corporate culture

Cultural type
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Corporate culture, or organizational culture (Corporate Culture or Organizational Culture) sense of worth belief ceremony Symbol Its unique cultural image, which is composed of ways of doing things, is simply all aspects of the enterprise in its daily operation.
Staff culture , also known as the value culture of the enterprise, is the cultural form corresponding to the enterprise culture. The staff culture is based on the staff, which is a quality culture. The enterprise culture is based on the enterprise, which is a management culture. [1]
Chinese name
corporate culture
Foreign name
Corporate Culture
organizational culture
application area
Enterprise production, operation and management activities
Instruct the enterprise or its employees to behave in business activities


Enterprise culture is the spiritual wealth and material form with the characteristics of the enterprise created in the production, operation and management activities of the enterprise under certain conditions. It includes enterprise vision Cultural concept values Enterprise spirit moral Code of Conduct , historical tradition Enterprise system Cultural environment , enterprise products, etc. Among them, values are of corporate culture core


Corporate culture is corporate soul , is to promote Enterprise development Is inexhaustible. It contains very rich content, and its core is the spirit and values of the enterprise. The values here do not generally refer to various cultural phenomena in enterprise management, but the values held by the enterprise or its employees in their business activities.


corporate culture
Corporate culture is the business philosophy, business purpose Business policy values , business behavior, social responsibility, business image, etc. It is the fundamental embodiment of enterprise personality, and it is an enterprise existence Competition and development The soul of.


Corporate culture consists of three levels:
(1) The material culture of the surface layer is called the "hard culture" of the enterprise. Including plant appearance, plant appearance, mechanical equipment, product modeling, appearance, quality, etc.
(2) The system culture at the middle level includes leadership system, interpersonal relationship, various rules and regulations and disciplines.
(3) The spiritual culture of the core layer is called "enterprise soft culture". It includes various codes of conduct, values, corporate group awareness, staff quality and fine traditions. It is the core of corporate culture and is called the spirit of enterprise.

essential factor

Terence E. Deere and Alan A. Kennedy summarized the whole theoretical system of corporate culture into five elements, namely, corporate environment, values, heroes, cultural ceremonies and cultural networks.

Enterprise environment

Enterprise environment It refers to the nature, business direction, external environment, social image and contact with the outside world of the enterprise. It often determines the behavior of enterprises.

sense of worth

sense of worth It refers to the consensus of the members of the enterprise on whether an event or behavior is good or bad, good or evil, right or wrong, and whether it is worth imitating. Values are the core of corporate culture. Unified values enable members of the enterprise to have a unified standard when judging their own behavior, and to determine their own behavior accordingly.


hero It refers to the core figure of corporate culture or the personification of corporate culture. Its role is to provide a living model for other employees in the enterprise to learn from, which plays a very important role in the formation and strengthening of corporate culture.

Cultural ceremony

Cultural ceremony It refers to various commendation, reward activities, gatherings, cultural and entertainment activities in the enterprise. It can dramatize and visualize some things that happen in the enterprise to vividly publicize and reflect the values of the enterprise, so that people can understand the connotation of enterprise culture through these lively activities, so that enterprise culture can be "educated in fun".

Cultural network

Cultural network It refers to informal information transmission channels, mainly for the dissemination of cultural information. It is composed of some informal organizations and people, and the information it conveys can often reflect the wishes and mentality of employees.


The essence of corporate culture is derived from the strict implementation of the corporate system. Institutional coercion or incentives ultimately promote the group to have a sense of behavior, which constitutes the corporate culture. The essence of enterprise culture lies in Dongtangce "Corporate Culture" has been deeply confirmed, which also details the mechanism of corporate culture.


enterprise leader Applying the function of "culture changing people" to enterprises to solve the problems in modern enterprise management leads to enterprise culture. Both enterprise management theory and enterprise culture management theory pursue efficiency. But the former regards people as object The latter consciously applies cultural concepts to enterprises in pursuit of benefits, and regards people with rich creativity as management theory Center of. When this guiding ideology is reflected in enterprise management, there are various concepts called enterprise culture.


Starting from the reality of corporate culture, conduct in-depth investigation and research to grasp the essential relationship between various phenomena of corporate culture. According to practical experience, from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge, carry out scientific generalization and summary.


I Corporate culture can stimulate employees' sense of mission. No matter what kind of enterprise has its responsibility and mission. The sense of mission of the enterprise is the goal and direction of all employees' work, and the source of power for the continuous development or progress of the enterprise.
2、 Corporate culture can condense employees Sense of belonging The role of corporate culture is to enable a group of people from different places to pursue the same dream through the refinement and dissemination of corporate values.
3、 Corporate culture can strengthen employees' responsibility Enterprises should publicize the importance of employees' sense of responsibility through a large number of materials and documents. Managers should instill a sense of responsibility, crisis awareness and team awareness in all employees, so that everyone can clearly understand that the enterprise is a common enterprise for all employees.
4、 What enterprise culture can give employees Sense of honor Everyone should make more contributions, make more achievements, and pursue more sense of honor in their own posts and fields of work.
5、 The corporate culture can realize the employees' fulfillment The prosperity of an enterprise is related to the survival of every employee of the company. When the enterprise prospers, employees will be proud of it and will work harder. The higher the glory, the greater the sense of achievement, the more obvious.




The enterprise culture has distinct personality and characteristics, and is relatively independent. Each enterprise has its own unique cultural deposit, which is due to its production, operation and management characteristics, enterprise tradition Enterprise objectives The quality of employees and the internal and external environment are different.


Enterprise culture is the product of history. The inheritance of corporate culture is reflected in three aspects: first, inheriting the essence of excellent national culture. The second is to inherit the cultural tradition of the enterprise. The third is to inherit the practice and research achievements of foreign corporate culture.


The compatibility of enterprise culture is reflected in its coordination and adaptability with the enterprise environment. Corporate culture reflects the spirit of the times, and it must be linked with the economic environment Political environment Cultural environment as well as Community environment Integration.

Human nature

Enterprise culture is a people-oriented culture. The most essential content is to emphasize the core role of people's ideals, morality, values and behavior norms in enterprise management, and emphasize understanding, respecting and caring for people in enterprise management. Pay attention to the all-round development of people vision Inspire people, unite people with spirit, motivate people with mechanism, and cultivate people with environment.


The corporate culture is an organic and unified whole. The development of people and the development of the enterprise are inseparable. The enterprise staff should be guided to Goal Integrate into the overall goal of enterprise development and pursue the enterprise's Overall advantages and Overall will Implementation of.


Innovation is not only the call of the times, but also the internal requirement of corporate culture itself. Excellent corporate culture tends to innovate through inheritance, reform and develop with the change of corporate environment and domestic and foreign markets, and guide everyone to pursue excellence, Pursue results Pursue innovation


According to the corporate culture definition , its content is very widely However, the most important points should include the following:

Business Philosophy

Business philosophy Corporate philosophy , from Social humanistic and economic psychology The innovative application of is a methodological principle unique to an enterprise engaged in production, operation and management activities. It is the basis for guiding enterprise behavior. In the fierce market competition environment, an enterprise is faced with various contradictions and multiple choices, which requires an enterprise to have a scientific methodology to guide and a set of logical thinking To determine their own behavior, which is Business Philosophy For example, Panasonic of Japan "stresses economic benefits, attaches importance to the will to survive, and seeks survival and development in everything", which is its strategic decision-making philosophy.


So-called price Value concept It is the basic view that people evaluate the existence, behavior and behavior results of people (individuals, organizations) themselves based on some utilitarian or moral pursuit. It can be said that life is the pursuit of value, and values determine the pursuit of life. Values are not the embodiment of people in a moment, but the concept system of values formed in long-term practice. The values of an enterprise refer to the significance of the existence of the enterprise, the business purpose and the business purpose of the employees of the enterprise Value evaluation The collective consciousness of integration and individualization pursued by Hewei is the common value criterion of all employees of the enterprise. Only on the basis of common value criteria can an enterprise produce correct value objectives. Only with the correct value goal can we strive to pursue the value goal and the enterprise has hope. Therefore, enterprise values determine the orientation of employee behavior, which is related to the survival of the enterprise. The values that only care about the economic benefits of the enterprise itself will deviate from the socialist direction, which will not only damage the interests of the country and the people, but also affect the overall image of the enterprise; Values that focus only on immediate interests will be anxious to achieve quick success and get instant benefits , engage in short-term behavior, which makes the enterprise lose its stamina and lead to its demise.

Enterprise spirit

Enterprise spirit refers to the spirit of the enterprise member group formed through careful training based on its specific nature, task, purpose, requirements of the times and development direction.
The enterprise spirit should be reflected through the conscious practical activities of all employees of the enterprise. Therefore, it is also the externalization of employees' sense of concept and enterprising mentality.
Enterprise spirit is the core of enterprise culture and plays a dominant role in the whole enterprise culture. Enterprise spirit values Based on, driven by value objectives Business Philosophy , management system, ethics Group awareness And corporate image play a decisive role. It can be said that enterprise spirit is the soul of an enterprise.
Enterprise spirit It is usually expressed in some simple and clear language that is rich in philosophy, so that employees can remember it and always use it to motivate themselves; It is also convenient for external publicity and easy to form an impression in people's minds, thus forming a distinctive corporate image in society. as Wangfujing Department Store The spirit of "one fire" is to use the light and heat of the people in the building to illuminate and warm every heart, and its essence is dedicated service; Xidan mall The spirit of "truth-seeking and forging ahead" of the company embodies the value concept with truth-seeking as the core and the management style of sincerity, trustworthiness, pioneering and forging ahead.

Corporate ethics

Corporate ethics It refers to the sum of the codes of conduct that adjust the relationship between the enterprise and other enterprises, between the enterprise and customers, and between employees within the enterprise. It is from the perspective of ethical relations, with good and evil, public and private, honor and disgrace, honesty and hypocrisy, etc Moral category Evaluate and standardize enterprises for standards.
Corporate ethics and legal norms and Institutional norms Different, it is not so mandatory and binding, but has a positive demonstration effect and strong appeal, and has the power of self-discipline when recognized and accepted by people. Therefore, it has wider adaptability and is an important means to restrict the behavior of enterprises and employees. China Time-honored brands Tongrentang Pharmacy The reason why it has been thriving for more than three hundred years is that it has integrated the excellent traditional virtues of the Chinese nation into the production and operation process of the enterprise, and has formed an industrial professional ethics That is, "help the world and keep fit, strive for perfection, treat young and old alike".

Group awareness

Group is an organization, and group consciousness refers to the collective concept of organization members. Group consciousness is an important psychological factor in the formation of internal cohesion of enterprises. The formation of enterprise group consciousness makes every employee of the enterprise regard their work and behavior as realization Enterprise objectives As an integral part of the enterprise, they are proud of themselves as members of the enterprise, and have a sense of honor for the achievements of the enterprise, so as to regard the enterprise as the community and ownership of their own interests. Therefore, they will work hard to achieve the goals of the enterprise and consciously overcome the behaviors inconsistent with the realization of the enterprise goals.

Corporate image

Corporate image is the overall impression of an enterprise that is recognized by consumers and the public through its external characteristics and business strength. The image of the enterprise shown by its external characteristics is called surface image, such as signboard, facade logo , advertising, trademarks, clothing, business environment, etc., which give people an intuitive feeling, easy to form an impression; The image displayed through the management strength is called the deep image, which is the concentrated embodiment of the internal elements of the enterprise, such as personnel quality, production and operation ability, management level, capital strength, product quality, etc. The surface image is based on the deep image. Without the deep image, the surface image is false and cannot be maintained for a long time. Circulation enterprises Because it mainly deals with goods and services, and has more contact with customers, the surface image is particularly important, but this by no means means that the deep image can be placed at a secondary position. Beijing Xidan Shopping Mall sets up an enterprise image of serving customers wholeheartedly by "treating people with honesty, moving with sincerity, sending people with sincerity, and making people with sincerity", and this service is based on beautiful Shopping environment Reliable commodity quality and solid price, that is, with strong material foundation and business strength as the guarantee of quality service, to achieve the combination of surface image and deep image, and win the trust of customers.
Corporate image also includes Visual recognition system , such as VIS system It is the vision of external publicity of enterprises identification It is one of the channels for the introduction of the society's visual perception of the enterprise, and also a symbol of whether the enterprise has entered modern management.

Enterprise system

The enterprise system is Production and operation Various regulations formed in practical activities that are mandatory to human behavior and can guarantee certain rights. From the perspective of corporate culture hierarchical structure See, the enterprise system belongs to the middle level. It is the manifestation of spiritual culture and the guarantee for the realization of material culture. The enterprise system, as a model of employee behavior norms, enables individual activities to be carried out reasonably, internal and external interpersonal relationships to be coordinated, and the common interests of employees to be protected, so that enterprises can be organized orderly to work hard to achieve enterprise goals.

Cultural structure

Corporate culture structure Means Corporate culture system The temporal and spatial order, primary and secondary status and combination mode of the internal elements, and the corporate culture structure are the proportional relationship and position relationship of the composition, form, level, content, type, etc. of corporate culture. It shows how the various elements are linked to form the overall model of corporate culture. I.e Enterprise material culture Corporate behavior culture Enterprise system culture Enterprise spirit culture form.

Corporate mission

The so-called enterprise mission refers to the role and responsibility that enterprises should play in the social and economic development. It refers to the fundamental nature of the enterprise and the reason for its existence, indicating the business field Management ideology And provide a basis for the establishment of enterprise goals and the formulation of strategies. The mission of the enterprise should describe the scope and level of activities that the enterprise operates in the whole social and economic field, and specifically describe the identity or role of the enterprise in social and economic activities. It includes enterprise Business Philosophy , Corporate purpose And corporate image.




The so-called guiding function is to use it to leader And guide the staff. Guiding function of corporate culture
corporate culture
It can be mainly reflected in the following two aspects.
1. Guidance of business philosophy and values
The management philosophy determines the way of thinking of enterprise management and the rules to deal with problems. These methods and rules guide operator Make correct decisions and guide employees to adopt scientific methods to engage in production and operation activities. The common values of enterprises stipulate the value orientation So that employees can form a consensus on the evaluation of things and have a common value goal. The leaders and employees of the enterprise act for the value goals they have identified. American scholar Thomas Peters And Robert Waterman, Jr., pointed out in the book "The pursuit of excellence" that "all the excellent companies we study are very clear about what they stand for, and have seriously established and formed The value of the company Guidelines. In fact, if a company lacks clear values or incorrect values, we doubt whether it is likely to succeed in business. "
2. Guidance of enterprise objectives
Enterprise goals represent the direction of enterprise development. Without the right goals, it is tantamount to losing the direction. The excellent corporate culture will set up the development goals of the enterprise from the reality with a scientific attitude, which must be feasible and scientific. Enterprise employees are engaged in production and business activities under the guidance of this goal.


The restrictive function of corporate culture is mainly to improve the management system and moral To achieve.
1. Constraints of management system
Enterprise system is one of the contents of enterprise culture. Enterprise system It is the internal laws and regulations of the enterprise, which must be observed and implemented by the leaders and employees of the enterprise, thus forming a binding force.
2. Constraints of ethical norms
Ethics is to restrict the behavior of enterprise leaders and employees from the perspective of ethical relations. If people violate the requirements of moral norms, they will be condemned by public opinion and feel guilty psychologically. Tongrentang The ethical code of the drugstore, which is "health preserving, excellence, no fraud, no discrimination", restricts all employees to operate strictly according to the process procedures, strict quality management and strict discipline.


The enterprise culture is people-oriented and respects people's feelings, thus creating a harmonious atmosphere of solidarity, friendship and mutual trust in the enterprise, strengthening the sense of group, and forming a strong cohesive force and centripetal force among employees. The common values form a common goal and ideal. Employees regard the enterprise as a community of shared destiny and their own work as an important part of achieving common goals. The whole enterprise moves in step to form a unified whole. At this time, "I am proud when the factory prospers, and I am ashamed when the factory declines" becomes the sincere feelings of the employees from the heart, and "loving the factory as home" will become their practical actions.


Common values make every employee feel the value of their own existence and behavior, and the realization of self value is human
It is a kind of satisfaction of the highest spiritual needs, and this satisfaction will certainly form a strong incentive. stay People oriented enterprises In the cultural atmosphere, leaders and employees, and employees and employees care about and support each other. Especially the leaders' concern for the staff and workers, the staff and workers' union will feel respected, and will naturally be inspired and work hard. To form Happy Enterprise In addition, the spirit and image of the enterprise have a great inspiring effect on the employees of the enterprise, especially when the construction of enterprise culture is successful and has an impact on the society, the employees of the enterprise will have a strong sense of honor and pride, and they will redouble their efforts to safeguard the honor and image of the enterprise with their own practical actions.


Adjustment is adjustment and adaptation. There will inevitably be some contradictions among various departments of the enterprise and among employees due to various reasons. To solve these contradictions, we need to adjust ourselves; There will be disharmony and maladjustment between enterprises and environment, customers, enterprises, countries and society, which also needs adjustment and adaptation. Corporate Philosophy and Enterprise moral So that operators and ordinary employees can scientifically handle these contradictions and consciously restrain themselves. The excellent and perfect corporate image is the result of these adjustments. The adjustment function is actually a manifestation of the enterprise's dynamic role.


Corporate culture is related to the public image, public attitude, public opinion and Brand reputation Corporate culture not only plays a role in the enterprise and has an impact on its employees, but also can be spread through the media, Public relations activities And other channels have an impact on the society and radiate to the society. The spread of corporate culture is very helpful to establish the corporate image in the public, and excellent corporate culture has a great impact on the development of social culture.

analysis model

2、 Hofstede's Organizational Culture Model
3、 Vernes Trumpinas's Organizational Culture Model
5、 Chatman's Organizational Culture Profile ( OCP )
7、 Zheng Boxun's VOCS Scale
5D corporate culture model
8. Zhou Hua—— 5D corporate culture model
5D According to the corporate culture model, the corporate culture is divided into five types according to the two dimensions of introversion extroversion and perception rationality, namely, gold culture, fire culture, wood culture, water culture and soil culture.
Referring to the six aspects used by the authoritative scale OCAI, the 5D corporate culture scale also analyzes and tests from six aspects: leading characteristics, leadership style, employee management, organizational cohesion, strategic focus, and success criteria.
In each aspect, each type of corporate culture is summarized in two four character words, that is, each type of corporate culture uses 12 four character words to describe its cultural characteristics, as shown in the following table:
Dominant characteristics
Full of vitality and passion
Emphasis on competition and goal orientation
Strict control and clear hierarchy
Emphasize learning and encourage progress
Build belief and be tolerant
Leadership style
Pioneering and innovative, rich feelings
Energetic and confident
Step by step
Guidance and cultivation, clear organization
Inclusive and considerate, encouraging collaboration
Employee management
Encourage innovation, freedom and openness
Promote competition and authorization management
Be meticulous and disciplined
Clear rewards and punishments, coach guidance
Teamwork and smooth communication
Organizational cohesion
Bringing out the old and bringing forth the new, cultural and sports activities
Free play and fair competition
Common indicators, rules and regulations
Brainstorm and self manage
Mutual trust and common belief
strategic focus
Access to resources and opportunities
Participate in competition and external cooperation
Steady operation and perfect system
Focus on development and efficiency
Set goals and guide ideas
Success criteria
Performance oriented and technological innovation
Brand value and high competitiveness
Teamwork and employee loyalty
Emphasis on efficiency and long-term development
Firm belief and balanced relationship

Importance of safety corporate culture

Seventy two miners in a potash mine in Saskatchewan, Canada, were trapped underground for more than a day because of a fire, and all were rescued on the 30th. This happy ending is very gratifying. From the rescue process after the accident, it is no accident that this accident can have such a happy ending. As Hamilton, the spokesman of the mine, said proudly when announcing the success of the rescue, "Safety is the core of our corporate culture."
The reason why the trapped miners did not suffer any damage this time is to a large extent the same as the Canadian government departments and mine owners responsibility Complete safety production regulations are inseparable, and are also the result of Canada Mining's long-term adherence to the concept of "safety first" and its view of safety as the core of corporate culture.
In order to focus on building safety as the core of corporate culture, Canadian human resources departments and occupational safety and health centers have been vigorously promoting government legislation at all levels for many years, constantly improving the mining safety management system, increasing safety investment, and constantly improving the mining environment and safety production.
At the same time, these departments hold occupational safety and health week activities every year to strengthen the safety production awareness of the whole people. Monuments or exhibition halls are also set up at the typical accident site to remember the dead workers and warn employers and employees to pay attention to safety in production.
As we all know, corporate culture is rooted in the values moral Code of conduct , enterprise style and purpose, etc. If various rules and regulations, service codes, etc. are "tangible norms" that regulate the behavior of employees, corporate culture, as an "intangible norm", exists in the consciousness of employees, as social morality restricts the spirit of every citizen.
Corporate culture plays an irreplaceable role in the survival and development of enterprises. All the power and cohesion of an enterprise do not come from resources and technology, but from enterprise culture. Looking at the world's top 500 companies, which one does not have an excellent and unique corporate culture? For example, the success of Microsoft, HP, IBM, GE and other companies stems from their corporate culture.

Four types


Mission and operation

Deere and Kennedy The corporate culture is divided into four types: strong people culture; Work hard and enjoy the culture; Culture of overcoming difficulties; Process culture.
1. Tough man culture. This culture encourages internal competition, innovation, and risk taking. The corporate culture features strong competitiveness and fast product renewal
2. Work hard and enjoy the culture. This culture places equal emphasis on work and entertainment, and encourages employees to complete less risky work. The corporate culture features weak competitiveness and relatively stable products.
3. Gambling culture. It has the characteristics of putting all one's eggs in one basket on the basis of careful analysis. Generally, the corporate culture features large investment and slow effectiveness.
4. Process culture. This culture focuses on how to do things. There is basically no feedback on work, and it is difficult for employees to measure the work they have done. The corporate culture features strong organization and can complete the task step by step.

State and style

1. A dynamic corporate culture. Its characteristics are: reorganizing, pursuing innovation, having clear goals, facing the outside world, good communication from top to bottom, left to right, and strong sense of responsibility.
2. Stagnant corporate culture. It is characterized by: eager for quick success and instant benefit, no ambitious goal, self interested, self preservation, internal orientation, slow action and irresponsibility.
3. Bureaucratic corporate culture. The characteristics are: routine and bureaucratic.

Nature and scale

1. Greenhouse type. This is unique to traditional state-owned enterprises. They are not interested in the external environment, lack the spirit of adventure, and lack incentives and constraints.
2. Picker type. Unique to small and medium-sized enterprises. Strategy changes with the environment, its organizational structure lacks order and its functions are relatively decentralized. The value system is based on respect for leaders.
3. Garden type. Try to maintain the dominant position in the traditional market, operate in a paternalistic manner, and the staff incentive is at a low level.
4. Large planting type. Unique to large enterprises. It is characterized by continuous adaptation to environmental changes, and the initiative and enthusiasm of staff are encouraged.


1. Hierarchical type. Owned by companies operating in a monopolistic market. Non personalized management style, pyramidal organizational structure, focus on the compliance with standards, norms and rigid procedures, lack of competition within the organization, and people secretly intrigue.
2. Professional manager. Work oriented, clear standards, strict reward and punishment system, flexible organizational structure and internal competition fierce
3. Technical. Technical experts are in power, paternalistic style, and rely on technical know-how, Functional organizational structure

value orientation

Ethnic cultural type
Market culture
Relationship between personality and organization
1. Kinship 2. Long term commitment to each other 3. Close dependence on mutual interests 4 company 5 Hierarchical system Structure relationship of
1. Contractual relationship 2. Mutual short-term commitment 3. Right personal interests Dependency of, utilitarianism 4. Form mutual relationship according to the exchange conditions of organization members and organizations
Relationship between organization members
1. Proud of being a member of the company 2. Sense of interdependence 3. Wide network of colleagues 4. High pressure on consistency 5. Emphasis on collective rather than individual initiative
1. Keep independence from colleagues 2. Limited interaction 3. Limited consistency pressure 4. Emphasize individual initiative
Adaptability to company culture
1. Long term adaptive process 2. Superior personnel are all guidance, education and role models 3. pyramidal organization
1. The degree of socialization is low. 2. The relationship between superiors and subordinates is distant, but they are negotiators and resource allocators in work. 3. Flat organization




In the early 1980s, Terence Deere, a professor of the Institute of Education of Harvard University, and Coles International Consulting Co., Ltd Alan Kennedy, the consultant of the company Research on Enterprise Management A wealth of information has been accumulated in. They have conducted a detailed survey of 80 enterprises in a period of six months, and wrote a book called "Enterprise Culture - Customs and Etiquette of Enterprise Survival". The book was published in July 1981, and was later rated as one of the 10 most influential management monographs in the 1980s, becoming a classic on corporate culture. It points out with abundant examples that outstanding and successful enterprises have a strong corporate culture, which is to be observed by all employees, but it is often a natural convention rather than a written code of conduct; And there are various ceremonies and customs used to promote and strengthen these values. It is the corporate culture, a non-technical and non economic factor, that has led to the emergence of these decisions, the appointment and dismissal of personnel in the enterprise, as well as the behavior, clothing, hobbies and living habits of employees. In two enterprises with similar other conditions, due to the strength of their culture Enterprise development The consequences are completely different.


Culture is inseparable from the nation. A certain culture is always a certain national culture. Corporate culture is a national microcosmic Organizational culture is an integral part of the national culture of this country, so the characteristics of a national enterprise culture actually represent the characteristics of the national culture of this country. Below, we will briefly introduce the corporate culture and management characteristics of several countries and regions that can represent the cultural characteristics of the East and the West.
The United States is a multi-ethnic country of immigrants, which determines the individualistic characteristics of American national culture.
The corporate culture of the United States is centered on individualism, which is not selfishness in general concept, but emphasizes individual independence, initiative, personality and personal achievements. Under the domination of this individualistic ideology, American enterprise management is based on individual activism, encourages employees to struggle individually, and implements individual responsibility Individual decision Therefore, among American enterprises individualistic heroism Quite outstanding, many enterprises often regard entrepreneurs or individuals who have made great contributions to the enterprise as heroes. The enterprise's evaluation of employees is also based on the principle of competence. Salary increases and promotions are only based on ability and work performance, without considering age, seniority, education and other factors. The corporate culture characterized by individualism lacks common values, and the value goals of the enterprise are inconsistent with those of individuals. The enterprise manages its employees with a strict organizational structure and strict rules and regulations to pursue the realization of the enterprise goals. Employees only regard the enterprise as a place and means to achieve personal goals and self-worth.
American enterprises focus on innovation and development. Their idea is that what is new and has not been before is valuable. But American enterprises are not without shortcomings. Sometimes they will ignore some unimportant details, resulting in great losses. Americans are very confident and arrogant when they are doing things. When working in an American enterprise, employees' self-confidence will be cultivated.
European countries
European culture is influenced by Christianity Influenced by, Christianity provides Europe with a moral model of ideal price. Christianity believes in God and believes that God is kind. God requires people to love each other. Influenced by this concept, European culture upholds personal values and emphasizes personal high-level needs. Europeans also paid attention to reason and science, emphasizing logical reasoning and rational analysis.
Although the spiritual basis of European corporate culture is the same, due to the different national cultures of different countries, there are also differences in the corporate cultures of different countries in Europe. Because of their cultural background, the British people have a strong sense of heredity and always regard the landlords and nobles as the upper class of society, Business operator At a lower level Social class Therefore, the values of British entrepreneurs pay more attention to social status and hierarchical differences, rather than excellent management achievement To prove their social value, but try every means to make themselves join Upper class society Therefore, in the enterprise management, they are conservative and have poor risk taking spirit.
The most prominent feature of France is nationalism, arrogance, snobbery and sense of superiority, so the French business management shows a closed and conservative concept.
Italy advocates freedom and is self-centered, so it has poor organizational discipline and low degree of structure in enterprise management. However, due to the fact that most enterprises in Italy belong to small and medium-sized enterprises, loose organization has no significant impact on the vitality of enterprises.
Germans have a strong sense of bureaucracy, strong sense of organization and discipline, and are diligent. Therefore, in German business management, decision-making body Large, collective decision-making and ensuring workers' participation in management often take more time to demonstrate, but the quality of decision-making is high. The executive level of the enterprise is strictly divided. Each department is responsible for only one supervisor, and there is no deputy. Employees' participation in enterprise management is extensive and regular, and many laws have guaranteed the right of employees to participate in enterprise management. Employees' participation in enterprise management is mainly through participation in the board of supervisors and Board of Directors To achieve. According to the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Employee Participation Management, there are 20 enterprises with more than 20000 employees, half of which are labor and capital representatives. Among the 10 representatives of the labor side, 7 are elected within the enterprise and 3 are elected outside the enterprise; Among enterprises with 10000~20000 employees, there are 16 members of the board of supervisors and 8 labor representatives, including 6 employees elected within the enterprise, 2 employees elected outside the enterprise, and enterprises with less than 10000 employees, Board of Supervisors Half of the members are labor representatives.
Corporate culture originates from social trends of thought. To explore the characteristics of Chinese corporate culture, we must first understand the changes of Chinese social trends of thought. The social ideological trend in modern China has gone through three changes: first, Confucianism before the victory of the new democratic revolution, second, Marxism after the victory of the new democratic revolution, and third, western thoughts after the reform and opening up. Although Marxist thought has been introduced into China for nearly a hundred years, it has not taken root in the minds of most ordinary people due to its theoretical depth and national cognitive ability.
Therefore, the national ideology before the reform and opening up was essentially Confucian. With the influx of western ideas after the reform and opening up, there was a wave of people praising western ideas and culture. People took eating western food as the fashion, and took pride in wearing western brand clothes and hats. Even when universities taught corporate culture, they tried to praise western ideas without finding the shadow of Chinese ideas. However, due to the deep-rooted Confucianism, the people have a double standard way of doing things under the collision of Western ideas. For example, some people actively advocate the idea of freedom and equality under people, while others follow the Confucian ideology of respecting people above people; When one is short of contacts, he requires others to compete fairly. When he is rich in contacts, he believes in relationship philosophy; Some employees require the enterprise managers to govern the enterprise by "rule of law", and when they manage the enterprise, they will vigorously promote the Confucian "rule of man" and so on. These are the ideological confusion caused by the coexistence of Confucianism and Western thought. Affected by this, China's corporate culture is still in a state of chaos and obscurity today without settling into its own characteristics, and some even quickly graft western corporate culture without Chinese human genes without even knowing what corporate culture is.
In view of the failure of western management science, corporate culture and other theories in practice due to the lack of Chinese human nature genes, Chinese management academia began to reflect, gradually actively looking for the idea of corporate culture construction in line with China's reality in the bright Chinese culture, and the emergence of On the strategy of the powerful A large number of management theories and corporate culture construction theories represented by, have gradually ushered in the normal return of Chinese enterprise management and corporate culture construction. Some Chinese enterprises have begun to cultivate a corporate culture with Chinese civilization characteristics that can demonstrate benevolence and tolerance, respect monks and respect the middle, and seek truth and pragmatism.


1. Guiding role
Sow an idea, cultivate an action, and reap a result; It depends on corporate culture to make revolution in the soul and solve people's problems in terms of ideas, feelings, emotions and attitudes.
2. Coagulation
Sense of identity - to unite people and enhance employees' sense of belonging.
Departmental barriers - collaboration costs. It depends on corporate culture to remove departmental barriers, reduce collaboration costs and integrate enterprises into a unified and coordinated whole.
3. Normative role
As a psychological constraint, corporate culture can regulate behavior and replace some formal constraints.
4. Incentive effect
It can reduce the high cost of material incentives and system regulation supervision, and reduce the management cost.
5. Social impact
The construction of corporate culture helps enterprises to become outstanding members of society and has a positive impact on society and even the environment.


1. Concept level: the concept level is the core of corporate culture, reflects the belief and pursuit of the enterprise, is the soul of the enterprise, and is the ideological basis for the formation of institutional culture and material culture.
2. System level: the system level is the middle level of enterprise culture, and it is a concrete and materialized code of conduct system that restricts and regulates the behavior of enterprise organizations and employees.
3. Material layer: the material layer is the external expression of corporate culture, which shows the concept form culture through the behavior mode, logo characteristics, etc. under the norms of institutional culture.


The ideas and habits in the corporate culture can take root everywhere, and it can originate from an influential individual, work group, department or branch; It can arise at the lower or higher levels of an organization's hierarchy. Often, many elements of corporate culture are associated with a founder or other early leaders. They clearly express these elements as a corporate philosophy or a set of principles or corporate policy forms that organizations must follow. Sometimes, the elements of culture originate from the company's vision, its strategic objectives and the core content of the strategy.
Over time, the foundation of these cultures began to take root, infiltrated into the company's operation, shared by the company's leaders and employees, and then continued when new employees were encouraged to believe in them.
1、 To create an excellent corporate culture, we should first let all employees understand what corporate culture is and why we should build corporate culture.
To understand the corporate culture, attention should be paid to the following aspects:
First, culture is always relative to a certain period of time. The corporate culture we refer to is usually the culture of the current stage, not the historical culture of the enterprise in the past, nor the possible new culture of the enterprise in the future;
Second, only the elements of consensus can be called culture. If there is no consensus on what the enterprise has put forward, it cannot be called culture. It can only be said that it may become the cultural seed of culture in the future. Corporate culture represents the common value judgment and value orientation of the enterprise, that is, the consensus of most employees. Of course, consensus is usually relative. In real life, it is often difficult to imagine that all employees in an enterprise have only one idea and one judgment. Because people's quality is uneven, their pursuit is diversified, and their ideas are more complex and diverse, corporate culture can only be a relative consensus, that is, the consensus of most people;
Third, culture is always relative to a certain range. The corporate culture we are referring to is usually the part that employees generally agree with. If it is only the recognition of the enterprise leadership, it can only be called leadership culture; If only employees in a certain department of the enterprise generally agree with it, it can only be called the culture of that department. According to the scope of recognition, the culture in an enterprise can generally be divided into leadership culture, middle manager culture, grass-roots manager culture, or department culture, branch culture, subsidiary culture, enterprise culture, etc;
Fourth, culture must have internality. Once the ideas and behaviors advocated by the enterprise reach a common consensus and become the enterprise culture, these ideas and behaviors will be consciously followed by the majority of employees.
2、 Master the important principles of corporate culture construction
1. Cultural management should be combined with enterprise strategic management
2. Corporate culture should face the future and reflect industry characteristics and corporate personality
3. Give play to the core role of enterprise leaders
4. Cultural management and image management promote each other
5. The establishment of the cultural system should reflect the common aspirations of all employees
6. Principle of consensus
3、 Yes Corporate culture system Planning and design
1. Main contents of enterprise concept system
2. How to define enterprise mission
3. How to build a common vision of the enterprise
4. How to design the core values of enterprises
5. How to design enterprise spirit
6. Example of corporate culture planning
4、 Promote the implementation of corporate culture
2. Give play to the role of corporate culture, customs and ceremonies
3. Carefully plan corporate culture festivals
4. Leaders should be leaders of their own corporate culture
5. Actively cultivate enterprise models
6. Institutionalize culture
Form perfect Corporate culture system After that, publicity, education and indoctrination were carried out to form a consensus.
Summarize, improve, finalize and improve the corporate culture.


1、 Raising awareness is an important prerequisite for building enterprise culture
2、 Strengthening learning is an important way to build enterprise culture
3、 Strengthening target education is an important means of building enterprise culture
4、 Stressing Human oriented Management is an Important Way to Build Enterprise Culture
5、 Shaping enterprise values is an important part of building enterprise culture

Practice stage

From the macro perspective of corporate culture construction, it can be roughly divided into the following four spiral stages of mutual influence and promotion.

Phase I

The first stage is unconscious (unconscious) cultural creation.
In the process of establishment and development, enterprises have gradually formed a set of effective and widely recognized organizational operation concepts or ideas within the organization. The basic feature of this stage is that it has fresh personality characteristics, scattered rather than systematic, and may be "rules not officially released or declared" within the organization. In this process, the enterprise focuses on the cultural temperament or spiritual value reflected behind those unforgettable and important events or cases in the development process. Behind these events or cases, organizations are often faced with huge conflicts and contradictions of interests. The choice of enterprises under such conflicts and contradictions is the concrete embodiment of enterprise values.

Phase II

The second stage is conscious cultural refinement and summary.
After a period of development, when an enterprise has made certain market progress or success, it needs to timely summarize and refine the core elements of its market success. These success factors are the successful tools and methods of the organization in a certain period of time, with general significance of reference or replication. More importantly, enterprises often attract more members from a wider range while achieving market success. various management philosophy In case of conflict with working methods, enterprises often have internal dispersion effect if they lack common value consensus. The most important thing for enterprises at this stage is to consciously sort out and summarize the culture, explore and discuss values through collective systematic thinking, and vision Under the guidance of, determine common value consensus.

Phase III

The third stage is culture implementation and conflict management.
Increasingly large Organization size The diversified staff structure has raised new challenges for the spread of culture and the sharing of values. How the value concept system summarized and refined in the early stage can be recognized by a wider range of organizational members has become the most important thing in this stage. Culture landing There are countless means and tools for communication. In practice, enterprises should follow the principle of "from easy to difficult, from inside to outside, and step by step" to carry out the construction of cultural landing.
1. Construction of cultural communication platforms and channels. First of all, enterprises should build a Communication platform The so-called "connecting inside and outside" is to give play to the role of culture in cohering people's hearts inside and spreading images outside. It is necessary to not only spread internally, but also attach importance to external display. The so-called connection between the top and the bottom is to establish a set of cultural communication channels where senior management and employees can interact equally. In practice, such platforms are indispensable: information exchange and communication platforms. Cultural cases and representatives of outstanding figures, construction of daily activities and thematic activities, etc.
2. Identification and management of values. After establishing its own value system, the organization should be able to effectively identify and Management organization Internal values. The most important thing is to do a good job in the selection of values for talent input, the daily value testing within the organization, and the cultivation and correction of employees' values. First of all, value evaluation is a tool and method for effective talent selection to ensure that the employees entering the company have strong consistency or high matching degree with the enterprise in terms of values and ideas; Secondly, post Competency Model It is also a good carrier to implement cultural concepts and value norms.

Phase IV

The fourth stage is the reconstruction and reconstruction of culture.
Cultural construction is a construction process without ultimate answer for enterprises. The core proposition related to the survival and development of enterprises is a process of constant thinking, summary, denial and affirmation for enterprise leaders. Any stage of summary and refinement does not mean that the operators of enterprises have mastered all the truth or absolute truth. Therefore, a healthy organization must be accompanied by a "living" cultural system. This living cultural system has intelligence that does not have automatic evolution, which requires the enterprise to continuously carry out systematic thinking, and update, evolve and even recreate the culture according to the internal and external environment of the organization and the needs of organizational development. There is an appropriate time for the frequency of cultural renewal. The process of cultural construction is a process that enterprises actively carry out from practice to theory, and then theory guides practice, Culture landing The stage is the process of theory (summarized and refined cultural ideology) guiding practice. Only when we firmly grasp the core of value management, can there be no big deviation or mistake in the construction of corporate culture.


Facing the increasingly fierce market competition, we need to constantly deal with various challenges from home and abroad. However, if you want to achieve effective enterprise management and maintain sustainable development, you must achieve Enterprise management system And corporate culture to achieve symbiosis and two-way interaction. As an enterprise manager, it has become an important way for enterprises to improve their core competitiveness to analyze the relationship between management system and enterprise culture in depth and correctly handle the relationship between the two. Corporate culture covers the material culture, behavior culture, system culture and spiritual culture of the enterprise. Whether it is the external performance or the internal spirit of the enterprise, it is a component of corporate culture. The enterprise management system itself can reflect the enterprise culture.
In fact, the process of enterprise management institutionalization is an important means to promote the development of enterprise culture. How to let employees identify with the company's culture and transform it into their own work behavior is a key part of the corporate culture construction. Boss magazine said that the enterprise system embodying the core idea of the enterprise can strengthen the enterprise culture, and become an idea recognized by employees through long-term repeated practice and improvement. Corporate culture plays a role in promoting the effective implementation and continuous innovation of enterprise systems. Before the formation of the corporate culture, the implementation of the system can only be constrained by external supervision. Once the supervision is weak, employees are likely to fail to do as required, and the cost of enterprise management is high; Once the corporate culture is formed, the actions of employees will become a voluntary behavior without strengthening supervision.
The construction of excellent corporate culture can stimulate the "self-discipline awareness" of employees, thus reducing the cost of enterprise management, and more conducive to the long-term and stable development of enterprises.

Development trend


Gradually important

With the continuous replacement of internal personnel, the future staffing of enterprises will be based on the "post-80s" personnel structure. Compared with their predecessors, the "post-80s" employees show strong self-awareness, insecurity, impetuosity, vanity and other characteristics, but also lack teamwork and practical spirit. Their unique personality will bring great pressure to enterprises. The post-80s generation has many shortcomings, but they also have the excellent qualities of pursuing happiness, active thinking and daring to innovate. The key is how to guide correctly. What can correctly guide the post-80s generation is enterprise culture. First, let the "post-80s" identify with and understand the corporate culture of their enterprises from the bottom of their hearts. Therefore, for the future development of Chinese enterprises, the shaping and implementation of corporate culture will become the core elements restricting the growth of enterprises.

Leadership culture

Corporate culture has distinct personality and differences. Different enterprises have different growth experiences and corporate cultures, which are often determined by the cultural quality, personality characteristics and ability to deal with things of enterprise operators. Western scholars Robert R. Blake Robert Blake and Jane S. Mouton mentioned in the New Management Style that "in reality, the style of enterprise leaders has a decisive effect on the business style of enterprises". This is a common phenomenon of "leader" culture in Chinese enterprises.



Cognitive error

1. Simply understand that corporate culture is the identification system of enterprises
2. One sided view that corporate culture is the method of packaging enterprises
3. Corporate culture is the thinking system of an enterprise
4. Corporate culture is a corporate cultural activity
5. Corporate culture is the corporate image design
6. Corporate culture is the cultural taste of corporate products

Construction error

1、 Misunderstandings in target positioning
As the product of the organic combination of economy and culture, corporate culture should be the unity of the goals and means to achieve them. Some enterprises set the goal of building corporate culture on shaping employees, including changing employees' concepts, habits and behavior according to the intentions of leaders and organizations. However, it should be noted that while promoting the development of employees, the enterprise itself should also be shaped to achieve interaction and mutual promotion. For example, there is a phenomenon of "cultural ideal" in some corporate culture construction, and the cultural construction goals set by them have exceeded the bearing range of the enterprise itself, which are large and empty, and lack of down-to-earth positioning.
2、 Misunderstandings on the relationship between subject and object
Some people believe that corporate culture is advocated by leaders and is top-down, Corporate culture construction Chinese employees are only passive receivers, not active participants and creators. In fact, corporate culture should be a model of beliefs and expectations shared by all or most members of an enterprise. Leaders' cultural literacy and awareness of corporate culture construction play an important role in the structure of corporate core culture, but corporate culture is not equal to "entrepreneurial culture". All employees should be involved in corporate culture construction, because employees are the main body. Only by combining the strategic thinking and leading role of enterprise leaders with the basis and main role of employees' participation can we truly create a living corporate culture and make corporate culture the spiritual home shared by leaders and employees.
3、 Mistakes in content
1. The content of enterprise culture is simply "enterprise+culture". Decorate the enterprise with empty slogans, paved words, and gorgeous rhetoric, which makes the enterprise culture slogan;
2. Corporate culture visualization. Some corporate culture construction is often "on paper", or beautify the factory appearance; The corporate culture has become empty, packaging and hype have become prominent, and the so-called "image advertising" has been carried out.
3. Corporate culture is equal to the ideological and political work of enterprises. First, it believes that corporate culture is to help the party organization of the enterprise to do a good job in ideological and political work and spiritual civilization construction of employees; The second is that the construction of corporate culture is to engage in activities, build models and sing praises; The third is that the construction of corporate culture is to sum up a few loud slogans; Fourth, the enterprise culture is to organize employees to carry out amateur sports activities; Fifthly, the corporate culture is the packaging corporate image, which is equivalent to CIS (Corporate Identity System); The sixth is to believe that everything new and foreign is modern, or blindly believe in tradition, expect to use the content of corporate culture construction into traditional management methods and ideas, and attempt to take corporate culture as a "panacea".
4、 Mistakes in methods
Boss magazine said that there are two wrong tendencies in the method of corporate culture construction: one is the naturalistic tendency lacking theoretical judgment. It is believed that the corporate culture is formed naturally in the long-term production and operation activities of the enterprise, and the enterprise cannot and should not carry out artificial planning, design and construction, which results in the "inaction" phenomenon of corporate culture construction and the lack of clear concept guidance; The other is subjectivism, which lacks empirical analysis. It believes that corporate culture is artificially planned and designed according to the leader's intention, which results in formalism or "surprise" phenomenon of corporate culture construction, blind imitation of other corporate culture construction, and lack of characteristics and personality.

Relevant views

People understand and think about corporate culture, which is no longer limited to "whether there is", but more emphasis on "right" calibration and "good practice". Corporate culture is never just a term written on paper, but a measure internalized in the hearts of employees and practiced in the system; Never just mention beautiful slogans, but implement powerful actions in the process of development.
Corporate culture is not a verbal effort, but an action force to win the trust of employees and the public with real value power and cultural power.
——2021-08-09 People's Daily Comment: It's hard to say that any enterprise that ignores people has long-term value in its career [2]