
Official languages of Iran and Tajikistan
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synonym Iranian (Indo European language family, Indo Iranian language family, Iranian language branch) Generally refers to Persian (the official language of Iran and Tajikistan)
Persian (ف فی=F â rsi), also known as Palsi, belongs to Indo European Iranian languages – Xizhi, yes Iran and Tajikistan Of official language , also Afghanistan One of the two main languages in China (the other is Pashto )。 Also distributed in Central Asia In other regions, Persian is called“ Tajik ”。
As immigrants flow from these countries to neighboring countries, many countries now have Farsi speaking communities. There are about 100 million people in the world who speak Persian.
Persian is one of the oldest languages in the world. Persian Arabic alphabet Spelling, used to be Persian Empire Of official language Because history and Religion In modern Persian, nearly 40% of words come from Hamito-Semitic family of languages Of Arabic
Chinese name
Foreign name
Persian language
Farsi language
Language family
Indo European Iranian languages Western branch
Main areas of use
Iran Tajikistan Afghanistan
Language status
National languages of Iran and Tajikistan
Number of users
About 125390000

Distribution area

Persian is a language used in Iran [1] Tajikistan and Afghanistan A language with a long tradition used in countries such as. Iran and Tajikistan official language Is also one of the two main languages in Afghanistan (the other is Pashto )。
As immigrants flow from these countries to neighboring countries, many countries have Farsi speaking communities. The Persian speaking population is about 100 million, mostly in Iran (55 million), in addition to 11 million in Afghanistan, 7 million in Tajikistan Pakistan , USA turkey Iraq Saudi Arabia The United Arab Emirates Qatar Central Asia Other regions. Persian Arabic alphabet Spelling.
There are a large number of Arabic borrowings in Persian, but Persian has four letters and sounds that Arabic does not have. Since Arabic is a language closely combined with Islam, it is used in many countries where Islam is the state religion or by Islamic believers.
For the above reasons, nearly 40% of modern Persian words come from Hamito-Semitic family of languages Arabic.

Historical evolution

Persian is one of the oldest languages in the world Indo European One of the Iranian languages of a language family.
Persian on ancient paintings
Old Persian Was once from mediterranean sea Extend to Indus River Basin and the pamirs Of Persian Empire Language. Ancient Persian was used in many parts of the ancient world Cuneiform
In the second century BC, Persian Created their own Paravi alphabet The alphabet was used until the seventh century when Islam was dominant. Since then, Persian has been used Arabic alphabet Write, and add some letters to adapt to some special pronunciation. Farsi is called Farsi by the native speakers of Persian.
Persians are the first to convert to Islam in Islamic history Arab nation And Persian research on Islam and the Koran surprised Arab scholars, because they used Ancient Greek philosophy and Indian philosophy Consider the revelation of Allah.
The development of Persian can be divided into three stages: Old Persian , Middle Persian, New Persian.
In the 3rd – 8th century BC, ancient Persian evolved into Middle Persian (also known as Pahlavi )。 The new Persian language came into being after the fusion of the Middle Persian language and the Sabbath language. Because the new Persian is Saman Dynasty The language commonly used in the court is also called Dari ("Dari" means "court"). At this time, Persia was deeply influenced by the Arabs. The new Persian language has adopted the Arabic alphabet spelling, and created four letters P, ch, zh and G based on the Arabic letters B, J, Z and K to facilitate spelling. There are also a large number of Arabic borrowings in the new Persian language.
Arab Empire The establishment of Islamic Culture Spread to Asia, Africa and Europe, especially the Persian region located in the two river basin, without exception, it was impacted and assimilated by Islamic culture.
At the same time Persian culture The influence on Arab Islamic culture in politics, religion, literature, language and other aspects is comprehensive and profound.
Many excellent elements in Persian culture have enriched and developed Arab Islamic culture, because "the Arabs Obscurantism era Only familiar Nomadic life And things related to nomadic life, only words expressing this way of life, but related Government system , administrative institutions, hedonistic life, food, drink, decoration, entertainment, flowers and other words are mostly borrowed from the conquered nations, of which Persian words can best meet the needs of Arabs and are an important source of Arabic to absorb foreign words and expand the meaning of words. "
Therefore, with the passage of time, Persian became "popular in the eastern Islamic world" because of its tenacious vitality written language ”Persian language and culture once occupied an important position and influence in Central Asia.

Historical position

Persian is an important language in ancient Islamic academic research, because there are numerous Islamic works written in Persian, such as the Koran hermeneutics And Islamic jurisprudence.
Wedge Persian
Modern Persian speaking countries and nations are Muslims, such as Iran Tajikistan And Afghanistan. One is called Tajik A variant of Persian, popular in the Republic of Tajikistan, but used Cyrillic alphabet Writing.
ancient Persia king Darius I There is a stele engraved with Persia Cuneiform , now in Iran.
Arabic Letter Persian
From the 3rd century BC to the 8th century AD, Old Persian Evolved into the Middle Persian language (also known as Pahlavi )。
The modern Persian language is mainly based on the medieval Persian language and developed from a dialect that was popular in the Fars region of southern Iran around the 8th century. This dialect has gradually become a part of the court since the Arab caliphate established the court in the southeast of Persia official language
In its long-term development, Persian has accumulated a wealth of literature, philosophy, history and other scientific works. It is still Middle East One of the most important languages in the region.

Language characteristics

Persian Pinyin characters , a total of 32 letters, 28 of which are Arabic alphabet , 4 are new Persian letters.
Persian has eight vowels, long vowel and Short vowel 3 for each, Diphthong 2; There are 22 consonants, 8 of which Clear consonant , 14 Voiced consonant The stress of a word basically falls on the last syllable.
The syntactic features are word order Relatively fixed, the basic word order is subject object predicate. Modifier stay Head language After. Verbs include person, number, tense voice And tone, etc Grammatical category , 9 tenses in total Suffix , or add auxiliary verb To reflect. Nouns and pronouns have no obvious category of case and sex, and the ownership relationship is expressed by a connector (called Yizafi in Persian).
Persian has historically been influenced by Arabic The influence is the greatest, with nearly half of the words coming from Arabic.
In addition, it also partially absorbed Turki and mongolian loan Now it has absorbed more European words such as French, English and Russian.
But because US Iraq relations nervous, President of Iran Ahmadinejad Announcing Loanwords In particular, words from English need to be "Persian", for example, helicopters are called "rotating wings", faxes are called "long-distance writing".

works and expressions for everyday use

English – Persian
خوش آمدید
How are you?
Fine thanks, and you?
حال شما چطور است؟
حالتون چطوره؟
حالت چطوره؟
من خوبم ممنون، شما چطوريد؟
Long time no see
خيلي وقته که ازت خبري نيست
What's your name?
My name is ...
اسم شما چیست؟
اسم من ... است.
Where are you from?
I'm from ...
شما اهل کجا هستيد؟
من از ... هستم
Pleased to meet you
از ملاقات شما خوش وقتم
Good morning
صبح بخير
Good afternoon
ظهر بخير
Good evening
عصر بخير
Good night
شب بخير
Good luck
موفق باشيد
Cheers/Good health!
به سلامتي!
Have a nice day
روز خوبي داشته باشيد!
Bon appetit
نوش جان
Bon voyage
به سلامت
I don't understand
نمي فهمم
I don't know
من نمی دانم
Please speak more slowly
ميشه آهسته تر صحبت کنيد؟
Please say that again
مي شه دوباره بگيد؟
Please write it down
لطفا یادداشت کنید
Do you speak Persian?
Yes, a little
شما فارسي صحبت مي کنيد؟
بله ، من فارسي حرف مي زنم
Excuse me
معذرت ميخوام
How much is this?
قيمتش چنده؟
Thank you
You're welcome
خواهش مي كنم
Where's the toilet?
دستشويي کجاست؟
This gentleman/lady
will pay for everything
اون براي همه چي پول مي ده
Would you like to
dance with me?
دوست داريد با من برقصيد؟
I miss you
دلم برات تنگ شده
I love you
Get well soon
زود خوب شو
Leave me alone!
من را تنها بگذاريد!
Call the police!
پليسو خبر کنيد
Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
كریسمس مبارک
Happy Easter
عيد پاک مبارک
Happy Birthday
تولدت مبارک
One language
is never enough
يک زبان کافي نيست
My hovercraft
is full of eels
هاورکرافت من پر مارماهى است
 Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian Examples of various fonts in Persian
Examples of various fonts in Persian
 Persian Classical Fonts Persian Classical Fonts Persian Classical Fonts Persian Classical Fonts
Persian Classical Fonts