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Pioneer Venus 2

August 8, 1978, the Cosmos Centaur rocket launch probe
Pioneer Venus 2, also known as Pioneer 13, was launched by the Cosmos Centaur rocket on August 8, 1978. It is composed of one orbit orbiter, one large lander and three small landers. The lander cannot reach the ground and is mainly used for detection Venus atmosphere.
Chinese name
Pioneer Venus 2
Pioneer 13
Country of manufacture
Launch time
August 8, 1978

brief introduction

U.S.A pioneer program The mission of Interplanetary space , systematically observe the lunar environment, interplanetary space radiation, magnetic field and solar activity. Pioneer Venus 2, also known as Pioneer 13, was launched by the Cosmos Centaur rocket on August 8, 1978. It is composed of one orbital orbiter, one large lander and three small landers. The lander cannot reach the ground and is mainly used to detect the atmosphere of Venus.

Task situation

Pioneer Venus 2
After the pioneer Venus 2 entered the orbit around Venus, it released four conical Venus atmospheric detectors, which landed on the surface of Venus from four directions. During the process of landing on Venus, it learned about the atmosphere, clouds, magnetic fields and other data, and found that there are a lot of Venus clouds carbon dioxide And sulfuric acid, sulfur gas jet to the surface of Venus 70 kilometers high.