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Enterprise cooperation

Business activities in which different enterprises jointly develop products or markets to gain overall advantages
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Business Cooperation refers to the business activities in which different enterprises jointly develop products or markets and share interests through agreements or other joint ways to gain overall advantages.
Chinese name
Enterprise cooperation
Foreign name
Business Cooperation
Business activities to gain overall advantages
Enterprise cooperation network , strategic alliance, etc


1. The cooperation between enterprises is being guided by a kind of cooperative thinking rather than simple competition in the past;
2. Cooperation among enterprises is being given more and more knowledge meanings;
3. Cooperation among enterprises is increasingly using the latest scientific and technological achievements and means;
4. The enterprise cooperation environment has changed. The development of information industry has brought great influence on enterprise cooperation; The integration of international economy and market makes global enterprise cooperation possible; The progress and innovation of science and technology have greatly promoted the cooperation between enterprises.


Today's representative forms of inter enterprise cooperation include: Enterprise cooperation network , strategic alliance Supply chain Management, enterprise groups, etc.

Enterprise cooperation network

Enterprise cooperation network It refers to the interdependent activity relationship between enterprises and economic organizations Enterprise network , and various economic actors engaged in such activities are nodes in the network. The interaction between enterprises in the enterprise network will not be through market transactions, nor through the internal integration process of enterprises, but through the coordination between organizations. Enterprises can obtain resources through the network, making it possible for them to overcome their own limitations and achieve their business objectives.

Strategic alliance

Strategic alliance, also known as strategic alliance, is a form of cooperation between two or more enterprises or economic organizations in order to achieve a certain strategic purpose through a certain contract or partial equity relationship. The subject objects of strategic alliance are very wide. It not only includes cooperative entities in the common sense of enterprises, such as manufacturers, scientific research institutes, government departments, suppliers, upstream and downstream enterprises in a complementary sense, but also may include rival enterprises. The cooperation between the main bodies of the strategic alliance is sometimes comprehensive, but more often it is based on a specific purpose and cooperation in a certain aspect.

Supply chain management

Supply chain In fact, management is a network chain between an enterprise and its suppliers, suppliers of suppliers, and then forward to the original suppliers, as well as its distributors, distributors, and then backward to the end users. Supply chain management is a connection between all levels of market channels, and it is a management idea and technology that controls the supply chain from raw materials through various manufacturers and distributors to the end users.

enterprise groups

An enterprise group is a large enterprise formed by several legal persons through a certain link, multiple levels, and cross industry, cross department, cross ownership, and transnational Economic integration Organization. There are two ways to form enterprise groups: one is from a large enterprise, and the other is from more than two enterprises to form a multi legal person enterprise through cooperation. The enterprise group is created to further improve the efficiency of enterprise cooperation. It aims to internalize external cooperation and seek a process of completing inter enterprise cooperation within the enterprise consortium.

Business outsourcing

Business outsourcing The idea is that if we Enterprise value chain If it is not the best in the world, and if it is not our core competitive advantage, if this activity does not separate us from customers, then we should outsource To the best professional company in the world. That is to say, first of all, we should determine the core competitive advantage of the enterprise, and focus the intelligence and resources within the enterprise on those activities with core competitive advantage; Then the rest Enterprise activities Outsourcing to the best professional companies.

virtual enterprise

so-called virtual enterprise Refers to Limited resources In order to obtain the maximum competitive advantage, enterprises focus on their own advantageous products or brands, and are composed of a number of small enterprises or workshops with different scales and expertise, which are connected through information networks and rapid transportation systems.


The reasons for cooperation among enterprises are diverse, but the ultimate goal is to obtain synergy that can not be achieved by a single enterprise. The motivation for cooperation between enterprises can be summarized in the following aspects.

Complementarity of resource dependence

An enterprise must exchange with its environment to obtain the resources it needs. This requires the interdependence between the enterprise and various external entities, which contributes to the long-term performance of the enterprise (Kalwani and Narayandas, 1995). External organizations can be suppliers, competitors, customers, government departments, or even external entities related to enterprises. In the establishment of enterprise participation partners, control can be enhanced Key resources In order to acquire advanced technology and scarce resources and realize the complementary advantages of key resources, which is a strategic resource demand and social resources The opportunity driven result is the company's attempt to optimize the resource boundary by seeking better resource value than other resource combinations.

Strengthening of core competence

The core competence distinguishes the enterprise from other enterprises strategically. It focuses on bringing significant competitive advantages that the enterprise itself has but not its competitors. This competitive advantage has value Scarcity , incomplete Imitation , irreplaceability, etc. (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990), resulting in profits higher than the market average. It is impossible and unnecessary for enterprises to do the best in every aspect. Enterprises focus on the development of activities with high core competence to improve themselves, and hand over the unimportant activities that they are not good at to other enterprises to complete, which leads to cooperation. Due to their internal drive to reduce costs and improve efficiency, cooperation is long-lasting and mutually trusting.

Choice of enterprise strategy

Enterprise establishment Strategic partnership It is to improve their competitiveness or marketing ability. The reasons for the establishment of partnerships are diverse, not only from the perspective of certain resource needs or transaction costs, but also from a wide range of strategic cooperation options.

The need for mutual learning

The establishment of cooperative relationship between enterprises can enable them to obtain new learning opportunities. Acquire new technologies and skills from each other, and improve enterprise advantages through self innovation and discovery, optimize the learning curve, so as to achieve the goal of development and growth.

The need to improve the system

The institutional environment and social norms will create pressure on enterprises. The enterprise must work towards social norms, and it is better to join the partnership to gain the trust of others and some relevant resources, so as to improve its ability to standardize and institutionalize and help itself to obtain Key resources And experience, so that its reputation, social value and the environment match.

Ways to strengthen the relationship

Corporate Key resources They may be outside the boundaries of the organization, which requires them to build relationships inside and outside to form new competitive advantages. As specified Relationship assets , shared knowledge, complementary resources and capabilities, effective management mechanisms, and partner relationships are set to facilitate collaborative development and improve productivity. The stronger the relationship, the stronger the enterprise's ability to gain experience and resources, and the harder it is for competitors to imitate.


1. Complementary advantages. Every enterprise has its own advantages. Even enterprises in the same industry that produce and operate the same products or services have different advantages.
2. There are complementary products. Complementarity of products is another basis for enterprise cooperation. Because the production and sales of one product can drive the sales of another product.
3. Likely to form Supply chain
4. When competing enterprises compete for limited resources. At this time, if we continue to strengthen the competition, no one will get the advantage. When it is necessary to reallocate and utilize the limited resources, cooperation becomes possible.
5. When exists Bottleneck phenomenon When it is difficult for enterprises to break through in a short period of time by themselves, cooperation becomes possible.
6. When the enterprise is unable to complete its own goals or the cost of completing all tasks by itself is too high, it can consider seeking partners.
7. Cooperation is Enterprise development The boss's ideological realm plays a decisive role in the inevitable needs of the.


1. Increase the benefits of all partners. This is the fundamental foundation of cooperation. Through cooperation, all parties can make use of the overall advantages of cooperation to make the cake bigger. At the same time, all partners can gain more benefits from it.
2. New markets can be created and developed through cooperation. Through cooperation, enterprises can jointly use their respective advantages to jointly develop a market. If the enterprises do not cooperate with each other, it is sometimes impossible to open up a new field by themselves.
3. Through cooperation, the process of product development and marketing can be accelerated. Today's society is a highly competitive society, and the market changes very quickly. One Market opportunities There will soon be many enterprises to compete for. Enterprises must develop products that meet this market opportunity as soon as possible, or they will be eliminated from the market. Therefore, enterprises must accelerate the pace of product development. To speed up the pace of product development, in addition to the efforts of the enterprise itself, cooperation is an important point.
4. Through cooperation, all parties can share the costs and risks. The product development, production, sales and other activities of modern enterprises are becoming more and more complex, and enterprises spend more and more money on business, which increases the risk of business operations. Once the decision-making error or unpredictable situation occurs in the business process, enterprises are likely to suffer great losses, or even collapse. Through cooperation Cost sharing To all partners, and the risk of operation is also distributed to all enterprises.
5. Promote the rational use of resources. In economic activities, all resources are not inexhaustible and must be used within a reasonable limit. Therefore, how to use the limited resources to maximize the effectiveness of the limited resources is beneficial to everyone. However, under the condition of disorderly competition, it is difficult to ensure that resources can be used reasonably.
6. Cooperation is lay down a criterion Needs.
7. Cooperation among enterprises is also a choice in the face of competition.