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Protection group

Data source of shared public protection configuration and plan
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A protection group is a collection of data sources (volumes or shares) that share common protection configurations and schedules. The data sources in the protection group are called true protection group members or simply members. The protection group configuration specifies the performance options you want to enable, such as network bandwidth usage limits and daily Consistency check The protection schedule specifies that the replica be linked to the activity on the file server Data synchronization Frequency and when the replica was created Shadow Copy
Chinese name
Protection group
Data source of shared public protection configuration and plan
Considerations 1
Business requirements of the organization
Considerations 2
Network performance and data characteristics
Protection group
When you decide how to organize data into protection groups, you need to consider several factors: your organization's business requirements, network performance, and data characteristics. For example, you need to consider the frequency of data changes, the speed of data size increase, and the importance of being able to recover the closest copy of lost data. In most cases, you want to group data with similar characteristics.
be careful
Protection groups can include groups from the same File server Or data sources from multiple volumes that span multiple file servers. However, different data sources on the same volume cannot be added to different protection groups.