Global Innovation Index

Management field terms
zero Useful+1
The Global Innovation Index (GII) is World Intellectual Property Organization Cornell University European School of Business Administration The annual ranking jointly created in 2007 measures more than 120 Economies stay innovation ability The global policy makers business management The main benchmark tool for executives and others. [1-3]
The global innovation index is a detailed quantitative tool, which helps global policymakers better understand how to stimulate innovation activities, so as to promote economic growth and human development. The Global Innovation Index ranks 126 economies according to 80 indicators, including intellectual property application rate, mobile application development Education expenditure Scientific and technical publications Etc. The index is submitted to European Commission Joint research center to conduct independent statistical audit. [1]
The Global Innovation Index (GII) provides information about Innovation performance Detailed indicators. The index is compiled by Cornell University, European School of Business Administration and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). GII has gained international recognition, which is not only the main reference for measuring innovation capability, but also the "operating tool" for decision-makers. It reflects that global economy Under the background of increasingly knowledge-based, Innovation driven The relationship between economic development and social growth. [12]
As of September 2022, China Invention patent The effective quantity is 4.081 million pieces, effective Trademark registration 41.523 million pieces. China's ranking in the latest Global Innovation Index Report issued by the World Intellectual Property Organization has risen from 34th in 2012 to 11th in 2022, rising steadily for 10 consecutive years. [15]
Chinese name
Global Innovation Index
Foreign name
Global Innovation Index,GII
Issued by
WIPO, Cornell University, European School of Business Administration
Release time
Published annually since 2007 [6]

Index definition

The Global Innovation Index has been released every year since 2007, aiming to help global policymakers better formulate policies and promote innovation. The theme of the 2018 Global Innovation Index is "Innovation for the World" Injected energy ”, including intellectual property declaration rate, mobile application development Education expenditure Based on 80 indicators including scientific and technological publications, the innovation of 126 economies was ranked. [6]
The core part of the global innovation index report is composed of innovation ability And results. The Global Innovation Index recognizes that innovation plays a key role in promoting economic growth and prosperity, and recognizes that Emerging economies The innovation of. [1]
In order to support the global innovation debate, guide policies and highlight good practices, relevant indicators need to be used to assess the performance of innovation and related policies. Global Innovation Index Create environment , make Elements of innovation It has been continuously evaluated, and its characteristics are listed as follows:
  • Introduction to 126 countries/economies, including various data, rankings, advantages and disadvantages
  • 80 data tables based on more than 30 international public and private sector indicators, of which 57 are reliable data, 18 are comprehensive indicators, and 5 are questionnaires
  • Transparent and reproducible computer calculation method, in which each index ranking (global innovation index, output and input sub index) has a 90% confidence interval, plus analysis of the factors affecting the annual ranking [1]
The 2018 Global Innovation Index is based on two sub indexes average value Calculated. The innovation input sub index measures countries that reflect innovation activities Economic factors These elements are divided into five categories: (1) system, (2) human capital And research, (3) infrastructure, (4) market Maturity And (5) commercial maturity. The innovation output sub index reflects the actual evidence of innovation achievements, which can be divided into two categories: (6) knowledge and technology output and (7) creative output. [1]




On August 27, 2024, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) announced in advance the top 100 "science and technology clusters" in the 2024 Global Innovation Index, and Xiamen jumped to 72nd place. [16]


In April 2022 World Intellectual Property Organization In the Global Innovation Index Report released, China's ranking rose from the 22nd in 2017 to the 12th in 2021, a full increase of 10 places and a stable middle income Economies First, it is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. In terms of the quality of intellectual property innovation, over the past five years, cumulative authorization Invention patent 2.531 million, with an average annual growth of 13.4%; Cumulative Registered trademark 27.705 million, with an average annual growth of 29%. Copyright new plant variety layout-design of integrated circuits Registration volume is also frequent set a new record By the end of 2021, domestic (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan High value invention patents per 10000 people It reached 7.5, nearly twice the number at the end of 2017. PCT international Number of patent applications Leap to the first place in the world. intellectual property right Royalty The import and export volume increased from 226.51 billion yuan in 2017 to 378.3 billion yuan, of which the average annual growth rate of exports reached 23.8%, 2.03 times the growth rate of imports. [14]
As of September 2022, the effective number of invention patents in China is 4.081 million Trademark registration 41.523 million pieces. China's ranking in the latest Global Innovation Index Report issued by the World Intellectual Property Organization has risen from 34th in 2012 to 11th in 2022, rising steadily for 10 consecutive years. [15]


Reported on September 22, 2021, World Intellectual Property Organization Published《 2021 Global Innovation Index Report 》It shows that China ranks 12th, up 2 places from 2020. [13]


According to the 2020 Global Innovation Index Report, the top ten are Switzerland Sweden , USA, UK Netherlands Denmark Finland Singapore Germany and the republic of korea Compared with 2019, China The ranking remains unchanged, ranking 14th [4] China Hong Kong As an economy, it also participated in the ranking of the 2020 Global Innovation Index, ranking 11th among 131 economies. [5]
In terms of the number of science and technology clusters, China ranks second only to the United States in the world. There are 17 science and technology clusters in China that have entered the top 100 global science and technology clusters, of which Shenzhen Hong Kong Guangzhou and Beijing rank second and fourth respectively. [5]
In 2020, the top ten are Switzerland Sweden , USA, UK Netherlands Denmark Finland Singapore Germany and the republic of korea Compared with 2019, China The ranking remains unchanged, ranking 14th [4] Hong Kong, China ranked 11th. [5]
Top 10 in the world
1. Switzerland
2. Sweden
3. United States
4. UK
5. Netherlands
6. Denmark
7. Finland
8. Singapore
9. Germany
10. Korea [4]


According to the 2019 GII report, the top ten countries are Switzerland, Sweden, the United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Finland, Denmark, Singapore, Germany Israel [7]
Top 20 in the world
  1. one
    Switzerland (No.1 in 2018)
  2. two
    Sweden (3)
  3. three
    United States (6)
  4. four
    Netherlands (2)
  5. five
    UK (4)
  6. six
    Finland (7)
  7. seven
    Denmark (8)
  8. eight
    Singapore (5)
  9. nine
    Germany (9)
  10. ten
    Israel (11)
  11. eleven
    South Korea (12)
  12. twelve
    Ireland (10)
  13. thirteen
    Hong Kong, China (14)
  14. fourteen
    China (17)
  15. fifteen
    Japan (13)
  16. sixteen
    France (16)
  17. seventeen
    Canada (18)
  18. eighteen
    Luxembourg (15)
  19. nineteen
    Norway (19)
  20. twenty
    Iceland (23) [8]


The 2018 Global Innovation Index Report shows that the top 10 are developed country Switzerland continued to top the list, followed by the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Singapore, the United States, Finland, Denmark, Germany and Ireland [9]
In terms of input and output of core innovation, although the United States still ranks first, it is still the largest in terms of researchers, patents and Scientific and technical publications It ranks second in terms of quantity, ranking behind China.
stay Education investment and R&D expenditure Switzerland Luxembourg And China rank in the top three.
Japan's Tokyo Yokohama. The Shenzhen Hong Kong region and Shenzhen Hong Kong region of China rank first and second respectively. [9]
Top 20 in the world
  1. one
    Switzerland (No.1 in 2017)
  2. two
    Netherlands (3)
  3. three
    Sweden (2)
  4. four
    UK (5)
  5. five
    Singapore (7)
  6. six
    United States of America (4)
  7. seven
    Finland (8)
  8. eight
    Denmark (6)
  9. nine
    Germany (9)
  10. ten
    Ireland (10)
  11. eleven
    Israel (17)
  12. twelve
    South Korea (11)
  13. thirteen
    Japan (14)
  14. fourteen
    Hong Kong, China (16)
  15. fifteen
    Luxembourg (12)
  16. sixteen
    France (15)
  17. seventeen
    China (22)
  18. eighteen
    Canada (18)
  19. nineteen
    Norway (19)
  20. twenty
    Australia (23) [1]


In 2017, Switzerland ranked first for the seventh consecutive year, and 24 of the top 25 were high-income Economy. In 2016, China became a middle-income economy in the top 25 for the first time. [10]
Top 25 in the world
  1. one
    Switzerland (1st in 2016)
  2. two
    Sweden (2)
  3. three
    Netherlands (9)
  4. four
    United States of America (4)
  5. five
    United Kingdom (3)
  6. six
    Denmark (8)
  7. seven
    Singapore (6)
  8. eight
    Finland (5)
  9. nine
    Germany (10)
  10. ten
    Ireland (7)
  11. eleven
    Republic of Korea (11)
  12. twelve
    Luxembourg (12)
  13. thirteen
    Iceland (13)
  14. fourteen
    Japan (16)
  15. fifteen
    France (18)
  16. sixteen
    Hong Kong, China (14)
  17. seventeen
    Israel (21)
  18. eighteen
    Canada (15)
  19. nineteen
    Norway (22)
  20. twenty
    Austria (20)
  21. twenty-one
    New Zealand (17)
  22. twenty-two
    China (25)
  23. twenty-three
    Australia (19)
  24. twenty-four
    Czech Republic (27)
  25. twenty-five
    Estonia (24) [10]


Top 25 in the world
  1. one
    Switzerland (1st in 2015)
  2. two
    Sweden (3)
  3. three
    UK (2)
  4. four
    United States of America (5)
  5. five
    Finland (6)
  6. six
    Singapore (7)
  7. seven
    Ireland (8)
  8. eight
    Denmark (10)
  9. nine
    Netherlands (4)
  10. ten
    Germany (12)
  11. eleven
    Republic of Korea (14)
  12. twelve
    Luxembourg (9)
  13. thirteen
    Iceland (13)
  14. fourteen
    Hong Kong, China (11)
  15. fifteen
    Canada (16)
  16. sixteen
    Japan (19)
  17. seventeen
    New Zealand (15)
  18. eighteen
    France (21)
  19. nineteen
    Australia (17)
  20. twenty
    Austria (18)
  21. twenty-one
    Israel (22)
  22. twenty-two
    Norway (20)
  23. twenty-three
    Belgium (25)
  24. twenty-four
    Estonia (23)
  25. twenty-five
    China (29) [11]

Value significance

The global innovation index report objectively reflects China's in-depth implementation of the innovation driven development strategy to promote Mass entrepreneurship mass innovation The remarkable achievements will also play a positive role in enhancing China's international influence and promoting global innovation and development. [3]