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Channel coding technology

Including forward error correction, interleaving coding and other technologies, which can enable mobile communication systems to work in low CAR and high noise environments
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Channel coding technology refers to technologies including forward error correction, interleaving coding, etc Mobile communication system Working in low load to interference ratio and high noise environment. utilize Digital signal processing technology It can easily realize the functions of channel adaptive equalization, diversity and frequency hopping. Channel coding and digital signal processing technology will ensure the normal operation of mobile communication systems in multipath and fading channels. Therefore, they are essential technologies for communication in the mobile environment. [1]
Chinese name
Channel coding technology
Mobile Communication Foundation
Due to the interference and fading of mobile communication, errors will occur in the signal transmission process, so error correction and detection technology, namely error correction and detection coding technology, must be used for digital signals to enhance the ability of data transmission in the channel to resist various interferences and improve the reliability of the system. Channel coding refers to the error correction and detection coding of digital signals to be transmitted in the channel. Generally, error correcting codes are divided into two categories, namely block codes and convolutional codes. Another error correction method in the mobile communication system is signaling retransmission. When decoding, it is stored first and then determined bit by bit. If the retransmission is five times, three or more times are all 1, then 1 is determined. Channel coding can detect and correct errors in the received bit stream because it adds some redundant bits to spread the information carried by several bits to more bits. The price to pay for this is that more bits must be transmitted than the information needs.