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Hughes Aircraft

Hughes Aircraft Company
Hughes Aircraft was once a major defense and aerospace company in the United States, including Hughes Aerospace and Communications Company and Hughes Helicopter Company. Was US Air Force One of the main suppliers of. from Howard Hughes It was founded in 1932. After the 1980s, due to the separation and merger It no longer exists.
corporate name
Hughes Aircraft
Foreign name
Hughes Aircraft
Date of establishment
Business scope
Defense and Space, Hughes Aerospace and Communications, and Hughes Helicopter.
Created by
Howard Hughes

Company Profile

Hughes Aircraft
Hughes Aircraft is one of the main missile suppliers of the US Air Force, famous products include AIM-4 AIM-120 Etc. Hughes aircraft also produced the world's first practical Laser And designed a large number of photoelectric systems, radar systems, aircraft computer systems, missile systems and ion propulsion engines for space flight.
Hughes Aircraft was general motors It was acquired with US $5 billion and integrated with its Delco Electric and Hughes Network System to become Hughes Electric. In the following 20 years or so, GM gradually sold the industry under the name of Hughes. Hughes Electric introduced DirectTV in 1994. DirectTV and Hughes Network system In 2003 News Corporation buy. In 2006, SkyTerra Communications acquired 100% of the controlling interest in Hughes Network System. Despite multiple acquisitions, Hughes Network System is still named after Hughes. Hughes Aircraft, a former factory in Southern California, is now a film production company“ Dreamworks ”Used.

Company History

In 1932, Howard Hughes towards Lockheed The company leased an aircraft repair shed in Burbank, California, where Hughes Aircraft Company was founded and spent a huge amount of money to transform the H-1 racing aircraft into military aircraft. In that era, it was not uncommon for racing sports aircraft to be transformed into excellent military aircraft, such as "Spitfire" and Bf.109, which were both famous aircraft of a generation, but H-1's luck did not turn out to be good.
In order to meet the demand for transcontinental military air transportation during World War II, crazy Howard Hughes built an exaggerated H-4 "Spruce Goose" water transport aircraft, which is still the aircraft with the largest wingspan in history, and what's more shocking is that the whole aircraft is almost entirely made of wood. It is worth mentioning that H-4 was also proposed by Henry Kaiser, the industrial giant who built the free wheel. President Roosevelt was very interested in this proposal, but he initially asked Douglas Company, who declined this crazy concept because he thought it was too unrealistic. Kaiser finally persuaded Howard Hughes to take over the project with his influence. However, H-4 was delayed and spent Renaissance Bank The company (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) has a huge amount of US $18 million. In addition, Howard Hughes was eccentric, which led to the dissatisfaction of both military and political parties with Hughes Company. Hughes himself even fell into the field of having to face the congressional hearing. In order to prove that the H-4, a real wooden miracle, can fly, Hughes personally flew the only H-4 for "test flight". In this huge "test flight", the H-4 only left the water 70 feet (21 meters), and then was sent to the museum because the World War II was over.
As a result of the gathering of a number of military and aerospace enterprises, the Southern California region where Hughes is located after World War II. Before the outbreak of World War II, Hughes had only four full-time employees, but by the end of the war, there were as many as 80000 employees. This is probably the only real contribution of H-4 in addition to a bunch of useless world records! However, Hughes was afraid that it would be difficult to do business with the military again. So in 1947, the second year after Hughes was investigated, Hughes set up an aerospace division under the company and turned the aircraft manufacturing business to helicopters. Because Hughes is not like Bell and Sikorsky The design scheme of the XH-17 "overhead crane" heavy helicopter was bought from the helicopter manufacturer Kellett at that time, so the company's early works were unsuccessful. In 1955, Hughes officially established the helicopter division, but it was not until Hughes created AH-64 Its investment has finally paid off. In 1982, Hughes Company finally received the AH-64A order from the Army. However, two years later, McDonnell Douglas obtained Hughes Company with 500 million dollars.
Since the late 1940s, the focus of the development of the U.S. Air Force has almost completely focused on strategic nuclear bombing and territorial air defense. Two engineers from Hughes, Simon Reimer and Dean Woodridge, keenly grasped this trend and creatively proposed a set of technical solutions to provide the Air Force with an integrated automatic navigation and bombing targeting system for strategic bombers, Air to air missiles and fire control systems for interceptors. Then, Hughes Company gradually expanded its business to computers, radar equipment, photoelectric systems, missiles and satellites. The world's first ruby laser was born in Hughes Laboratory. The reason why AH-64 was selected was related to Hughes' strength in photoelectric sighting equipment and airborne fire control system. This integration capability was not available to other competitors at that time, and the fact proved that this business was the most profitable for the company.
In 1963, Hughes produced the world's first synchronization Communication satellite In 1966, the world's first synchronous meteorological satellite produced by Hughes was also launched into the sky. In the same year, Hughes' Surveyor probe completed the first fully controllable soft landing on the moon. In 1995, Hughes Aerospace and Communications Corporation became the world's largest satellite provider. In 2000, Hughes produced 40% of the satellites in service worldwide. Hughes also produced networking satellites for the US military global military communication network in the 1980s, and the Galileo Jupiter probe was also produced by Hughes.
Howard Hughes, who became increasingly eccentric in his later years, was destined to fall out with two outstanding engineers, Ramo and Woodridge. After resigning, they first established their own company (Ramo Woolridge Co.), and then merged with Thomson Products in 1958 to become another military giant, TRW, which formed a direct competitive relationship with Hughes. Like Hughes, TRW is also good at laser. The former participated in the Navy's "Sea Stone" high-energy laser program in the 1980s, and the latter participated in the Air Force's ABL airborne high-energy laser missile interception project in the 1990s.
In 1997, the aerospace and defense business of Hughes Electronics was merged into Raytheon, and Raytheon also obtained half of the control of Hughes Lab. In 2000, Boeing Company acquired Hughes Aerospace and Communication Company, and shared Hughes Laboratory with Boeing, General Motors and Raytheon.


Hughes Helicopter
Hughes helicopter began in 1957. Hughes helicopter has manufactured a large number of helicopters, and its most famous products are H-17, O/AH-6, AH-64 Long Bow Apache. In 1984, Hughes helicopter was MacDonald Douglas It was acquired for 500 million dollars and became a McDonald Douglas helicopter. In 1996, it was merged into Boeing with McDonald Douglas and became a Boeing helicopter, eventually becoming part of Boeing's integrated defense system. In 1999, the civil sector of the original McDonald Douglas helicopter was spun off by Boeing to become MD Helicopter Holding Company. MD Helicopter Holding Company was acquired by Patriarch Partners, LLC Investment Company in 2005 and became MD Helicopter Company.
Hughes Helicopter

Aerospace communication

Hughes Aerospace and Communications Corporation was founded in 1963. The well-known products of Hughes Aerospace and Communications Company include the world's first geosynchronous satellite launched in 1963, the world's first geosynchronous meteorological satellite launched in 1966, the lunar lander Explorer I launched in 1966, the Pioneer Venus probe in 1978, and the Galileo Jupiter probe. Hughes Aerospace and Communications also manufactures a large number of military and civilian satellites. Up to 2000, 40% of the world's artificial satellites were products of Hughes Aerospace and Communications Corporation.

Company contribution

The KH1, a huge seaplane designed by Hughes, is 97.5 meters long and 15.2 meters high, with eight Pratt Whitney 2800 engines with propellers installed on both wings. With a deadweight of more than 300 tons, it is the largest aircraft in the world ever. Although KH1 has only flown once, it represents the dream of human beings to challenge the limit of flight. This dream has been fully realized - Boeing jumbo aircraft and Lockheed C5 Ginza aircraft came out after it.
In the United States and even the world, Hughes is the leader in the aerospace field. In 1965, Hughes Aircraft Company developed the 85 pound commercial communication satellite, which has the function of 6000 lines of round trip telephone and 12 kinds of color TV, thus developing the television telephone network connecting Europe and the United States.
In June 1966, the American Unmanned spacecraft Landing on the moon for the first time has attracted worldwide attention. The moon landing is a myth that human beings have long dreamed of, but now it has become a reality. The manufacturer of this spaceship is none other than Hughes Aircraft Manufacturing Company.

About Hughes

In the United States of America, the name of Howard Hughes is as well-known as Washington and Abraham Lincoln. This is not only because he is one of the few millionaires in the United States of America who enjoy world prestige, but also because the people of the United States of America regard him as a hero. His life is full of adventure and excitement. He has an asset of 2.5 billion dollars, but in his later years, he lives in seclusion, is unpredictable, and does not appear in public.
Howard Hughes was born in Houston, United States of America, on December 24, 1905. His father was an oil speculator. Old Hughes didn't make money in the oil business. Later, he bought a new type of drilling machine from a friend. This kind of drilling machine has a special air compression rotary cone, which can penetrate hard rock strata, which is of great significance to the oil exploitation industry. To this end, he obtained the patents of 13 countries in the United States of America and overseas, established the "Hughes Tool Company", specialized in producing this kind of drilling machine, and obtained huge profits. Little Hughes was born when his father's career was flourishing. He was an only son.
Little Hughes is a withdrawn, shy teenager, and extremely disgusted with school. He would rather stay at home alone, dismantle the clock and reinstall it, or try to change the bicycle into an electric vehicle with batteries. He had great interest in this since childhood. When Hughes was 16 years old, his mother died on the operating table due to anesthesia failure in a minor operation. Two years later, Hughes also died of heart paralysis at the age of 54. The assets he left were about 750000 dollars. After the funeral, at the public hearing to deal with the issue of inheritance, old Hughes' relatives and friends believed that Hughes had just turned 18 and should go to college, and his property should be in the custody of his uncle Rupert until he turned 21. Rupert is a very famous playwright and very rich. He does not want to fight for the inheritance, but he agrees with his relatives that Hughes has no ability to manage property and should go to college.
When the judge asked Hughes for his opinion, he was very determined not to read any more, which was unexpected. He, who has always been silent, gushed out a truth: "According to my father's will, half of the shares of Hughes Company belong to my mother. This is my father's will before my mother died. Now my mother is dead, so my mother's share should be inherited by me; the remaining half, that is, a quarter of the inheritance, also belongs to me. The last quarter is shared equally by relatives and friends. I hope they will agree to let me buy all of them. I want to own 100% of Hughes. " The relatives were stunned. The judge asked: "What do you use to purchase their shares?" "I borrowed money from the bank and used the house property as collateral! I am an adult, do not need a guardian, and can succeed my father Hughes as the chairman of the board of directors of Hughes Tools Company. Is that right, Mr. Judge?" Hughes, only 18 years old, obtained a bank loan four months after his father died, He bought the inheritance of his relatives and friends with cash and became the sole owner of Hughes Company.
Before the age of 20, Howard Hughes got married. His young wife, Ella Rice, was the founder of Rice University. Newly married, the Hughes came to Los Angeles. Young Hughes was very interested in movies, but he fell into a small bump when he first entered the film industry. The first film he invested in was called "Playboy Hogan", which was fooled by the infamous actor Ralph Grapps. The man directed and acted himself, and the result was a fiasco. No one wanted the film. Hughes had a net loss of $80000. This failure attracted Rupert's severe criticism that he did not understand films at all. Then he introduced him to Mr. Samuel Godwin, a film expert, who told Hughes that the first thing to do in film is to catch excellent scripts, which is the basis of success.
Hughes accepted Mr. Godwin's advice and began to study and select scripts carefully after returning. He chose a script called Arabian Night, which is a funny comedy about a tough sergeant and confused soldiers on the European battlefield in the First World War. This time, he found an excellent director, called Melston, and used several unknown but potential actors to act. This time, he won a big victory. After the audition, the Ripoli Theater, the first theater in the United States, put forward a request for long-term screening, which was unprecedented. "Arabian Night" won the second Academy Award for Best Comedy.
Howard Hughes loved to fly planes. Once, when he was flying a single operated private plane over the Malibu coast, he suddenly had a strange idea: wouldn't it be very popular to shoot a film showing air combat? He thought that in the First World War in 1918, British Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Daning led seven Sopitz Camel fighters to take off from the cruiser and bomb the German Dongdelen Air Base. It was an excellent transatlantic bombing. The British army only lost one aircraft and sank two enemy ships and two airships. Hughes decided to take the air war to the screen. At that time, there was no film special effects of air combat. He was going to use a real plane to make a more exciting and spectacular air combat film called Hell Angel.
In order to make this film, he spent 2.1 million dollars on the use of the plane alone, renting 87 planes, including Sparta fighter planes in France, SE5 fighter planes in Britain, Camel bombers, and German Fok fighter planes, as well as 135 pilots and 2000 extras; The number of photographers accounts for almost half of the total number of Hollywood photographers. The film industry in the United States of America was shocked. This time, he still let Maierston direct. In the process of shooting, he suddenly dreamed: to shoot the German Zeppelin airship attacking London, to shoot down the real aircraft in the air. He thinks that this can stimulate the audience. His secretary, Dieter Healy, tried to stop this crazy move: "Do you really want to shoot down? Even a medieval Zeppelin airship, no less than 500000 dollars!" Hughes did not care: "Yes, buy that airship and let it explode and burn vigorously. It doesn't matter, just do so."
When shooting the dive bombing scene, he asked the pilot to rush down from 30 meters above the ground and crash into the ground to explode and burn. None of the pilots is willing to do it. Everyone knows that it will kill people. No one was willing to take the risk. Hughes said, "Then I'll fly to show you!" He really got on the plane, and he really didn't have time to jump out. When the plane dived to the ground, it suddenly turned over and then roared to the ground. "Hughes is dead!" exclaimed the crowd.
However, perhaps it was the God of Destiny who particularly loved this brave young man. Just as the plane was about to burn, Hughes managed to climb out of the driver's seat with difficulty. His wound was not too serious, but his cheek was broken and later left a scar.
It took Hughes two years to make this film, with an investment of 3 million dollars. After it was released, the attendance rate was really high, but the public opinion circles had different opinions, some thought it was an unprecedented big production; Some people think that the air combat scenes are really exciting, but the love scenes of sexy actresses are extremely boring. Artistically, this is a failed film.
Is shooting《 Hell Angel 》During the process of marriage, Ella divorced Hughes because her husband was only interested in his own career and paid little attention to her. Since then, Hughes has lived a single life for a long time and did not remarry until he was 50 years old.
In Los Angeles California Institute of Technology There is an airport nearby, and there is an isolated hangar in one corner of the airport. Armed guards are in charge of guarding here, and no one knows what is going on inside. In fact, this is a secret factory of Hughes Tool Company to develop new aircraft. Hughes was fascinated by airplanes. After filming Hell's Angel, he participated in a national short distance flight competition held in Miami. Hughes won the championship at 302 kilometers per hour. But he is not satisfied with such achievements. His goal is to break the world record. In 1927, Lin Bai, a pilot of the United States of America, flew across the Atlantic Ocean in 33 hours and 30 minutes, which made a sensation in the world and was called "the hero of the century" by the United States of America. In order to break the record set by Lin Bai, Hughes began to devote himself to the development of new aircraft. He has two outstanding aircraft designers: Pama and Otikak. They named the future aircraft H1.
Otikak is a mechanical engineer who is also keen on flying. When shooting Hell Angel, he was an actor hired by Hughes. Later, he was recognized by Hughes and appointed as the chief designer. Otikak has many bold ideas for manufacturing new aircraft. For Hughes, who is crazy about speed, he is a rare talent. In that secret aircraft factory, they constantly improved the shape of the aircraft, selected the best performance 1000 horsepower Pratt Whitney engine, and it took 15 months to finally produce the H1 monoplane with a fuselage length of 8.2 meters and a wing length of 7.6 meters. Because the fuselage is very short, no one knows how long it can fly in the air. No one in Hughes' company dares to fly the plane. Hughes decides to fly it himself.
On September 12, 1935, when all preparations were ready, the sun was already in the west. The judge technician in charge of speed test suggested flying again tomorrow, because the flight backlight was dazzling near dusk. Hughes could not wait. He had already put on his flight suit, jumped into the cabin and started the engine. The plane took off.
The first test speed reached 556 km. The judge technician told him by radio that this time was not counted because he violated the rules of the Aviation Association and did not fly horizontally. So Hughes circled in the air and made a second horizontal flight. "World record, the speed has reached 566 kilometers per hour!" The referee's voice came from the earphone.
Hughes was so excited that he didn't land immediately and kept flying. He wanted to set a new world record. The third flight was only 542 kilometers. He is unwilling to fly again! "567 kilometers." Another new world record!
Hughes smiled proudly, but he still didn't want to stop. He flew for the fifth and sixth time... Suddenly, the engine stopped working, and he found that there was no oil in the main fuel tank. He hurried to press the button of instant oil supplement, but it was useless. It was too late, and the engine had completely stopped.
Hughes planned to make an emergency landing by gliding, but he could not control the plane. H1 was heading towards the ground at a vertical speed. At this time, it was already dark, and the members of the Aviation Association on the ground suddenly could not see Hughes' plane, and the radio also lost contact. Everyone was surprised. Hughes tried his best to control the plane and landed safely in a sugar beet field. When the people from the Aviation Association arrived there, they saw the plane lying there in good condition. Hughes was proudly climbing out of the cabin with a notebook in one hand and a pencil in the other. He smiled and said, "I have set a world record, haven't I?" Until now, that plane is still kept in the Smithsonian Aviation Museum in Washington.
Hughes planned to fly across the mainland of the United States of America, and he made another major improvement on H1. The updated model was completed on January 18, 1937, and he called it a "winged bullet". In the afternoon of the same day, he took off from Los Angeles Airport with this "bullet" and began his journey of the century. The plane quickly climbed to 6000 meters and headed west at an average speed of 534 kilometers per hour. At 0:42 the next morning, Hughes finally arrived at Newark Airport in New York safely, which took 7 hours, 28 minutes and 25 seconds. In the United States of America at that time, no matter what kind of aircraft, flying across the mainland of the United States of America would take more than 9 hours, some even more than 10 hours. Hughes' record is unmatched by other airlines. This flight record has been kept for seven years.
Soon, Franklin Roosevelt The President himself received Hughes. Hughes also admired the President who had freed the United States of America from the economic panic since 1929. Franklin Roosevelt smiled and said to him, "Hughes, I was the second captain of the navy in World War I, and I flew a naval plane to French airspace. This time, I really want to try your" winged bullet "." Of course! "Howard Hughes began to seriously consider how to convert the H1 aircraft into military, Once the United States military uses this aircraft as a fighter, his aircraft company will mass produce it.
Later, Hughes sold an H1 aircraft converted into a fighter to the military ordering authority of the Right Field Base. Unfortunately, the military did not use his aircraft, but signed a contract with Lockheed to produce XP38 fighters in large quantities. Later, many people believed that the reason why the military did not use Hughes' aircraft was mainly because Lockheed's Bapunk aircraft factory bribed military purchasers in the right field base.
Japan Attack on Pearl Harbor The US military base has adopted a new type of Zero fighter , the shape and performance of this aircraft are very similar to H1; Moreover, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries designed the Zero fighter in 1937, the same year that Hughes' plane was rejected by the United States Army Aviation Authority. Therefore, it is generally believed that MHI stole the design of the H1 aircraft. Hughes certainly thought so, and he was indignant about it.
By the end of the Pacific War in 1945, Japan had produced 11000 zero type fighters. Compared with the Zero fighter, the Lockheed XP38 is much less agile and capable of long range flight. While Hughes made risky flights one after another, his oil drilling rig and film business were still creating a lot of wealth for him. No one knows when he became interested in the shares of TWA,
By 1937, Hughes had owned 87% of the company's shares. TWA is the third based airline in the United States of America. It has advanced Douglas DC3 aircraft, and its routes cross the mainland of the United States of America. In order to control the routes of the whole American continent and the world, Hughes ignored the past resentment. He took a fancy to a constellation aircraft produced by Lockheed and thought that this aircraft was better than Douglas and Boeing. Therefore, he took the initiative to improve relations and cooperate with Lockheed.
Hughes did not stop his adventurous flight. In order to challenge the one week flight record of Globegroup, he selected and improved the Electra 14 aircraft developed by Lockheed. This is a medium-sized plane that can take 12 people and is equipped with two Pratt Whitney engines. Hughes selected four crew members. On July 10, 1938, they took off from Bennett Airport in Brooklyn with the modified Electra 14. Before he arrived at the airport, 5000 people and journalists came to the airport to see him off. Before Hughes, two pilots, a man and a woman, challenged the global flight record, but they all died. One was Willy Post, whose plane crashed and died shortly after taking off in Alaska; Another, Amelia Earhart, disappeared over an isolated island in the South Pacific.
At 6:00 a.m., Hughes appeared at the airport. He was wearing a tawny woolen hat, wrinkled grey trousers with patches, and a white shirt. People were surprised at his clothes. Hughes named his plane "1939 New York International Exposition" because the 1939 International Exposition will be held in New York. The person in charge of the Expo held a grand departure ceremony for him, and the Mayor of New York City was present to deliver a speech. Then, a press conference was held. When the reporter asked Hughes to talk about his feelings at the moment, he took a small piece of paper out of his pants pocket with a trembling hand and read it: "First of all, thank you, friends from the press. Although I know you must ask me a lot, I can only say sorry. Last night, I was collecting weather forecasts around the world. All I care about is the weather." His voice was a little trembling, With excitement and tension.
The plane took off. Hughes crossed the North Atlantic from Newfoundland, Canada. He flew across the Atlantic in only half the time that Lindbergh spent that year, that is, 16 hours and 38 minutes. The first stop is Paris. After a short rest in Paris, they took off again. The next stop was Moscow. At Moscow airport, Hughes was warmly welcomed by the Soviet government. He didn't accept the precious food presented by the owner. He said, "Even caviar may add a pound to the weight of the plane." Fifteen minutes later, the plane filled up with oil and took off again immediately. The next target is Omsk in Siberia. At each station along the way, Hughes made arrangements in advance, including setting up ground radio stations, refueling, emergency repair, etc.
After a long flight of 3 days, 19 hours and 17 minutes, Hughes' plane finally flew back to the United States of America and to Bennett Airport in Brooklyn, where it started. There have already gathered 25000 people to welcome the century heroes who returned victoriously. At the welcome meeting held in the City Hall of New York City, the slovenly Hughes delivered a modest and brief speech: "The successful completion of this flight is entirely due to careful preparation and high-quality aircraft, not my personal credit. Although the United States of America invented the aircraft, it is a pity that almost all foreigners created all flight records. If the success of this flight can improve the international visibility of the United States of America's aviation industry, that will be my greatest comfort. "
After the outbreak of the Pacific War, Hughes decided to knock on the door of the military ordering authority with his D2 long-range bomber developed after flying around the world. This aircraft integrates Hughes' flight experience, design and transformation experience, and can take 6 people. It has high speed, high altitude, and beautiful body curve. In order to develop this kind of aircraft, he invested 6 million dollars, confident that the military will be impressed by his aircraft this time. However, when the military delegation from Right Field Base came to Hughes' aircraft factory, they were blocked by the factory guards because their trip was temporarily decided and Hughes was not informed in advance. For this reason, the delegation was very angry. They categorically rejected the D2 aircraft and refused to order. In the Pacific War Zone, after the US army recovered Guadalcanal Island, seaplanes were put to great use. In the multi island South Pacific, the takeoff and landing of large transport aircraft transporting soldiers, weapons and materials requires an airport with an ultra long runway. It takes time to build an airport, and the transportation task is imminent. The biggest advantage of seaplanes is that they do not need airports. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill advocated that the seaplane should be a combination of two airframes. Hughes thought it was better to be single, he could build a huge transport plane.
The military signed a contract with him to trial produce three KH1 aircrafts, with a budget of $7 million. However, this money is not enough to build an aircraft. In fact, the right field military did not take this plan seriously at all, and even set up many obstacles, making the trial production of the aircraft put on hold again and again. Hughes had no choice but to invest another 7 million dollars, which was barely enough to build an aircraft.
With a flick of the finger, three years later, the war finally ended. Although the manufacturing of KH1 is basically completed, it is no longer meaningful for the military. The government unilaterally cancelled the contract for the trial production of giant seaplanes on this ground. Hughes protested to the government, but to no avail. However, he believed that this aircraft was the limit that the aircraft of the United States of America could reach. It would become the prototype of the future large passenger aircraft and cargo transport aircraft. He insisted on building this aircraft.
The aircraft is too big, so the airframe and wings must be transported to the Long Beach coast respectively, and then assembled on the wharf. However, transportation has become a big problem. Just think about it. For a nearly 100 meter long fuselage, a single wing is 48 meters long, and it is 45 kilometers from the aircraft manufacturer to the Long Beach coast. Which transportation company dares to carry such a monster? Finally, a company was willing to take the job, but the freight was so high that the other party asked for $80000. At that time, the price was the highest freight in the history of the United States. Hughes agreed without hesitation. At that time, many people doubted whether this huge plane could fly into the sky, but Hughes told people with facts that their worries were unnecessary. In April 1948, Hughes personally drove the Big Mac on the sea for a sprint and then took off steadily. The film camera captured this historic scene. The public opinion of the United States of America has been boiling. Hughes has once again become a hero in the eyes of the people of the United States of America after flying around the world. Before that, Hughes also built the XF11 reconnaissance aircraft, which is the later U-2 reconnaissance aircraft prototype. Hughes almost died in that test flight. When he was rescued from the crashed plane, people thought he would never live. His heart was displaced, his lungs bled heavily, 8 ribs were broken, his skull and clavicle were fractured, and his whole body was severely burned. But he not only survived, but only half a year later, the newspaper published a picture of him sitting in the cabin with bandages on his head.
In June 1966, an unmanned spacecraft from the United States of America landed on the moon for the first time, attracting worldwide attention. The moon landing is a myth that human beings have long dreamed of, but now it has become a reality. People can't help asking: Who is the manufacturer of this spaceship? It was none other than Hughes Aircraft Manufacturing Company.

Hughes died

On April 5, 1976, 70 year old Howard Hughes died on the plane when he went to the Methodist Hospital in Houston from his residence in Mexico. Hughes has no descendants. After his death, all the shares of Hughes Aircraft Company worth 5.2 billion dollars were acquired by General Motors. This money belongs to Howard Hughes Medical Research Consortium, the shareholding consortium of Hughes Aircraft Company, which has become the largest fund consortium in the world.