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Confidentiality period

Protection time specified for military secrets
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Confidentiality period: Yes military secret The specified protection time and the determination of the confidentiality period are conducive to taking effective measures and means within a certain period of time.
Chinese name
Confidentiality period
Specified protection time for military secrets
The protection time specified for military secrets.
Determining the confidentiality period is conducive to taking effective measures and means within a certain period of time to ensure the security of military secrets; It is convenient to decrypt the relevant items in time after they lose their confidentiality value, so as to facilitate work.
The confidentiality period of military secrets is determined by the level of military secrets, the timeliness of military secrets and environmental factors other than military secrets according to the needs of national defense and military security and interests. ① The higher the level of military secrets, the longer the confidentiality period. ② The timeliness of military secrets determines the length of the confidentiality period. The longer the timeliness is, the longer the confidentiality period will be. ③ When the external environmental factors change, the confidentiality period will also change. If the military scientific research achievements are confidential for a certain period of time, with the continuous progress of science and technology, the achievements have been widely used, and their confidential value will be reduced or even lost.
The standards for determining military secrets by military forces around the world are different, and the confidentiality period of military secrets varies. Generally, it can be divided into basic confidentiality period and special confidentiality period. The basic confidentiality period is to divide top secret, confidential and secret matters by years according to the confidential content and level. The special confidentiality period is not limited by the basic period, and the specific confidentiality period is determined according to needs and regulations. Once the confidentiality period is determined, the carrier shall be clearly marked in accordance with the relevant provisions. If the carrier cannot be marked, the relevant personnel who have access to the secret shall be notified. For military secrets that are not marked or notified of the confidentiality period, the confidentiality period shall be determined according to the relevant period of top secret, confidential and secret levels.
The confidentiality period of military secrets shall be determined at the same time when organs and units at all levels determine the classification of military secrets in accordance with the provisions of the scope of confidentiality. The confidentiality period shall be adjusted when the classification changes, the original confidentiality period is improperly determined or the corresponding conditions change. The confidentiality period adjustment includes the extension and reduction of the confidentiality period. The adjustment of the confidentiality period shall be decided by the organ or unit that originally determined the confidentiality period, or by its superior organ. The higher authorities may change the confidentiality period set by the lower authorities in emergencies and when they deem it necessary. Other organs and units shall not change the confidentiality period of military secrets that do not belong to their own organs or units without authorization, but may propose to the relevant organs and units to change the confidentiality period. Copying documents, materials and other articles that belong to military secrets, or extracting, quoting and compiling the contents that belong to military secrets, shall not change the confidentiality period of the original without authorization.
Military secrets shall be declassified when the confidentiality period expires or exceeds. Decryption is to separate the items originally determined as military secrets from the scope of military secrets that have lost their basic attributes due to changes in the scope of control, so that they are no longer protected and restricted by military confidentiality laws and regulations. If the unit or organ that determines the classification of a military matter has sufficient reason to believe that the matter will not harm the security and interests of national defense and the army after it is disclosed, or it will be more beneficial to the country and the army after it is disclosed from the overall perspective, it should promptly decrypt it. Matters that are required to remain confidential by higher authorities or secret keeping departments shall not be declassified within the required time limit. After the classification is removed, the relevant authorities and units shall be notified in time. Some military secrets, due to the need of work, are legally disclosed within the confidentiality period, which will remove the confidentiality level and no longer fall within the scope of military secrets.
Publisher: China Military Encyclopedia Editorial Office [1]