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He Hanli

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American experts on China
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Hanli He, born in 1946, whose "ancestral home" is the United States Massachusetts Of boston , a famous American expert on China, once served as the special national security adviser of the Clinton cabinet.
There are many books on China and Sino US relations, among which China's Second Revolution, published in 1987, had a great impact. [1]
Chinese name
He Hanli
Foreign name
Harry Harding
date of birth
National Security Adviser

Character experience

In 1967 Princeton University Received a bachelor's degree in public and international relations.
In 1969 and 1974 Stanford University He has obtained a master's degree and a doctor's degree in political science from Stanford University brookings institution Elliot School of International Affairs, George Washington University eurasia group (Eurasia Group), Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, University of Virginia. [1]

Main points

He Hanli's English name is Harry Harding.
He Hanli once used "fragility" and "non enemy and non friend" to describe Sino US relations in his early book "Fragile Relations: America and China since 1972".
Now, the international situation and the relationship between the two countries have undergone considerable changes. He Hanli believes that the word "fragile" can no longer properly describe the delicate relationship between the United States and China, and should be replaced by "competition and cooperation".
Former US Secretary of State Powell once defined China US relations as "strategic competitors and economic partners". He Hanli put forward the opposite view to Powell. He believed that China and the United States should be "economic competitors and strategic partners", and the pattern of the two countries can be described as "complex".
He Hanli is highly appreciated by Biden. At the hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on China, Biden invited him to make a keynote speech.
He Hanli proposed at the meeting that if the United States wants China to become a "responsible stakeholder", it must understand the way of thinking of the Chinese government and under what circumstances China is more willing to accept international norms. If we want China to become a responsible "executor" of norms, we must first make China a "formulator" of norms.