Shugakuin Imperial Villa

Japanese garden buildings
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The largest garden complex in Japan is one of the three major imperial gardens in Japan. Located in Xiuxuecheng, Zuojing District, Jingdu City, it was completed in 1659. The Palace was built at the foot of Birui Mountain. The garden covers an area of about 26500 square meters. In addition, the forest in the garden covers an area of about 156400 square meters. It is divided into three mountain villas: upper, middle and lower. Take Xiuxueshan Mountain as the example Borrow scenery The wide garden and beautiful atmosphere can be called the representative landscape of Japan.
Chinese name
Shugakuin Imperial Villa
Construction time
geographical position
At the foot of Birui Mountain, Zuojing District, Kyodo City, Japan
Historical, natural and cultural heritage
Architectural features
Royal garden building

Development history

SHUGAKUIN RIKYU is located in Zuojing District, Kyoto, Japan Birui Mountain Lulu is the top three in Japan Royal garden one of. It was built in 1656-1659 by the Emperor after Shuiwei Birui Mountain The construction of the large villa at the foot of the mountain was designed and guided by the emperor of Houshuiwei. He even made the model himself. The garden was built in 1655 and completed in 1699. Covering an area of about 545000 square meters, it is composed of three tea houses (gardens): upper, middle and lower. The tea house stands on the side of a quiet and elegant pool. The building is naturally integrated with nature and is extremely ingenious.

building structure

Because the garden is built at the foot of Birui Mountain, the hillside is full of farmland. In order not to damage the farmland landscape, the whole palace is divided into three small gardens, called the Lower Imperial Tea House, the Middle Imperial Tea House and the Upper Imperial Tea House, forming the structure of the garden in the garden. The three gardens are connected by a pine road, and farmland is beside the road.
Xiayu Tea House has the smallest area of 4390 square meters. With Shouyue Temple as the main scene, white sand and flying stones are paved in front, and imperial tea is served from above House guide Made of water Qushui , passing through two waterfalls and converging in the Guanqian Pool, one of which is called Baisi Waterfall, and there is an island in the pool. In addition, there are firefly springs, god shaped lanterns, arrow shaped lanterns, and winding pavilions (destroyed) in this area. The lower imperial tea house is the base of the villa, where the emperor once held singing parties and banquets.
Zhongyu Tea House covers an area of 6900 square meters. Zhu Gong, the eighth daughter of the emperor of Houshuiwei, merged the guest hall of the emperor and his mother Dongfu Gate and the self built Lezhi Pavilion into the Linqiu Temple, cut her hair into a nun, practiced in the temple, and left the temple in 1885. It is now composed of the outer gate, the middle gate, the Lezhixuan, the guest hall and the vestibule. The buildings in this area are compact and scattered, which is not suitable, but the vestibule space and Qushui Waterfall are wonderful. In front of Lezhixuan, there are wide eaves and wide edges. Visitors can sit here to enjoy the winding water, pool, stone beam, waterfall, etc. in the vestibule.
The Shangyu Tea House is located at the top of the Three Gardens, with the largest area of 45900 square meters. It is the essence of the whole palace. The emperor drew water from the Yinyuchuan River and poured into the big pool through two waterfalls, the male waterfall is high and the female waterfall is low. The pool is called Yulong Pool. It is made up of earth into three small islands: Nakajima, Sanbao Island and Wansongwu One pool and three mountains Pattern. The Qiongqian Pavilion is built on the middle island, the Maple Bridge is built between the middle island and the mountain, and the Millennium Bridge is built between the middle island and Wansongwu. The west side of the pool is built with an earth embankment, called Xibang, which is planted with three layers outside the slope to cover the big slope of the earth embankment Hedge planting From the foot of the mountain, we can not see that it is earth embankment, but green landscape. For hedge planting Evergreen tree Mixed planting of deciduous trees changes colors all year round. The total length of Xibang is more than 200 meters. There are layers of hedges planted below the creek, and embankment roads on the creek. Standing on the embankment, you can Vipassana Pond view, mountain view and field view. Shangyu Tea House is a garden combining boat tour and back tour. In addition to the back tour road, there are docks, boat houses and boats in the garden.
At the top of the hillside, there is a neighboring cloud pavilion, which is a tea room and is used in the southwest Kamo-gawa The stone paved floor is called one, two, three stones. The north side of the pavilion is called the poem washing platform, and there are stone lanterns of the Lixiu style in the east of the platform. Linyun Pavilion is specially designed for sightseeing. There are wide eaves galleries and wide edges near the pool. Tourists can sit and stand to enjoy the large hedges and pool landscape at the foot of the mountain. What is more valuable is to borrow the scenery, near Shanduan, Matsuzaki, Dingchi, Shennichi, Beishan, and far away from the streets and alleys of Beijing Metropolitan Area Aidang Mountain , Xishan, etc. Large scale on the hillside Hedge planting It is trimmed into a curve shape and goes up layer by layer. There is a climbing path between layers. From a distance, you can see green but no road. It is very ingenious.
Wansongwu is actually an island with pine trees planted everywhere. The Millennium Bridge connected to the Middle Island is the most praiseworthy landscape. There was no bridge here. In 1824, the General Tokugawa Jiaqi This bridge was built for Guangge Shanghuang. The bridge pier is made of strips of stone, and the bridge deck is made of stone strips. Two pavilions and a corridor are built on the bridge to become an covered bridge. The two pavilions look the same from a distance, but in fact they are different. The roof of the east pavilion is in the shape of a phoenix chariot treasure, while the west pavilion is in the form of a lodgings. The bridge head is planted with pine, which is called Thousand Pass Pine. There are two other bridges in the park. One is the Maple Bridge, which spans the mountain stream and is made of wood; One is an earth bridge, standing on the water, with wooden frame, earth pavement and wooden fence. In the middle of the middle of the island, there is a Qiongxuan Pavilion, which is square in plan, with a tile roof and windows on all sides. The word "Qiongshu" on the flat forehead was inscribed by the emperor after Shuiwei. The boat house near the earth bridge is also interesting. It has two bamboo and wood roofs on two slopes, three columns and two rooms. It stands on the water near the bank, and a boat is parked in the house. There was Zhizhizhai near the boat house, but it was moved to Xiandong Imperial House , destroyed by dawn There are only ruins of the fire in.

Architectural features

Taking a comprehensive view of the school leaving the palace, you can look into the street far away from the city. It is originally a mountainous area, and Qushui Waterfall is the most suitable one, but it is strong for the vast pool, and the mound island is used to build a bridge, which is a huge project. But under the embankment is covered with hedges, and on the embankment is wide as a creek, which looks kind and natural. The best place is to borrow the scenery. You can borrow the scenery at the foot of the mountain, in the urban area and in the distant mountains in the neighboring Yunting, Qiansui Bridge and Xibang. In addition, the theme of praying for longevity in the whole garden is very obvious, including Shouyue Temple, Immortal Island (one pool and three islands), Millennium Bridge and other major attractions. Through these scenic names, the mood of the 63 year old emperor who was still building the garden in his later years can also be seen. Here, he spent his days gazing at the moon and writing poems. From the lower garden with flowing water and tinkling waterfalls, you can follow a path with trees on both sides to the middle garden. There is a famous fish painting in the pavilion here. The fish is as lifelike as a painted net covering them and preventing them from swimming away. Finally, you arrive at the Cloud Pavilion, where you can enjoy the breathtaking panorama: the upper garden is scattered with lakes, bridges, waterfalls, islands and exquisite pavilions, which form the front garden; Behind is Kyoto City, backed by mountains. [1]