Claude Elwood Shannon

American mathematician, founder of information theory, academician of National Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Sciences
zero Useful+1
synonym shannon (Shannon) Generally refers to Claude Elwood Shannon
Claude Elwood Shannon (April 30, 1916 February 24, 2001) was born in the United States Michigan Petowski American mathematician, inventor, cryptologist, information theory founder [22] Academician of the National Academy of Engineering National Academy of Sciences Academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences , was Massachusetts Institute of Technology Honorary Professor. [2]
Claude Elwood Shannon obtained the University of Michigan baccalaureate; Obtained in 1940 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Master's and doctoral degrees; 1940-1941 Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies researcher; 1941-1972 Bell Laboratories 1958 – 1978: Professor of Donnor Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; In 1973, it was awarded the title of Shannon Award [22] In 1978, he retired from MIT and became an honorary professor of MIT; In the United States on February 24, 2001 Massachusetts He died at the age of 84. [2]
Claude Elwood Shannon proposed Information entropy The concept of Digital communication Laid the foundation. [5]
Chinese name
Claude Elwood Shannon
Foreign name
Claude Elwood Shannon
one's native heath
Petowski, Michigan, USA
date of birth
April 30, 1916
Date of death
February 24, 2001
University one is graduated from
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Education and research workers
Key achievements
In 1956, he was elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences
In 1957, he was elected as an academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Won the Shannon Award in 1973
In 1985, he was elected as an academician of the National Academy of Engineering
In 1991, he was elected as a foreign academician of the Royal Society

Character's Life

Claude Elwood Shannon was born in the United States on April 30, 1916 Michigan Petowski The town of Gaylord. [5]
In 1932, he graduated from Gaylord High School and entered the University of Michigan.
In 1936, he received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan.
In 1940, obtained Massachusetts Institute of Technology Master of Electrical Engineering and Doctor of Mathematics. [2]
1941-1972, served in Bell Laboratories
From 1958 to 1978, he served as Donnor Professor of Science at MIT.
In 1973, at the International Symposium on Information Theory held in Ashkelon, Israel, IEEE named Shannon Award And awarded this award to Shannon himself. [22]
In 1978, he retired from MIT and became an honorary professor of MIT.
On February 24, 2001, at the Alzheimer disease After a long struggle Massachusetts He died at the age of 84. [2]
 Claude Elwood Shannon  Claude Elwood Shannon  Claude Elwood Shannon  Claude Elwood Shannon  Claude Elwood Shannon  Claude Elwood Shannon  Claude Elwood Shannon  Claude Elwood Shannon  Claude Elwood Shannon
Claude Elwood Shannon

Key achievements


Scientific research achievements

  • Overview of scientific research
Claude Elwood Shannon
In 1937, Claude Elwood Shannon, in his master's thesis A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits, scientifically and rigorously discussed how to use Boolean algebra Analyze and synthesize the relay circuit. In 1940, Shannon won the American Engineer Award of Alfred Noble Association for this achievement. [5]
During his doctoral studies, Shannon not only continued to study switch theory, but also Differential analyzer Research. This analyzer is an early mechanical analog computer used to obtain ordinary differential equation Numerical solution of. In 1941, Shannon published his paper Mathematical Theory of the Differential Analyzer. With the development of analog computer theory, he also tried to understand how digital computers can accomplish similar computing tasks. [5]
In the summer of 1941, Shannon took part in an elite group specializing in fire control systems at Bell Laboratories to design a targeting device for observing enemy aircraft or missiles and calculating the targeting of anti-aircraft missiles. This device supported Britain's fight against German V1 rockets V2 Rocket Ability. In his spare time, Shannon is still committed to the research of switch theory and mathematical theory of communication. [5]
Claude Elwood Shannon
stay the Second World War During this period, Shannon became very interested in cryptography, and he realized that the research on the fundamental problems of cryptography was closely related to the thought of communication theory he was studying at that time. Many of his achievements have important applications in voice encryption equipment, which is Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Churchill The main means of communication used during war. In 1945, Shannon submitted a confidential document entitled A Mathematical Theory of Cryptography to Bell Laboratories. This achievement was officially published in 1949 after the end of the Second World War under the title of Communication Theory of Secure Systems, This paper has established a set of mathematical theories for the research of symmetric cryptography. Since then, cryptography has become cryptography, from an art to a real science. [5]
Since 1940, Shannon has spent eight years to establish a set of mathematical theories for the communication system. His theory involves the whole process of communication processing, including communication source, data compression, channel coding, modulation, channel noise, demodulation, error detection, error correction, etc. The theory focuses on the performance of the best communication system and how to approach it. Finally in 1948, Shannon published A Mathematics Theory of Communication in the Bell System Technical Journal, marking the birth of information theory. In this paper, Shannon proposed entropy (entropy), gives the definition of quantifiable information, and deduces a series of theorems. In 1949, Shannon published the article "Communication under Noise" in the journal Bell System Technical Journal. In this paper, Shannon clarified the basic problems of communication, gave the model of communication system, proposed the mathematical expression of the amount of information, and solved channel capacity , source statistical characteristics Source code channel coding And a series of basic technical problems. [5]
Claude Elwood Shannon
In 1949, Shannon published Programming a Computer for Playing Chess artificial intelligence A pioneer work. In 1950, Shannon invented the mechanical mouse "Theseus", which can learn to walk the maze by itself, becoming the prototype of the first artificial intelligence device. In 1951, he published the paper Presentation of a Maze Solving Machine machine learning The pioneer works of. In 1953, he designed a "Mind Reading" machine, which can observe, remember and analyze the samples of each other's past choices, and try to guess the next possible choice. [5]
In 1954, Shannon and Edward Moore cooperated to conduct a theoretical study on the calculation of unreliable components. They increased the redundancy of contacts to improve the reliability of relay circuits. This result is of great theoretical significance and is closely related to the problem of disturbed channel communication. In 1959, Shannon published the paper Coding Theorems for a Discrete Source with Fidelity Criterion, which created Rate distortion theory A bridge is built between continuous messages and discrete messages, which provides a foundation and an effective tool for signal digitization. In 1960, Shannon published his paper Two way Communication Channel, which created the multi-user information theory. Shannon also put forward the idea of applying information theory to biological systems. In his opinion, machines and organisms have common characteristics. [5]
Shannon has also done research on the application of information theory to the optimal investment strategy. He believes that the stock market is a "disturbed signal" associated with time series. The problem is to properly select and adjust the portfolio of securities so that utility function The maximum value is reached. He put forward some theories about the growth rate of investment, but did not publish them. [5]
  • Academic treatise
As of February 2001, Claude Elwood Shannon had published at least 127 papers and participated in the editing of several books, but had not published any works alone. [17 ]
  • academic exchange
In 1958, Claude Elwood Shannon Princeton University Vanuxem academic lecture was held.
In 1965 American Mathematical Society Gibbs academic lectures were held. [17 ]
In 1985, attended the Brighton International Seminar on Information Theory. [20]

personnel training

During his tenure as a professor at MIT, Claude Elwood Shannon was rare as a student tutor. Most of the time, when he talked with students, he would find an interesting and novel new direction for students' research. From 1958 to 1978, he supervised three doctoral students. Shannon doesn't teach ordinary courses at MIT, but he often holds group meetings for students. [17 ] [18]

Honor recognition

Honor recognition
American Society of Engineers Alfred Noble Award [20]
Morris Liebmann Memorial Award [11]
Yale University Honorary doctorate [12]
Franklin Institute Stuart Ballantine Medal [11]
National Academy of Sciences [4]
Academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences [16]
University of Michigan Honorary doctorate [11]
Princeton University Honorary doctorate [11]
University of Edinburgh Honorary doctorate [12]
University of Pittsburgh Honorary doctorate [12]
IEEE Medal of Honor [2]
U.S.A Northwestern University Honorary doctorate [12]
Oxford Honorary doctorate [12]
University of East Anglia Honorary doctorate [12]
Carnegie Mellon University Honorary doctorate [12]
Academician of the National Academy of Engineering [3]
Tufts University Honorary doctorate [12]
University of Pennsylvania Honorary doctorate [12]
Foreign Fellow of the Royal Society [17 ]
Fellow of the American Philosophical Society [17 ]

Social posts

Oxford All Souls College Visiting fellow [17 ]
U.S. Government Password Affairs Advisor [5]

Personal life

  • family background
Claude Elwood Shannon's parents did not seem to have much impact on Shannon in science, but Claude Elwood Shannon's grandfather was an inventor who invented many agricultural machinery and washing machines, which had a profound impact on Claude Elwood Shannon in scientific research. inventor Edison (Thomas Alva Edison) is a distant relative of Claude Elwood Shannon. [5]
  • marriage and family
During his work at Bell Laboratories, Claude Elwood Shannon met Mary Elizabeth Moore, a numerical analyst. The two married on March 29, 1949 and had three children. [2] [17 ]
Children of Claude Elwood Shannon
Child Name
date of birth
Robert James
1952 (died in 1998)
Computer scientist
Andrew Moore
Pianist and composer
Margarita Catherine
University teachers [17 ]
  • health
In the 1980s, Claude Elwood Shannon's memory began to decline seriously, and later he suffered from Alzheimer's disease. [20]
  • hobby
Claude Elwood Shannon likes music, poetry Chess And mathematics. He used Clarinet bassoon Balalaka play Dixieland Jazz (Dixieland music)。 [21]

Character evaluation

Claude Elwood Shannon
Claude Elwood Shannon is recognized as the father of information theory in the world. He is full of foresight and insight, and has laid the foundation of modern communication technology, modern digital logic circuit and modern cryptography at one fell swoop; At the same time, he has a wide range of interests and has made many pioneering work in graph theory and network flow, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, computational biology and other fields. School of Information Science and Technology, Shanghai University of Science and Technology Comment) [6]
Claude Elwood Shannon is a mathematician, but he is different from most mathematicians. He likes engineering very much and likes to make many clever and intelligent machines by himself, so he is also an engineer with extraordinary creativity. (Professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Communication Engineering, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Wang Yumin Comment) [9]
Claude Elwood Shannon's works are more like engineering, but Shannon's mathematical intuition is surprisingly accurate. He is not only a first-class mathematician, but also a first-class engineer. (A.N. Kolmogorov, academician of the former Soviet Academy of Sciences and mathematician, commented on the 1954 International Congress of Mathematicians) [9]
The New York Times called him a "playful genius who invented the bit, separated the medium from the message, and laid the foundations for all digital communications.)。 (《 New York Times 》Comment) [13]
Claude Elwood Shannon was one of the greatest of the giants who created the information age. (commented by M. Mitchell Waldrop, senior editor of Science magazine) [13]
Dr. Claude Elwood Shannon is not only the father of information theory, but also has made fundamental contributions to data compression, digital computers, cryptography, circuit complexity, network flow, juggling, artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University Comment) [15]

Character influence

  • Naming theorem/formula
The theorems, laws and formulas named after Claude Elwood Shannon include Shannon's Three Laws Shannon sampling theorem Shannon's law Shannon's theorem Shannon formula Shannon Limit Shannon Fanault code Etc. [19-20]
  • Named Awards
In 1973, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) named Shannon Award This award is the highest honor in the field of information theory awarded by the IEEE Institute of Information Theory, and is intended to recognize people who have made continuous and far-reaching contributions to the field of information theory. [10] [12]

People Memorial

  • Naming Lecture
In order to commemorate Claude Elwood Shannon, the University of California, San Diego, has set up a Shannon Memorial Lecture. Every year, an outstanding information theorist is elected to hold a memorial lecture on or around Shannon's birthday (April 30). [14]
  • issue postage stamps
In 2016, Macedonia The Republic of Macedonia issued stamps to commemorate the centenary of Shannon's birth. [1]
  • Erect a statue
There are six statues of Claude Elwood Shannon, which are located in the town of Gaylord in Petowski, Michigan, in front of the building of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Michigan Bell Laboratories ATT Shannon Laboratory in Florida Park, New Jersey, MIT Information and Decision Systems Laboratory, University of California, San Diego. [8]
On October 6, 2000, the statue of Claude Elwood Shannon was completed in his hometown of Gaylord, Petosky, Michigan. [8]
On October 16, 2001, the statue of Claude Elwood Shannon University of California San Diego Completed.
  • Centennial anniversary of birth
On April 22, 2016, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology A symposium was held to commemorate Shannon's centennial birthday. [7]
September 16, 2016, from The Chinese University of Hong Kong tu berlin Stanford University California Institute of Technology Duke University Athens National Technical University Nanyang University of Technology Researchers from other universities and scientific research institutions gathered at the University of Michigan to celebrate the centennial birthday of University of Michigan alumnus Claude Elwood Shannon at the Shannon Centennial Symposium. [1]
On October 18, 2016, the School of Information Science and Technology of Shanghai University of Science and Technology held the Claude Shannon Centenary Workshop to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Shannon's birth. [6]
From December 14 to 16, 2016, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Shanghai Jiaotong University successfully held the 2016 Shannon Workshop. [15]