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BMsiness Combinations

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Mergers and acquisitions are transactions enterprise stay market economy Under such conditions, enterprise merger is adjustment industrial structure , Optimization Resource allocation One of the important means of.
Chinese name
BMsiness Combinations
business enterprise
Operation mode
By assuming another Corporate debt And complete the merger
The usual operation mode is: one enterprise Purchase another enterprise through direct investment, or complete the merger by assuming the debt of another enterprise. The other is leveraged mergers and acquisitions, that is, some enterprise (mostly financial institution ), Depend on Borrowing to loan buy merger Other companies then decompose and reorganize the acquired companies, and wait to sell them to repay their debts, and finally get profits from the difference between purchase and sale. The latter kind of M&A was once popular in the United States in the 1980s. At present, China's mergers and acquisitions are mostly in the former sense merger Mergers and acquisitions of enterprises can reallocate assets from small or no scale to large scale, from low benefit Or no benefit into high benefit, from low quality to high quality, so as to improve the profit Ability.