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Value driven

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Value driven is an American management expert Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman In the Pursuit of Excellence - The Management Bible of American Excellent Enterprises, they put forward a method to achieve excellence in business management. They believe that the basic attribute of excellent enterprises is to guide business management activities with a clear and consistent value system.
Chinese name
Value driven
Economic terminology
In the era of "value driven" management, Corporate culture construction We must first do a good job in building values. According to the common characteristics of human society and the common preferences of human beings, we should Recognize some basic human values Economics The DNA of boom , pleasant natural environment and artificial environment, etc. And these basic human values also apply to enterprise , which can be embodied as Enterprise values And drive management. Therefore, although we do not require all enterprises to choose the same sense of worth It does not require enterprises to choose all the basic values of human beings. However, as long as enterprises are interested in "value driven", their values should contain the above basic values value They have the following commonalities:
1. The program of "customer orientation" "customer orientation" means that enterprises must attach importance to and respect customers in their business management activities: customer Of need As the starting point of management, customer needs are the end result of management, and customer needs are met Administration successful Inspection standard "The most basic cornerstone of management is to be close to customers and meet their demand And further predict new demands from all. " As an effective way to realize business management ethics, customer orientation is confirmed by the following behaviors of enterprises.
First, service first. "Service first" is almost all outstanding Basic characteristics of the enterprise In order to put this value into practice, IBM Many effective measures have been taken: evaluate customer satisfaction regularly every month, and compare the evaluation results with staff Especially for senior executives pay Combination; Ask senior executives to go out frequently visit customer Carry out intensive training; Establish a "joint loss verification system", etc. our country Haier Also insist good service They put forward the concept of "three zero" (product zero defect . Zero complaint, zero worry service) service goal. After the products are sold, implement the "one, two, three, four service modes", that is, one result: Customer satisfaction Two ideas: take away the troubles of users - trouble to zero, leave Haier sincere - sincere forever; Three control : The service complaint rate is less than 1/100000, and the service omission rate is less than 1/100000, service The dissatisfaction rate is less than 1/100000; Four non omissions: one is to record the problems reflected by users, the other is to deal with the problems reflected by users, the other is to report the results to the design and production department, and the other is to provide tracking services and information gathering
Second, quality first. Most enterprises adhering to the concept of "service first" adhere to the concept of "quality first", because the relationship between the two is one and two, two and one, and both take "customer orientation" as the program. Thomas Peters pointed out in "Winning in Chaos -- A Comprehensive Guide to the American Management Revolution" that, quality It is practical, but the quality is also moral and aesthetic, and perceptual and subjective. It is an unexpected tiny feeling, which can make users feel that designers and manufacturers care about customers. Robbins believes that total quality management, through "paying strong attention to customers", "persisting in continuous improvement", "improving the quality of every work in the organization", "accurately measuring", "empowering employees", and especially, respecting "every organization Of product People who deal with services customer And establish the concept of "building an organization Continuous improvement "Quality first" commitment " target And other measures. Therefore, from an ethical perspective, the underlying essence and root cause of "respect for customers" is that the ethical motivation plays a role.
Third, listen to customers' opinions. Enterprises in Economics To win in communication competitive edge , we must always pay attention to the customer's need And paying attention to the needs of customers must listen to them opinion And voice, grasp their thought pulse. Listening can close the relationship between enterprises and customers, improve their own technical level, management level, production quality, and establish a good image. Therefore, excellent enterprises pay great attention to listening to the voice of customers. "Excellent companies not only provide services product quality reliability And products development strategy They can respect customers' requirements and suggestions and listen to their opinions... Customers and these excellent companies are indeed the best partners. "
2. "Clear and concise" characteristics
The values established by the enterprise should be clear and concise. "The basic values should Very clear and unique, so that each staff Can be recorded in my mind. as Texas Instruments Our core values are "integrity, innovation and due diligence". Each value has two descriptive phrases, which can also be called principles explain ,“ sincerity ”"Respect people" and "be honest"“ innovate ”The descriptions of "learning and creation", "bold action" and "due diligence" are "taking responsibility" and "dedication". Enterprises that really have a clear understanding of the "value driven" approach. his sense of worth They are all expressed in clear language, which can make all readers feel what the enterprise wants to spread information , including its value appeal.
3. The purpose value of "unity of knowledge and practice" is used to guide action. People evaluate an enterprise not only by what it says, but also by what it does. Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman believe that excellent companies all have the following characteristics: "They like to solve problems immediately and are action oriented. Knowing without knowing is meaningless; doing without knowing is blind.". Only through the collective practice of the enterprise and its personnel, do in understanding, understand in doing, and constantly enhance the practice of values ability To achieve the goal of value management, we must combine knowledge with practice. [1]