can only be maintained by continuous reproduction of human society The existence and development of. Therefore, Social production It should always be carried out continuously and repeatedly. If interrupted, society will perish. This constantly updated and repeated production is called "reproduction".
The concept of reproduction is again described as follows: reproduction is that human beings in nature labor spent in production become Old body Focusing on common needs and taking scientific and technological means as radius Four-dimensional space-time Internal, it combines with other reproduction entities to form a reproduction relationship. In the "six haves - degeneration", it produces re productivity and declines, returning to nature; At the same time Objectivity The natural absorption of re productivity forms the "six haves - degeneration", which is pregnant and grows into young bodies, and then forms the next generation reproduction entity with reproduction benefits, and forms the network system cycle activity of generation to generation reproduction and evolution. Reproduction includes reproduction entity, reproduction relationship and reproduction productivity.

Implementation conditions

Social labor Proportional distribution according to various social needs is the condition for social reproduction. Marx said: "The necessity of distributing social labor in a certain proportion can never be cancelled by a certain form of social production, but only its manifestation can be changed" (Letters of Marx and Engels on Capital, p. 282). Marx did not say how to calculate this proportion, Ningxia scholar Yang Binlin Sir passed Reproduction balance sheet and Reproduction equilibrium model It has solved two major categories and Partial class The problem of calculating the proportion of is a great development of reproduction theory. [1-2]

Contents of reproduction

Reproduction first material goods In the reproduction of material materials Production and consumption Of Means of production And for Living consumption Of Consumer goods Reproduction is also the reproduction of labor force, which can regenerate workers by consuming various means of consumption Labor capacity Reproduction is also the reproduction of production relations Reproduction process In China, people continue to form established relations of production.

Social products

Press use value It can be divided into means of production and means of consumption; In socialized production, social production is correspondingly divided into means of production Production Department Category I (Category I) and consumption material production category II (Category II); And in commodity production Medium, bipartite Product value They also include the value of the consumed means of production Essential products Value and Remaining products The value of three parts; In order to ensure the smooth progress of social reproduction, value compensation and material replacement should be carried out within each department and between the two departments. Therefore, a certain quantitative relationship must be maintained, and it must also be developed for the exchange of services between the two departments Circulation department

Difference in reproduction

Reproduction includes individual reproduction and social reproduction Differences.
The former is a single producer or Production unit Reproduction of. The latter is composed of the sum of reproduction of various production units that are interrelated, interlaced and mutually conditional, including four links of production, distribution, exchange and consumption. They all have their own unique functions in the process of reproduction. Production determines distribution, exchange and consumption; Distribution, exchange and consumption affect production.

Scale classification

Reproduction can be divided into simple reproduction and extended reproduction Two categories.

Simple reproduction

Simple reproduction is reproduction with the production scale unchanged, or reproduction repeated on the original scale. Specifically, the new products produced by society can only compensate for the consumed means of production and Means of subsistence

extended reproduction

Expanding reproduction means that the scale of production is expanded. Specifically, the new products produced by society are used to compensate for the consumed means of production and consumption, and the surplus part is used to expand the scale of production.
For example, if a leather shoe manufacturer uses the same number of tools, equipment, raw materials and labor force every year to produce the same number of leather shoes, this is simple reproduction; If he's in second place Annual increase Tools, equipment, raw materials, and more labor have been employed, and the production of leather shoes has greatly increased, which is called expanded reproduction.
If any society wants to achieve development, it must adopt the method of expanded reproduction. However, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". No matter how the production is expanded, it is always based on the original scale and starting point. Only on the basis of completing simple reproduction can it be expanded. Therefore, simple reproduction is the premise and foundation of expanded reproduction, and expanded reproduction is the continuation and development of simple reproduction.
Although all production starts from simple reproduction, expanded reproduction is often the main feature of all production processes. Generally speaking, the expanded reproduction can be divided into two types, namely, the extended expanded reproduction and the connotative expanded reproduction.
1. Extended reproduction
Extensive expanded reproduction is achieved by increasing production factors The number of the realization of expanded reproduction. For example, if the leather shoe manufacturer mentioned above is in the production technology, process level production process Under the condition of no change, the expanded reproduction formed only by adding tools, equipment, labor and other production factors is the extended expanded reproduction.
2. Intensive expanded reproduction
Intensive expanded reproduction is realized by improving the use efficiency of production factors. It's in the factory building machinery equipment And labor force and other production factors, mainly through technical progress Strengthen management and improve production factors The quality of such methods, so that the scale of production continues to expand the reproduction.
In real life, extended reproduction and connotative reproduction are often combined, and it is difficult to separate them completely. For example, when the extended reproduction is adopted, the quantity and scale of production factors such as machines and equipment are increased with new investment, which is often accompanied by the improvement of the quality of production factors; When adopting connotative expanded reproduction to carry out technical improvement or update machinery and equipment, it is also necessary to increase new investment, which is more or less accompanied by the expansion of quantity and scale. But we need to be clear that with the development of society productivity With the development of science and technology, more and more countries have adopted the sustainable development strategy extended reproduction The proportion of reproduction in the whole society will become larger and larger, and will become the main way to expand reproduction.
Social reproduction, whether Simple reproduction Or expanded reproduction. In terms of its content material goods It is the reproduction of production relations. On the one hand, reproduction must produce certain means of production and means of livelihood to compensate or increase the material conditions that have been consumed; On the other hand, any production has a certain social form and is carried out under a certain production relationship. With the continuous updating and repetition of production, this relationship is also constantly reproduced. Therefore, reproduction of any society is Reproduction of material materials and Reproduction of production relations Unification of.

Nature and characteristics

In different Production mode Medium, due to productivity and Production relations Different, reproduction has different properties and characteristics. For example, capitalism Reproduction and feudalism Reproduction is different. Feudalism reproduction is based on Simple reproduction Characteristic, and Capitalist reproduction It is characterized by expanded reproduction. Just material goods In terms of reproduction Feudal mode of production In China, productivity stagnated for a long time and developed slowly. For a long time, production was repeated on the basis of the original technology, and the composition and scale of material resources rarely changed. And in Capitalist mode of production In China, the productivity has advanced rapidly, and the production has developed on the basis of the ever-changing technology. At the same time Periodic change The composition of material materials is constantly updated, and its reproduction scale is rapidly expanding in cyclical changes. As far as the reproduction of labor force is concerned, in the feudal production mode, farmers have been trapped in ignorance for a long time. Their production experience and Labor skills Inherit from generation to generation and improve slowly. In the capitalist mode of production Production technology The rapid development of, objectively requires workers to have more and more culture scientific knowledge And retraining to meet the needs of new technologies. At the same time, with the deepening of division of labor Development stage It also makes workers deformed One-sided development Local workers. In terms of reproduction of production relations, the reproduction of feudalism is landlord class And the relationship between exploitation and being exploited by peasants who are dependent on the landlord class. and capitalism The reproduction of bourgeois class and proletariat The relationship between exploitation and exploitation. Here, capitalists are personified capital, and capitalists surplus value Transformed into capital, expanding capital to Wage labour Exploitation, and Employee The production of their own labor force through consumption regeneration is a special commodity that can be resold to capitalists and create surplus value for capitalists. Built on Public ownership of means of production Fundamental Socialist reproduction It also has and is based on Private ownership of means of production The nature and characteristics of feudal reproduction and capitalist reproduction are fundamentally different. Socialist reproduction is based on the continuous improvement and development of production technology, so that production will continue to expand and improve, and will not happen cyclical fluctuations of capitalist reproduction The cycle of. On the basis of continuous expansion and improvement of production, the material and cultural needs of society and its members will be more and more satisfied, working people The production relations of mutual assistance and cooperation between them will also be constantly consolidated, developed and improved.