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Luminous intensity

light intensity
synonym light intensity (Light intensity) generally refers to luminous intensity
Luminous intensity (Luminous intensity), in Photometry Chinese abbreviation light intensity or luminosity Used to indicate light source Within unit solid angle in given direction Luminous flux Physical quantity of, International unit by Candela , symbol: cd, formerly known as candlelight or candlelight.
The definition of luminous intensity takes into account human visual factors and optical characteristics, and is based on human vision.
Confused, in optics, light intensity Usually refers to Radiant power , because the human eye Relative visibility Different, so when the radiation power of light of different wavelengths is equal, its luminous flux is not equal.
Chinese name
Luminous intensity
Foreign name
luminous intensity
Light intensity
International unit
candela(cd, Candela)
Calculation of Kirchhoff integral theorem

Definition of Candela

In 1948, the 9th International Metrology Conference decided to use an absolute blackbody radiator as the standard, and gave the luminous intensity the current name: candela (cd, Candela).
Definition of the 13th International Conference on Metrology in 1967 (now obsolete): pressure At platinum freezing point temperature Blackbody 1/600000 square meters of surface in the vertical direction. "
In 1979, the 16th International Conference on Metrology adopted a resolution abolishing the above definition and stipulating that the new definition is:
"Candela is the luminous intensity in a given direction of a monochromatic radiation source emitting light of 540 x 10 ^ 12Hz frequency, and the radiation intensity in that direction is 1/683 W/sr."

Physical expression of luminous intensity

The luminous intensity of the illuminant in a given direction is Solid angle Yuan d Ω Internally transmitted Luminous flux d Φ The quotient obtained by dividing this solid angle element is the luminous flux per unit solid angle. The formula is:
The unit is candela (cd), the unit of luminous flux is lumen (lm), and the unit of solid angle is sr, so 1cd=1 lm/sr.