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Corporate Social Responsibility Report

An important bridge between enterprises and stakeholders
The CSR report refers to enterprise To perform social responsibility The concept, strategy, methods and methods of operating activities Direct and Indirect impact . Achievements and deficiencies and other information, systematically sort out and summarize, and Stakeholders Means of disclosure.
Corporate social responsibility report is non-financial information disclosure It is an important carrier for enterprises to communicate with stakeholders.
Chinese name
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
CSR Report
An important bridge between enterprises and stakeholders
How to prepare
Preparation stage, data collection stage, report writing stage and release stage
Single report, comprehensive report
Disclosure of information
Ideas, strategies, ways and means of fulfilling social responsibility

Report definition

Why enterprises choose to publish Social responsibility report The reason for non-financial information disclosure is that business environment More and more complex. Traditional shareholders Profit maximization For the operation mode of the target Employee benefits Problems, environmental pollution problems, product quality problems and so on have attracted more and more attention from all aspects of society, and the resulting pressure requires enterprises to be responsible for a wider range of stakeholders other than shareholders in order to achieve sustainable development.
In the increasingly complex business environment, the history of the enterprise in the form of currency operating activities Metered financial information The opportunities and risks faced by the enterprise cannot be fully reflected, nor can the value of the enterprise be fully reflected. Disclosed in the corporate social responsibility report Non financial information The combination of the two can better reflect the future of the enterprise Financial position
Therefore, under the pressure of investors, consumers and other stakeholders, more and more enterprises choose to issue corporate social responsibility reports based on the needs of their internal operations. according to resende Corporate Social Responsibility Institutional data statistics In 2009, enterprises operating in China released more than 600 corporate social responsibility reports (including Corporate Citizen Report, sustainable development report, etc.).
Broad enterprise social responsibility Reports include all types of reports that formally reflect one or more aspects of corporate social responsibility, that is, employee reports Environmental Report Environmental health Safety report , charity report, and comprehensive report covering economic, environmental and social responsibilities.

Coping methods

Corporate Social Responsibility Report of China's Industrial Economy Industry in 2010
In response to the pressure from all parties, more and more enterprises began to issue corporate social responsibility reports. Many enterprises only regard corporate social responsibility report as a face saving project, by listing the corporate social responsibility report in public welfare, environmental protection and Employee Relations And other aspects to whitewash the corporate image, thus treating the corporate social responsibility report as a public relations instrument of propaganda or publicity
Enterprises' understanding of corporate social responsibility reports should not and cannot stay at this level. The preparation of corporate social responsibility report is a process of creating value for enterprises. For enterprises, it also has the ability to prevent risks and promote enterprise operation The function of reform.
Enterprise headcount Corporate social responsibility report is actually a Early warning mechanism It encourages enterprises to find risks and problems in the management process of customers, supply chains, communities, etc management layer Prevent problems before they occur, and control possible hazardous events before they become negative emergencies.
At the same time, enterprises should connect financial, production, marketing, R&D and other functional departments in a more strategic way, Improve management For example, from the perspective of human resources, through caring for employees, training employees, organizing employees Volunteering etc. Corporate Social Responsibility Action , can enhance employees cohesive force Reserve talents and cultivate them Employee responsibility , ultimately improving the company's Human value From the perspective of market, through cultivation emerging market and Public Marketing And other actions, enterprises can expand market size from technical progress From the perspective of Environmentally friendly products And so on are the driving forces to keep products and technologies innovative.
If the enterprise only treats the CSR report as a book The brochure If it fails to promote the reform of operation, then in some cases, the CSR report will also increase Enterprise risk Important factors.

Preparation method

Clarified the impact of corporate social responsibility report on enterprises Value creation After that, how can enterprises prepare a high-quality corporate social responsibility report? resende It is suggested that enterprises must control the report preparation process.
2007 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Generally speaking, the preparation of corporate social responsibility report by enterprises goes through four stages: preparation stage, data collection stage, report writing stage and release stage.
Since the data collection of corporate social responsibility report involves many departments, the most important thing in the preparation stage is to establish a clear Organization management system Enterprises can set up special CSR Departments can also choose to set up a CSR report project team to carry out this work, but it is necessary to ensure the full participation and cooperation of all departments. After clarifying the organization management system, enterprises can choose to hire professionals to conduct Internal training Through training, on the one hand, the CSR strategy and objectives of the enterprise will be further clarified, on the other hand, it will also ensure that Project team understand Workflow And complete the collection and processing of data on time and with good quality.
Data collection is mainly based on the internal management process and operation flow And interviews with stakeholders to obtain the data and key indicators required for the report. Stakeholder interviews are the focus of this stage. Interviewees generally include enterprises Senior managers , grassroots employees, suppliers, creditors, consumers, media and Non governmental organizations In addition to collecting data, the role of interviews is to comprehensively understand the CSR status and problems of enterprises, understand the expectations of stakeholders and respond, which is an important link to ensure that CSR reports play a communication role.
After the completion of data collection, it entered the writing stage. At this stage, the focus is on the selection of report content, which requires attention to the integrity and overall It is also necessary to fully combine the characteristics of the industry and the characteristics of the enterprise itself, seize the key points and highlight the highlights. In addition, at this stage, we should pay attention to the report Writing style
The last step is the release of the report. Many enterprises still publish CSR report together with annual report, but independent CSR report is the development trend. Enterprises can consider combining the release of CSR report with other CSR actions to achieve communication and Publicity effect Maximize.

design requirement

CSR Report Design Requirements
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
CSR reports have a wide audience. It includes groups that have a good understanding of CSR, such as enterprise department leaders, investors, partners, government agencies Industry Association Professional evaluation institutions, media, etc; It also includes groups that lack awareness of CSR, such as ordinary employees and ordinary people. This requires CSR report design to reflect both professional rigor and enterprise Responsibility concept , with popularity and readability. High level visual presentation to make readers clear and intuitive Read the report
The visual presentation of the report is directly related to the readability of the report. Improper chart design, single presentation mode, unclear design level and other problems will result in poor readability of the report.
The CSR report is different from other picture albums, with a large amount of text Data Chart Abundant content with fixed structural modules, which requires designers to have deep design skills and comprehensively use design techniques such as typesetting, composition, hand painting, and picture creativity. The overall style of the report is solemn and grand, reflecting the characteristics of the enterprise, and focusing on Artistic sense And sense of the times; The design of charts and cases is eye-catching and intuitive, and the design rhythm of titles at all levels on the inner page is clear, which increases the readability of the report.
Lingchuang CSR brand image Case of management organization China Southern Power Grid The CSR report in the form of illustration shows what the power grid does, how it operates, who generates electricity, who transmits electricity, who distributes power, etc. It not only shows what the company has done in terms of social responsibility, but also popularizes some knowledge about electricity.
Examine the enterprise Core values , understand Enterprise Reports Demand, analysis of corporate social responsibility Image positioning , establish the Brand concept , use image design tool Create a CSR report with distinctive style for enterprises
CSR report design includes four stages. Image positioning stage, the main work of this stage is demand communication, data collection, image Positioning analysis Establish design ideas; Scheme design stage This stage is to design the first draft of the scheme, including style creativity, theme cover creativity, concept element design, panel design, opening page design, etc. Two to three sets of schemes are generally provided; Deployment of typesetting stage: this stage is determined according to design scheme Expand the layout, including Typesetting , model diagram design, diagram design, case design, correction pictures and text, etc; Finalization and printing stage: this stage includes text proofreading, completion and production Chip out proofing Determine the paper process, printing quality control, etc. [1]

2011 Report

2011 Report Conference
2011 written by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences《 China Corporate Social Responsibility Report 》(Blue Book for short) was officially released on November 8, 2011. The research team investigated the top 100 state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and foreign enterprises in China commercial bribe System Product qualification rate Social security and health training conserve energy ,reduce emissions And so on.
The results show that whether state-owned enterprises, private enterprises or foreign-funded enterprises, their social responsibility scores are "pitiful". The average score is only 19.7 points, and the full score is 100 points, which is equivalent to students' hundred point test paper, and only less than 20 points.
The survey shows that the overall level of corporate social responsibility in China is still in its infancy. Seventy percent of enterprises are seriously lacking in social responsibility, and nearly half of state-owned enterprises are on the sidelines. There are even 26 enterprises with zero or even negative scores.
This indicator refers to the international corporate social responsibility indicator system and domestic corporate social responsibility proposal and World Top 500 Corporate social responsibility assessment system. [1]
Adidas First from last
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 2011《 China Corporate Social Responsibility Report 》(Blue Book for short) was released. The research team investigated the top 100 state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and foreign enterprises in China. The results show that among the 300 enterprises selected for evaluation, the average score of all enterprises is less than 20 points according to the hundred point system. Nearly 70% of the enterprises are onlookers and have not promoted social responsibility Lack of management and social responsibility disclosure [2]
According to the stage characteristics of the development of corporate social responsibility, the research group divided enterprises into five categories: the outstanding, the leader, the catcher, the starter and the bystander. There are a total of 300 top 100 enterprises in China, including state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and foreign enterprises. Only one enterprise of COSCO Group is outstanding, and they have ranked first in the report for three consecutive years. 205 enterprises are onlookers, accounting for nearly 70% of the total. The so-called bystander is an outsider. These enterprises did not promote social responsibility management, and social responsibility disclosure was very scarce. 26 enterprises scored 0 or even negative.
Among these 26 enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises accounted for the majority, with 19 in total. Adidas Daimler Chrysler Coca Cola And other foreign-funded enterprises in China“ Be on the list ”, where Adidas (China) Co., Ltd Take - 4 points to become the last one. Experts from the Academy of Social Sciences said that the enterprise's social responsibility development plan commercial bribe Systems and measures, as well as enterprise environmental management, resource and energy conservation, pollution reduction and emission reduction Trust network The information disclosure degree of the construction is very insufficient.
Law has no deterrent effect on enterprises
2011 Report Conference
Of the 19 foreign-funded enterprises including Adidas (China), 16 have not found any relevant information social responsibility And residents Gain wealth All indicators are 0. The reason for the negative score is that during the evaluation of the enterprise by the research group, the market responsibility and social responsibility of the enterprise occurred Negative information
Why do some large multinational companies often have negative information in China? Analyze their own reasons, Chinese lawyer Elite Network Chief Counsel Yin Fuqiang said that this is related to China's legal system Imperfect has something to do with it. The restriction effect of Chinese laws on enterprises is poor, and there is no deterrent to enterprises. The illegal cost is low, which even leads to some enterprises breaking the law but making profits.

2012 Report

On November 21, 2012, the Corporate Social Responsibility Research Center of the Department of Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences released the (2012) Research Report on Corporate Social Responsibility in China. Corporate Social Responsibility Research Center, Department of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences director Zhong Hongwu A theme report was made.
The general report of the Blue Book is 2012 China Corporate Social Responsibility Development Index In the report, the report evaluated the status quo of social responsibility management and the disclosure level of social responsibility information of 300 enterprises, including the top 100 state-owned enterprises, the top 100 private enterprises and the top 100 foreign enterprises.
The study found four points. First, China's corporate social responsibility development index averaged 23.1 points, and the overall score went from less than 20 points to 20-40 points in the initial stage. However, 60% of the enterprises still scored below 20 points, and they were still on the sidelines, of which 15 enterprises scored zero or negative.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Second, research findings state-owned enterprise The social responsibility development index and difficulty growth rate are both ahead of private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises.
Third, among foreign-funded enterprises, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea Corporate social responsibility development index Relatively high.
Fourth, responsibility Practice index Leading Responsibility management Index, that is to say, the market responsibility index is better than Environmental responsibility and Social responsibility index