
The second largest city on the South Island of New Zealand
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synonym dunedin (Dunedin) generally refers to Dunedin
Dunedin is New Zealand Otago capital , on South Island South East Coast. It covers an area of 3314 square kilometers and has a population of about 128000.
Ranked fifth in New Zealand in terms of population; It also ranks fifth in terms of urban area; In terms of the whole city, it is the largest in China. Due to historical and cultural reasons, Dunedin is the four major centers of New Zealand.
Agriculture and animal husbandry It is the pillar industry of Dunedin. Danidin's domestic and foreign trade accounts for a large proportion of New Zealand, and its foreign trade products are mainly wool, meat and dairy products.
On December 26, 2019, it ranked No. 351 in the 2019 Global Top 500 Cities. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Administrative Region Category
New Zealand Otago District
geographical position
South Island Southeast Coast [2]
3314 km² [2]
Government residence
population size
128000 [2]
Famous scenic spot
Orveston House Larnach Castle [3]
Dunedin Airport
train station
Edward Railway Station
English Maori [2]

Historical evolution

britain scotsman In 1848, he set foot in Dunedin.
Found near Dunedin in 1861 gold mine , gold seekers swarmed in, including many Chinese, and the city gradually became prosperous. The arrival of the Chinese not only accelerated the mining process of the original gold mine, but also found more gold mines. At its peak, there were 5000 Chinese.
Dunedin once became the cornerstone of New Zealand's commercial wealth and the largest city in New Zealand. [2]

geographical position

Dunedin, the capital of Otago District, is located in New Zealand South Island The southeast coast covers 3314 square kilometers, [2] It's New Zealand South Island The second largest city and the fourth largest city in New Zealand, second only to Auckland Wellington and Christchurch It is also the largest port, transportation and business center of New Zealand's South Island.
The architecture of the whole city of Dunedin is typical of the Scottish style, which is said to be "the most Scottish like foreign city outside Scotland". Economic, trade and cultural center in the southeast of South Island.

Population and nationality

The population is about 128000, most of which are of British descent, and the others are various ethnic minorities. [2]
There are about 3000 Chinese in Dunedin. Most of them are migrant miners from the coastal areas of Guangdong Province in the early years. Future generations operate restaurants here. There are more than 10 Chinese restaurants in the city.




Aaron Hawkins, the current mayor. [4]

emblem of a city

The emblem of Dunedin consists of shield, crown, bodyguard and motto.
The castle on the shield originates from Edinburgh The name of Dunedin is derived from the heraldry. The middle belt of the shield symbolizes the agricultural foundation of Otago's capital, and the crown symbolizes the municipal government and administrative institutions. On both sides are guards guarding the shield, on the right are Scots, and on the left are Maori chiefs. Scots symbolize the immigrant pioneers who first set foot on this land, and Maori chiefs symbolize New Zealand.


University of Otago
Otago University Dunedin College of Education , men's secondary schools, women's secondary schools and other educational institutions. Otago University is the first university in New Zealand, with its main campus in Dunedin. The development of Dunedin is mainly around the University of Austria, so the city is also called "University City". [2]
famous University of Otago Otago University is located in Dunedin. It was founded in 1869 and is the first university in New Zealand. The Bell Tower of Otago University, the First Church, and the Abbey of Saint Dominic are among the most outstanding buildings in the Gothic Renaissance. The railway station built of a large number of stones, inlaid with black glazed ceramic tiles and equipped with the Royal Isledon mosaic floor, is one of the most photographed buildings in New Zealand.
Over the years, the school has reached the standard in many aspects of academic research and teaching. The total number of students registered in the school is 21000, of which more than 4500 are graduate students. The school also has 2900 foreign students from more than 40 countries. [5]
The reason why this city is famous is that Otago University has the first medical school in New Zealand and is the medical research center in the South Island. It is the first medical center to put IVF into practice, so it is famous in the world. Otago University also has a dental school in New Zealand, which ranks among the top ten in the international rankings and is the first in Oceania. In addition, it is also a school with pharmacy, physical therapy, medical experiment and other departments in South Island. This medical school is still famous today. Its admission requirements are the same as those of ordinary universities. As long as three subjects are taken in the college entrance examination, it can study. Therefore, nearly 1000 students are attracted to study here every year. Everyone takes courses in the first year together, and then decides the future professional departments according to their scores. Every year, the Medical College enrolls 180 students, 60 dentists and about 180 pharmacy students. If students do not enter any ideal subjects, they can transfer to other departments. They can apply for dentistry again with their sophomore grades or apply for medical school after completing a degree.
Other non medical departments, such as physiology and anatomy, are also famous in the world. Emerging departments, such as biochemistry, genetic engineering, or basic science, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, also have classes. In addition, there are business and law subjects. In particular, every year, more than 100 exchange students from Malaysia come here to obtain the degree of Otago University.


Agriculture and animal husbandry are the local pillar industries, and wool production and cow feeding are very developed. The main foreign trade products are wool, meat and dairy products. Port Otago is an important international cargo port in New Zealand, with complete equipment and world advanced level. [2]


Dunedin has a strong connection with Scotland. Together with many local people, it attaches great importance to the celebration of Scots' festivals. Every year, Haggis programs (not suitable for cowards) are held regularly and seriously, especially with Dunedin's whisky. The Scottish Week held in March every year, wearing traditional clothes and playing Scottish bagpipes, makes the city full of Scottish atmosphere. Otago University, the first university in New Zealand, has enhanced the city's uniqueness. There is an endless stream of students from all over the world applying for admission every year. If you visit the college, don't miss the old university buildings like scenic cards along the bank of the Leith River, as well as a smiling stone monster statue.
In addition, the world's archaeology, maritime exhibitions, New Zealand's natural history, from penguins to extinct wingless birds (Moa, moa), the previously opened exhibition halls include People of the World and amazing Animal Attic exhibitions. Even the very interesting science center - "Discovery World" also has craft souvenirs and coffee rooms in the museum.
Not far from Dunedin Taiaroa Head Is a famous wildlife reserve—— royal albatross Center. The Royal Albatross is a huge seabird, with two wings spread for more than 3 meters. This bird is especially good at gliding and can rest all day without stopping. In addition to albatross birds, you will also see other protected animals, such as rare yellow eyed penguins, delicate blue penguins, soft fur seals and various sea birds. This is a paradise for wild animals.
At the end of the peninsula facing the city of Dunedin, the place called Taiaroa is home to countless albatross, which is managed by the "Royal Albatross Center". Tourists can easily appreciate this specialty seabird. Therefore, Taiaroa Head has also become the symbol of Dunedin. The first chick settled on the headland of Taiaroa Head in 1938, and since then, it has composed the life movement of albatross. The ideal environment of the headland, of course, also provides the best home for other birds. Countless birds also live in this small mountain. There are yellow eyed penguins nesting around the shore, and little blue penguins' caves are all over the beach. Stewart Island's rare long nosed cormorant birds live in the cliffs, and there are three nests of seagulls. The black Scissor's Mouth also lives nearby. Soft fur seals rest on the rocks and enjoy warm sunbathing. Taiaroa Head Cape is a unique historical place and wildlife park. It is also a strategic point. In 1880, the Maori and later New Zealand government appointed Fort Taiaroa to formulate a defense plan based on the then "anti Russian" strategy. The gun left over from that year has a history of 100 years, and only one can be used to celebrate history.
The pictures, historical charts, oil paintings and the amazing Poutokomanawa displayed by the Royal Albatross Center in the form of science and art allow visitors to understand the truth they have witnessed from a scientific perspective. Another feature of the center is that it records the family tree and historical facts of the Maori nationality, which makes people have a deeper understanding of the Maori nationality.


Dunedin is full of cultural atmosphere, with many historic buildings, museums, bird reserves, etc. There are still many typical Scottish style buildings in the city, which is known as "the most Scotland like city outside Scotland". [2]
Queenstown Lake Wanaka Lake Wanaka and the southern mountains Milford Sound Milford Sound, It's only a few hours' drive.

Orweston House

(Olveston Historic Home)
Orweston House
Close to the city center Orweston House It is a very famous historical building in Dunedin. The building with elegant appearance and exquisite decoration has 35 rooms of different sizes ·Theomin (David Theomin) and his family. In the vigorous gold rush era at that time, the owner became one of the richest people in the region by buying and selling antiques and household decorations. Dorothy ·Theomin Dorothy Theomin donated the 35 room building to the municipal government after her death in 1966.
This small building has been opened to tourists, and the interior decoration and layout remain the same. Tourists will feel the glorious past of Dunedin. Tourists can learn more about the Old House of Orweston the First World War The life of a wealthy family. The houses and their furnishings changed slightly between 1906 and 1926. At the same time, it is also a small collection hall, displaying valuable paintings, furniture and works of art collected by the owner.

Larnach Castle

(Larnach Castle)
Larnach Castle [3] It is an old castle in New Zealand, located in Otago Peninsula On the rolling hills.
Built in 1871, the castle was built by William Larnach, a banker, capitalist and business tycoon who served as the minister of New Zealand, for his wife, Eliza Jane Guise. Two hundred workers spent three years to finish the exterior building. After the family moved in, the exquisite European craftsmen spent twelve years to decorate the interior with the best materials from all over the world. Gorgeous carving, fine stone carving, wood carving, painting and glassware are outstanding.
After the death of Mr. Lanak in 1898, the castle became a camp and shelter for soldiers during the World War. The furniture was auctioned off because no one was looking after it, and the glory of the past gradually disappeared. After the end of the war, the castle had no more records and disappeared in people's view.
It was not until 1967 that a young couple accidentally found it during their honeymoon trip. From the era of navigation, to the era of colonialism, to the era of gold mining, to the era of war, and then to the era of peace. Lanak Castle has experienced and witnessed the changes of national history. In order to preserve this precious New Zealand cultural heritage, the young couple bought the castle and then spent a lifetime repairing and guarding it. They are also the owners of the castle, the Barker Family.
The highway leading to the castle is very charming. In the castle and its historic garden, people will feel the unique charm of the city of Nitin. Standing on the castle, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful bay, and the port of Dunedin is like a bright pearl.
The castle is now open to the public as a historical site, with a dance hall, a cafe and three levels of accommodation. Large and small weddings can be held. [3]

Baldwin Street

(Baldwin Street)
The most oblique street in the world
Baldwin Street It is the steepest street in the world. Every summer, a fun Dunedin Art Festival is held here, attracting tourists from all over the world. Here, people can feel the folk customs of Nitin, and also experience the fun of living on this steep street. Tourists even try all kinds of sports on this street to challenge the limit.

Edward Railway Station

(Dunedin Railway Station)
Dunedin's train
Dunedin Railway Station It was opened in 1906. The station is a huge ancient building with grand, magnificent and magnificent appearance, vast mosaic tile floor and charming Stained glass The window is the building that countless tourists must leave beautiful images, and also the starting point for taking the charming train through the unique and historic Taieri Gorge. The railway station is an architect George Trump (George A. Troup) won the nickname of "Gingerbread George". Chup designed the Dunedin Railway Station in the style of the Flemish Renaissance. The University of Otago and the nearby court also have similar designs. The railway station uses Kokonga basalt (Kokonga), and then use the Omaru limestone as the decorative surface, plus a variety of shapes, textures and materials. After comprehensive renovation in 1999, this building has completely restored its former style.

Botanical Garden

(Dunedin Botanic Garden)
Dunedin Botanic Garden
Dunedin Botanic Garden It is one of the largest and most diverse specialized gardens in New Zealand. Rhododendron is the most valuable flower in the garden. Every year in the third week of October, a famous rhododendron festival is held in the botanical garden. The rhododendrons of different types and bright colors attract thousands of tourists. There are also many exhibition halls in the park, many of which are designed and built with private funding, from which visitors can feel the love and treasure of the citizens of Nigeria for nature. In this garden, tourists can also see all kinds of exotic flowers and plants. Many botanists make various investigations here. Botanical gardens around the world also often exchange plant catalogues and seeds with this garden.

Otago Peninsula

(Otago Peninsula)
Otago Peninsula
Boat tour Otago The peninsula is another tourism project of Dunedin. During the tour, people will see all kinds of rare animals living on the South Island of New Zealand, including Albatross Yellow eyed penguin dolphin Seals and shark Etc. The albatross in the bay near Dunedin is one of the most rare birds in the world, and has the reputation of "Royal Bird". The yellow eyed penguin is the most "shy" penguin in the world. It lives in peace with the seals of New Zealand on the same beach in Dunedin Bay.

Royal Albatross Centre

(Royal Albatross Centre)
The Albatross of Dunedin
The Royal Albatross Center at Taiaroa Head is the breeding center of mainland albatrosses in the world. It's only a 50 minute drive from downtown Dunedin. Feel the pride of the northern royal albatross flying quietly to your side. The experienced tour guide of the scenic spot will tell you the knowledge and anecdotes of these strange birds in detail. The world-class tourist center is open all year round, with introductions and exhibitions on albatrosses and other species of Tavarova Cape (New Zealand fur seals, blue penguins, spotted cormorants, royal spoonbills, etc.), which can experience pure eco-tourism. The center also has a gift shop and coffee shop. [6]

Otago Immigration Museum

(Toitu Otago Settlers Museum)
Otago Immigration Museum
There is a gothic building in Dunedin, built in 1873, which is the first church in Dunedin. It is majestic in shape, with a sharp tower top soaring into the sky. Although the people who built these magnificent buildings have died for a long time, their lives are recorded in Otago Immigration Museum The museum records the social history from the middle of the 18th century to modern times. It makes people curious and is worth visiting.
A striking terra cotta statue, standing in the mall on eight sides, is called the center of Bajiao City. It's easy to find where you are. Every summer festival, when the club celebrates, the octagonal center will be more beautiful. The main national and international art exhibitions are in the city center. Theaters, coffee shops and bars seem to occupy every corner of the old building, with more than 140 coffee shops, restaurants and various food outlets. The popular food and wine festival is held in Woodbangh Garden every March.

Spitz Brewery

(Speight's Brewery)
The brewery was founded in 1876. [7] The industry of the city has also become one of the tourist spots. Regular tour groups lead tourists to visit beer breweries. Dunedin's whisky is famous for a long time. Tourists here often visit famous whisky distilleries and take two bottles back with them, or give them to relatives and friends, or enjoy themselves. Shining brass liquor making makes you feel at a glance, and Wilson Distillers, a whisky distillery in New Zealand, is even more intoxicating. If you are not interested in whisky, you don't have to be disappointed. Dunedin's beer is the most proud wine of the local people, and it will also satisfy you.

Otago Museum

(Otago Museum)
Outstanding public institutions in Dunedin—— Otago Museum It is a place you must visit. The museum displays rich Maori And the historical relics of Pacific islanders, especially the Maori culture in the south. If you are interested in tribal culture, please don't miss the tribal culture displayed here.
The museum has collected more than 1.5 million exhibits on natural history, Maori and Pacific island anthropology, ancient archaeology and world decorative arts. The museum also collected World nation Culture, marine history, textiles, traditional clothing, coins and stamps. This museum is a treasure house of scientific knowledge, history and culture, and natural evolution history. There are eight permanent exhibitions and some galleries of itinerant special exhibitions in the museum. These exhibits are the collections of the museum and the exhibits exhibited everywhere. Museums often prepare various exhibitions for the public.

Sister city

Dunedin in 1994 Shanghai It has been concluded as a sister city. [2] In 2017, with Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province [8] It has been concluded as a sister city.