Benevolent government

[rén zhèng]
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Benevolence is a kind of Confucianism Is the representative of Confucianism Mencius from Confucius "Benevolence" is inherited and developed. It's from Mencius“ People oriented ”, "benevolent government", "kingcraft" and“ Theory of good nature ”And other political ideals. The Confucian thought of "benevolent government" was used as the thought of rulers in many dynasties after its birth. This kind of thinking mainly advocates "the people are more important than the monarch"“ Human nature is inherently good ”Theory. In contemporary philosophical research, this thought still has progressiveness , contemporary.
Chinese name
Benevolent government
Foreign name
policy of benevolence
Benevolent government
rén zhèng

Chinese words



Benevolent government


rén zhèng

Basic explanation

(1) [policy of benevolence]: a political strategy of being lenient to the people, giving favors, and winning the hearts of the people
The benevolent government must start from the business world—— Mencius
(2) [benevolent government ]: Benevolent governance measures [1]

Origin and explanation

1. Confucian political views. It is believed that the rulers are lenient to the people, and it is beneficial to win the hearts of the people. Confucius had thought about "benevolent politics" in his interpretation of "benevolence". Mencius gave full play to Confucius' theory and clearly put forward the idea of "benevolent government".
① Mencius· Liang Huiwang Shang 》"A king is like a benevolent government to the people. He saves punishment. He is modest in tax collection. He cultivates the land deeply and makes it easy to be honest. A strong man uses his leisure time to improve his filial piety, fraternity, loyalty, and faithfulness. In order to serve his father and brother, he can serve his superiorities. He can make stiles to attack the strong and powerful Qin and Chu."
② Mencius, Gongsun, the Ugly: "In today's world, a country of ten thousand riders, with a benevolent government and a happy people, is like an unthreatening thing."
Northern Wei Dynasty Li Daoyuan "Water Sutra Note - Baoqiu Water": "The meaning of the Wei people to sacrifice leopards is to admire benevolence and recall success."
④ Qing Dynasty Tang Zhen Hidden Book · Policy: "Although there is a policy of benevolence, people have heard about it but never experienced it."
Lu Xun "Lost Essays - Essays": "One is to recount the glory of the past, how the emperor's officials were rich and respected, and how the ordinary people did not know it; finally, they denounced those conquerors who were not benevolent."
2. Used to praise the administration of local officials Formulary
① Tang Dynasty Du Mu The poem of "Farewell to the Ox" reads: "Six years of benevolent policy eulogizing, Liu Yuanchun embankment heard everywhere." [2]
② "West Lake Tales · Six Bridges": "No peace in floods, droughts and famines? All thanks to the previous picture of benevolent government."
3. Refers to benevolent political measures.
① Qing Dynasty Lin Zexu The Written Order to the English King: "Your king will be able to uproot all the roots, hoe the land and replant in such places Grains , dare again Pattern type Those who make opium should be severely punished. This is really a benevolent policy of promoting benefits and eliminating harm. "
② Mao Zedong's On the People's Democratic Dictatorship: reactionaries And the reactionary behavior of the reactionary class will never apply a benevolent policy. " [1]

Political opinion


Basic meaning

The theory of "benevolent policy" is the inheritance and development of Confucius' "benevolent theory". Confucius' "benevolence" is a kind of ethics with very broad meanings Morality Its most basic spirit is "love". Mencius started from Confucius' "benevolence" thought and expanded it to include ideology, politics, economy, culture and other aspects Policy Agenda Is "benevolent government". The basic spirit of "benevolent government" is also to have deep sympathy and love
Mencius The "benevolent policy" of Mencius advocated "people-oriented" in politics. Mencius believed that for a country“ People are the most important, followed by the state, and the monarch is the least important 。” He also said that if the monarch has faults, his subjects can persuade him. If he refuses to listen to the advice many times, he can overthrow him. Mencius opposed the war of annexation. He thought that the war was too cruel and advocated the unification of the world with a "benevolent policy". In terms of economy, Mencius advocated that "people have constant production", so that farmers can have certain land use right Tax should be reduced. The theoretical basis of Mencius' "benevolent policy" theory is“ Theory of good nature ”。 Mencius said, "Everyone has compassion."
He believes that goodness is a unique human nature, and also a fundamental symbol to distinguish people from animals. He also stressed the importance of human education objective environment Impact on people.
Mencius believed that only when people struggle in adversity can they inspire a strong enterprising spirit. People can only survive in distress, and the desire for happiness will inevitably lead to destruction. Mencius attached great importance to personality cultivation. He believed that there was something more important than life, that is, "justice". For the sake of "justice", one can sacrifice one's life, which is what he called "sacrificing one's life for righteousness".
Mencius' thought has far-reaching influence“ People oriented thought ”It became the theoretical basis for later reformers and revolutionaries.
His standard of personality has inspired people with lofty ideals to fight bravely for truth and justice without fear of power.

Foundation of benevolent government

The foundation of benevolent government is“ The property of the people "Let the people have the basic guarantee of life, which is Political stability The cornerstone of. Mencius emphasizes protection small-scale peasant economy In order to maintain and improve the livelihood of the people, so as to lay the foundation for political stability. The specific measures include the implementation of the "right boundary"“ Minefield system "-" Meager tax collection Policies such as "lightening the burden on the people", and "abiding by the law of production" such as "not violating the farming season" and "deep ploughing and easy cultivation". During the Warring States Period, the well field system had been completely destroyed, and many farmers lost their land. Mencius was eager to solve the farmers' land problem. He regarded the land problem as the primary issue of the benevolent policy. "The benevolent policy of husband must start from the boundary." The boundary is the boundary between plots, that is, land. Secondly, Mencius inherited Confucius' idea of "saving people and loving others", and advocated light corvee and light taxes, and levying corvee should not violate the agricultural time. No violation of agricultural time and low tax collection Feudal agricultural economy The basic requirements of benevolent government are the important content of benevolent government. Mencius repeatedly talked about the importance of not violating the farming season. "If it is against the farming season, the hub cannot be eaten." He demanded "low taxes" and angrily denounced the rulers who are extravagant and wasteful, regardless of the people's life and death, as those who lead the beasts: "There is something wrong with them Fat meat There are fat horses in the stables, hungry people and hungry people in the wild. This is the rate of beasts and cannibals. "In view of the severe punishment at that time, Mencius also put forward the idea of saving punishment. In particular, he also opposed the involvement and proposed that" no one is more guilty than he is guilty ", which was implemented confucian The idea of benevolence Chinese history and national culture The formation of character has significant impact The core of benevolent government is the political respect for the people --- Mencius put forward the ancient people-oriented thought“ People are the most important, followed by the state, and the monarch is the least important He opposed tyranny, called the tyrants in history the only people thieves, and approved of the just action of "Tang Fangjie" and "King Wu replaced Zhou". "Those who are kind are called 'thieves', and those who are righteous are called' disabled '. A person who is a cripple is called a 'man'. I have never heard of the killing of Zhou Regicide Also. "We must affirm that the people have the right to overthrow the tyrant, and we must solve the problem of the people hanging upside down Just war However, he opposed the war that brought endless disasters to the people, and criticized the "no just war in the Spring and Autumn Period". He hated the rulers of the Warring States Period who frequently launched wars regardless of the lives of the people“ Fight for land , killing people everywhere; Fight for the city, kill people to fill the city. This so-called handsome land and cannibalism, the crime is not death. "Mencius' intense social politics at that time economic environment Among them, we can see the popular Backward about State power Therefore, he especially emphasized the experience and lesson of "getting the people and the world", which is crucial to the rulers. The hearts of the people represent the will of heaven. Mencius inherited Confucius View of destiny It also added "Heaven sees itself and people see, heaven hears itself and people hear.". In philosophy, he put forward the famous view that "everything is ready for me" and Know the sky with all one's heart and mind The model of "harmony between man and nature" has also created History of Chinese Philosophy The origin and development of the idealistic philosophy.
Mencius regards ethical order as political Ideal state And the pursuit of goals. It clearly reflects the characteristics of ethical politicization and political ethicalization. Mencius attached great importance to the lives of ordinary people and measured the advantages and disadvantages of the rule based on this. He believed that to reduce the burden of the people natural law Only by doing things can the people be well fed and clothed. Only when we reach this level can we say that it is a benevolent policy.

Theory of good nature

The "benevolent policy" was first proposed by Mencius. From the vertical aspect, Mencius political thought It is the inheritance and development of Confucius' thought of "governing by virtue"; From the horizontal aspect, Mencius' political thought is developed from his theory of human nature. Everyone has a heart of intolerance. When it is implemented in the political aspect, it is the policy of intolerance, that is, the policy of benevolence. Sometimes it is also called "kingcraft" and "kingcraft".
Humanity is good
Mencius believed that human nature is good. Mencius once said: "Therefore, everyone has a heart of intolerance. Today, when people see a child going into a well, they are afraid and sympathetic. It is not because of this that they confide in the child's parents that they should be praised Township Party Friends do not hate their voices. " Everyone also has an unbearable heart. If he sees that a child is about to fall into a well, he will not save people because of friendship, reputation and other interests, but because the essence of "goodness" in his heart naturally reveals. Mencius believed that the essence of "goodness" can be divided into compassion, shame, resignation, and right and wrong“ Four ends ”。 "Duan" means starting point. Mencius believed that as long as efforts were made to expand the four ends Moral practice You can achieve virtue. However, since "good" already exists in the heart, and there are people who do evil, Mencius believes that the reason why people are not good is because they are blinded by selfish desires. Mencius believes that people should give up their private interests and preserve benevolence and righteousness.
"People are the most important, followed by the state, and the monarch is the least important"
The theoretical basis of Mencius' theory of "benevolent government" is the theory of "good nature". The basis of any political thought is its understanding and definition of human nature. Different views of human nature will inevitably lead to different political views and policy propositions. Mencius' theory of good nature provides a theoretical basis for the realization of benevolent government.
Confucius' benevolence is mainly an ethical category. Mencius developed Confucius' thought of benevolence and further proposed the concept of "how benevolence comes from" Philosophical significance The proposition of. Mencius advocated that people are inherently good, and that "everyone can do Yao and Shun ", which requires efforts to cultivate people's spiritual realm and Moral sentiment That is to say, "cultivate noble spirit". Mencius believed that human nature is kind. People are born with "compassion", "good and evil", "respect" and "right and wrong", which are "four ends". These "four ends" are "not derived from outside, but I have it", and they are benevolence, righteousness, reason and wisdom“ Four Virtues This is Mencius' theory of "good nature".
Self-cultivation theory
In connection with the theory of human nature, Mencius proposed a unique theory of introverted cultivation. Since everyone has a kind nature, there is no need to work hard outside. As long as you keep your heart, you can become a moral person! But why are there so many immoral things in the real society? Mencius believed that the reality of immorality was not that there was no morality, but that people lost their good intentions. Therefore, he believes that the fundamental purpose of learning is to retrieve the "original intention" that people have given up or lost... It is because of this foundation that "benevolence" is possible from the monarch down to the common people, and benevolent government can be truly implemented.
For rulers, just because everyone has "compassion", as long as they expand their compassion and fully implement it into the actual rule, share their happiness with the people, do everything, and think about the people's suffering, the rule has become weightless. If a ruler can really exercise benevolent government, he will be invincible in the world. So? " Be kind to the people "Be kind to the people, and be kind to the people Love all things "He believes that benevolent governance is necessary for governance, otherwise it will only lead to self destruction. It is precisely because of the goodness of human nature, especially the goodness of those rulers, that the realization of benevolent governance has a certain possibility.

About Mencius

Mencius was the representative figure of Confucianism in the middle of the Warring States Period and the grandson of Confucius Zisi 's second disciple. He highly praised Confucius and believed that "Confucius is the sage Time Also, Confucius is called a master. " (Mencius Wanzhang II) Sheng in Confucius, too. " (《 Mencius, Gongsun Ugly 》)He assumed himself as the successor of Confucius and thought that "there will be a king in five hundred years", from Yao and Shun to Shang Tang , from soup to King Wen of Zhou It took more than 500 years, from King Wen of Zhou to Confucius, and then more than 100 years. Therefore, "if you count them, you will pass; if you test them at that time, you will pass" (Mencius· Gongsun Ugly Lower Part 》)。 He thought of himself as a "sage" from Yao Shun to Confucius. This is what the Confucians call“ Orthodoxy ”Is the first. Mencius advocated following the example of the former king and advocated "benevolent government" and "kingcraft", which was to inherit the tradition of the "Sage World".