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Corporate image survey

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Corporate image survey is a comprehensive and systematic survey of the structure and effectiveness of corporate internal and external image assets investigation This part of the investigation is the focus of CI investigation. General enterprises often do not have ready system data, and CI project personnel need to collect and investigate the original data.
Chinese name
Corporate image survey
Part of speech
Comprehensive and systematic investigation
Investigation preparation stage, etc



Investigation preparation stage

The investigation preparation stage mainly solves the problems such as the determination of the investigation object and the topic selection of the investigation, and on this basis, develops a practical investigation plan.
1. Topic selection of the survey
The topic selection is the starting point of the enterprise status survey, which points out the general direction and purpose for the whole survey. The first task of selecting the topic is to determine the scope of investigation. The specific work includes assigning tasks, consulting documents, holding small seminars, visiting experts, analyzing the public, etc., and finally determining the investigation topic. In the enterprise survey, there are many things that can be investigated for any problem. Unless the problem is clearly defined, the cost of gathering information may exceed the value of the results of the survey. Therefore, when selecting the topic, we should try to make the selected topic specific. In addition, we must also pay attention to the relationship between conventional image survey topics and targeted survey topics. General routine image survey is necessary, but targeted survey should also be conducted according to the situation of the enterprise, which is more useful. The selection of topics should include the determination of targeted topics.
2. Determination of respondents
The objects of the enterprise status survey are very wide. It can be said that all those who are related to the enterprise belong to the scope of the survey objects. Therefore, when conducting an enterprise image survey, it is necessary to clearly define the boundaries of the enterprise's stakeholders and list them separately. Generally, the stakeholders of an enterprise are "sales object", "transaction object", "direct customer", "competitor", "shareholder", etc. Specifically, it can be divided into internal and external aspects of the enterprise. The internal objects of the investigation are: enterprise leaders, shareholders, enterprise employees; The external objects investigated include: sales objects (including distributors and direct customers), trading partners, dealers, enterprises with business contacts, consulting companies and advertising public relations companies, industrial and commercial administration and tax management personnel, news agencies and relevant researchers. When defining the relationship, we should pay attention not only to the relationship, but also to the future relationship. For example, competitors who have competitive relationships can be defined as the relationship, and competitors who are likely to become competitive relationships in the future can not be ignored. At the same time, although the actual survey objects of enterprises are determined on the basis of the "definition of stakeholders" of enterprises, not all stakeholders become the survey objects, which depends on the results of institutional induction.
3. Develop investigation plan
The investigation plan is the action program of the enterprise's actual investigation. It should include the following contents: investigation subject, investigation focus, investigation method, sample number, investigation executor, investigation date, investigation cost budget, etc. Before conducting the survey, you can make a survey schedule. When designing a survey plan, decisions are required: data sources, survey methods, survey tools, sampling plans, and contact methods.
Data sources include primary and secondary data. The investigation is usually started from the collection of secondary data, and based on it, the settlement of investigation items or problems can be judged. The secondary data provide a starting point for the investigation, but the data needed may not exist, or the existing data may be outdated, incorrect, incomplete or unreliable. In this case, CI project personnel must spend more money and longer time to collect first-hand information. There are many methods to collect first-hand data, including quantitative methods and qualitative methods, which should be selected according to the specific situation of the investigated project. Questionnaire or questionnaire is the most common tool for collecting first-hand information. The questionnaire or questionnaire needs to be carefully designed, tested and adjusted before large-scale use. When making the investigation plan, CI project personnel must also design a sampling plan, including the sampling unit, sample size and sampling procedure, to clarify who should be investigated, how many people should be investigated and how to select the respondents. In addition, it is also necessary to decide how to contact the respondents, whether it is a questionnaire or a direct interview.

Investigation implementation stage

The main task of the investigation implementation phase is to organize CI project personnel to systematically collect data and data and listen to the opinions of the respondents according to the requirements of the investigation plan. This stage includes investigation activities such as interviewing respondents, distributing, retrieving questionnaires or questionnaires, and collecting and identifying samples. The following items should be noted during the field survey:
1. Direct interview survey
2. Questionnaire
In the implementation of questionnaire survey, it is generally divided into three types: sending questionnaires, visiting questionnaires and mailing questionnaires. The specific form to be adopted depends on the specific situation of the investigation. In case of household survey, the following matters should be noted:
3. Site visit
Investigators can also go to the work site of the enterprise to observe the environmental atmosphere of the enterprise, the mental state of employees, the on-site management and operation order, etc. However, we should pay attention to the clear objectives of the investigation and make full preparations in advance. Before the field visit, the content and time of the visit should be arranged in advance, so that the respondents can be prepared and the inconvenience and trouble in the investigation process can be saved.

Processing phase

The processing of investigation results is the analysis and summary of investigation data. It is a key link for CI investigation to fully play its role. Because if the work at this stage is carried out hastily, it will lead to the collapse of the whole investigation work, or even the abandonment of all previous efforts. The work in this stage can be roughly divided into the following steps:
1. Data sorting and analysis
The collation and analysis of data mainly includes the classification, editing, statistics and analysis of the original data obtained from the survey. The classification should be detailed and scientific, the compilation and proofreading should eliminate errors and inaccurate factors in the data, statistics and analysis should use mathematical statistics and other methods, and the analysis results should be expressed in the form of statistical charts. Through the sorting and analysis process of "eliminating the rough and extracting the essence, eliminating the false and preserving the true, from one to the other, from the outside to the inside", make a conclusion that is realistic
2. Write a survey report
After the actual investigation, the results should be written into an investigation report. In the investigation report, it is necessary to clearly explain the situation and problems about the corporate image.
3. Prepare CI general concept report
The general concept book is a business plan for CI, which is based on the full investigation results, re examines and evaluates the content of the enterprise's philosophy, determines the new business strategy and the design focus of CI's general policy, and specifies the direction for CI design and implementation management in the future. As Mr. Kato Banghong said in the book "Corporate Image Revolution", the general concept is the business plan of CI. It is mainly based on the objective facts of the company to build an enterprise concept suitable for the company, which can also be said to be the proposal of the company's top executive. Therefore, it must have the weight of solving problems, improving the company and pointing out the future direction. The general concept should be able to express correct judgments based on the survey results, and then provide relevant CI activity indicators and improvement suggestions, point out the image that the future enterprise should have in simple terms, and express a series of CI operations and management methods in the future.


Literature analysis mainly focuses on the statistical analysis of the existing information resources of enterprises, including annual financial statements, market surveys, advertising plans, etc. The purpose of literature analysis is to understand the business situation, product positioning, business characteristics, etc. of enterprises. At the same time, it is possible to collect valuable information in the literature analysis. For example, relevant experts have conducted corporate image surveys, analyzed and evaluated the economic environment, enterprise competitive environment, market demand, etc.
2. Interview survey method
Interview survey is a way for investigators to learn information from interviewees through oral conversation. In the enterprise status survey, the interview survey method is a qualitative survey, which covers the internal and external aspects of the enterprise. There are three types of interview survey methods: standardized, semi standardized and non-standard. The standardized interview is conducted according to the uniformly designed and structured questionnaire. It requires that the interviewees selected by the investigators in the interview survey meet the standards, and the questions raised in the interview, their order, the way of asking questions, and the answer records of the survey results should be strictly in accordance with the requirements of the questionnaire or the interview assignment. This way is too rigid, which makes it difficult for investigators to play on the spot, and the respondents' answers are also inflexible. Non standardized interview time means that the investigator visits the interviewee according to a thick outline. It also has a basic requirement for the selection of interview objects and the questions to be asked during the interview, but the investigators can also make necessary adjustments according to the actual situation during the interview. The way, order, record and interview environment of their questions are not uniformly regulated, and they are flexibly mastered by the visitors. This situation is relatively free and suitable for discussing problems, but the access results are difficult to control. The semi standardized visit is based on the visit outline and main issues prepared in advance. This kind of visit, both sides have certain room to play, but also have the same conversation center, the effect is better. This method is often used for enterprise status survey.

Arrangement and analysis

1. Data sorting
Data sorting is to scientifically process, synthesize and systematize the data collected from the survey. This work generally includes three aspects:
2. Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis is a purposeful systematic analysis based on the sorted survey data. The problems that can be analyzed are:
In analyzing the actual survey data of enterprises, we can also use the tabular analysis method of Japan for reference to standardize our analysis operation.