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Information resource allocation

Information matching, flow and restructuring configuration
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Information resource allocation is the allocation of information matching, flow and reorganization, with the purpose of maximizing social and economic welfare.
Chinese name
Information resource allocation
Matching, flow and reorganization of useful information
Maximizing social and economic welfare
achieve Welfare level Various combinations of
Quantity configuration, time configuration, space configuration, etc
Configuration mode
Market and planned configuration


Generalized information Resource allocation It refers to matching, flowing and reorganizing useful information and information facilities, information personnel, information systems, information networks and other resources related to information activities within the scope of quantity, time and space.
The narrow sense of information resource allocation refers to the distribution, flow and reorganization of useful information at different times and in different regions, industries and departments.
Traditionally, information resources The configuration of "" sometimes refers to its broad sense, sometimes refers to its narrow sense, sometimes mixed use, and there is no strict distinction. However, we believe that the broad information resource allocation is only suitable for the internal information industry. Outside the information industry, the allocation of information facilities, information personnel, etc. is a general resource allocation. The narrow sense of information resource allocation is suitable for both information industry and other industries.


information resources The goal of effective configuration is to achieve information resources Balanced and reasonable allocation in all sectors of society to maximize social and economic welfare. Balanced and reasonable allocation refers to balancing national, regional, departmental organization And individual user information demand , priority, emphasis, inclination plan Reasonably allocate information resources
To maximize social and economic welfare Resource allocation Resources here refer to all resources, including tangible resources and intangible resources. What I'm talking about here is information resources The configuration of the Economic welfare Actually, it means“ Information benefits ”, this is the implementation information Resource allocation The fundamental purpose of.
We know that the maximization of social and economic welfare refers to a state in which no matter what changes are made, it is impossible to benefit some people at the same time and not hurt others, that is, if Resource allocation When the optimization is reached, some people further improve The situation must be at the cost of the deterioration of the situation of others. On the contrary, if the resource allocation is inefficient, then by changing the existing resource allocation, at least some people can improve the welfare level without reducing the welfare level of others welfare
So when it comes to information Resource allocation We can also quote this point of view. Society needs information Resource allocation That is, if the allocation efficiency of information resources in society reaches the optimal level Information benefits This is the ultimate goal of information resource allocation.
individual Economic welfare Depends on how much they consume commodity And labor service, from which we can think about society from two different aspects Information benefits Meaning of:
1. In a direct sense,
individual Information benefits Depends on each of them consumption How many? Information commodity and information service about material resources As the total resources of society are limited, people can consumption The total amount of material resources is limited, and the allocation of material resources is to limit the total amount of commodity and labour services Distribute among different individuals to achieve Welfare level And try to make some people's utility The level is improved while the utility of others remains unchanged. For information resources , due to its non consumptive and Non Exclusivity , any individual increases Information commodity and information service Of consumption Or possession will not reduce the right of others Information commodity As a result, the information resources in the whole society can be fully used, that is, to achieve full sharing is the optimal allocation of information resources. In other words information resources Increased sharing means information Resource allocation Efficiency improvement.
2. In an indirect sense,
Many times, information resources Not with Information commodity and information service Exists in the form of "accelerator" Physical products Of production By increasing the output of physical products or quality To satisfy people's information demand , make existing Information benefits The boundary moves up. This form can also be regarded as Information benefits


information resources There are many forms of configuration of, which can be divided into quantity configuration, time configuration, space configuration and other types.
1、 information resources Quantity configuration of
information resources The quantity configuration of information includes stock quantity configuration and incremental configuration, total quantity configuration and individual quantity configuration. information resources The storage capacity should reach a certain scale to meet the information demand At the same time, according to the huge growth of new information and the constantly changing information needs organization keep in storage New information. Both stock and increment shall be guaranteed information resources Sufficient variety of. The more categories are not the better, but to meet different types of information demand Based on, this need Study the relationship between total quantity and individual quantity. In general, information resources It is quite difficult to realize stock allocation or incremental allocation, total allocation or individual allocation, because any individual or organization may be both a user and an information user producer , which easily leads to need The information of.
2、 information resources Time Configuration for
information resources The time configuration of "" refers to the configuration in the past, present and future tenses, which refers to the information in different periods keep in storage And satisfy users' requirements for information in different periods demand The timeliness of different types of information varies greatly. Generally speaking, scientific and technological information is relatively stable, and its effectiveness gradually goes out of date as time goes by, which is an aging phenomenon; The timeliness of business information is very strong, and a piece of valuable information may become worthless overnight. Therefore, in different tenses information resources Configuration is an important indicator to ensure that the information resource structure has a reasonable time effective distribution, and also to meet the user information demand The premise of.
3、 information resources Space configuration for
information resources The spatial allocation of information resources refers to the distribution of information resources in different regions and industries, which is essentially the distribution in different directions of use. information resources There is a serious imbalance in the geographical distribution of demand And the direction of use. This is mainly because information resources In different industries and geographical regions information content Distribution and information Infrastructure There is a big gap. information resources The prerequisite for optimal allocation in space is to build an advanced information infrastructure.
In terms of time, space and quantity, information resources The configuration of is based on the existing resource conditions. Whether it is "hard" resources or "soft" resources need And the specific objectives of the national information system quality The relative surplus and relative deficit on the. This requires information Resource allocation In the process, the relative surplus and relative deficit of information resources are adjusted and utilized reasonably.

Basic Requirements

information Resource allocation The following basic requirements must be followed:
First, social information demand Based on.
information Resource allocation Information that must conform to the society demand Situation, only in this way can information be realized commodity production The user's demand and utilization of information is information Resource allocation The most basic basis of. Human information demand It is a complex social demand, with various influencing factors and different demands, information resources Although the amount is large and the scope is wide, it is always limited for the specific needs of users in a specific time and space. to configure information resources The results of demand In terms of satisfaction. Meet social information demand The higher the degree of, information resources The higher the degree of optimized configuration; On the contrary, the lower the degree of meeting the social information needs, the lower the degree of optimizing the allocation of information resources. If social information demand It only shows the pursuit of quantitative satisfaction, information resources The effective configuration of Information commodity And information service To meet need If the demand for social information is simultaneously or mainly manifested in the pursuit of information commodities quality The effective allocation of information resources should include information goods and information service quality So much so that it is regarded as a major direction. Otherwise, it cannot meet the social demands Information commodity And the quality of information services need The allocation of information resources cannot be effective and optimized.
information resources Whether it is the configuration on time and space vectors, or the configuration on variety and quantity, it is based on the user's information resources demand Sex. Therefore, reasonable configuration information resources And make it meet the differences of people from all walks of life to the greatest extent Information needs This is the starting point and destination of effective configuration.
Second, the principle of utilization.
Effective allocation of information resources foothold It is an effective use of users. Therefore, we should information service The characteristics of the work shall be investigated in a timely manner, and the new mode of information service shall be actively explored to make information resources Get effective use.
Third, reduce information as much as possible Resource allocation cost
information Resource allocation Cost refers to the resource consumption in the allocation of information resources, that is, the cost of information resources. The purpose of information resource allocation is to create more wealth and allocate cost A high level will inevitably reduce the efficiency of information resource allocation. Therefore, minimize information Resource allocation Cost is the basic requirement of information resource allocation. information resources Information is determined by the characteristics of Resource allocation Cost cannot be reused fixed cost and Variable costs And can be divided into the stock cost of information resource allocation and Incremental cost Information resource stock allocation cost It refers to the cost of information resource system distribution that has completed the configuration process public wealth And the sum of the social wealth consumed to maintain the existing information resource structure. Incremental configuration of information resources cost It refers to adding information Resource allocation Time spent public wealth the sum. Obviously, the society owns Information infrastructure , including communication networks, computer networks and information networks, as well as practical business data or public The number of databases affects information Resource allocation Incrementally configured cost size.
Fourth, it should be beneficial to information resources share.
This is information Resource allocation The unique requirements of information resources are also determined by the characteristics of information resources. Information resource sharing is information society The effective allocation of information resources is to seek for scientific, technological Economics And social development need Information resource system with multiple functions, high efficiency and reasonable structure to achieve the purpose of information resource sharing. information Resource allocation Must break traditional information resource department ownership and Self sealing , independent small production Mode, forming a key coordinate Complementary information resources joint allocation pattern.


information resources It is a strategic social resource, which is effectively allocated by the society Information structure And realize the allocation of information resources through the decentralization and centralization of information. information Resource allocation There are market distribution Schedule Configuration and market Double configuration with plan.
information resources The market allocation of is determined by information resources The supply and demand parties shall market price And changes in market supply and demand. In a sense, the market is a kind of Law of value Self-adjusting economic system And economic operation mode, and“ plan ”Or“ state regulation ”Correspondence.
Information resource market distribution Based on incomplete and asymmetric market conditions, the market allocates information resources through economic information or Market signals To eliminate or reduce information market The uncertainty in activities, so as to realize the allocation of information resources. because Market information Its own characteristics market segmentation , information dissemination system and human "finiteness" information resources Not all can be obtained free of charge; On the other hand, there are always some individuals in the participants of the market event who have the knowledge that other market participants do not understand but need Information resources, which in some cases may be possessed by the master MONOPOLY However, in some cases, participants in market activities who have information hope that the information they have can be effectively provided to other members of society. However, individuals who hold information are unwilling to provide information to other individuals who have not obtained information for free. On the contrary, in some cases, providing information also need Personal efforts to master information cost For both supply and demand sides, through the market price information Automatic adjustment can be realized relation between supply and demand , complete information resources To focus on price mechanism Supply and demand mechanism and competition mechanism etc. market mechanism , based on price information Supply and demand information , competitive information and other market mechanism elements information resources Of market distribution Best. Practice has proved that the market mechanism can consumption Of demand To develop and allocate information resources, and directly restrict the flow direction and flow rate of information resources through changes in market price information and market supply and demand information, which is conducive to alleviating the need to use limited and relatively scarce information resources to meet the requirements of unlimited diversification need This plays a good role in guiding the contradiction and short-term effective allocation of information resources.
In actual economic activity Medium, especially developing country Market system The development is not mature enough. The market mechanism itself still has many defects. The resources in the market cannot flow freely, and there are many obstacles between regions and industries. The price signal often fails to reflect the scarcity of resources in a timely and true manner, so the market mechanism often fails to automatically allocate resources effectively, which makes the laissez faire free market Will deviate from the best state, while the information market organization The mechanism also has these problems information resources Of market distribution There are some insuperable defects, which are mainly shown in the following aspects:
(1) The information market itself cannot guarantee that a market structure
(2) The market cannot automatically create a good external environment and formulate laws and policies related to information activities;
(3) The actual market information is not completely transparent. There are known "white information" and semi known market information“ Grey information ”And unknown“ Black message ”。 This situation, together with the market system and market mechanism, cannot be perfect, information resources Both the supplier and the demander can only price information And market supply and demand information forecast And judgment, which makes the information market economic activity With great randomness and blindness. That is to say, although the market information transmission is rapid and agile, the market adjustment naturally has the lag of post adjustment, which determines the relative slowness of the market adjustment speed. In addition, market regulation is mainly based on changes in market information. Therefore, market regulation is also likely to cause deviation in market regulation objectives and market regulation cost On the high side.
(4) Information products And information production Compared with the general market, the information market Resource allocation The function is relatively weak, and the reasons are highlighted in the following aspects:
First, information has External effects Information commodity and information service There are both positive and negative external effects. When it has positive external effects, information production Marginal revenue less than marginal social benefit producer Holding information but unwilling to invest in information production, which leads to insufficient information production Resource allocation Invalid; When it has negative external effects, it will cost Not directly imposed on the market Consumption information Commodities and information service Of consumer Or other producers, so that the information market deviates from equilibrium, and the allocation of information resources is also invalid.
Second, informational public goods Property. information resources This property of Information consumption Of Non Exclusivity Non consumptive free-rider problem , making information producer Of cost Unable to automatically get effective compensation through the market mechanism, resulting in insufficient production.
Third, Information commodity Monopoly. Information commodity and information service The monopoly of Initial cost High, because it can replicate in large quantities at almost no cost, i.e marginal cost It is very low, and the marginal revenue is increasing, which makes the first R&D developers production A monopolistic position has been formed. The connection of information products consumption , will form a "lock-in" effect on consumers, which further strengthens Market leader Monopoly position; Second, information production Are creative and protect their legitimate rights and interests need Exclude by law Information commodity And form monopoly. At this time Monopoly price , making the market price higher than the margin cost , resulting in information resources Of market distribution Invalid.
Fourth, there is another type of information activities that do not directly face the market Profitability Of. The development of basic information activities such as education and basic research is not based on business Therefore, the market mechanism cannot adjust itself.
So, information resources Of market distribution It is better at short-term configuration, and easier to get information and exchange information in the market cost Realize information at a low level Resource allocation Optimization. However, in the reality of incomplete information Economics In the environment, especially with adverse selection and moral hazard Under the condition of information resources It is difficult to achieve optimal configuration of.
(II) information resources Of plan to configure
information resources Unlimited richness, but relative to the current situation of people's information resources demand And professional demand, the supply of information resources is obviously insufficient, and the supply of information resources cannot be adjusted completely according to the change of the proportion of supply and demand Price Moreover, the information system in real life is not perfect, information resources The supply and demand sides of need Useful information. That is Market regulation The process is carried out under the condition of incomplete information. The role of market mechanism is limited, therefore, information resources It is absolutely necessary to find a new configuration mode. plan to configure information resources Can overcome market distribution To exploit its advantages.
information resources The planned allocation of Economics , Law administration , persuasion, etc information economy Distribution of overall development objectives information resources And access to information resources, development and use of information resources. Information resource plan The configuration must require the state to have an authority such as the Information Resources Management Committee to regulate the classification of information, regulate the channels for information interaction, and protect the normal development and use of information resources.
Government's plan Configuration mainly depends on three tools:
(1) finance Tools. Through education, scientific research and Information infrastructure Direct investment in construction to promote IT industry To drive the whole national economy Growth;
(2) tax revenue Tools. yes technological innovation Activities and High tech enterprises Tax relief To encourage innovative activities;
(3) industrial policy Tools. The government can industry Policy guidance and promotion Industrial structure upgrading , stimulate and promote Knowledge intensive industry Development of.
Through these tools, the government can grasp and adjust the information resources Reasonable distribution and utilization.
plan to configure information resources It has obvious advantages. Through government plan to configure, information resources Information can be reached Economics Macro checks and balances IT industry internal structure coordinate , Protection market competition , optimizing the overall benefits of the information economy.
First, influence social information Aggregate supply And social information Aggregate demand There are many factors for Economics High speed sustained development , the government must information resources total Supply and demand information , price information, etc., adopt government actions and allocate information resources.
secondly, IT industry Including communication industry, database industry, information consulting industry, etc., whether its internal structure is reasonable and whether its development proportion is coordinate , depending on the government's macro-control information resources Of plan Configuration can achieve this adjustment.
Thirdly, society Economics The high-speed process and the support of highly developed modern information technology make information resources The scope of sharing is more and more extensive, but there are more and more information confidentiality and information barriers. stay promotion of information technology In society, there are a lot of information resources Of enterprise , institutions or departments, often in some form, form a sectoral monopoly Regional monopoly Or“ natural monopoly ”。 Different monopoly forms have different functions. Some monopoly is a kind of agreement, such as copyright , designed to help Information commodity The realization of value, thus promoting the production And supply Some Information commodity Of value If not reproduction And the same kind product The production of will be affected and the supply will be relatively insufficient. Some monopolies are deliberately created by manufacturers to maximize their own interests, aiming to limit information resources Share of. Facing different forms of monopoly information resources The government can take measures to protect favorable monopolies and restrict unfavorable monopolies plan Advantages of configuring information resources.
In addition, information Economics The development of, economic performance Not only development and utilization information resources Sectoral issues, including those of the whole society Information economic benefits Government adoption plan to configure information resources Can reduce information resources consumption People's irrational behavior, avoiding seeking selfish interests in the region and avoiding minority economic organization The use of information resources has negative external effects.
use plan to configure information resources On the one hand, it can be overcome market distribution Inadequate information resources, avoid the lag and blindness of market allocation, and reduce the waste of information resources; On the other hand IT industry Objective requirements of development. In the national Economics In China, the information industry is Emerging industries prime mover industry The development of leading industries plays a great role in promoting the national economy, but its development Socio economic environment Relatively poor, need Government input, support and guidance. For China plan The significance of resource allocation is particularly significant. our country Economics The starting point of development is low, and the level of industrialization is not high, but it needs to be completed industrialization And informatization. In this case Economics Development level and strategy Task, IT industry Its development faces a worse socio-economic environment, such as production The information industry is ahead of the actual level of China's economic development due to its low level of strength, backward technology and weak information concept. Therefore plan Mode configuration information resources It is conducive to accelerating the pace of informatization in China and speeding up the national Economics The pace of development.
Information resource plan The configuration also has shortcomings. The government is configuring information resources It is difficult for the government to grasp sufficient market information and respond to the private market control It is also very limited; Even if the government has sufficient information, it will still encounter many difficulties when making choices between different programs policy decision Many people are affected, but only a small number of people make decisions. No matter what the situation of these few decision makers, it is always easy to put subjectivity on when making allocation decisions preference Color, such as preference for high investment, high speed, and relative neglect Economics Benefits economic stability and IT industry Internal structure; preference Administrative methods , relatively ignoring economic means and legal means; preference direct control , relatively ignored Indirect control because Plan adjustment In the process, the information available for decision-making is poor, and the decision-making process is too cumbersome, decision mechanism Imperfect, which may cause the government to act slowly or make wrong decisions, thus affecting information Resource allocation Optimization degree of.
(III) information resources Dual configuration of
Few people believe in pure planned economy Or the completely laissez faire free market can assume the myth of resource allocation function alone. all countries Economics The development practice has proved that in most cases, the market can cost Allocate resources, but at the same time, if the market fails, the government must also intervene moderately, that is, use the market and plan To configure information resources
market distribution And plan There is a dialectical relationship of unity of opposites between configurations. The combination of the two is complementary in function and effective in effect Coordination Therefore, the market and plan Mixed configuration information resources In the real economic environment with incomplete information, especially under the conditions of adverse selection and immoral behavior, market distribution The low efficiency can also avoid more and more serious information poverty in the planning and allocation of resources under the condition of incomplete information. In fact, if information is fully considered Resource allocation We can easily draw a conclusion whether it is market oriented or plan Is the dominant dual configuration mode Resource allocation efficiency Are higher than pure market distribution Or simple plan configuration. As for taking market distribution Mainly or mainly plan The configuration shall be based on the specific economic environment And information Resource allocation Depends on the specific requirements of.