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Fourier integral

Mathematical terminology
When a very complex function becomes multiple elementary functions Sine function When adding, its integral is higher than that of the previous integral It's much simpler. French mathematician Fourier It is found that the periodic function can be composed of a series of sine functions series express. First, Fourier transform the function, and then use Leibniz The result can be obtained by the formula.
Chinese name
Fourier integral
Foreign name
Fourier Integral
Defined by
French mathematician Fourier
Convolution calculation, digital signal processing, etc
Representing Complex Integral by Adding Multiple Sinusoidal Functions



Fourier integral is a transformation of integral in the operation process, which comes from the Fourier integral representation of function. The main content of Fourier analysis is to study many properties of functions by means of Fourier transform. Fourier transform has important applications in mathematics, physics and engineering technology. [1]


1、 Basic definitions and theorems
Basic definitions : If function f (x) meets the condition
① Continuous or only finite in any finite interval Type I breakpoint , and there are only limited extreme values;
② It is absolutely integrable on (- ∞,+∞), that is, finite; Then define [f (x) → C (ω)]
Is the (complex) Fourier transform of f (x); Note that C (ω)=F [f (x)]=f (ω), and call C (ω) the (complex) Fourier transform image function.
theorem : Based on the above definition, it can be proved that
(At the breakpoint, the integral on the right converges to the average of the left and right limits of f (x) at that point). This integral is called the Fourier complex integral of f (x); F (x) is the original function of C (ω) (inverse Fourier transform C (ω) → f (x)). Frequently recorded
II Fourier integral in real form
The form of real function corresponding to the theorem is:
It is called the (real form) Fourier integral of f (x). among
The real Fourier transform is called f (x).